コード例 #1
ファイル: render.py プロジェクト: electricFeel/BeatKeeperHRM
 def set_font(self, family, size):
     Renderer.set_font(self, family, size)
     import ImageFont
         self._pil_font = ImageFont.load(family + ".ttf", size)
     except Exception:
         import warnings
         warnings.warn("Could not load %s.ttf font!", stacklevel=2)
             self._pil_font = ImageFont.load("cour.ttf", size)
         except Exception:
             warnings.warn("Could not load the cour.ttf font!! Loading the default", stacklevel=2)
             self._pil_font = ImageFont.load_default()
コード例 #2
ファイル: render.py プロジェクト: electricFeel/BeatKeeperHRM
 def set_font(self, family, size):
     Renderer.set_font(self, family, size)
     import ImageFont
         self._pil_font = ImageFont.load(family + ".ttf", size)
     except Exception:
         import warnings
         warnings.warn("Could not load %s.ttf font!", stacklevel=2)
             self._pil_font = ImageFont.load("cour.ttf", size)
         except Exception:
                 "Could not load the cour.ttf font!! Loading the default",
             self._pil_font = ImageFont.load_default()
コード例 #3
def startUp():
    log("Starting up ThexBerryClock (test)...")
    global TBC, iterations, itime

    iterations = 0
    itime = int(time.time())
    TBC = {}
    TBC['epoch'] = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
    TBC['bhdisplay'] = 0
    TBC['sleep'] = 0.01
    TBC['clockmode'] = effect_startupSplash
    TBC['bitcoin'] = 0
    TBC['btcopen'] = 0
    TBC['rainbowBorderMode'] = 0
    TBC['timers'] = {'bitcoin': 0, 'bhflipper': 0}
    TBC['timerFreqList'] = {'bitcoin': 60, 'bhflipper': 10}
    TBC['timerFuncList'] = {
        'bitcoin': getBitcoinPrice,
        'bhflipper': blockheight_flipDisplay
    TBC['matrix'] = RGBMatrix(32, 2)
    TBC['matrix'].pwmBits = 11
    TBC['matrix'].brightness = 50
    TBC['canvas'] = TBC['matrix'].CreateFrameCanvas()
    TBC['font'] = ImageFont.load(basePath + "/pilfonts/timR08.pil")
    TBC['blockheight'] = 0
    thread.start_new_thread(startup_blockheight, ())
    signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, interruptHandler)
コード例 #4
    def __init__(self, size_x, size_y, display_q):
        super(DisplayThread, self).__init__()
        self.display_q = display_q
        self.bus = 0
        self.device = 0
        self.x_max = 128
        self.y_max = 296
        self.size_x = size_x
        self.size_y = size_y

        self.stoprequest = threading.Event()

        self.epd = epd2in9.EPD()
        self.image = Image.new('1', (epd2in9.EPD_HEIGHT, epd2in9.EPD_WIDTH),
        self.font = ImageFont.load('terminus_12.pil')
        self.line_height = 16
        #self.font = ImageFont.truetype('terminus.ttf', 12)
        self.draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.image)

        self.screen = pyte.Screen(self.size_x, self.size_y)
        self.stream = pyte.Stream(self.screen)
        self.buffer = []
        self.cursor_enabled = False
コード例 #5
    def getImage(self, value, height=50, extension="PNG"):
        """ Get an image with PIL library 
      value code barre value
      height height in pixel of the bar code
      extension image file extension"""
        import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw
        from string import lower, upper

        # Create a missing font file
        decodeFontFile(courB08_pil, "courB08.pil")
        decodeFontFile(courB08_pbm, "courB08.pbm")

        # Get the bar code list
        bits = self.makeCode(value)

        # Get thee bar code with the checksum added
        code = ""
        for digit in self.EAN13:
            code += "%d" % digit

        # Create a new image
        position = 8
        im = Image.new("1", (len(bits) + position, height))

        # Load font
        font = ImageFont.load("courB08.pil")

        # Create drawer
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)

        # Erase image
        draw.rectangle(((0, 0), (im.size[0], im.size[1])), fill=256)

        # Draw first part of number
        draw.text((0, height - 9), code[0], font=font, fill=0)

        # Draw first part of number
        draw.text((position + 7, height - 9), code[1:7], font=font, fill=0)

        # Draw second part of number
        draw.text((len(bits) / 2 + 6 + position, height - 9),

        # Draw the bar codes
        for bit in range(len(bits)):
            # Draw normal bar
            if bits[bit] == '1':
                    ((bit + position, 0), (bit + position, height - 10)),
            # Draw long bar
            elif bits[bit] == 'L':
                    ((bit + position, 0), (bit + position, height - 3)),

        # Save the result image
        im.save(code + "." + lower(extension), upper(extension))
コード例 #6
ファイル: companions.py プロジェクト: lebauce/artub
 def change_value(self, name, value):
     if name == "font_face":
         if type(value) in (str, unicode): return
         sizes = []
         import ImageFont
         fontname = value.GetFaceName()
         filename = self.get_font_filename(value)
         if not filename and wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
             filename = "/Library/Fonts/" + fontname + "/rsrc"
         if filename[-4:].upper() in ('.TTF', '.OTF',) or filename[-6:].upper() == '.DFONT' or filename.endswith("/rsrc"):
             font = ImageFont.truetype(filename, value.GetPointSize())
             font = ImageFont.load(filename, value.GetPointSize())
         total_width = 0
         max_height = 0
         for c in self.obj.letters:
             size = font.getsize(c)
             max_height = max(max_height, size[1])
             total_width += size[0]
         self.build_font_image(fontname, font, (total_width, max_height), False)
         PropertiesBarChangeValue(self.resource, self.obj, "font_face",
                                  (("widths", tuple(sizes)),
                                  ("filename", join("fonts", str(fontname) + '.png')),
                                  ("font_face", fontname)), multiple = True, update_now = True)
     elif name in ("color", "scale", "alpha"):
         setattr(self.mouquet.sprite, name, value)
         AdvancedCompanion.change_value(self, name, value)
         AdvancedCompanion.change_value(self, name, value)
コード例 #7
ファイル: pixelirator.py プロジェクト: huaxudavis/pixelirator
def drawData(imagex, imagey, gapx, gapy, cellx, celly, cells, cellshape, bgcolor, bdexist, bdcolor, printval):
	global dataset

