def test_empty_urls(self): spec = { 'a': { 'href': 'url|empty' } } input_html = "<a href=\" \"></a>" expected_html = "<a href=\"\"></a>" result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result) input_html = "<a href=\"\"></a>" expected_html = "<a href=\"\"></a>" result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result) input_html = "<a href=\"javascript://invalid\"></a>" expected_html = "<a href=\"\"></a>" result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result)
def test_text_attrs(self): spec = { 'img': { 'src': 'url', 'alt': 'alphanumeric|empty' } } input_html = "<img src=\"\" alt=\"\">" expected_html = "<img src=\"#\" alt=\"\">" result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result) spec = { 'img': { 'src': 'url', 'alt': 'text', } } input_html = "<img src=\"\" alt='\"hello!\" <THIS> & is encoded " &;'>" expected_html = "<img src=\"#\" alt='"hello!" <THIS> & is encoded " &;'>" result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result)
def test_boolean_attrs(self): spec = { 'input': { 'type': 'alpha', 'checked': 'boolean' } } input_html = "<input type=\"checkbox\" checked>" expected_html = "<input type=\"checkbox\" checked>" result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result) input_html = "<input type=checkbox checked>" expected_html = "<input type=\"checkbox\" checked>" result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result) input_html = "<input type= checked>" expected_html = "<input checked>" result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result)
def test_tag_removal(self): spec = { 'span': {}, 'br': {}, } input_html = """ <span>This is a test</span> <script> if (x < 4) { x = 1 << 2; // this should all be gone } </script><br> """ expected_html = """ <span>This is a test</span> <br> """ result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result) input_html = """ <span>This is a test</span> <script> if (x < 4) { x = 1 << 2; // this should all be gone } </script><br> <style> .foo < a { color: red; } </style><div> Here's a whole lot of stuff to remove </div><br><!-- comment --> """ expected_html = """ <span>This is a test</span> <br> <br> """ result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec, remove=['script', 'style', 'div']) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result)
def test_spec_delegate(self): def allow_inside_span(tag_name, tag_stack): is_inside_span = False is_inside_div = False for tag in tag_stack: tag_name, attributes = tag if tag_name == 'span': is_inside_span = True elif tag_name == 'div': is_inside_div = True if is_inside_span: return {'href': 'url'} elif is_inside_div: return False # delete else: return None spec = {'span': {}, 'div': {}, 'a': allow_inside_span} input_html = """ <a href="invalid.html">Hello</a> <span><a href="valid.html">Valid</a></span> <div><a href="removed.html">Removed</a></div> """ expected_html = """ Hello <span><a href="valid.html">Valid</a></span> <div></div> """ result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result)
def test_regex_attribute_name_delegates(self): spec = { 'span': { re.compile(r'^data-[\w-]+$'): ['true', 'false'], 'id': ['test'] }, } input_html = """ <span data-attr-one="true">Span content</span> <span data-attr-two="true" data-attribute-three="false">Span content</span> <span id="remove-me" data-test="true">Span content</span> <span id="test" data-test="true">Span content</span> <span width="100px">Span content</span> <div data-foobar="false">Tag and Attribute allowed</div> """ expected_html = """ <span data-attr-one="true">Span content</span> <span data-attr-two="true" data-attribute-three="false">Span content</span> <span data-test="true">Span content</span> <span id="test" data-test="true">Span content</span> <span>Span content</span> Tag and Attribute allowed """ result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result)
