def main(): """ program that checks to see if histidine binding to ligand is in the right place if not it switches the tautomer by default the proton is expected to be pointing AWAY from the ligand. this behaviour is changed with the -inverse option """ parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-p", dest="pdbfile", help="pdbfile") parser.add_option("-P", dest="pdblist", help="pdblist") parser.add_option("-o", dest="outfile", help="outfile") parser.add_option("-O", dest="outlist", help="outlist") parser.add_option("-r", dest="replace", help="replace", action="store_true") parser.add_option("-i", dest="inverse", help="inverse", action="store_true") parser.add_option("-v", dest="virtual", help="virtual", action="store_true") parser.add_option("-c", dest="catalytic", help="catalytic") parser.set_description(main.__doc__) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() pdbfiles = [] if options.pdblist: pdbfiles = files_from_list(options.pdblist) elif options.pdbfile: pdbfiles.append(options.pdbfile) else: parser.print_help() sys.exit() outfiles = [] if options.outlist: outfiles = files_from_list(options.outlist) elif options.outfile: outfiles.append(options.outfile) elif options.replace: for file in pdbfiles: outfiles.append(file) else: parser.print_help() sys.exit() if len(outfiles) != len(pdbfiles): print "differing number of files" sys.exit() mycat = None for i in range(len(pdbfiles)): #protein = Molecule() protein = Enzyme() protein.readPDB(pdbfiles[i]) if options.catalytic: icat = int(options.catalytic) - 1 if icat < 0 or icat >= len(protein.catalytic): print "accessing catalytic out of bounds" sys.exit() mycat = protein.catalytic[icat] chainB = extractCatResidues(protein) if len(chainB) == 0: print "NO CATALYTIC RESIDUES FOR", pdbfiles[i] sys.exit() hislist = [] for res in chainB: if res == None: print "missing catalytic residue" continue if == "HIS": if mycat == None: hislist.append(res) elif res == mycat: hislist.append(res) #his = res if len(hislist) == 0: print "cannot find histidine in catalytic residues" sys.exit() for his in hislist: print his.file_id NDstate = True if his.atomExists(" HD1"): proton = his.getAtom(" HD1") elif his.atomExists(" HE2"): proton = his.getAtom(" HE2") NDstate = False else: print "histidine is not protonated" hetlist = protein.getHeteroAtoms() mind = 1000.0 for res in hetlist: cpres = res.clone() cpres.removeAtomsContaining("V") dist = closestApproachToResidue(proton, cpres) mind = min(mind, dist) bPoint = False if mind < 4.0: bPoint = True bChanged = False # --- if pointing and we don't want that: --- # if bPoint and not options.inverse: switchHisTautomer(his) bChanged = True # --- if not pointing and we don't want that: --- # if not bPoint and options.inverse: switchHisTautomer(his) bChanged = True if bChanged: print "changed", pdbfiles[i] NDstate = not NDstate if options.virtual: hetatms = protein.getHeteroAtoms() for myres in hetatms: for atm in myres: if atm == None: break if == "VHNE": if not NDstate: = "VHND" continue if == "VHND": if NDstate: = "VHNE" continue protein.writePDB(outfiles[i], resRenumber=False, atomRenumber=False)
def main(): """ checks for hydrogen bonds to ligands. Ligands differ because we don't know the acceptor antecedants """ parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-p", dest="pdbfile", help="pdbfile") parser.add_option("-P", dest="pdblist", help="pdblist") parser.add_option("-a", dest="acceptors", help="ligand acceptors") parser.add_option("-d", dest="donors", help="ligand donors") parser.add_option("-c", dest="catalytic", help="catalytic") parser.add_option("-x", dest="cutoff", help="cutoff", default=-0.3) parser.set_description(main.__doc__) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() pdbfiles = [] if options.pdblist: pdbfiles = files_from_list(options.pdblist) elif options.pdbfile: pdbfiles.append(options.pdbfile) else: parser.print_help() sys.exit() protein = Enzyme() HBN = HBnetwork() if options.donors: donor_sel = Selection() donor_sel.makeSelection(options.donors) if options.acceptors: acceptor_sel = Selection() acceptor_sel.makeSelection(options.acceptors) for pdbfile in pdbfiles: protein.readPDB(pdbfile) ligands = protein.getHeteroAtoms() lig = ligands[0] residues = [] if options.catalytic: cres = protein.catalytic[int(options.catalytic) - 1] #cres = getCatalyticResidue(protein,int(options.catalytic)) if cres == None: print "unable to find catalytic residue!" sys.exit() residues.append(cres) else: residues = protein.residueList() HBN.createNetwork(reslist=residues) if options.donors: donors = donor_sel.apply_selection(protein).atomList() if options.acceptors: acceptors = acceptor_sel.apply_selection(protein).atomList() if len(acceptors) == 0: print "unable to find acceptors" sys.exit() for a in acceptors: HBN.newAcceptor(A=a, res=lig) HBN.findHbonds(cutoff=float(options.cutoff), function=1) hblist = HBN.getHbondsToResidue(lig) if len(hblist) > 0: for Hb in hblist: print pdbfile, Hb else: print pdbfile, " none" HBN.clear() protein.clear()