	if exists(os.path.join(fontpath,"courR08.pil")):
	    font = ImageFont.load(os.path.join(fontpath,"courR08.pil"))
	    font = ImageFont.load_default()

	dataimg = Image.new("RGBA", (imagex,imagey), bgcolor)
	draw = ImageDraw.Draw(dataimg)

	for i in range(0,imagex,gapx):
		for j in range(0,imagey,gapy):
			x, y, z=color
			txcolor=(255-x, 255-y, 255-z)
			if cellshape == "rectangle":
				if bdexist == 'Y':
        				draw.rectangle([i, j, i+cellx,j+celly], outline=bdcolor, fill=color)
        				draw.rectangle([i, j, i+cellx,j+celly], fill=color)		
				if bdexist == 'Y':
					draw.ellipse([i, j, i+cellx,j+celly], outline=bdcolor ,fill=color)
        				draw.ellipse([i, j, i+cellx,j+celly], fill=color)		
				draw.text((i+cells,j+cells), dataset[j/gapy][i/gapx], fill=txcolor, font=font)

	return dataimg		
コード例 #8
ファイル: pixelirator.py プロジェクト: huaxudavis/pixelirator
def label2img(labellist, height, fontname="helvR08.pil", imgformat="PNG", 
            fgcolor=(0,0,0), bgcolor=(255,255,255),
    if exists(os.path.join(fontpath,fontname)):
    	font = ImageFont.load(os.path.join(fontpath,fontname))
	font = ImageFont.load_default()
    imgOut = Image.new("RGBA", (20,49), bgcolor)

    # calculate space needed to render text
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(imgOut)
    sizex, sizey = draw.textsize(labellist[0], font=font)

    imgOut = imgOut.resize((sizex,height*labelNum))
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(imgOut)

    # render label into image draw area
    for i in range(labelNum):
    	draw.text((0, i*height), labellist[i], fill=fgcolor, font=font)

    if rotate_angle:
        imgOut = imgOut.rotate(rotate_angle)

    return imgOut
コード例 #9
def startUp():
  log("Starting up ThexBerryClock...")
  global TBC, iterations, itime

  iterations = 0
  itime = int(time.time())
  TBC = {}
  TBC['bhdisplay'] = 0
  TBC['sleep'] = 0.01
  TBC['clockmode'] = effect_startupSplash
  TBC['bitcoin'] = 0
  TBC['btcopen'] = 0
  TBC['rainbowBorderMode'] = 0
  TBC['timers'] = {'bitcoin':0,'bhflipper':0};
  TBC['timerFreqList'] = {'bitcoin':60,'bhflipper':10};
  TBC['timerFuncList'] = {'bitcoin':getBitcoinPrice,'bhflipper':blockheight_flipDisplay};
  TBC['matrix'] = RGBMatrix(32, 2)
  TBC['matrix'].pwmBits = 11
  TBC['matrix'].brightness = 50
  TBC['canvas'] = TBC['matrix'].CreateFrameCanvas()
  TBC['font'] = ImageFont.load(basePath + "/pilfonts/timR08.pil")
  TBC['blockheight'] = 0
  thread.start_new_thread( startup_blockheight, () )
  signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, interruptHandler)
コード例 #10
ファイル: graphic.py プロジェクト: rbe/dmerce
 def Init(self, x, y, size = (10, 10), color = (255, 255, 255),
              light = [], medium = [], dark = [], textcolor = (0, 0, 0),
              font = '/fonts/helvB14.pil', linecolor = (0, 0, 0),
              backlinecolor = (150, 150, 150), mc = 1.1, devc = (1, 1), xres = 1,
              yres = 1, xname = '', yname = '', colormode='RGB'):
     # x and y
     self.__x = x
     self.__y = y
     # ymax
     self.__ymax = max(self.__y)
     # size
     self.__size = size
     # colormode
     self.__colormode = colormode
     # background color
     self.__color = color
     # colorlists
     self.__light = light
     self.__medium = medium
     self.__dark = dark
     # text color
     self.__textcolor = textcolor
     # font
     self.__font = ImageFont.load(font)
     # line color
     self.__linecolor = linecolor
     # background line color
     self.__backlinecolor = backlinecolor
     # mc
     if not (isinstance(mc, types.IntType) or
             isinstance(mc, types.FloatType)):
         raise error.Error, 'Der Overspill Koeffizient ist nicht korrekt angegeben!'
     self.__mc = mc
     # perspectivical deviation coefficient
     if not (isinstance(devc, types.TupleType) and
             (isinstance(devc[0], types.IntType) or
              isinstance(devc[0], types.FloatType)) and
             (isinstance(devc[1], types.IntType) or
              isinstance(devc[1], types.FloatType)) and
             len(devc) == 2 and
             devc[0] >= 0 and
             devc[1] >= 0):
         raise error.Error, 'Der Koeffizient fuer die perspektivische Abweichung ist nicht korrekt angegeben!'
     self.__devc = devc
     # unitnames
     if not isinstance(xname, types.StringType):
         raise error.Error, 'Der Name fuer die x-Argumente ist kein String!'
     self.__xname = xname
     if not isinstance(yname, types.StringType):
         raise error.Error, 'Der Name fuer die y-Argumente ist kein String!'
     self.__yname = yname
     # res
     if not (isinstance(xres, types.IntType) or
             isinstance(xres, types.FloatType)):
         raise Error, 'Die Darstellungsaufloesung fuer die x-Achse ist nicht in korrektem Format angegeben!'
     self.__xres = xres
     if not (isinstance(yres, types.IntType) or
             isinstance(yres, types.FloatType)):
         raise Error, 'Die Darstellungsaufloesung fuer die y-Achse ist nicht in korrektem Format angegeben!'
     self.__yres = yres
コード例 #11
ファイル: EanBarCode.py プロジェクト: WebReflection/gratis
    def drawBarCode(self, value, draw, x, y, height=30):
        """ Convert string value to bar code starting at (x,y)
        and draw onto a PIL image
        height specifies in pixel of the bar code """

        import ImageFont

        # Get the bar code list
        bits = self.makeCode(value)

        # Get the bar code with the checksum added
        code = ""
        for digit in self.EAN13:
            code += "{n:d}".format(n=digit)

