def test_addRetrieveStudent(self): name = F.addName("Some", "Student") name1 = F.addName("Some", "Faculty") faculty = F.addFaculty(name, ["*****@*****.**"], "Lecturer", "sfac") student = F.addStudent(name, ["*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"], "PhD Student", "stud", [faculty]) self.assert_(student.username == "stud") self.assert_("*****@*****.**" in student.emails and "*****@*****.**" in student.emails) self.assert_( == "Some") self.assert_( == "Student") self.assert_( is None) self.assert_( is None) self.assert_(faculty.key() in student.advisors) key = student.key() student = db.get(key) self.assert_(student.username == "stud") self.assert_("*****@*****.**" in student.emails and "*****@*****.**" in student.emails) self.assert_( == "Some") self.assert_( == "Student") self.assert_( is None) self.assert_( is None) self.assert_(faculty.key() in student.advisors)
def put_websites(websites): """ adds Website records to DB from a list of xml website tags Keyword arguments: websites -- list of website xml tags no return """ group_list = [] website_list = [] if websites is not None: for website in websites: url = get_text(website.find('url')) group = get_text(website.find('group')) group = Faculty3.addResearchGroup(group) group_list.append(group) authors = website.findall('author') author_list = put_names(authors) website_list.append( Faculty3.addWebsite(url, group, author_list)) for g in group_list: db.put(g) return website_list
def test_addRetrieveWebsite(self): ra = F.addResearchGroup("Beer drinkers anonymous") db.put(ra) auth1 = F.addName("Author", "One") auth2 = F.addName("Author", "Two") auth1_key = db.put(auth1) auth2_key = db.put(auth2) auths = [auth1, auth2] w = F.addWebsite("", ra, auths) self.assert_(w.address == "") self.assert_( == "Beer drinkers anonymous") # self.assert_(len(w.authors) == 2) self.assert_(auth1_key in w.authors and auth2_key in w.authors) w_key = db.put(w) w = db.get(w_key) self.assert_(w.address == "") self.assert_( == "Beer drinkers anonymous") # self.assert_(len(w.authors) == 2) self.assert_(auth1_key in w.authors and auth2_key in w.authors)
def test_addOfficeHour(self): b = F.addBuilding("Office Hour Test", "ET") l = F.addLocation(b, "2nd", "201") s = F.addSchedule("1/1/2000", "1pm", ["Monday", "Tuesday"], "2pm", "1/1/2010") oh = F.addOfficeHour(s, l) self.assert_(oh.type == "Office Hours") self.assert_( == "Office Hour Test" and oh.location.building.abbreviation == "ET") self.assert_(oh.location.floor == "2nd" and == "201") self.assert_(oh.schedule.start_date == "1/1/2000" and oh.schedule.end_date == "1/1/2010") self.assert_(oh.schedule.start_time == "1pm" and oh.schedule.end_time == "2pm") self.assert_("Monday" in oh.schedule.days and "Tuesday" in oh.schedule.days) db.put(oh) key = oh.key() oh = db.get(key) self.assert_(oh.type == "Office Hours") self.assert_( == "Office Hour Test" and oh.location.building.abbreviation == "ET") self.assert_(oh.location.floor == "2nd" and == "201") self.assert_(oh.schedule.start_date == "1/1/2000" and oh.schedule.end_date == "1/1/2010") self.assert_(oh.schedule.start_time == "1pm" and oh.schedule.end_time == "2pm") self.assert_("Monday" in oh.schedule.days and "Tuesday" in oh.schedule.days)
def put_writings(person_handle, writings): """ makes DB Writing objects, associating them with their person Keyword arguments: person_handle -- person that owns these courses writings -- list of writings to associate with person no return """ for writing in writings: title = get_text(writing.find('title')) w_type = get_text(writing.find('writing')) publish_info_list = [] publish_infos = writing.findall('publish_info') for publish_info in publish_infos: if publish_info is not None: publisher = get_text(publish_info.find('publisher')) publish_date = get_text(publish_info.find('publish_date')) article = publish_info.find('article') if article is not None: journal = get_text(article.find('journal')) edition = get_text(article.find('edition')) article = Faculty3.addArticle(journal, edition) isbn = publish_info.find('isbn') if isbn is not None: isbn = get_text(isbn) publish_info_list.append(Faculty3.addPublishInfo(publisher, publish_date, isbn, article)) authors = writing.findall('author') author_list = put_names(authors) writing = Faculty3.addWriting(title, w_type, author_list, publish_info_list) Faculty3.associatePersonWithWriting(person_handle, writing)
