コード例 #1
def egg_generate(egg_size):

    egg_start_pos = [
        random.randint(0, gv.display_width),
        random.randint(0, gv.display_height)
    # egg_start_pos = [int(gv.display_width/2), int(gv.display_height/2)]
    return Egg.Egg(egg_size, egg_start_pos)
コード例 #2
    def layeggs(self, batchsize) -> None:
        # Adds normal distribution with avgeggbatch mean number of eggs to the model or fixed number from avgeggbatch
        # TODO: Optimize by doing total survival calc in one go

        for i in range(batchsize):
            # Each offspring has same starting location as egg-laying location
            a = Egg.Egg(self.model.getid(), self.model)
            self.model.grid.place_agent(a, self.pos)
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self,


        self.NumMidges = NumMidges  # Starting number of midges
        self.NumDeer = NumDeer  # Starting number of deer
        self.idcounter = 0  # Global counter for id of agents, increments with every new agent creation
        self.mapfile = mapfile  # Argument passed to decide on which map data to use (must be in CSV format)
        self.trapfile = trapfile  # File used to decide where the traps will be placed, used to replicate data in paper
        self.running = True  # Used for running model in batches

        self.midges = [
        ]  # List of all current midges, can set to update every step
        self.traps = []  # List of all trap agents
        self.deer = []  # List of all deer agents
        self.dps = dps  # Daily probability of survival for all midges

        # Time (days) since simulation has begun
        self.day = 0

        # Activates the step function for midges sequentially (no order needed)
        self.schedule = BaseScheduler(self)

        # Create a grid model with potential for multiple agents on one cell
        self.grid = ContinuousSpace(width, height, torus=False)

        # Open the map file and create a csvreader object to be used by every midge
        self.mapdata = open(self.mapfile, 'r')
        self.csvreader = csv.reader(self.mapdata, delimiter=',')

        # Create a blank map array filled with the generic 'lightgreen' value
        self.maparray = np.full(shape=(width, height),

        # Add all biome types from the mapfile to the map array
        with open(self.mapfile, 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig') as csvfile:
            csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')
            for l in csvreader:
                x, y = int(l[0]), int(l[1])
                self.maparray[x][y] = BiomeCell.BiomeCell(l[2])

        # # Adds midges to random location in grid and to queue in scheduler
        for i in range(self.NumMidges):
            x = self.random.random() * self.grid.width
            y = self.random.random() * self.grid.height
            a = Midge.Midge(self.getid(), self)

            # Gives midges random probabilities of having fed and are in stages of gonotrophic cycle
            a.fed = True
            a.timesincefed = np.random.randint(0, Midge.Midge.gtrclength)

            self.grid.place_agent(a, (x, y))

        # Adds some eggs to the simulation as well, just to even out the population variability
        for i in range(10000):
            x = self.random.random() * (self.grid.width)
            y = self.random.random() * (self.grid.height)
            a = Egg.Egg(self.getid(), self)

            # Gives eggs random age
            a.age = random.randint(-Egg.Egg.growthtime, Egg.Egg.growthtime)


            self.grid.place_agent(a, (x, y))

        # # Adds traps to random locations in the grid from the trap location file and to the queue in scheduler
        # with open(self.trapfile, 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig') as csvfile:
        #     csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')
        #     for l in csvreader:
        #         x, y = int(l[0]), int(l[1])
        #         a = Trap.Trap(self.getid(), self)
        #         self.schedule.add(a)
        #         self.grid.place_agent(a, (x, y))

        # Adds deer to random locations in the grid and to queue in scheduler
        for i in range(self.NumDeer):
            x = self.random.random() * (self.grid.width)
            y = self.random.random() * (self.grid.height)
            a = Deer.Deer(self.getid(), self)

            self.grid.place_agent(a, (x, y))

        # Add 10 deer with BTV as a case study
        for i in range(10):
            a = Deer.Deer(self.getid(), self)
            a.hasbtv = True
            self.grid.place_agent(a, (self.random.random() * self.grid.width,
                                      self.random.random() * self.grid.height))

        self.traps = [i for i in self.schedule.agents if type(i) == Trap.Trap
                      ]  # Fills list of traps (only once)
        self.deer = [i for i in self.schedule.agents
                     if type(i) == Deer.Deer]  # Fills list of deer (only once)
        self.targets = np.array(
            combinelists(self.traps, self.deer), dtype=Target.Target
        )  # Combines all subclasses of the target class into one list
        self.deerbites = 0  # Global counter of the total number of deer bites

        # TODO: Implement datacollector that can collect data from different agent types (gonna be a pain in my ass)
        self.datacollector = DataCollector(
                "Day": "day",
                "MidgePop": "NumMidges",
                "DeerBites": "deerbites",
                "DeerwBTV": "DeerwBTV",
                "NumVectors": "NumVectors",
                "DPS": "DPS",
                "MidgeAges": "MidgeAges",
                "AvgAge": "AvgAge"