def test_regex_attribute_name_delegates(self): spec = { 'span': { re.compile(r'^data-attr[\w-]+$'): ['true', 'false'], re.compile(r'^data-test[\w-]+$'): ['a', 'b'], 'id': ['test'] }, } input_html = """ <span data-attr-one="true">Span content</span> <span data-attr-two="true" data-attribute-three="false">Span content</span> <span id="remove-me" data-test-one="a">Span content</span> <span id="test" data-test="remove-me">Span content</span> <span width="100px">Span content</span> <div data-foobar="false">Tag and Attribute allowed</div> """ expected_html = """ <span data-attr-one="true">Span content</span> <span data-attr-two="true" data-attribute-three="false">Span content</span> <span data-test-one="a">Span content</span> <span id="test">Span content</span> <span>Span content</span> Tag and Attribute allowed """ result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result)
def test_no_attrs(self): spec = { 'b': {}, 'em': {}, 'br': {}, 'hr': {}, 'span': {} } input_html = """ <b>This is a test</b><br> <span class="invalid-class">This span tag should be allowed, but its attributes stripped</span> <div>This div tag is not allowed, and the tag will be removed</div> <span id="invalid-id">This span tag is allowed, but its attributes stripped</span> """ expected_html = """ <b>This is a test</b><br> <span>This span tag should be allowed, but its attributes stripped</span> This div tag is not allowed, and the tag will be removed <span>This span tag is allowed, but its attributes stripped</span> """ result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result)
def test_escape_data(self): input_html = "->" expected_html = "->" result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, {}) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result)
def test_unquoted_urls(self): spec = {'a': {'href': 'url', 'checked': 'boolean'}} input_html = "<a href=></a>" expected_html = "<a href=\"\"></a>" result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result) input_html = "<a href= checked></a>" expected_html = "<a href=\"#\" checked></a>" result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result)
def test_attribute_value_wildcard(self): spec = { 'span': {'id': '*'}, 'div': {} } input_html = """ <span id="just-an-id">This span tag is allowed, id-attribute has wildcard.</span> <span id="true">This span tag is allowed, id-attribute has wildcard.</span> <span id="fooBar1234">This span tag is allowed, id-attribute has wildcard.</span> <span width="100px">This span tag is allowed, but its width-attribute stripped</span> <div id="remove-me">This div tag is allowed, but its attribtues stripped</div> """ expected_html = """ <span id="just-an-id">This span tag is allowed, id-attribute has wildcard.</span> <span id="true">This span tag is allowed, id-attribute has wildcard.</span> <span id="fooBar1234">This span tag is allowed, id-attribute has wildcard.</span> <span>This span tag is allowed, but its width-attribute stripped</span> <div>This div tag is allowed, but its attribtues stripped</div> """ result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result)
def test_aliases(self): spec = { 'p': { 'class': [ 'centered' ] }, 'strong': {}, 'br': {}, 'b': 'strong', 'center': 'p class="centered"' } input_html = """ <b>This is a test</b><br> <center>centered text</center> """ expected_html = """ <strong>This is a test</strong><br> <p class="centered">centered text</p> """ result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result)
def test_script_conversion(self): spec = { 'span': {}, 'br': {}, 'pre': {}, 'script': 'pre' } input_html = """ <span>This is a test</span> <script> if (x < 4) { x = 1 << 2; } </script><br> """ expected_html = """ <span>This is a test</span> <pre> if (x < 4) { x = 1 << 2; } </pre><br> """ result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result)
def test_unquoted_urls(self): spec = { 'a': { 'href': 'url', 'checked': 'boolean' } } input_html = "<a href=></a>" expected_html = "<a href=\"\"></a>" result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result) input_html = "<a href= checked></a>" expected_html = "<a href=\"#\" checked></a>" result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result)
