コード例 #1
 def __str__(self):
     self.constructor_args_list = self.get_constructor_args()
     self.constructor_args = ", ".join(self.constructor_args_list)
     if generator_mode == 'HEADER':            
         comment = IfcDocumentation.description(self.class_name)
         comment = comment+"\n" if comment else ''
         return "%sclass %s : public %s {\npublic:%s%s%s\n};" % (comment,self.class_name,
             "IfcBaseEntity" if self.parent_class is None else self.parent_class,
             ("\n    bool is(Type::Enum v) const;"+
             "\n    Type::Enum type() const;"+
             "\n    static Type::Enum Class();"+
             "\n    %(class_name)s (IfcAbstractEntityPtr e = IfcAbstractEntityPtr());"+
            ("\n    %(class_name)s (%(constructor_args)s);" if len(self.constructor_args_list) else "")+
             "\n    typedef %(class_name)s* ptr;"+
             "\n    typedef SHARED_PTR< IfcTemplatedEntityList< %(class_name)s > > list;"+
             "\n    typedef IfcTemplatedEntityList< %(class_name)s >::it it;")%self.__dict__
     elif generator_mode == 'SOURCE':
         self.arguments.argstart = argument_start(self.class_name)
         self.constructor_implementation = "; ".join(self.get_constructor_implementation())
         return (("\n// Function implementations for %(class_name)s"+str(self.arguments)+str(self.inverse)+
         ("\nbool %(class_name)s::is(Type::Enum v) const { return v == Type::%(class_name)s; }" if self.parent_class is None else
         "\nbool %(class_name)s::is(Type::Enum v) const { return v == Type::%(class_name)s || %(parent_class)s::is(v); }")+
         "\nType::Enum %(class_name)s::type() const { return Type::%(class_name)s; }"+
         "\nType::Enum %(class_name)s::Class() { return Type::%(class_name)s; }"+
         "\n%(class_name)s::%(class_name)s(IfcAbstractEntityPtr e) { if (!is(Type::%(class_name)s)) throw IfcException(\"Unable to find find keyword in schema\"); entity = e; }"+
         ("\n%(class_name)s::%(class_name)s(%(constructor_args)s) { IfcWritableEntity* e = new IfcWritableEntity(Class()); %(constructor_implementation)s; entity = e; EntityBuffer::Add(this); }"  if len(self.constructor_args_list) else "")
コード例 #2
 def __init__(self,l):
     self.fancy_name = self.name[:-4] if self.name.endswith("Enum") else self.name
     if isinstance(self.type,EnumType): 
         self.len = len(self.type)
     elif isinstance(self.type,SelectType): selections.add(self.name)
     simple_types[self.name] = self
     comment = IfcDocumentation.description(self.name)
     self.comment = comment+"\n" if comment else ''
コード例 #3
    def __str__(self):
        s = ""
        argv = self.argstart
        for a in self.l:
            class_name = indent = comment = optional_comment = ""
            is_array = isinstance(a.type,ArrayType) and a.type.is_shared_ptr()
            return_type = str(a.type)
            if generator_mode == 'SOURCE':
                class_name = "%(class_name)s::"
                if isinstance(a.type,BinaryType) or (isinstance(a.type,ArrayType) and isinstance(a.type.type,BinaryType)):
                    function_body = " { throw; /* Not implemented argument*/ }"
                elif isinstance(a.type,ArrayType) and str(a.type.type) in entity_names:
                    function_body = " { RETURN_AS_LIST(%s,%d) }"%(a.type.type,argv)
                elif isinstance(a.type,ArrayType) and str(a.type.type) in selections:
                    function_body = " { RETURN_AS_LIST(IfcAbstractSelect,%d) }"%(argv)
                elif return_type in entity_names:
                    function_body = " { return reinterpret_pointer_cast<IfcBaseClass,%s>(*entity->getArgument(%d)); }"%(return_type,argv)
                elif return_type in enumerations:
                    function_body = " { return %s::FromString(*entity->getArgument(%d)); }"%(return_type,argv)
                    function_body = " { return *entity->getArgument(%d); }"%argv
                function_body2 = " { return !entity->getArgument(%d)->isNull(); }"%argv
                if isinstance(a.type,BinaryType) or (isinstance(a.type,ArrayType) and isinstance(a.type.type,BinaryType)):
                    function_body3 = " { if ( ! entity->isWritable() ) { throw; } }"
                elif return_type in enumerations:
                    function_body3 = " { if ( ! entity->isWritable() ) { entity = new IfcWritableEntity(entity); } ((IfcWritableEntity*)entity)->setArgument(%d,v%s,%s::ToString(v)); }"%(argv,"->generalize()" if is_array else "",return_type)
                    function_body3 = " { if ( ! entity->isWritable() ) { entity = new IfcWritableEntity(entity); } ((IfcWritableEntity*)entity)->setArgument(%d,v%s); }"%(argv,"->generalize()" if is_array else "")
                indent = "    "
                function_body = function_body2 = function_body3 = ";"
                comment = IfcDocumentation.description((self.class_name,a.name))
                comment = comment+"\n" if comment else ''
                comment = comment.replace("///","%s///"%indent)
                optional_comment = "%s/// Whether the optional attribute %s is defined for this %s\n"%(indent,a.name,self.class_name)
            if a.optional: s += "\n%s%sbool %shas%s()%s"%(optional_comment,indent,class_name,a.name,function_body2)
            if ( str(a.type) in enumerations ):
                return_type = "%(type)s::%(type)s"%a.__dict__
            elif ( str(a.type) in entity_names ):
                return_type = "%(type)s*"%a.__dict__
            s += "\n%s%s%s %s%s()%s"%(comment,indent,return_type,class_name,a.name,function_body)
            s += "\n%svoid %sset%s(%s v)%s"%(indent,class_name,a.name,return_type,function_body3)
            argv += 1

        if generator_mode == 'HEADER':
            s += "\n virtual unsigned int getArgumentCount() const { return %(n_arguments)d; }" % dict(class_name=self.class_name, n_arguments=len(self.l) + argument_start(self.class_name))

            s += "\n virtual ArgumentType getArgumentType(unsigned int i) const {"
            if len(self.l):
                s += " switch (i) {"
                for i, a in enumerate(self.l):
                    s += "case %d: " % (i + argument_start(self.class_name))
                    s += "return %s; " % a.type.type_enum()
                s += "}"
            if self.parent_class is not None:
                s += " return %s::getArgumentType(i); }" % self.parent_class
                s += " throw IfcException(\"argument out of range\"); }"

            s += "\n virtual const char* getArgumentName(unsigned int i) const {"
            if len(self.l):
                s += " switch (i) {"
                for i, a in enumerate(self.l):
                    s += "case %d: " % (i + argument_start(self.class_name))
                    s += "return \"%s\"; " % a.name
                s += "}"
            if self.parent_class is not None:
                s += " return %s::getArgumentName(i); }" % self.parent_class
                s += " throw IfcException(\"argument out of range\"); }"

            s += "\n virtual ArgumentPtr getArgument(unsigned int i) const { return entity->getArgument(i); }"
        return s