def test_number(): """ Test 16 random generated numbers, each number in range (-x^128, x^128). """ for x in range(16): random_number: str = str(random.randint(-(x**128), x**128)) encrypted_result: str = ED.encrypt(random_number) decrypted_result: str = ED.decrypt(encrypted_result) assert random_number == decrypted_result
def __init__( self, nomFichero ) : self.cFichero = nomFichero try: self.f = open(nomFichero, "rb") except: import ED ED.mensaje( "No se puede abrir el fichero de datos : %s"%self.cFichero ) sys.exit(0) self._LeeCabecera()
def test_error_input(): """ Test 100 random generated string consist of special characters, letters and digits, Of length in range 1 to x. As input to the decrypt function, which should fail. """ for x in range(2, 100): mixed_input: str = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + string.punctuation random_input: str = "".join( random.choice(mixed_input) for i in range(random.randint(1, x))) with pytest.raises(SyntaxError): ED.decrypt(random_input)
def test_character(): """ Test 16 random generated special characters, length of each character is in range (1, x^4). """ for x in range(2, 16): characters: str = string.punctuation random_character: str = "".join( random.choice(characters) for i in range(random.randint(1, x**4))) encrypted_result: str = ED.encrypt(random_character) decrypted_result: str = ED.decrypt(encrypted_result) assert random_character == decrypted_result
def test_string(): """ Test 16 random generated letters, length of each letter is in range (1, x^4). """ for x in range(2, 16): letters: str = string.ascii_letters random_letters: str = "".join( random.choice(letters) for i in range(random.randint(1, x**4))) encrypted_result: str = ED.encrypt(random_letters) decrypted_result: str = ED.decrypt(encrypted_result) assert random_letters == decrypted_result
def test_characters_letters_numbers(): """ Test 16 random generated string consist of special characters, letters and digits, Of length in range 1 to x^4. """ for x in range(2, 16): mixed_input: str = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + string.punctuation random_input: str = "".join( random.choice(mixed_input) for i in range(random.randint(1, x**4))) encrypted_result: str = ED.encrypt(random_input) decrypted_result: str = ED.decrypt(encrypted_result) assert random_input == decrypted_result
def on_message(ws, message): message = json.loads(message) for i in message: unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', i).encode('ascii', 'ignore') if message['cmd'] == 'chat': if message['text'].lower() == '|ebear' or message['text'].lower() == '|eb': _thread.start_new_thread(run, ()) if message['text'].lower() == '|ebear -s' or message['text'].lower() == '|eb -s': _thread.start_new_thread(run, ((1,))) elif message['text'].lower() == '|source': ws.send(json.dumps({"cmd": "chat", "text": ("%s") % comm['|source']})) elif message['text'].lower() == '|help' or message['text'].lower() == '|h': ws.send(json.dumps({"cmd": "chat", "text": ("%s") % comm['|help']})) elif message['text'].lower()[:3] == '|g ': if len(message['text']) > 3: ws.send(json.dumps({"cmd": "chat", "text":['text'][3:])})) else: ws.send(json.dumps({"cmd": "chat", "text": "Usage is |g \"string\""})) elif message['text'].lower() == '|g': ws.send(json.dumps({"cmd": "chat", "text": "Usage is |g \"string\""})) elif message['text'].lower()[:4] == '|ed ': if len(message['text']) > 4: ws.send(json.dumps({"cmd": "chat", "text":['text'][4:])})) else: ws.send(json.dumps({"cmd": "chat", "text": "Usage is |ed \"string\""})) elif message['text'].lower() == '|ed': ws.send(json.dumps({"cmd": "chat", "text": "Usage is |ed \"string\""})) afk(message)
def data(): #file=open("/home/vinoth/Desktop/task/simple_db_data.txt","r") file = open("/var/www/tas/simple_db_data.txt", "r") simple_db_data = simple_db_data = eval(simple_db_data + '}') file.close() #file=open("/home/vinoth/Desktop/task/hash.txt","r") file = open("var/www/tas/hash.txt", "r") hash_ = hash_ = eval(hash_ + '}') file.close() #file=open("/home/vinoth/Desktop/task/block_genesis_serialized.txt","r") file = open("/var/www/tas/block_genesis_serialized.txt", "r") block_genesis_serialized = block_genesis_serialized = eval(block_genesis_serialized + '}') file.close() simple_db_data = enc_dec.decrypt_all(simple_db_data) data = simple_db_data return render_template("index.html", data=data, h=hash_, r=block_genesis_serialized)
def create_form(): id = request.form['id'] name = enc_dec.encrypt_3des(request.form['name']) dob = enc_dec.encrypt_3des(request.form['dob']) email = enc_dec.encrypt_3des(request.form['email']) ph = enc_dec.encrypt_3des(request.form["ph"]) file_ = request.files['file']"/home/vinoth/Desktop/task/cv/"+str(id)+".pdf") #file=open("/home/vinoth/Desktop/task/simple_db_data.txt","a")"var/www/tas/cv/" + str(id) + ".pdf") file = open("/var/www/tas/simple_db_data.txt", "a") file.write("'" + str(id) + "'" + ":" + str({ "name": name, "dob": dob, "email": email, "ph": ph }) + ",") file.close() fun(id, name, dob, email, ph) flash('User added successfully!') return redirect("/")