def put_websites(websites): """ adds Website records to DB from a list of xml website tags Keyword arguments: websites -- list of website xml tags no return """ group_list = [] website_list = [] if websites is not None: for website in websites: url = get_text(website.find('url')) group = get_text(website.find('group')) group = Faculty3.addResearchGroup(group) group_list.append(group) authors = website.findall('author') author_list = put_names(authors) website_list.append(Faculty3.addWebsite(url, group, author_list)) for g in group_list: db.put(g) return website_list
def put_person(person): """ pulls xml 'name', 'email', 'username', and 'title' or 'status' from 'person', makes DB Faculty or Student Object Keyword arguments: person -- xml person tag return reference to DB Faculty or Student object """ assert person.tag == 'faculty' or person.tag == 'student' name = put_name(person.find('name')) username = None if person.find('username') is not None: username = person.find('username').text emails = person.findall('email') emails = [email.text for email in emails] if person.tag == 'faculty': title = get_text(person.find('title')) person_handle = Faculty3.addFaculty(name, emails, title, username) elif person.tag == 'student': status = get_text(person.find('status')) person_handle = Faculty3.addStudent(name, emails, status, username) return person_handle
def test_addLocation(self): b = F.addBuilding("Location Test", "LT") l = F.addLocation(b, "2nd", "201") self.assert_( == "Location Test" and l.building.abbreviation == "LT") self.assert_(l.floor == "2nd" and == "201") key = l.key() l = db.get(key) self.assert_( == "Location Test" and l.building.abbreviation == "LT") self.assert_(l.floor == "2nd" and == "201")
def put_courses(courses): """ makes DB Course objects, associating them with their person Keyword arguments: person_handle -- person that owns these courses courses -- list of courses to associate with person no return """ l = [] for course in courses: unique = get_text(course.find('unique_number')) course_name = get_text(course.find('name')) description = get_text(course.find('description')) course_number = course.find('course_number') field_of_study = get_text(course_number.find('field_of_study')) short_number = get_text(course_number.find('short_number')) semester = get_text(course.find('semester')) year = get_text(course.find('year')) staff_members = course.findall('staff') staff = [] for person in staff_members: name = put_name(person.find('person')) hours = person.find('hours') if hours is not None: hours = put_event(hours) db.put(hours) staff.append(Faculty3.addStaffMember(name, hours)) schedule = course.find('schedule') schedule = put_event(schedule) db.put(schedule) course_number = Faculty3.addCourseNumber( field_of_study, short_number) db.put(course_number) l.append( Faculty3.addCourse(unique, course_name, description, course_number, semester, year, staff, schedule)) return l
def test_addRetrievePublishInfo(self): article = F.addArticle("Psychology in the Lab", "47000") db.put(article) publish = F.addPublishInfo("Borders", "1/1/2010", "ISBN1234", article) self.assert_(publish.publisher == "Borders" and == "1/1/2010" and publish.isbn == "ISBN1234") self.assert_(publish.article.journal == "Psychology in the Lab" and publish.article.edition == "47000") key = publish.key() publish = db.get(key) self.assert_(publish.publisher == "Borders" and == "1/1/2010" and publish.isbn == "ISBN1234") self.assert_(publish.article.journal == "Psychology in the Lab" and publish.article.edition == "47000")
def put_phone_numbers(phone_numbers): """ add a list of phone_numbers to the database, associating them with a person Keyword arguments: phone_numbers -- list of phone number xml tags no return """ l = [] if phone_numbers is not None: for phone_number in phone_numbers: phone_t = get_text(phone_number.find('phone_t')) number = get_text(phone_number.find('number')) country_code = phone_number.find('country_code') if country_code is not None: country_code = country_code.text else: country_code = '01' area_code = phone_number.find('area_code') if area_code is not None: area_code = area_code.text else: area_code = '512' l.append( Faculty3.addPhoneNumber(phone_t, number, country_code, area_code)) return l