def test_regex_delegates(self): def filter_color(color): if color in ['red', 'green', 'blue']: return color else: return 'red' spec = { 'span': { 'style': { 'color': filter_color, } }, 'div': { 'style': { 'width': re.compile(r'^\d+px$'), 'height': re.compile(r'^\d+px$') } }, 'b': {}, 'br': {}, } input_html = """ <b>This is a test</b><br> <span style="color:red;">red</span><br> <span style="color:green;">green</span><br> <span style="color:blue;">blue</span><br> <span style="color:rgb(255, 255, 255);">white</span><br> <span style="color:rgb(0, 255, 255);">cyan</span><br> <span style="color:hsla(40, 20%, 10%, 0.1);">hsla</span><br> <span style="color:invalid;">invalid</span><br> <div style="width:32px;height:24px;">div</div> <div style="width:32px;height:invalid;">invalid div</div> """ expected_html = """ <b>This is a test</b><br> <span style="color:red;">red</span><br> <span style="color:green;">green</span><br> <span style="color:blue;">blue</span><br> <span style="color:red;">white</span><br> <span style="color:red;">cyan</span><br> <span style="color:red;">hsla</span><br> <span style="color:red;">invalid</span><br> <div style="width:32px;height:24px;">div</div> <div style="width:32px;">invalid div</div> """ result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result)
def test_text_attrs(self): spec = {'img': {'src': 'url', 'alt': 'alphanumeric|empty'}} input_html = "<img src=\"\" alt=\"\">" expected_html = "<img src=\"#\" alt=\"\">" result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result) spec = { 'img': { 'src': 'url', 'alt': 'text', } } input_html = "<img src=\"\" alt='\"hello!\" <THIS> & is encoded " &;'>" expected_html = "<img src=\"#\" alt='"hello!" <THIS> & is encoded " &;'>" result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result)
def test_script_noeffect(self): spec = {'span': {}, 'br': {}, 'pre': {}, 'script': True} input_html = """ <span>This is a test</span> <script> if (x < 4) { x = 1 << 2; } </script><br> """ result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(input_html, result)
def test_invalid_html(self): spec = { 'b': {}, 'br': {}, 'span': { 'id': 'alphanumeric' }, } with self.assertRaises(FilterHTML.TagMismatchError): result = FilterHTML.filter_html("<b>test<br>", spec) with self.assertRaises(FilterHTML.TagMismatchError): result = FilterHTML.filter_html("<br>test</b>", spec) with self.assertRaises(FilterHTML.TagMismatchError): result = FilterHTML.filter_html("<span><br>test</b>", spec) with self.assertRaises(FilterHTML.HTMLSyntaxError): result = FilterHTML.filter_html("<br>test<span id=\"foo", spec) result = FilterHTML.filter_html(u'<span id="\u2713">check</span>', spec) self.assertEqual('<span>check</span>', result)
def test_empty_urls(self): spec = {'a': {'href': 'url|empty'}} input_html = "<a href=\" \"></a>" expected_html = "<a href=\"\"></a>" result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result) input_html = "<a href=\"\"></a>" expected_html = "<a href=\"\"></a>" result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result) input_html = "<a href=\"javascript://invalid\"></a>" expected_html = "<a href=\"\"></a>" result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result)
def test_boolean_attrs(self): spec = {'input': {'type': 'alpha', 'checked': 'boolean'}} input_html = "<input type=\"checkbox\" checked>" expected_html = "<input type=\"checkbox\" checked>" result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result) input_html = "<input type=checkbox checked>" expected_html = "<input type=\"checkbox\" checked>" result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result) input_html = "<input type= checked>" expected_html = "<input checked>" result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result)