        # Load font
        font = ImageFont.load("courB08.pil")

        # Draw first part of number
        draw.text((x, y + height - 9), code[0], font=font, fill=0)

        # Draw first part of number
        draw.text((x + 15, y + height - 9), code[1:7], font=font, fill=0)

        # Draw second part of number
        draw.text((len(bits) / 2 + 14 + x, y + height - 9), code[7:], font=font, fill=0)

        # Draw the bar codes
        for bit in range(len(bits)):
            # Draw normal bar
            if bits[bit] == "1":
                draw.rectangle(((bit + x + 8, y), (bit + x + 8, y + height - 10)), fill=0)
            # Draw long bar
            elif bits[bit] == "L":
                draw.rectangle(((bit + x + 8, y), (bit + x + 8, y + height - 3)), fill=0)
コード例 #12
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: heyi5301332/BYR-Treehole
def captcha_image(request, key):
    store = get_object_or_404(CaptchaStore, hashkey=key)
    text = store.challenge

    if settings.CAPTCHA_FONT_PATH.lower().strip().endswith('ttf'):
        font = ImageFont.truetype(settings.CAPTCHA_FONT_PATH, settings.CAPTCHA_FONT_SIZE)
        font = ImageFont.load(settings.CAPTCHA_FONT_PATH)

    size = font.getsize(text)
    size = (size[0] * 2, int(size[1] * 1.2))
    image = Image.new('RGB', size, settings.CAPTCHA_BACKGROUND_COLOR)

        PIL_VERSION = int(NON_DIGITS_RX.sub('', Image.VERSION))
        PIL_VERSION = 116
    xpos = 2

    charlist = []
    for char in text:
        if char in settings.CAPTCHA_PUNCTUATION and len(charlist) >= 1:
            charlist[-1] += char
    for char in charlist:
        fgimage = Image.new('RGB', size, settings.CAPTCHA_FOREGROUND_COLOR)
        charimage = Image.new('L', font.getsize(' %s ' % char), '#000000')
        chardraw = ImageDraw.Draw(charimage)
        chardraw.text((0, 0), ' %s ' % char, font=font, fill='#ffffff')
        if settings.CAPTCHA_LETTER_ROTATION:
            if PIL_VERSION >= 116:
                charimage = charimage.rotate(random.randrange(*settings.CAPTCHA_LETTER_ROTATION), expand=0, resample=Image.BICUBIC)
                charimage = charimage.rotate(random.randrange(*settings.CAPTCHA_LETTER_ROTATION), resample=Image.BICUBIC)
        charimage = charimage.crop(charimage.getbbox())
        maskimage = Image.new('L', size)

        maskimage.paste(charimage, (xpos, 4, xpos + charimage.size[0], 4 + charimage.size[1]))
        size = maskimage.size
        image = Image.composite(fgimage, image, maskimage)
        xpos = xpos + 2 + charimage.size[0]

    image = image.crop((0, 0, xpos + 1, size[1]))
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)

    for f in settings.noise_functions():
        draw = f(draw, image)
    for f in settings.filter_functions():
        image = f(image)

    out = StringIO()
    image.save(out, "GIF")

    response = HttpResponse()
    response['Content-Type'] = 'image/png'

    return response
コード例 #13
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: 1060460048/ComPerformance
def captcha_image(request, key):
    store = get_object_or_404(CaptchaStore, hashkey=key)
    text = store.challenge

    if settings.CAPTCHA_FONT_PATH.lower().strip().endswith('ttf'):
        font = ImageFont.truetype(settings.CAPTCHA_FONT_PATH, settings.CAPTCHA_FONT_SIZE)
        font = ImageFont.load(settings.CAPTCHA_FONT_PATH)

    size = font.getsize(text)
    size = (size[0] * 2, int(size[1] * 1.2))
    image = Image.new('RGB', size, settings.CAPTCHA_BACKGROUND_COLOR)

        PIL_VERSION = int(NON_DIGITS_RX.sub('', Image.VERSION))
        PIL_VERSION = 116
    xpos = 2

    charlist = []
    for char in text:
        if char in settings.CAPTCHA_PUNCTUATION and len(charlist) >= 1:
            charlist[-1] += char
    for char in charlist:
        fgimage = Image.new('RGB', size, settings.CAPTCHA_FOREGROUND_COLOR)
        charimage = Image.new('L', font.getsize(' %s ' % char), '#000000')
        chardraw = ImageDraw.Draw(charimage)
        chardraw.text((0, 0), ' %s ' % char, font=font, fill='#ffffff')
        if settings.CAPTCHA_LETTER_ROTATION:
            if PIL_VERSION >= 116:
                charimage = charimage.rotate(random.randrange(*settings.CAPTCHA_LETTER_ROTATION), expand=0, resample=Image.BICUBIC)
                charimage = charimage.rotate(random.randrange(*settings.CAPTCHA_LETTER_ROTATION), resample=Image.BICUBIC)
        charimage = charimage.crop(charimage.getbbox())
        maskimage = Image.new('L', size)

        maskimage.paste(charimage, (xpos, 4, xpos + charimage.size[0], 4 + charimage.size[1]))
        size = maskimage.size
        image = Image.composite(fgimage, image, maskimage)
        xpos = xpos + 2 + charimage.size[0]

    image = image.crop((0, 0, xpos + 1, size[1]))
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)

    for f in settings.noise_functions():
        draw = f(draw, image)
    for f in settings.filter_functions():
        image = f(image)

    out = StringIO()
    image.save(out, "PNG")

    response = HttpResponse()
    response['Content-Type'] = 'image/png'