def put_phone_numbers(phone_numbers): """ add a list of phone_numbers to the database, associating them with a person Keyword arguments: phone_numbers -- list of phone number xml tags no return """ l = [] if phone_numbers is not None: for phone_number in phone_numbers: phone_t = get_text(phone_number.find('phone_t')) number = get_text(phone_number.find('number')) country_code = phone_number.find('country_code') if country_code is not None: country_code = country_code.text else: country_code = '01' area_code = phone_number.find('area_code') if area_code is not None: area_code = area_code.text else: area_code = '512' l.append(Faculty3.addPhoneNumber(phone_t, number, country_code, area_code)) return l
def put_name(name): """ creates a name object in the database Keyword arguments: name -- the xml tag 'name' (of a person) return reference to Name class db object """ #cannot be None since required first_name = get_text(name.find('first_name')) last_name = get_text(name.find('last_name')) #can be None middle_name = name.find('middle_name') suffix = name.find('suffix') if middle_name is not None: middle_name = get_text(middle_name) if suffix is not None: suffix = get_text(suffix) assert first_name is not None and last_name is not None return Faculty3.addName(first_name, last_name, middle_name, suffix)
def test_addRetrieveArticle(self): article = F.addArticle("Psychology in the Lab", "47000") self.assert_(article.journal == "Psychology in the Lab" and article.edition == "47000") db.put(article) key = article.key() article = db.get(key) self.assert_(article.journal == "Psychology in the Lab" and article.edition == "47000")
def put_courses(courses): """ makes DB Course objects, associating them with their person Keyword arguments: person_handle -- person that owns these courses courses -- list of courses to associate with person no return """ l = [] for course in courses: unique = get_text(course.find('unique_number')) course_name = get_text(course.find('name')) description = get_text(course.find('description')) course_number = course.find('course_number') field_of_study = get_text(course_number.find('field_of_study')) short_number = get_text(course_number.find('short_number')) semester = get_text(course.find('semester')) year = get_text(course.find('year')) staff_members = course.findall('staff') staff = [] for person in staff_members: name = put_name(person.find('person')) hours = person.find('hours') if hours is not None: hours = put_event(hours) db.put(hours) staff.append(Faculty3.addStaffMember(name, hours)) schedule = course.find('schedule') schedule = put_event(schedule) db.put(schedule) course_number = Faculty3.addCourseNumber(field_of_study, short_number) db.put(course_number) l.append(Faculty3.addCourse(unique, course_name, description, course_number, semester, year, staff, schedule)) return l
def test_addRetrieveOffice(self): b = F.addBuilding("Office Test", "ET") l = F.addLocation(b, "2nd", "201") o = F.addOffice(l) self.assert_( == "Office Test" and o.location.building.abbreviation == "ET") self.assert_(o.location.floor == "2nd" and == "201") db.put(o) key = o.key() o = db.get(key) self.assert_( == "Office Test" and o.location.building.abbreviation == "ET") self.assert_(o.location.floor == "2nd" and == "201")
def test_addRetrieveConference(self): c = F.addConference("My Conference", "4/1/2010", "Chicago") self.assert_( == "My Conference" and == "4/1/2010" and c.location == "Chicago") key = c.key() c = db.get(key) self.assert_( == "My Conference" and == "4/1/2010" and c.location == "Chicago")
def test_addRetrieveResearchGroup(self): ra = F.addResearchGroup("Beer drinkers anonymous") self.assert_( == "Beer drinkers anonymous") key = db.put(ra) ra = db.get(key) self.assert_( == "Beer drinkers anonymous")
def test_addRetrieveResearchArea(self): ra = F.addResearchArea("Beer quality") self.assert_( == "Beer quality") key = db.put(ra) ra = db.get(key) self.assert_( == "Beer quality")
def put_advisees(person_handle, advisees): for advisee in advisees: name = put_name(advisee.find('name')) email = get_text(advisee.find('email')) status = get_text(advisee.find('status')) username = advisee.find('username') if username is not None: username = get_text(username) advisee = Faculty3.addStudent(name, [email], status, username, advisors = person_handle)