def test_styles(self): spec = { 'span': { 'style': { 'color': 'color', } }, 'div': { 'style': { 'width': 'measurement', 'height': 'measurement' } }, 'b': {}, 'br': {}, } input_html = """ <b>This is a test</b><br> <span style="color:red;">red</span><br> <span style="color:#fff;">#fff</span><br> <span style="color:#f0f0ef;">#f0f0ef</span><br> <span style="color:rgb(255, 255, 255);">white</span><br> <span style="color:rgba(0, 255, 255, 0.5);">cyan</span><br> <span style="color:hsla(40, 20%, 10%, 0.1);">hsla</span><br> <span style="color:hsl(40, 20%, 10%);">hsl</span><br> <span style="color:invalid;">invalid</span><br> <div style="width:32px;height:24px;">div</div> <div style="width:32px;height:invalid;">invalid div</div> """ expected_html = """ <b>This is a test</b><br> <span style="color:red;">red</span><br> <span style="color:#fff;">#fff</span><br> <span style="color:#f0f0ef;">#f0f0ef</span><br> <span style="color:rgb(255, 255, 255);">white</span><br> <span style="color:rgba(0, 255, 255, 0.5);">cyan</span><br> <span style="color:hsla(40, 20%, 10%, 0.1);">hsla</span><br> <span style="color:hsl(40, 20%, 10%);">hsl</span><br> <span>invalid</span><br> <div style="width:32px;height:24px;">div</div> <div style="width:32px;">invalid div</div> """ result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result)
def test_script_noeffect(self): spec = { 'span': {}, 'br': {}, 'pre': {}, 'script': True } input_html = """ <span>This is a test</span> <script> if (x < 4) { x = 1 << 2; } </script><br> """ result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(input_html, result)
def test_text_filtering(self): spec = { 'a': { 'href': 'url' }, 'br': {} } # very basic url autolinking URLIZE_RE = '(%s)' % '|'.join([ r'<(?:f|ht)tps?://[^>]*>', r'\b(?:f|ht)tps?://[^)<>\s]+[^.,)<>\s]', ]) def urlize(text, stack): is_inside_a_tag = False for tag in stack: tag_name, attributes = tag if tag_name == 'a': is_inside_a_tag = True break if is_inside_a_tag: # already linked return text else: return re.sub(URLIZE_RE, r'<a href="\1" class="invalid">\1</a>', text) input_html = """ <a href="">example</a><br> <a href=""></a><br><br> """ expected_html = """ <a href="">example</a><br> <a href=""></a><br> <a href=""></a><br> """ result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec, text_filter=urlize) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result)
def test_no_attrs(self): spec = {'b': {}, 'em': {}, 'br': {}, 'hr': {}, 'span': {}} input_html = """ <b>This is a test</b><br> <span class="invalid-class">This span tag should be allowed, but its attributes stripped</span> <div>This div tag is not allowed, and the tag will be removed</div> <span id="invalid-id">This span tag is allowed, but its attributes stripped</span> """ expected_html = """ <b>This is a test</b><br> <span>This span tag should be allowed, but its attributes stripped</span> This div tag is not allowed, and the tag will be removed <span>This span tag is allowed, but its attributes stripped</span> """ result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result)
def test_attribute_wildcard(self): spec = {'span': {'*': ['just-an-id', 'true', 'something']}, 'div': {}} input_html = """ <span id="just-an-id">This span tag is allowed, its attributes are wildcarded, its attribute values allowed.</span> <span data-anything="true" data-another-attr="something">This span tag is allowed, its attributes are wildcarded, its attribute values allowed.</span> <span data-attr-three="unallowed_value">This span tag is allowed, but its attribute value not</span> <div data-anything="true">This div tag is allowed, but its attribtues stripped</div> """ expected_html = """ <span id="just-an-id">This span tag is allowed, its attributes are wildcarded, its attribute values allowed.</span> <span data-anything="true" data-another-attr="something">This span tag is allowed, its attributes are wildcarded, its attribute values allowed.</span> <span>This span tag is allowed, but its attribute value not</span> <div>This div tag is allowed, but its attribtues stripped</div> """ result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result)