    return response
コード例 #14
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: Crackpot/gftop
def captcha_image(request,key):
    store = get_object_or_404(CaptchaStore,hashkey=key)
    tmpimage = Image.new('RGB', (10,10), settings.CAPTCHA_BACKGROUND_COLOR)
    if settings.CAPTCHA_FONT_PATH.lower().strip().endswith('ttf'):
        font = ImageFont.truetype(settings.CAPTCHA_FONT_PATH,settings.CAPTCHA_FONT_SIZE)
        font = ImageFont.load(settings.CAPTCHA_FONT_PATH)
    tmpdraw = ImageDraw.Draw(tmpimage)
    size = tmpdraw.textsize(text, font=font)
    image = tmpimage.resize((size[0]+4,size[1]+4))
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
    draw.text((2, 2), text, font = font, fill = settings.CAPTCHA_FOREGROUND_COLOR)
    for f in settings.noise_functions():
        draw = f(draw,image)
    for f in settings.filter_functions():
        image = f(image)
    out = StringIO()
    response = HttpResponse()
    response['Content-Type'] = 'image/png'
    return response
コード例 #15
ファイル: ec.py プロジェクト: Since-future/mytestpro
def GetCode128C(inputdate):
    bits = ""
    checksum = 105
    j = 1
    for index, a in enumerate(inputdate):
        if (index % 2 == 0):
            checksum += int(inputdate[index:index + 2].rstrip()) * j
            if (int(inputdate[index:index + 2]) < 95):
                bits += str(int(inputdate[index:index + 2]) + 32)
                bits += str(int(inputdate[index:index + 2]) + 100)
            j += 1
        index += 1
    checksum = checksum % 103
    if (checksum < 95):
        checksum += 32
        checksum += 100
    bits = str(205) + bits + str(checksum) + str(206)
    # Create a missing font file
    decodeFontFile(courB08_pil, "courB08.pil")
    decodeFontFile(courB08_pbm, "courB08.pbm")
    position = 8
    im = Image.new("1", (len(bits) + position, 50))
    # Load font
    font = ImageFont.load("courB08.pil")

    # Create drawer
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
    # Erase image
    draw.rectangle(((0, 0), (im.size[0], im.size[1])), fill=256)

    # Draw first part of number
    draw.text((0, 50 - 9), "hello", font=font, fill=0)

    # Draw first part of number
    draw.text((position + 7, 50 - 9), "hello", font=font, fill=0)

    # Draw second part of number
    draw.text((len(bits) / 2 + 6 + position, 50 - 9),

    # Erase image
    draw.rectangle(((0, 0), (im.size[0], im.size[1])), fill=256)
    for bit in range(len(bits)):
        # Draw normal bar
        if bits[bit] == '1':
            draw.rectangle(((bit + position, 0), (bit + position, 50 - 10)),
        # Draw long bar
        elif bits[bit] == 'L':
            draw.rectangle(((bit + position, 0), (bit + position, 50 - 3)),

    # Save the result image
    im.save(inputdate + "." + lower("png"), upper("png"))
コード例 #16
ファイル: typeset.py プロジェクト: logicplace/Imperial
	def apply(self, folder):
		if self["font"].reference():
			for text in self:
				font = text["font"].pointer()

				# Setup padding.
				padding = [
				try: pad = self.number("padding")
				except rpl.RPLBadType:
					pad = self.list("padding")
					if len(pad) == 2:
						if padding[0] == "": padding[0] = pad[0].number()
						if padding[1] == "": padding[1] = pad[0].number()
						if padding[2] == "": padding[2] = pad[1].number()
						if padding[3] == "": padding[3] = pad[1].number()
						if padding[0] == "": padding[0] = pad[0].number()
						if padding[1] == "": padding[1] = pad[1].number()
						if padding[2] == "": padding[2] = pad[2].number()
						if padding[3] == "": padding[3] = pad[3].number()
					if padding[0] == "": padding[0] = pad
					if padding[1] == "": padding[1] = pad
					if padding[2] == "": padding[2] = pad
					if padding[3] == "": padding[3] = pad

					self.rpl.share(text.resolve("file").get(folder), std.graphic.ImageFile),
					text.string(), {
						"box": [x.number() for x in text["box"].list()],
						"align": text["align"].string(),
						"valign": text["valign"].string(),
						"padleft": padding[0],
						"padright": padding[1],
						"padtop": padding[2],
						"padbottom": padding[3],
						"bg": text["bg"].tuple()
			# Load a font file..
			filename = self["font"].string()
			ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1][1:].lower()
			try: self.font = ImageFont.load(filename)
			except IOError as err1:
				try: self.font = ImageFont.truetype(filename, self["size"].number())
				except IOError as err2:
					raise RPLError("Could not load font %s, %s, %s." % (filename, err1.args[0], err2.args[0]))
コード例 #17
def make_helvetica_centered_text(imageName, text, size=300, color=(0, 0, 0)):
    Draws the text on an image.
    If you have not downloaded the font, this function will
    probably crash.

    # Try loading the font
    my_font = ImageFont.load('C:/Python27/pilfonts/helvR24.pil')
    make_centered_text(imageName, text, size, my_font, color)
コード例 #18
ファイル: EANBarCode.py プロジェクト: pacoqueen/bbinn
    def getImagePIL(self, value, height = 50, extension = "PNG"):
        Get an image with PIL library 
        value code barre value
        height height in pixel of the bar code
        extension image file extension.
        import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw

