def __init__(self, aRandomGenerator, labelpointsx, labelpointsy, picId, graphicsfolder, graphExpr, xfrom, xto, xstep, yfrom, yto, xlabel, ylabel, title, scale=50): IQPicture.__init__(self, aRandomGenerator, labelpointsx, labelpointsy, graphicsfolder, picId) self.xFrom = Expression.EvalExpression(xfrom, True, aRandomGenerator).Evaluate() self.xTo = Expression.EvalExpression(xto, True, aRandomGenerator).Evaluate() # if the user has specified the domain in the wrong way, switch it round (e.g. a domain from 1->-3 will be changed to -3 -> 1 if self.xFrom > self.xTo: tmp = self.xFrom self.xFrom = self.xTo self.xTo = tmp self.yFrom = Expression.EvalExpression(yfrom, True, aRandomGenerator).Evaluate() self.yTo = Expression.EvalExpression(yto, True, aRandomGenerator).Evaluate() # if the user has specified the domain in the wrong way, switch it round (e.g. a domain from 1->-3 will be changed to -3 -> 1 if self.yFrom > self.yTo: tmp = self.yFrom self.yFrom = self.yTo self.yTo = tmp self.xStep = float(xstep) self.scale = float(scale) / 100 if xlabel <> '': self.xLabel = '$' + Expression.EvalExpression(xlabel, True, aRandomGenerator).GetLateXMathExpression(None) + '$' else: self.xLabel = '' if ylabel <> '': self.yLabel = '$' + Expression.EvalExpression(ylabel, True, aRandomGenerator).GetLateXMathExpression(None) + '$' else: self.yLabel = '' self.Titles = title.split(',') for i in range(0, len(self.Titles)): self.Titles[i] = Expression.EvalExpression(self.Titles[i], True, aRandomGenerator).ExpressionStringEval self.Titles[i] = '$' + Expression.EvalExpression(self.Titles[i], True, aRandomGenerator).GetLateXMathExpression(None) + '$' # create the maths expressions mathExpressions = graphExpr.split(',') for i in range(0, len(mathExpressions)): mthExpression = Expression.EvalExpression(mathExpressions[i], True, aRandomGenerator) mthExpression = Expression.EvalExpression(mthExpression.ExpressionStringEval, True, aRandomGenerator) self.mthExpressions.append(mthExpression) # self.graphExpr = mthExpression.ExpressionStringEval # self.graphExpr = self.graphExpr.replace('^','**') self.GenerateFile('.\\', '') self.latexCode = '\\includegraphics[scale=' + str(self.scale) + ']{gfx/' + self.filename + '}'
def __init__(self, aName, aExpression, aRandomGenerator, aIsSystem=0, aValue = None): = aName self.evaluated = aValue != None self.IsSystem = aIsSystem self.ExpressionStr = '' self.value = aValue # makes no sense when evaluated is False self.EvalExpr = Expression.EvalExpression(aExpression, False, aRandomGenerator) self.EvalExpr.UpdateVariables() self.ExpressionStr = aExpression self.DependentRandomList = []
def __init__(self, aRandomGenerator, fitexpression, labelpointsx, labelpointsy, picId, graphicsfolder, xcoordinates, ycoordinates, xlabel, ylabel, title, scale=50): IQPicture.__init__(self, aRandomGenerator, labelpointsx, labelpointsy, graphicsfolder, picId) # xcoordinates and ycoordinates are maths expression which will contain a matrix with one row # xpts and ypts are the corresponding lists containing the contents of xcoordinates and ycoordinates resp xpts = str(xcoordinates).split(',') ypts = str(ycoordinates).split(',') for i in range(0, len(xpts)): xpts[i] = Expression.EvalExpression(str(xpts[i]), True, aRandomGenerator).Evaluate() ypts[i] = Expression.EvalExpression(str(ypts[i]), True, aRandomGenerator).Evaluate() axis([min(xpts) - 1, max(xpts) + 1, min(ypts) - 1, max(ypts) + 1]) plt.plot(xpts, ypts, 'o') self.scale = float(scale) / 100 if fitexpression != '' and fitexpression != None: mthExpression = Expression.EvalExpression(fitexpression, True, aRandomGenerator) agraphExpr = mthExpression.ExpressionStringEval agraphExpr = agraphExpr.replace('^', '**') def fit(x): return eval(agraphExpr) x = np.linspace(min(xpts) - 1, max(xpts) + 1) y = eval(agraphExpr) plt.plot(x, y, 'b-', lw=1) # plot the specific points if self.labelpointsx != None and self.labelpointsy != None: for i in range(0, len(self.labelpointsx)): self.labelpointsx[i] = Expression.EvalExpression(str(self.labelpointsx[i]), True, self.RandomGenerator).Evaluate() self.labelpointsy[i] = Expression.EvalExpression(str(self.labelpointsy[i]), True, self.RandomGenerator).Evaluate() plt.plot(self.labelpointsx[i], self.labelpointsy[i], 'ro') coordtext = '(' + str(self.labelpointsx[i]) + ',' + str(self.labelpointsy[i]) + ')' plt.text(self.labelpointsx[i], self.labelpointsy[i], coordtext) self.latexCode = '\\includegraphics[scale=' + str(self.scale) + ']{gfx/' + self.filename + '}' return self.SaveFile(plt, './/', '')