def test_spec_delegate(self): def allow_inside_span(tag_name, tag_stack): is_inside_span = False is_inside_div = False for tag in tag_stack: tag_name, attributes = tag if tag_name == 'span': is_inside_span = True elif tag_name == 'div': is_inside_div = True if is_inside_span: return { 'href': 'url' } elif is_inside_div: return False # delete else: return None spec = { 'span': {}, 'div': {}, 'a': allow_inside_span } input_html = """ <a href="invalid.html">Hello</a> <span><a href="valid.html">Valid</a></span> <div><a href="removed.html">Removed</a></div> """ expected_html = """ Hello <span><a href="valid.html">Valid</a></span> <div></div> """ result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result)
def test_classes(self): spec = { 'span': { 'class': [ 'pretty', 'ugly', 'plain', ] }, 'b': {}, 'br': {}, } input_html = """ <b>This is a test</b><br> <span class="pretty">This is pretty</span><br> <span class="pretty pretty">This is just pretty</span><br> <span class="pretty ugly">This is pretty ugly</span><br> <span class="invalid pretty">This is just pretty</span><br> <span class="plain ugly plain ugly invalid">This is plain ugly</span><br> <span class="invalid plain invalid ugly">This is also plain ugly</span><br> <span class="invalid">Stripped</span> <span>This works too</span> """ expected_html = """ <b>This is a test</b><br> <span class="pretty">This is pretty</span><br> <span class="pretty">This is just pretty</span><br> <span class="pretty ugly">This is pretty ugly</span><br> <span class="pretty">This is just pretty</span><br> <span class="plain ugly">This is plain ugly</span><br> <span class="plain ugly">This is also plain ugly</span><br> <span>Stripped</span> <span>This works too</span> """ result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result)
def test_wildcard(self): spec = { 'b': {}, 'em': { 'id': [ 'special-id' ] }, 'br': {}, 'hr': {}, 'span': {}, '*': { 'id': 'alphanumeric' } } input_html = """ <b>This is a test</b><br> <em id="special-id">allowed special id</em> <em id="xxx">allowed id</em> <span id="special-id">invalid id</span> <span class="invalid-class" id="bar42">This span tag should be allowed, but its attributes stripped</span> <div>This div tag is not allowed, and the tag will be removed</div> <span style="color:red;" id="foo">This span tag is allowed, but its attributes stripped</span> """ expected_html = """ <b>This is a test</b><br> <em id="special-id">allowed special id</em> <em id="xxx">allowed id</em> <span>invalid id</span> <span id="bar42">This span tag should be allowed, but its attributes stripped</span> This div tag is not allowed, and the tag will be removed <span id="foo">This span tag is allowed, but its attributes stripped</span> """ result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result)
def test_attribute_value_wildcard(self): spec = {'span': {'id': '*'}, 'div': {}} input_html = """ <span id="just-an-id">This span tag is allowed, id-attribute has wildcard.</span> <span id="true">This span tag is allowed, id-attribute has wildcard.</span> <span id="fooBar1234">This span tag is allowed, id-attribute has wildcard.</span> <span width="100px">This span tag is allowed, but its width-attribute stripped</span> <div id="remove-me">This div tag is allowed, but its attribtues stripped</div> """ expected_html = """ <span id="just-an-id">This span tag is allowed, id-attribute has wildcard.</span> <span id="true">This span tag is allowed, id-attribute has wildcard.</span> <span id="fooBar1234">This span tag is allowed, id-attribute has wildcard.</span> <span>This span tag is allowed, but its width-attribute stripped</span> <div>This div tag is allowed, but its attribtues stripped</div> """ result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result)
def test_text_filtering(self): spec = {'a': {'href': 'url'}, 'br': {}} # very basic url autolinking URLIZE_RE = '(%s)' % '|'.join([ r'<(?:f|ht)tps?://[^>]*>', r'\b(?:f|ht)tps?://[^)<>\s]+[^.,)<>\s]', ]) def urlize(text, stack): is_inside_a_tag = False for tag in stack: tag_name, attributes = tag if tag_name == 'a': is_inside_a_tag = True break if is_inside_a_tag: # already linked return text else: return re.sub(URLIZE_RE, r'<a href="\1" class="invalid">\1</a>', text) input_html = """ <a href="">example</a><br> <a href=""></a><br><br> """ expected_html = """ <a href="">example</a><br> <a href=""></a><br> <a href=""></a><br> """ result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec, text_filter=urlize) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result)