        if len(value) != 12 and len(value) != 13:
            # Si no es de la longitud correcta para EAN13 genero un Code9 en EncapsulatedPostScript y 
            # devuelvo un PIL con el contenido de ese archivo. OJO: Necesita ghostView para que PIL pueda
            # leer EPS.
            # DEPRECATED. El code39.py que solía usar ya no es el code39.py fusilado de ReportLab que uso ahora.
            import code39
            codbar = code39.Code39()
            value = value.upper()
            f = open(value+'.eps', 'wb')
            codbar.generate(value, f, 'eps')
            return Image.open(value+'.eps'), value
            # Create a missing font file
            decodeFontFile(courB08_pil ,"courB08.pil")
            decodeFontFile(courB08_pbm ,"courB08.pbm")
            # Get the bar code list
            bits = self.makeCode(value)
            # Get thee bar code with the checksum added
            code = ""
            for digit in self.EAN13:
                code += "%d"%digit
            # Create a new image
            position = 8
            im = Image.new("1",(len(bits)+position,height))
            # Load font
            font = ImageFont.load("courB08.pil")
            # Create drawer
            draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
            # Erase image
            # Draw first part of number
            draw.text((0, height-9), code[0], font=font, fill=0)
            # Draw first part of number
            draw.text((position+7, height-9), code[1:7], font=font, fill=0)
            # Draw second part of number
            draw.text((len(bits)/2+6+position, height-9), code[7:], font=font, fill=0)
            # Draw the bar codes
            for bit in range(len(bits)):
                # Draw normal bar
                if bits[bit] == '1':
                # Draw long bar
                elif bits[bit] == 'L':
            return im, code
コード例 #19
ファイル: ocr_zone_matching.py プロジェクト: VKEDCO/PYPL
def make_helvetica_centered_text(imageName, text, size = 300,
                                 color = (0,0,0)):
    Draws the text on an image.
    If you have not downloaded the font, this function will
    probably crash.

    # Try loading the font
    my_font = ImageFont.load('C:/Python27/pilfonts/helvR24.pil')
    make_centered_text(imageName, text, size, my_font, color)
コード例 #20
ファイル: code128.py プロジェクト: rechner/Taxidi
    def getImage(self,
        """ Get an image with PIL library
      value code barre value
      filename file to save as
      height height in pixel of the bar code
      extension image file type
      text enable/disable text render (default: False)
        import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw
        from string import upper

        # Get the bar code list
        bits = self.makeCode(value)

        # Create a new image
        position = 2
        im = Image.new("1", (len(bits) + position, height))

        # Create drawer
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)

        # Erase image
        draw.rectangle(((0, 0), (im.size[0], im.size[1])), fill=256)

        if text:
            # Create a missing font file
            decodeFontFile(courB08_pil, "courB08.pil")
            decodeFontFile(courB08_pbm, "courB08.pbm")
            # Load font
            font = ImageFont.load("courB08.pil")
            # Draw text
            draw.text((0, height - 9), value, font=font, fill=0)
            # Create room at bottom for text when code is generated.
            height = height - 10

        # Draw the bar codes
        for bit in range(len(bits)):
            if bits[bit] == '1':
                draw.rectangle(((bit + position, 0), (bit + position, height)),

        # Resize if needed
        if width != 0:
            im = im.resize((width, height))

        # Save the result image
        im.save(filename, upper(extension))
コード例 #21
ファイル: title.py プロジェクト: rbe/dmerce
 def Init(self, size = (10,10), colormode = "RGB", text = '', font = '/fonts/helvB12.pil' ,
              textcolor = (0,0,0), color = (255,255,255)):
     # size
     self.__size = size
     # colormode
     if not colormode in ["RGB", "RGBA", "1", "L", "P", "XYZ"]:
         raise error.Error, 'Das Farbformat fuer den Titelhintergrund ist nicht korrekt!'
     self.__colormode = colormode
     # text
     if not isinstance(text, types.StringType):
         raise error.Error, 'Die Titelzeile ist kein String!'
     s = ImageFont.load(font)
     if not (s.getsize(text)[0] < self.__size[0]):
         raise error.Error, 'Die Titelzeile ist zu lang!'
     self.__text = text
     # color
     self.__color = color
     # textcolor
     self.__textcolor = textcolor
     # font
     self.__font = ImageFont.load(font)
コード例 #22
 def __init__(self, interval=3):
     """ Constructor
     :type interval: int
     :param interval: Check interval, in seconds
     self.interval = interval
     self.channel_data = dict()
     self.histogram_data = list()
     self.showlight = False
     for i in chanlookup:
         self.channel_data[i] = dict()
     # Rows and chain length are both required parameters:
     if args.nolights is False: self.matrix = Adafruit_RGBmatrix(16, 1)
     # use a bitmap font
     if args.nolights is False:
         self.font = ImageFont.load("rpi-rgb-led-matrix/fonts/4x6.pil")
     if args.nolights is False:
         self.font2 = ImageFont.load("rpi-rgb-led-matrix/fonts/5x7.pil")
     thread = threading.Thread(target=self.run, args=())
     thread.daemon = True  # Daemonize thread
     thread.start()  # Start the execution
コード例 #23
ファイル: barcode_gen.py プロジェクト: alexhawdon/saturnalia
 def getImage(self, value, height = 50, extension = "PNG"):
    """ Get an image with PIL library 
    value code barre value
    height height in pixel of the bar code
    extension image file extension"""
    import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw
    from string import lower, upper
    # Create a missing font file
    decodeFontFile(courB08_pil ,"courB08.pil")
    decodeFontFile(courB08_pbm ,"courB08.pbm")
    # Get the bar code list
    bits = self.makeCode(value)
    # Get thee bar code with the checksum added
    code = ""
    for digit in self.EAN13:
       code += "%d"%digit
    # Create a new image
    position = 8
    im = Image.new("1",(len(bits)+position,height))
    # Load font
    font = ImageFont.load("courB08.pil")
    # Create drawer
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
    # Erase image
    # Draw first part of number
    draw.text((0, height-9), code[0], font=font, fill=0)
    # Draw first part of number
    draw.text((position+7, height-9), code[1:7], font=font, fill=0)
    # Draw second part of number
    draw.text((len(bits)/2+6+position, height-9), code[7:], font=font, fill=0)
    # Draw the bar codes
    for bit in range(len(bits)):
       # Draw normal bar
       if bits[bit] == '1':
       # Draw long bar
       elif bits[bit] == 'L':
    # Save the result image
    im.save(code+"."+lower(extension), upper(extension))
コード例 #24
def draw_subway_row(matrix, route_color, route_number, direction, minutes, station, row_start):
    if not matrix:
        raise Exception('No adafruit matrix passed')
    if (type(route_number) != 'string'):
        route_number = str(route_number)
    if (type(minutes) != 'string'):
        minutes = str(minutes)
    font = ImageFont.load(FONT_PATH)
    small_font = ImageFont.load(SMALL_FONT_PATH)
    row_width = 64
    row_height = 8
    x = 0
    y = 0
    circle_d = 6
    circle_text_y_offset = 1
    circle_text_x_offset = 2
    text_offset = 45
    station_letters = 6

    image = Image.new('RGB', (row_width, row_height))
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)