def test_addRetrieveEvent(self): b = F.addBuilding("Event Test", "ET") l = F.addLocation(b, "2nd", "201") s = F.addSchedule("1/1/2000", "1pm", ["Monday", "Tuesday"], "2pm", "1/1/2010") e = F.addEvent("Meeting", s, l) self.assert_(e.type == "Meeting") self.assert_( == "Event Test" and e.location.building.abbreviation == "ET") self.assert_(e.location.floor == "2nd" and == "201") db.put(e) key = e.key() e = db.get(key) self.assert_(e.type == "Meeting") self.assert_( == "Event Test" and e.location.building.abbreviation == "ET") self.assert_(e.location.floor == "2nd" and == "201")
def test_addRetrieveCourseNumber(self): c = F.addCourseNumber("CS", "373W") self.assert_(c.department == "CS" and c.number == "373W") db.put(c) key = c.key() c = db.get(key) self.assert_(c.department == "CS" and c.number == "373W")
def put_offices(offices): """ makes DB Office objects, associating them with their person Keyword arguments: person_handle -- person that owns these offices offices -- list of offices to associate with person no return """ l = [] for office in offices: building = put_building(office.find('building')) floor = get_text(office.find('floor')) room = get_text(office.find('room')) location = Faculty3.addLocation(building, floor, room) l.append(Faculty3.addOffice(location)) return l
def test_addBuilding(self): b = F.addBuilding("Deschutes Brewery", "DB") self.assert_( == "Deschutes Brewery") self.assert_(b.abbreviation == "DB") key = b.key() b = db.get(key) self.assert_( == "Deschutes Brewery") self.assert_(b.abbreviation == "DB")
def put_conferences(conferences): """ makes DB Conference objects, associating them with their person Keyword arguments: person_handle -- person that owns these courses conferences -- list of courses to associate person with no return """ l = [] for conference in conferences: conf = conference.find('conference') date = get_text(conf.find('date')) name = get_text(conf.find('name')) conf_location = get_text(conf.find('conf_location')) presentation_title = get_text(conference.find('presentation_title')) conference = Faculty3.addConference(name, date, conf_location) l.append(Faculty3.addPresentation(presentation_title, conference)) return l
def test_addRetrieveAward(self): a = F.addAward("Worst Code Design", "2010") self.assert_( == "Worst Code Design") self.assert_(a.year == "2010") key = db.put(a) a = db.get(key) self.assert_( == "Worst Code Design") self.assert_(a.year == "2010")
def test_addRetrieveFaculty(self): name = F.addName("This", "Sucks", "Really", "Bad") faculty = F.addFaculty(name, ["*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"], "Lecturer", "tsucks") self.assert_(faculty.username == "tsucks") self.assert_("*****@*****.**" in faculty.emails and "*****@*****.**" in faculty.emails) self.assert_( == "This") self.assert_( == "Sucks") self.assert_( == "Bad") self.assert_( == "Really") faculty_key = db.put(faculty) faculty = db.get(faculty_key) self.assert_(faculty.username == "tsucks") self.assert_("*****@*****.**" in faculty.emails and "*****@*****.**" in faculty.emails) self.assert_( == "This") self.assert_( == "Sucks") self.assert_( == "Bad") self.assert_( == "Really")
def put_writings(person_handle, writings): """ makes DB Writing objects, associating them with their person Keyword arguments: person_handle -- person that owns these courses writings -- list of writings to associate with person no return """ for writing in writings: title = get_text(writing.find('title')) w_type = get_text(writing.find('writing')) publish_info_list = [] publish_infos = writing.findall('publish_info') for publish_info in publish_infos: if publish_info is not None: publisher = get_text(publish_info.find('publisher')) publish_date = get_text( publish_info.find('publish_date')) article = publish_info.find('article') if article is not None: journal = get_text(article.find('journal')) edition = get_text(article.find('edition')) article = Faculty3.addArticle(journal, edition) isbn = publish_info.find('isbn') if isbn is not None: isbn = get_text(isbn) publish_info_list.append( Faculty3.addPublishInfo(publisher, publish_date, isbn, article)) authors = writing.findall('author') author_list = put_names(authors) writing = Faculty3.addWriting(title, w_type, author_list, publish_info_list) Faculty3.associatePersonWithWriting(person_handle, writing)