def test_attribute_wildcard(self): spec = { 'span': {'*': ['just-an-id', 'true', 'something']}, 'div': {} } input_html = """ <span id="just-an-id">This span tag is allowed, its attributes are wildcarded, its attribute values allowed.</span> <span data-anything="true" data-another-attr="something">This span tag is allowed, its attributes are wildcarded, its attribute values allowed.</span> <span data-attr-three="unallowed_value">This span tag is allowed, but its attribute value not</span> <div data-anything="true">This div tag is allowed, but its attribtues stripped</div> """ expected_html = """ <span id="just-an-id">This span tag is allowed, its attributes are wildcarded, its attribute values allowed.</span> <span data-anything="true" data-another-attr="something">This span tag is allowed, its attributes are wildcarded, its attribute values allowed.</span> <span>This span tag is allowed, but its attribute value not</span> <div>This div tag is allowed, but its attribtues stripped</div> """ result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result)
def test_script_conversion(self): spec = {'span': {}, 'br': {}, 'pre': {}, 'script': 'pre'} input_html = """ <span>This is a test</span> <script> if (x < 4) { x = 1 << 2; } </script><br> """ expected_html = """ <span>This is a test</span> <pre> if (x < 4) { x = 1 << 2; } </pre><br> """ result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result)
def test_wildcard(self): spec = { 'b': {}, 'em': { 'id': ['special-id'] }, 'br': {}, 'hr': {}, 'span': {}, '*': { 'id': 'alphanumeric' } } input_html = """ <b>This is a test</b><br> <em id="special-id">allowed special id</em> <em id="xxx">allowed id</em> <span id="special-id">invalid id</span> <span class="invalid-class" id="bar42">This span tag should be allowed, but its attributes stripped</span> <div>This div tag is not allowed, and the tag will be removed</div> <span style="color:red;" id="foo">This span tag is allowed, but its attributes stripped</span> """ expected_html = """ <b>This is a test</b><br> <em id="special-id">allowed special id</em> <em id="xxx">allowed id</em> <span>invalid id</span> <span id="bar42">This span tag should be allowed, but its attributes stripped</span> This div tag is not allowed, and the tag will be removed <span id="foo">This span tag is allowed, but its attributes stripped</span> """ result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result)
def test_aliases(self): spec = { 'p': { 'class': ['centered'] }, 'strong': {}, 'br': {}, 'b': 'strong', 'center': 'p class="centered"' } input_html = """ <b>This is a test</b><br> <center>centered text</center> """ expected_html = """ <strong>This is a test</strong><br> <p class="centered">centered text</p> """ result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result)
def test_url(self): spec = {'a': {'href': 'url'}} input_html = """ <a href="javascript:alert('XSS');"></a> <a href="javascript:alert('XSS')"></a> <a href=javascript:alert('XSS')></a> <a href=JaVaScRiPt:alert('XSS')></a> <a href="JaVaScRiPt:alert('XSS')"></a> <a href=javascript:alert("XSS")></a> <a href="javascript:alert(\"XSS\")"></a> <a href=`javascript:alert("XSS 'XSS'")`></a> <a href=javascript:alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))></a> <a href="javascript:alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))"></a> <a href=# onmouseover="alert('xxs')"></a> <a href= onmouseover="alert('xxs')"></a> <a href=javascript:alert( 'XSS')></a> <a href="javascript:alert( 'XSS')"></a> <a href=javascript:a& #0000108ert('XSS')></a> <a href="javascript:a& #0000108ert('XSS')"></a> <a href=javascript:alert('XSS')></a> <a href="javascript:alert('XSS')"></a> <a href="jav ascript:alert('XSS');"></a> <a href="jav	ascript:alert('XSS');"></a> <a href="javascript:alert('XSS');"></a> <a href="javascript:alert('XSS');"></a> <a href="jav
ascript:alert('XSS');"></a> <a href="jav
