コード例 #1
ファイル: Serveur_Scrabble.py プロジェクト: cgurjao/Scrabble
class Scrabble_GUI(Frame):
    def __init__(self):
        self.serv = Serv = Serveur()
        Frame.__init__(self, None)
        self.root = Tk()
        fields = ("Word Suggested",)
        self.word = ""
        print "Available letters : "  # To display first available letters in the holder
        print self.serv.letter_holderPL1
        Button(self.root, text="Fetch", command=(lambda v=vars: self.fetch_and_run(v))).pack(
        )  # "Fetch suggested word" button
        self.bind("<Return>", (lambda event, v=vars: self.fetch_and_run(v)))
        widget2 = Button(self.root, text="Quit", command=self.quit)  # "Quit" button
        margin = 0  # Define the space between each cell of the gameboard
        cellSize = 60  # Size (in pixels) of the cells
        canvasWidth = 1100  # Width of the window
        canvasHeight = 910  # Height of the window
        self.canvas = Canvas(self.root, width=canvasWidth, height=canvasHeight)
        self.root.resizable(width=0, height=0)
        # Store canvas in root and in canvas itself for callbacks
        self.root.canvas = self.canvas.canvas = self.canvas
        # Set up canvas data and call init
        self.canvas.data = {}
        self.canvas.data["margin"] = margin
        self.canvas.data["cellSize"] = cellSize
        self.canvas.data["canvasWidth"] = canvasWidth
        self.canvas.data["canvasHeight"] = canvasHeight
        self.canvas.data["rows"] = 15
        self.canvas.data["cols"] = 15

    def quit(self):
        ans = askokcancel("Verify exit", "Really quit?")  # To make sure the player want to exit the game
        if ans:

    def fetch_and_run(self, variables):  # Each time the user clicks on "Fetch", the program will...
        horiz_or_vert = (
        )  # ...Check if the tiles are aligned and determine if the word is put horizontally or vertically (resp, horiz_or_vert will be equal to 0 and 1)
        self.word = self.GM.check_over_tiles(
        )  # ... Check Scrabble's basic rule for playing : new words must use older words' letter
        if horiz_or_vert == 2:
            print "Not aligned!!!"
            return 0  # ...get the suggested word from the gameboard
        if self.serv.check_dict(self.word) == False:  # ...Check if the word exists in the dictionnary
            print self.word + " doesn't exist, try another word!"
            return 0
        else:  # If all the previous conditions are met, the algorithm will...
            print self.word + " was found in the dictionnary, well done!"
            self.serv.scorePL1 = self.serv.get_score(
                self.word, self.serv.scorePL1
            )  # ...Calculate and update the player's score
            print "Your score : "
            print self.serv.scorePL1
                self.word, self.serv.letter_holderPL1
            )  # ...Remove used letters from the letter holder
            initialpos = self.GM.get_initialpos(horiz_or_vert)
                self.word, initialpos[1], initialpos[0], horiz_or_vert
            )  # ...Put the suggested word on the gameboard "for real" (i.e. the player won't be able to move them anymore)
            self.serv.pick_tiles(self.serv.letter_holderPL1)  # ...Fill the letter holder with other tiles
                self.canvas, self.root, self.serv.letter_holderPL1
            )  # ...Print the new updated letter holder on
            print "Available letters : "  # To display first available letters in the holder
            print self.serv.letter_holderPL1

    def run(self):
        # create the root and the canvas
        self.GM = Gameboard()
        self.GM.init(self.canvas, self.root)
        self.canvas.bind("<Button-1>", self.GM.click)  # Bind button to function call
        self.canvas.tag_bind("DnD", "<ButtonPress-1>", self.GM.down)  # Bind button to function call
        self.canvas.tag_bind("DnD", "<ButtonRelease-1>", self.GM.chkup)  # Bind button to function call
        self.canvas.tag_bind("DnD", "<Enter>", self.GM.enter)  # Bind button to function call
        self.canvas.tag_bind("DnD", "<Leave>", self.GM.leave)  # Bind button to function call
        self.GM.associate_letter_tiles(self.serv.letter_holderPL1)  # Diplay first letter holder