def put_conferences(conferences): """ makes DB Conference objects, associating them with their person Keyword arguments: person_handle -- person that owns these courses conferences -- list of courses to associate person with no return """ l = [] for conference in conferences: conf = conference.find('conference') date = get_text(conf.find('date')) name = get_text(conf.find('name')) conf_location = get_text(conf.find('conf_location')) presentation_title = get_text( conference.find('presentation_title')) conference = Faculty3.addConference(name, date, conf_location) l.append( Faculty3.addPresentation(presentation_title, conference)) return l
def put_advisees(person_handle, advisees): for advisee in advisees: name = put_name(advisee.find('name')) email = get_text(advisee.find('email')) status = get_text(advisee.find('status')) username = advisee.find('username') if username is not None: username = get_text(username) advisee = Faculty3.addStudent(name, [email], status, username, advisors=person_handle)
def put_research_areas(research_areas): """ make DB ResearchArea objects, associate them with their person Keyword arguments: research_areas -- list of research_area xml tags Return: list of objects """ l = [] if research_areas is not None: for research_area in research_areas: l.append(Faculty3.addResearchArea(get_text(research_area))) return l
def test_addRetrievePresentation(self): c = F.addConference("My Presentation Conference", "4/1/2010", "Austin") p = F.addPresentation("Project 7", c) self.assert_( == "Project 7") self.assert_( == "My Presentation Conference" and == "4/1/2010" and p.conference.location == "Austin" ) db.put(p) key = p.key() p = db.get(key) self.assert_( == "Project 7") self.assert_( == "My Presentation Conference" and == "4/1/2010" and p.conference.location == "Austin" )
def put_office_hour(event): """ makes DB Event objects, associating them with their ... association Keyword arguments: association -- thing (person, staff, or class maybe?) to associate with event -- one event xml tag return event """ location = put_location(event.find('location')) schedule = put_schedule(event.find('schedule')) return Faculty3.addOfficeHour(schedule, location)
def test_addRetrieveName(self): name = F.addName("This", "Sucks", "Really", "Bad") self.assert_(name.first == "This") self.assert_(name.last == "Sucks") self.assert_(name.suffix == "Bad") self.assert_(name.middle == "Really") name_key = name.key() name = db.get(name_key) self.assert_(name.first == "This") self.assert_(name.last == "Sucks") self.assert_(name.suffix == "Bad") self.assert_(name.middle == "Really")
def test_addRetrievePhone(self): phone = F.addPhoneNumber("work", "1234567", "01", "512") self.assert_(phone.type == "work") self.assert_(phone.number == "1234567") self.assert_(phone.country_code == "01") self.assert_(phone.area_code == "512") p_key = db.put(phone) p = db.get(p_key) self.assert_(p.type == "work") self.assert_(p.number == "1234567") self.assert_(p.country_code == "01") self.assert_(p.area_code == "512")
def test_addRetrieveDegree(self): d = F.addDegree("2000", "University of Texas", "Master's Degree", "Crappy Code") self.assert_(d.year == "2000") self.assert_(d.institution == "University of Texas") self.assert_(d.type == "Master's Degree") self.assert_(d.specialization == "Crappy Code") key = db.put(d) d = db.get(key) self.assert_(d.year == "2000") self.assert_(d.institution == "University of Texas") self.assert_(d.type == "Master's Degree") self.assert_(d.specialization == "Crappy Code")
def put_location(location): """ pulls xml 'floor' and 'room' from xml tag 'location', makes Building DB object via function, associates it all together in a DB Location object Keyword arguments: location -- xml tag 'location' return reference to DB Location object """ building = put_building(location.find('building')) floor = get_text(location.find('floor')) room = get_text(location.find('room')) return Faculty3.addLocation(building, floor, room)
def put_event(event): """ makes DB Event objects, associating them with their ... association Keyword arguments: association -- thing (person, staff, or class maybe?) to associate with event -- one event xml tag return event """ event_type = get_text(event.find('event_type')) location = put_location(event.find('location')) schedule = put_schedule(event.find('schedule')) return Faculty3.addEvent(event_type, schedule, location)