    # background
    draw.rectangle((x, y, row_width, row_height), fill=BLACK)
    # subway line
    draw.ellipse(((x, y), (x + circle_d, y + circle_d)), fill=route_color)
    draw.text((x + circle_text_x_offset, y + circle_text_y_offset), route_number, font=small_font, fill=WHITE)
    # information
    draw.text((8, y), direction, font=font, fill=WHITE)
    draw.text((50, y), 'min', font=font, fill=WHITE)

    if int(minutes) > 9:
        text_offset -= 5
        station_letters -= 1

    draw.text((14, y), station[:station_letters], font=font, fill=WHITE)
    draw.text((text_offset, y), minutes, font=font, fill=ORANGE)

    matrix.SetImage(image.im.id, x, row_start)
コード例 #25
ファイル: sdv.py プロジェクト: rbe/dmerce
 def RightLegend(self, x, y, font):
     s = ImageFont.load(font)
     h = self.__bottommost - self.__topmost
     wid = []
     for i in range(0, len(x)):
         wid.append(s.getsize(str(x[i]) + str(y[i]))[0] + 20)
     maxwid = max(wid)
     maxhi = s.getsize(str(x[0]))[1] + 10
     vnum = (h - 10) / maxhi
     hnum = len(x) / vnum + 1
     self.__legendsize = (hnum*maxwid, h)
     self.__legendlocation = (self.__rightmost - self.__legendsize[0], self.__topmost)
     self.__rightmost = self.__rightmost - self.__legendsize[0] - self.__dist
コード例 #26
ファイル: sdv.py プロジェクト: rbe/dmerce
 def BottomLegend(self, x, y, font):
     s = ImageFont.load(font)
     w = self.__rightmost - self.__leftmost
     wid = []
     for i in range(0, len(x)):
         wid.append(s.getsize(str(x[i]) + str(y[i]))[0] + 20)
     maxwid = max(wid)
     maxhi = s.getsize(str(x[0]))[1] + 10
     hnum = (w - 10) / maxwid
     vnum = len(x) / hnum + 1
     self.__legendsize = (w, vnum*maxhi)
     self.__legendlocation = (self.__leftmost, self.__bottommost - self.__legendsize[1] - self.__dist)
     self.__bottommost = self.__bottommost - self.__legendsize[1] - self.__dist
コード例 #27
ファイル: papertty.py プロジェクト: civicdata/PaperTTY
def load_font(path, size):
    """Load the PIL or TrueType font"""
        # first check if the font looks like a PILfont
        with open(path, 'rb') as f:
            if f.readline() == b"PILfont\n":
                font = ImageFont.load(path)
        # otherwise assume it's a TrueType font
                font = ImageFont.truetype(path, size)
    except IOError:
        error("Invalid font: '{}'".format(path))
    return font
コード例 #28
ファイル: rasterwand.py プロジェクト: mvanderkolff/navi-misc
    def __init__(self, dev, text, font=None, fontFile="data/helvetica8.pil", width=40):
        import ImageDraw, Image, ImageFont

        if font is None:
            font = ImageFont.load(fontFile)

        self.font = font
        self.dev = dev
        self.text = text

        self.frame = Image.new("1", (width, 8))
        self.draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.frame)
        self.textWidth = self.draw.textsize(text, font=font)[0]
コード例 #29
ファイル: legend.py プロジェクト: rbe/dmerce
    def Init(self, x = [0], y = [0], names = [], size = (10,10), text = '', color = (255,255,255),
                 colorlist = [], font = '/fonts/helvB10.pil',
                 textcolor = (0,0,0), colormode='RGB'):

        self.__x = x
        self.__y = y
        self.__names = names
        self.__size = size
        s = ImageFont.load(font)
        wid = []
        for i in range(0, len(self.__x)):
            wid.append(s.getsize(str(self.__x[i]) + str(self.__y[i]))[0] + 20)
        maxwid = max(wid)
        maxhi = s.getsize(str(x[0]))[1] + 10
        self.__rows = (self.__size[1] - 10) / maxhi + 1
        self.__cols = len(self.__x) /  self.__rows + 1
        self.__text = text
        self.__color = color
        self.__colorlist = colorlist
        self.__colormode = 'RGB'
        self.__colorlist = colorlist
        self.__font = ImageFont.load(font)
コード例 #30
    def __init__(self, clust_data, labels = None, bsize = 10, tree_space = 200):
        self.space = tree_space
        colours = ['blue', 'green', 'red', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'brown', 'orange']
        self.colour_map = self._init_colours(colours, [ x.cluster_id for x in clust_data.datapoints ])
        if labels is None:
            labels = [ clust_data.datapoints[x].sample_id for x in clust_data.reorder_indices ]

            self.font = ImageFont.load('courR08.pil') #Copyright (c) 1987 Adobe Systems, Inc., Portions Copyright 1988 Digital Equipment Corp.
        except IOError:
            self.font = None

        if len(clust_data.consensus_matrix) != len(labels):
            raise ValueError, "Number of columns and column label arrays have different lengths!"