ascript:alert('XSS');"></a> """ expected_html = """ <a href="#"></a> <a href="#"></a> <a href="#"></a> <a href="#"></a> <a href="#"></a> <a href="#"></a> <a href="#"></a> <a href="#"></a> <a href="#"></a> <a href="#"></a> <a href="#"></a> <a href="#"></a> <a href="#"></a> <a href="#"></a> <a href="#"></a> <a href="#"></a> <a href="#"></a> <a href="#"></a> <a href="#"></a> <a href="#"></a> <a href="#"></a> <a href="#"></a> <a href="#"></a> <a href="#"></a> """ result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result)
import FilterHTML import test1 import test2 import re f = open('tests/test1.html', 'r') html = f.close() f = open('tests/test1.out.html', 'r') html_out = f.close() result = FilterHTML.filter_html(html, test1.SPEC) assert html_out.strip() == result.strip() f = open('tests/test2.html', 'r') html = f.close() f = open('tests/test2.out.html', 'r') html_out = f.close() result = FilterHTML.filter_html(html, test2.SPEC) assert html_out.strip() == result.strip() f = open('tests/test3.html', 'r') html =
def test_attribute_types(self): spec = { 'a': { 'href': 'url', 'target': [ '_blank', '_self', ] }, 'img': { 'src': 'url', 'height': 'measurement', 'width': 'measurement', }, 'b': {}, 'br': {}, 'ul': {}, 'li': { 'type': [ '1', 'A', 'a', 'I', 'i', 'disc', 'square', 'circle', ], 'value': 'int' } } input_html = """ <b>This is a test</b><br> <ul> <li type="disc">This is a disc</li> <li type="circle">This is a circle</li> <li type="invalid" value="1">This will have the type stripped, but keep its value</li> </ul> <a href="/foo.html" target="_blank">Foo</a><br> <a href="">Example</a><br> <a href="javascript:invalid();" target="_parent">Stripped</a><br> <img src="image.jpg" height="120" width="240" border="0"> """ expected_html = """ <b>This is a test</b><br> <ul> <li type="disc">This is a disc</li> <li type="circle">This is a circle</li> <li value="1">This will have the type stripped, but keep its value</li> </ul> <a href="/foo.html" target="_blank">Foo</a><br> <a href="">Example</a><br> <a href="#">Stripped</a><br> <img src="image.jpg" height="120" width="240"> """ result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result)
def test_url(self): spec = { 'a': { 'href': 'url' } } input_html = """ <a href="javascript:alert('XSS');"></a> <a href="javascript:alert('XSS')"></a> <a href=javascript:alert('XSS')></a> <a href=JaVaScRiPt:alert('XSS')></a> <a href="JaVaScRiPt:alert('XSS')"></a> <a href=javascript:alert("XSS")></a> <a href="javascript:alert(\"XSS\")"></a> <a href=`javascript:alert("XSS 'XSS'")`></a> <a href=javascript:alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))></a> <a href="javascript:alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))"></a> <a href=# onmouseover="alert('xxs')"></a> <a href= onmouseover="alert('xxs')"></a> <a href=javascript:alert( 'XSS')></a> <a href="javascript:alert( 'XSS')"></a> <a href=javascript:a& #0000108ert('XSS')></a> <a href="javascript:a& #0000108ert('XSS')"></a> <a href=javascript:alert('XSS')></a> <a href="javascript:alert('XSS')"></a> <a href="jav ascript:alert('XSS');"></a> <a href="jav	ascript:alert('XSS');"></a> <a href="javascript:alert('XSS');"></a> <a href="javascript:alert('XSS');"></a> <a href="jav
ascript:alert('XSS');"></a> <a href="jav
ascript:alert('XSS');"></a> """ expected_html = """ <a href="#"></a> <a href="#"></a> <a></a> <a></a> <a href="#"></a> <a></a> <a href="#"></a> <a></a> <a></a> <a href="#"></a> <a></a> <a></a> <a></a> <a></a> <a></a> <a></a> <a></a> <a></a> <a href="#"></a> <a></a> <a></a> <a></a> <a></a> <a></a> """ result = FilterHTML.filter_html(input_html, spec) self.assertEqual(expected_html, result)
import FilterHTML import test1 import test2 f = open('tests/test1.html', 'r') html = f.close() f = open('tests/test1.out.html', 'r') html_out = f.close() result = FilterHTML.filter_html(html, test1.SPEC) assert html_out.strip() == result.strip() f = open('tests/test2.html', 'r') html = f.close() f = open('tests/test2.out.html', 'r') html_out = f.close() result = FilterHTML.filter_html(html, test2.SPEC) assert html_out.strip() == result.strip()