def put_building(building): """ pulls xml 'building_name' and 'building_abbr' from 'building, makes DB Building object Keyword arguments: building -- xml building tag return reference to DB Building object """ building_abbr = building.find('building_abbr') if building_abbr is not None: building_abbr = get_text(building_abbr) building_name = get_text(building.find('building_name')) return Faculty3.addBuilding(building_name, building_abbr)
def put_research_groups(research_groups): """ makes DB ResearchGroup objects, associating them with their person Keyword arguments: research_groups -- list of research_area xml tags Return: list of objects """ l = [] if research_groups is not None: for research_group in research_groups: l.append( Faculty3.addResearchGroup(get_text(research_group))) return l
def put_awards(awards): """ makes DB Award objects, associating them with their person Keyword arguments: awards -- list of award xml tags Return: list of awards that have not been put """ l = [] if awards is not None: for award in awards: name = get_text(award.find('name')) date_awarded = get_text(award.find('date_awarded')) l.append(Faculty3.addAward(name, date_awarded)) return l
def put_degrees(degrees): """ makes DB Degree objects, associating them with their person Keyword arguments: degrees -- list of degree xml tags Return: list of degrees that have not been put """ l = [] if degrees is not None: for degree in degrees: date_awarded = get_text(degree.find('date_awarded')) institution = get_text(degree.find('institution')) degree_t = get_text(degree.find('degree_t')) specialization = get_text(degree.find('specialization')) l.append( Faculty3.addDegree(date_awarded, institution, degree_t, specialization)) return l
def put_schedule(schedule): """ pulls xml schedule sub-things from schedule, makes DB Schedule object Keyword arguments: building -- xml schedule tag return reference to DB Schedule object """ start_time = get_text(schedule.find('start_time')) end_time = get_text(schedule.find('end_time')) days = schedule.findall('day') day_list = [] for day in days: day_list.append(get_text(day)) start_date = get_text(schedule.find('start_date')) end_date = schedule.find('end_date') if end_date is not None: end_date = get_text(end_date) return Faculty3.addSchedule(start_date, start_time, day_list, end_time, end_date)
def post(self): ''' Put all the submitted data into the data store and redirect to the person's page. @param self ''' # Get the person's key from the query string and make it a Key object key = self.request.get('key') key = db.Key(key) # Get the person from the database person = db.get(key) # NAME name = { 'first': self.request.get('name.first'), 'middle': self.request.get('name.middle'), 'last': self.request.get('name.last'), 'suffix': self.request.get('name.suffix') } = Faculty3.addName(**name) # USERNAME person.username = self.request.get('username') # TITLE / STATUS if person.kind() == 'Faculty': person.title = self.request.get('title') else: assert person.kind() == 'Student' person.status = self.request.get('status') # EMAILS emails = [] for argument in self.request.arguments(): if argument.startswith('email-') and self.request.get( argument + '-toggle') == 'on': email = self.request.get(argument) emails.append(db.Email(email)) person.emails = emails # WEBSITES websites = set() for argument in self.request.arguments(): if argument.startswith('website-') and self.request.get( argument + '-toggle') == 'on': address = self.request.get(argument) group = self.request.get(argument + '-group') group = db.get(group) website = Faculty3.addWebsite(address, group, []) website = db.put(website) websites.add(website) person.websites = list(websites) # RESEARCH AREAS research_areas = set() for argument in self.request.arguments(): if argument.startswith('research_area-') and self.request.get( argument + '-toggle') == 'on': research_area = self.request.get(argument) research_area = db.Key(research_area) research_areas.add(research_area) person.research_areas = list(research_areas) # RESEARCH GROUPS research_groups = set() for argument in self.request.arguments(): if argument.startswith('research_group-') and self.request.get( argument + '-toggle') == 'on': research_group = self.request.get(argument) research_group = db.Key(research_group) research_groups.add(research_group) person.research_groups = list(research_groups) # Commit all changes to the data store and redirect to the person's page db.put(person) self.redirect('/view/person?key=' + str(key))