        Hmap.__init__(self, clust_data.consensus_matrix, bsize = bsize) #Creates image in self.im if HMAP_ENABLED

        if self.im is not None:
            old_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.im)

            self.max_textsize = 0
            for label in labels:
                self.max_textsize = max(self.max_textsize, old_draw.textsize(label, font=self.font)[0])
            del old_draw #Keep GC from keeping the old image around

            if clust_data.tree is None:
                self.space = self.max_textsize + 5

            newsize = (self.im.size[1] + self.space, self.im.size[0])  #To hold our rotated copy and some text
            im = Image.new('RGBA', newsize, 'white')
            #Trick to make vertical text when we're done, and add tree space
            im.paste(self.im.rotate(-90), (0, 0, self.im.size[1], self.im.size[0]))

            self.im = im
            self.draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.im)
            #Actual work

            if clust_data.tree is not None:

            self.im = self.im.rotate(90)
コード例 #31
ファイル: text2image.py プロジェクト: JamesValero/yjl
def main():

  usage = 'usage: %prog [options] (in_text|-) out_image'
  parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version='%%prog %s' % __version__)
  parser.add_option('-f', '--font',
      type='str', dest='font',
      help='Font file for rendering text',
  parser.add_option('-s', '--size',
      type='int', dest='size', default=12,
      help='Font size (only available for TrueType of OpenType fonts) [default: %default]',
  parser.add_option('-p', '--padding',
      type='int', dest='padding', default=5,
      help='Text to border in pixels [default: %default]',
  parser.add_option('-l', '--line-height',
      type='float', dest='line_height', default=1.1,
      help='Line height in font-height [default: %default]',
  parser.add_option('-b', '--background',
      type='str', dest='background', default='#444',
      help='Background color [default: %default]',
  parser.add_option('-c', '--color',
      type='str', dest='color', default='#aaa',
      help='Text color [default: %default]',
      type='int', dest='border', default=5,
      help='Border width in pixels [default: %default]',
      type='str', dest='border_color', default='#000',
      help='Border color [default: %default]',
  options, args = parser.parse_args()

  if len(args) != 2:
    parser.error('Need both in_text (or -, from standard input) and out_image')

  # Loading font
  if options.font:
      if options.font.endswith('.ttf') or options.font.endswith('.otf'):
        font = ImageFont.truetype(options.font, options.size)
        font = ImageFont.load(options.font)
    except IOError, e:
      print e
      parser.error('Can not load font from %s' % options.font)
コード例 #32
ファイル: render.py プロジェクト: mosscat/troll-face.eu
	def __init__(self, message):
		if settings.TEXT_FONT_PATH.lower().strip().endswith('ttf'):
			font = ImageFont.truetype( settings.TEXT_FONT_PATH, settings.TEXT_FONT_SIZE, encoding = "unic")
			font = ImageFont.load( settings.TEXT_FONT_PATH, encoding = "unic")

		size = font.getsize( message)
		size = ( size[0]*2, int(size[1] * 1.2))
		image = Image.new( 'RGBA', size , settings.TEXT_BACKGROUND_COLOR)

			PIL_VERSION = 116

		xpos = 2
		for char in message:
			if( char!=' '):
				fgimage = Image.new( 'RGB', size, settings.TEXT_FOREGROUND_COLOR)
				charimage = Image.new( 'RGB', font.getsize(' %s '%char), '#000000')
				chardraw = ImageDraw.Draw( charimage)
				chardraw.text( ( 0,0), '%s' % char, font=font, fill='#ffffff')

				if settings.TEXT_LETTER_ROTATION:
					if PIL_VERSION >= 116:
						charimage = charimage.rotate( random.randrange( *settings.TEXT_LETTER_ROTATION ), expand=0, resample=Image.BICUBIC)
						charimage = charimage.rotate( random.randrange( *settings.TEXT_LETTER_ROTATION ), resample=Image.BICUBIC)

				charimage = charimage.crop( charimage.getbbox())
				maskimage = Image.new( 'L', size)

				maskimage.paste( charimage, (xpos, 4 + ( 12 - charimage.size[1]), xpos+charimage.size[0], 4 + ( 12 - charimage.size[1]) + charimage.size[1]))
				size = maskimage.size
				image = Image.composite( fgimage, image, maskimage)
				xpos = xpos + 2 + charimage.size[0]
				xpos = xpos + 8

		image = image.crop((0,0,xpos+1,size[1]))

		self.out = StringIO()
		image.save( self.out, "PNG")
		self.out.seek( 0)

		super( text, self).__init__(
			content_type = 'image/png',
			status = 200,
			content = self.out.read(),
コード例 #33
ファイル: diagram.py プロジェクト: rbe/dmerce
    def Draw_Pie(self):
        id = Image.new(self.__colorformat, self.__size, self.__backgroundcol)
        im = ImageDraw.Draw(id)
        font = ImageFont.load('/fonts/' + self.__font)
        fontt = ImageFont.load('/fonts/' + self.__titlefont) 
        blc = (self.__xmargin, self.__ymargin + self.__piesize[1])
        brc = (self.__xmargin + self.__piewidth, self.__ymargin + self.__piesize[1])
        center = (blc[0] + self.__piewidth / 2, blc[1] - self.__piedepth / 2 - self.__pieheight)
        im.ellipse([blc[0], blc[1] - self.__piedepth, brc[0], brc[1]], self.__piesidecol, self.__piesidecol)
        im.rectangle([blc[0], blc[1] - self.__piedepth / 2, brc[0], brc[1] - self.__piedepth / 2 - self.__pieheight],
                     self.__piesidecol, self.__piesidecol)
        im.line([(blc[0], blc[1] - self.__piedepth / 2), (blc[0] + self.__piewidth, blc[1] - self.__piedepth / 2)], self.__piesidecol)
        im.ellipse([blc[0], blc[1] - self.__piedepth - self.__pieheight, brc[0], brc[1] - self.__pieheight], self.__piesidecol, self.__piesidecol)
        sum = 0
        for i in range(0, len(self.__y)):
            sum = sum + self.__y[i]
        s = 0.0
        for i in range(0, len(self.__y)):
            ang = ((self.__y[i]*1.0) / sum) * 360
            im.pieslice([blc[0], blc[1] - self.__piedepth - self.__pieheight, brc[0], brc[1] - self.__pieheight],
                        s, s + ang, self.__colors[i], self.__colors[i])
            s = s + ang
        for i in range(0, len(self.__y), 2):
            im.text((self.__xmargin, self.__size[1] - self.__piebottommargin + i/2*15 +10),
                    self.__x[i] + ':', self.__colors[i], font)
            im.text((self.__xmargin + 300, self.__size[1] - self.__piebottommargin + i/2*15 +10),
                    str(self.__y[i]), self.__colors[i], font)
            if i+1 < len(self.__y):
                im.text((self.__xmargin + 400, self.__size[1] - self.__piebottommargin + i/2*15 +10),
                        self.__x[i+1] + ':', self.__colors[i+1], font)
                im.text((self.__xmargin + 600, self.__size[1] - self.__piebottommargin + i/2*15 +10),
                        str(self.__y[i+1]), self.__colors[i+1], font)