def GenerateFile(self, path, filename=''): labelpositionsx = [] for MathExpressionIdx in range(0, len(self.mthExpressions)): x = np.linspace(self.xFrom, self.xTo) y = [] self.RandomGenerator.AddVariableFromExpressionString('x', '0', True, False) for i in range(0, len(x)): self.RandomGenerator.SetValueByName('x', x[i]) yValue = self.mthExpressions[MathExpressionIdx].Evaluate() y.append(yValue) self.RandomGenerator.RemoveVariableByName('x', False) if MathExpressionIdx == 0: fig, ax = plt.subplots() #-- Set axis spines at 0 for spine in ['left', 'bottom']: ax.spines[spine].set_position('zero') # Hide the other spines... for spine in ['right', 'top']: ax.spines[spine].set_color('none') #-- Decorate the spins arrow_length = 20 # In points # X-axis arrow ax.annotate('X', xy=(1, 0), xycoords=('axes fraction', 'data'), xytext=(arrow_length, 0), textcoords='offset points', ha='left', va='center', arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='<|-', fc='black')) # Y-axis arrow ax.annotate('Y', xy=(0, 1), xycoords=('data', 'axes fraction'), xytext=(0, arrow_length), textcoords='offset points', ha='center', va='bottom', arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='<|-', fc='black')) #-- Plot # plt.title(self.Title) if self.xLabel <> '': plt.xlabel(self.xLabel) if self.yLabel <> '': plt.ylabel(self.yLabel) ax.axis([self.xFrom, self.xTo, self.yFrom, self.yTo]) ax.grid(True) # plot the specific points if self.labelpointsx != None and self.labelpointsy != None: for i in range(0, len(self.labelpointsx)): self.labelpointsx[i] = Expression.EvalExpression(str(self.labelpointsx[i]), True, self.RandomGenerator).Evaluate() self.labelpointsy[i] = Expression.EvalExpression(str(self.labelpointsy[i]), True, self.RandomGenerator).Evaluate() plt.plot(self.labelpointsx[i], self.labelpointsy[i], 'ro') coordtext = '(' + str(self.labelpointsx[i]) + ',' + str(self.labelpointsy[i]) + ')' plt.text(self.labelpointsx[i] + (abs(self.xFrom - self.xTo)) / 40, self.labelpointsy[i], coordtext) # Point at each graph with a title and label them not all at the same point # try to be intelligent about where to label the graph so that it is not too close to the a or b in the domain [a,b] foundsuitableposition = False print 'generating the graph ' + self.Titles[MathExpressionIdx] if self.Titles[MathExpressionIdx] != '': for i in range(int(round(len(x) / 10)), int(9 * round(len(x) / 10))): #don't label at the domain edges # don't want the label too close to the x-axis so make it 20% away from it if math.fabs(y[i]) < self.yTo and y[i] > self.yFrom: # check that we don't already have a label in the vacinity - tody labelpositionsx.append(i) foundsuitableposition = True break if not foundsuitableposition: # can't find - put it in the default position labelindex = int(round((MathExpressionIdx + 1) * len(x) / (len(self.mthExpressions) + 1))) labelpositionsx.append(labelindex) # figure out if the function is increasing or decreasing # because we change the pointer arrows accordingly if y[labelpositionsx[MathExpressionIdx] - 1] < y[labelpositionsx[MathExpressionIdx]]: # function is increasing ax.annotate(self.Titles[MathExpressionIdx], xy=(x[labelpositionsx[MathExpressionIdx]], y[labelpositionsx[MathExpressionIdx]]), xycoords='data', xytext=(-70, -60), textcoords='offset points', size=20, bbox=dict(boxstyle="round4,pad=.5", fc="0.8"), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", connectionstyle="angle,angleA=0,angleB=-90,rad=10"), ) else: # function must be decreasing or stationary ax.annotate(self.Titles[MathExpressionIdx], xy=(x[labelpositionsx[MathExpressionIdx]], y[labelpositionsx[MathExpressionIdx]]), xycoords='data', xytext=(-50, 30), textcoords='offset points', bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="0.8"), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", connectionstyle="angle,angleA=0,angleB=90,rad=10"), ) # Plot the actual graph plt.plot(x, y) return self.SaveFile(plt, path, filename)