コード例 #1
    def paint(self, event=None):
        dc = wx.PaintDC(self.panel)
        dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.RED, 4))

        # print some basic information
        existing_objs = 'existing objects: ' + str(self.obj_ids)
        dc.DrawText(existing_objs, 0, 0)
        pref_obj_id = 'pref obj id: ' + str(self.pref_obj_id)
        dc.DrawText(pref_obj_id, 0, 20)

            for fly in self.flies:
                # reproject fly onto camera... 
                if self.dummy:
                    xpos, ypos = DummyFlydra.reproject(fly.state_vecs[0:3])
                    # if xpos, ypos inside rectangle set pref obj id
                    if self.trigger_rectangle is not None and self.pref_obj_id is None:
                        if xpos >= self.trigger_rectangle[0][0] and xpos <= self.trigger_rectangle[1][0]:
                            if ypos >= self.trigger_rectangle[0][1] and ypos <= self.trigger_rectangle[1][1]:

                if fly.obj_id == self.pref_obj_id:
                dc.DrawText(str(fly.obj_id), xpos, ypos)

                if self.noflies is True:
                    print 'found a fly!'
                self.noflies = False
            if self.noflies is False:
                print 'no flies... waiting for a fly'
                self.noflies = True

        if self.trigger_rectangle is not None:
            width = self.trigger_rectangle[1][0] - self.trigger_rectangle[0][0]
            height = self.trigger_rectangle[1][1] - self.trigger_rectangle[0][1]
            dc.DrawRectangle(self.trigger_rectangle[0][0], self.trigger_rectangle[0][1], width, height)
コード例 #2
    def image_callback(self,data):
        encoding = data.encoding
        img = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(data, desired_encoding="passthrough")
        cv_image = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(img),cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U,3)
        if data.encoding == 'bayer_bggr8':
            cv.CvtColor(img, cv_image,cv.CV_BayerRG2RGB)
            print 'warning: bayer type not recognized, using monochrome image instead'
            cv_image = img        
        if self.parameters_loaded is False:
            self.width = cv.GetSize(cv_image)[0]
            self.height = cv.GetSize(cv_image)[1]

        # Drawing Functions go here, operate on cv_image

        # print some basic (static) information
        existing_objs = 'existing objects: ' + str(self.obj_ids)
        cv.PutText(cv_image, existing_objs, (0, 15), self.font, self.color_green)
        pref_obj_id = 'pref obj id: ' + str(self.pref_obj_id)
        cv.PutText(cv_image, pref_obj_id, (0, 35), self.font, self.color_green)
        if self.active == 1:
            cv.PutText(cv_image, 'active', (self.width-100, 15), self.font, self.color_red)
        elif self.active == -1:
            cv.PutText(cv_image, 'dormant', (self.width-100, 15), self.font, self.color_green)
        # black background for focus bar
        cv.Rectangle(cv_image, (0,self.height-40), (self.width, self.height), self.color_black, thickness=-1)
        # draw the flies    
        if len(self.objects) > 0:
            if self.choose_object:
                opt_dist = 1000 # initialization for finding nearest fly
                choose_fly =  self.obj_ids[0] # initialization for nearest fly
            for fly in self.objects:
                # reproject fly onto camera... 
                if self.dummy:
                    pos = [fly.position.x, fly.position.y, fly.position.z]
                    xpos, ypos = DummyFlydra.reproject(pos)
                    dist = linalg.norm(pos)
                if not self.dummy:
                    pos = [fly.position.x, fly.position.y, fly.position.z]
                    xpos, ypos = self.camera_calibration.find2d(self.cam_id, pos, distorted=True)
                    xpos = int(xpos)
                    ypos = int(ypos)
                    cv.Circle(cv_image, (xpos,ypos), 1, self.color_red, thickness=1)    
                    dist = linalg.norm(np.array(pos)-np.array(self.camera_center))

                # if xpos, ypos inside rectangle set pref obj id
                if self.trigger_rectangle is not None and self.pref_obj_id is None:
                    if xpos >= self.trigger_rectangle[0][0] and xpos <= self.trigger_rectangle[1][0]:
                        if ypos >= self.trigger_rectangle[0][1] and ypos <= self.trigger_rectangle[1][1]:
                            if dist <= self.dist_world_max and dist >= self.dist_world_min:

                # if objects out of range, use light green
                if dist <= self.dist_world_max and dist >= self.dist_world_min:
                    # obj_id text
                    cv.PutText(cv_image, str(fly.obj_id), (xpos, ypos), self.font, self.color_green) 
                    # distance text
                    cv.PutText(cv_image, str(dist)[0:4], (xpos, ypos+10), self.small_font, self.color_green)
                    # obj_id text
                    cv.PutText(cv_image, str(fly.obj_id), (xpos, ypos), self.font, self.color_light_green) 
                    # distance text
                    cv.PutText(cv_image, str(dist)[0:4], (xpos, ypos+10), self.small_font, self.color_light_green)
                if fly.obj_id == self.pref_obj_id:
                    cv.PutText(cv_image, str(fly.obj_id), (xpos, ypos), self.font, self.color_red) 
                    # circle for covariance
                    cov = np.sum(np.abs(fly.posvel_covariance_diagonal[0:3]))
                    cx = xpos+len(str(fly.obj_id))*5
                    cy = ypos-5
                    #radius = len(str(fly.obj_id))*5+5
                    cv.Circle(cv_image, (cx,cy), cov*10, self.color_red, thickness=1)    
                    cv.PutText(cv_image, str(cov), (xpos, ypos+20), self.small_font, self.color_red)   

                # choose nearest object to last mouse click 
                if self.choose_object:
                    dist = np.abs(xpos-self.mousex)+np.abs(ypos-self.mousey)
                    if dist < opt_dist:
                        opt_dist = dist
                        choose_fly = fly.obj_id  

            if self.choose_object:
                self.choose_object = False              

        # trigger rectangle:
        if self.trigger_rectangle is not None:
            cv.Rectangle(cv_image, self.trigger_rectangle[0], self.trigger_rectangle[1], self.color_blue, thickness=1)

        # distance scale:
        cv.Line(cv_image, (self.dist_scale_x1,self.dist_scale_y), (self.dist_scale_x2,self.dist_scale_y), self.color_white, thickness=2)
        dist_str = 'dist from cam, ' + self.dist_scale_units
        cv.PutText(cv_image, dist_str, (self.dist_scale_x1,self.dist_scale_y+15), self.small_font, self.color_white)
        for n in range(self.dist_scale_nticks+1):
            y1 = self.dist_scale_y+5
            y2 = self.dist_scale_y-5
            x = self.dist_scale_x1+self.dist_scale_tick_interval*n
            dist = self.dist_scale_min+self.dist_scale_interval*n
            cv.Line(cv_image, (x,y1), (x,y2), self.color_white, thickness=2)
            cv.PutText(cv_image, str(dist)[0:4], (x,y2), self.small_font, self.color_white)

        # trigger distance rectangle:
        if self.trigger_distance is not None:
            cv.Rectangle(cv_image, self.trigger_distance[0], self.trigger_distance[1], self.color_blue, thickness=1)
        # PTF position
        if self.ptf_3d is not None:
            if self.dummy:
                xpos, ypos = DummyFlydra.reproject(self.ptf_3d)
                xhome = 0
                yhome = 0
            if not self.dummy and self.ptf_3d is not None:
                xpos, ypos = self.camera_calibration.find2d(self.cam_id, self.ptf_3d, distorted=True)
                xhome, yhome = self.camera_calibration.find2d(self.cam_id, self.ptf_home, distorted=True)
            #print '*'*80
            #print self.ptf_3d, self.camera_center
            dist = linalg.norm( np.array(self.ptf_3d) - np.array(self.camera_center))
            home_dist = linalg.norm( np.array(self.ptf_home) - np.array(self.camera_center))
            pix = self.dist_to_pixel(dist)
            home_pix = self.dist_to_pixel(home_dist)
            #print '**', pix, self.dist_scale_y
            cv.Circle(cv_image, (int(pix),int(self.dist_scale_y)), 2, self.color_red, thickness=2)   
            cv.Circle(cv_image, (int(home_pix),int(self.dist_scale_y)), 2, self.color_blue, thickness=2)   
            cv.Circle(cv_image, (int(xpos),int(ypos)), 2, self.color_red, thickness=2)    
            cv.Circle(cv_image, (int(xhome),int(yhome)), 2, self.color_blue, thickness=2)      

            #print 'ptf_3d: ', self.ptf_3d, 'xpos, ypos: ', xpos, ypos
            UL = (xpos-self.ptf_fov_in_gui_w, ypos-self.ptf_fov_in_gui_h)
            LR = (xpos+self.ptf_fov_in_gui_w, ypos+self.ptf_fov_in_gui_h)
            cv.Rectangle(cv_image, UL, LR, self.color_red, thickness=1)

        # draw cursor:
        xpos = int(self.cursor[0]*self.width)
        ypos = int(self.cursor[1]*self.height)
        cv.Circle(cv_image, (xpos,ypos), 2, self.color_purple, thickness=2)
        cv.Line(cv_image, (xpos-10, ypos), (xpos+10,ypos), self.color_purple, thickness=1)
        cv.Line(cv_image, (xpos, ypos-10), (xpos,ypos+10), self.color_purple, thickness=1)

        cv.ShowImage(self.display_name, cv_image)