def decrypt(): """ Decrypt the Given cypher using Encrypter """ try: return render_template('response.html', version=ED.__version__, dark_theme=session['dark_theme'], input=request.form['input'], message="Decrypted", response=ED.decrypt(request.form['input'])) except SyntaxError as error: return render_template('response.html', version=ED.__version__, dark_theme=session['dark_theme'], input=request.form['input'], message="Error", response=error.msg)
chi_max = args.chi_max ## maxmum bond dimension at truncation print("2S = m - 1, N-site spin chain") print("N = "+repr(N)) print("m = "+repr(m)) print("Hamiltonian parameters:") print("Jz = "+repr(Jz)) print("Jxy = "+repr(Jxy)) print("hx = "+repr(hx)) print("D = "+repr(D)) ## Obtain the smallest eigenvalue eig_val,eig_vec = ED.Calc_GS(m,Jz, Jxy,hx,D,N,k=1) print("Ground state energy per bond= " +repr(eig_val[0]/(N-1))) ## Make exact MPS (from "left") Tn = [] lam = [np.ones((1,))] lam_inv = 1.0/lam[0] R_mat = eig_vec[:,0].reshape(m,m**(N-1)) chi_l=1 for i in range(N-1): U,s,VT = linalg.svd(R_mat,full_matrices=False) chi_r = s.size
def test_empty_input(): """ Test empty input on encrypt function, which return an error message. """ with pytest.raises(SyntaxError): ED.encrypt('')
def cmndBlk(msg): if msg['cmd'] == 'chat': if msg['text'].lower().strip() == '|eb': _thread.start_new_thread(runBear, (0, )) elif msg['text'].lower().strip() == '|eb -s': _thread.start_new_thread(runBear, (1, )) elif msg['text'].lower()[:9] == '|eb -say ' and len(msg['text']) > 9: _thread.start_new_thread(runBear, ((2, msg['text'][9:]), )) elif msg['text'].lower().strip() == '|source': ws.send( json.dumps({ 'cmd': 'chat', 'text': ('%s') % comm['|source'] })) elif (msg['text'].lower().strip() == '|help' or msg['text'].lower().strip() == '|h'): ws.send(json.dumps({ 'cmd': 'chat', 'text': ('%s') % comm['|help'] })) elif msg['text'].lower()[:3] == '|g ': if len(msg['text'].strip()) > 3: ws.send( json.dumps({ 'cmd': 'chat', 'text':['text'][3:]) })) else: ws.send( json.dumps({ 'cmd': 'chat', 'text': 'Usage is |g \"string\"' })) elif msg['text'].lower()[:4] == '|ed ': if len(msg['text']) > 4: ws.send( json.dumps({ 'cmd': 'chat', 'text':['text'][4:]) })) else: ws.send( json.dumps({ 'cmd': 'chat', 'text': 'Usage is |ed \"string\"' })) elif msg['text'].lower() == '|ed': ws.send( json.dumps({ 'cmd': 'chat', 'text': 'Usage is |ed \"string\"' })) elif msg['text'].lower()[:4] == '|wa ': if len(msg['text']) > 4: ws.send( json.dumps({ 'cmd': 'chat', 'text':['text'][4:]) })) else: ws.send( json.dumps({ 'cmd': 'chat', 'text': 'Usage is |wa \"string\"' })) elif msg['text'].lower() == '|wa': ws.send( json.dumps({ 'cmd': 'chat', 'text': 'Usage is |wa \"string\"' })) elif msg['text'].lower() == '|uptime': ws.send( json.dumps({ 'cmd': 'chat', 'text': '%s' % prsDrtn(time.time() - joined) })) afk(msg) responses(msg)
hx = args.hx ## external field along x direction D = args.D ## single ion anisotropy periodic = args.periodic ## periodic boundasry condition print("2S = m - 1, N-site spin chain") print("N = " + repr(N)) print("m = " + repr(m)) print("Hamiltonian parameters:") print("Jz = " + repr(Jz)) print("Jxy = " + repr(Jxy)) print("hx = " + repr(hx)) print("D = " + repr(D)) print("periodic = " + repr(periodic)) ## Obtain the smallest eigenvalue eig_val, eig_vec = ED.Calc_GS(m, Jz, Jxy, hx, D, N, k=1, periodic=periodic) if periodic: print("Ground state energy per bond= " + repr(eig_val[0] / N)) else: print("Ground state energy per bond= " + repr(eig_val[0] / (N - 1))) ## Make matrix from wave function Mat = eig_vec[:, 0].reshape(m**int(N / 2), m**(N - int(N / 2))) ## SVD U, s, VT = linalg.svd(Mat, full_matrices=False) ## Entanglement entropy EE = -np.sum(s**2 * np.log(s**2)) print("normalization = " + repr(np.sum(s**2)))
from cjm import *
import ED from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigs, eigsh #Example Case: Single Particle on a 2 X 2 square lattice #Initialize Hamiltonian object with required parameters w.r.t the given order # (M, N, T, U, lac(required only for 2D case) ) in which # M = # of sites, N = # of particles, T = hopping strength, U = interaction strength # lac = this parameter is only required when setting up 2D lattice in our case it is 2 since # we are dealing with 2 X 2 square lattice amounting to 4 sites H = ED.Hamiltonian(4, 1, 1, 1, 2) #Forming interaction hamiltonian and hopping hamiltonian H_int = H.H_int() H_kin = H.H_kin(H.lattice2D( )) #!!! In 1D case make sure to use lattice1D() function and leave empty the # lac parameter above H_tot = (H_int.tocsr() + H_kin.tocsr()) #One can compute the dimension of hilbert space so that the Lanczos can look for such number of eigenvalues print( H.D() ) #It will result in 4 in our case, we configured the functions below to look for 2 eigenvalues #This method is more efficient for computing low lying eigenvalues : eig_val, eig_vecs = eigs( H_tot, 2, sigma=-5 ) # Looking for 2 eigenvalues the arg < H.D() condition must be satisfied! #More generic way w/o any specification of the spectrum