        if self.__title != '':
            im.text((self.__piesize[0] + 30, 30), self.__title, self.__titlefontcol, fontt)

        id.save(open(self.__filename, "w"), self.__fileformat) 
コード例 #34
def main(argv):
    if len(argv) < 4:
        print("invalid arguments")
        print("usage: python process_font.py FONT.pil FONT_NAME FONT_SIZE")
        return False

    file_name = argv[1]
    font_name = argv[2]
    font_size = argv[3]

        font = ImageFont.load(file_name)
    except IOError, e:
        print("Failed to open font file! {0}".format(e))
        return False
コード例 #35
ファイル: montage.py プロジェクト: 4LifeX/d3-montage
def generate_montage(filenames):
    images = [Image.open(filename) for filename in filenames]

    width = 0
    height = 0
    i = 0
    sum_x = max_y = 0 
    width = max(image.size[1]+margin for image in images)*row_size
    height = sum(image.size[0]+margin for image in images)

    montage = Image.new(mode='RGBA', size=(width, height), color=(0,0,0,0))
        image_font = ImageFont.truetype('font/Helvetica.ttf', 18)
            image_font = ImageFont.load('font/Helvetica-18.pil')
            image_font = ImageFont.load_default()
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(montage)
    offset_x = offset_y = 0

    i = 0
    max_y = 0
    max_x = 0
    offset_x = 0
    for image in images:
        montage.paste(image, (offset_x, offset_y))

        text_coords = offset_x + image.size[0] - 45, offset_y + 120
        draw.text(text_coords, '#{0}'.format(i+1), font=image_font)
        max_x = max(max_x, offset_x+image.size[0])
        if i % row_size == row_size-1: 
            offset_y += max_y+margin
            max_y = 0
            offset_x = 0
            offset_x += image.size[0]+margin
            max_y = max(max_y, image.size[1])

        i += 1

    if i % row_size:
        offset_y += max_y

    filename = strftime("Montage %Y-%m-%d at %H.%M.%S.png")
    montage = montage.crop((0, 0, max_x, offset_y))
コード例 #36
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: vden/TsoguNG
def captcha_image(request,key):
    store = get_object_or_404(CaptchaStore,hashkey=key)
    if settings.CAPTCHA_FONT_PATH.lower().strip().endswith('ttf'):
        font = ImageFont.truetype(settings.CAPTCHA_FONT_PATH,settings.CAPTCHA_FONT_SIZE)
        font = ImageFont.load(settings.CAPTCHA_FONT_PATH)
    size = font.getsize(text)
    size = (size[0]*2,size[1])
    image = Image.new('RGB', size , settings.CAPTCHA_BACKGROUND_COLOR)
    xpos = 2
    for char in text:
        fgimage = Image.new('RGB', size, settings.CAPTCHA_FOREGROUND_COLOR)
        charimage = Image.new('L', font.getsize(' %s '%char), '#000000')
        chardraw = ImageDraw.Draw(charimage)
        chardraw.text((0,0), ' %s '%char, font=font, fill='#ffffff')
        if hasattr(Image,'VERSION') and int(Image.VERSION.replace('.','')) >= 116:
            charimage = charimage.rotate(random.randrange( *settings.CAPTCHA_LETTER_ROTATION ), expand=0, resample=Image.BICUBIC)
            charimage = charimage.rotate(random.randrange( *settings.CAPTCHA_LETTER_ROTATION ), resample=Image.BICUBIC)
        charimage = charimage.crop(charimage.getbbox())
        maskimage = Image.new('L', size)
        maskimage.paste(charimage, (xpos, 4, xpos+charimage.size[0], 4+charimage.size[1] ))
        size = maskimage.size
        image = Image.composite(fgimage, image, maskimage)
        xpos = xpos + 2 + charimage.size[0]
    image = image.crop((0,0,xpos+1,size[1]))
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
    for f in settings.noise_functions():
        draw = f(draw,image)
    for f in settings.filter_functions():
        image = f(image)
    out = StringIO()
    response = HttpResponse()
    response['Content-Type'] = 'image/png'
    return response
コード例 #37
ファイル: code128.py プロジェクト: rechner/Taxidi
   def getImage(self, value, filename, width = 0, height = 50, extension = "PNG",
                text = False):
      """ Get an image with PIL library
      value code barre value
      filename file to save as
      height height in pixel of the bar code
      extension image file type
      text enable/disable text render (default: False)
      import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw
      from string import upper

      # Get the bar code list
      bits = self.makeCode(value)

      # Create a new image
      position = 2
      im = Image.new("1",(len(bits)+position,height))

      # Create drawer
      draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)

      # Erase image

      if text:
         # Create a missing font file
         decodeFontFile(courB08_pil ,"courB08.pil")
         decodeFontFile(courB08_pbm ,"courB08.pbm")
         # Load font
         font = ImageFont.load("courB08.pil")
         # Draw text
         draw.text((0, height-9), value, font=font, fill=0)
         # Create room at bottom for text when code is generated.
         height = height - 10

      # Draw the bar codes
      for bit in range(len(bits)):
         if bits[bit] == '1':

      # Resize if needed
      if width != 0:
         im = im.resize((width, height))

      # Save the result image
      im.save(filename, upper(extension))
コード例 #38
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: megamidiagroup/tcd_offline
def captcha_image(request,key):
    store = get_object_or_404(CaptchaStore,hashkey=key)
    if settings.CAPTCHA_FONT_PATH.lower().strip().endswith('ttf'):
        font = ImageFont.truetype(settings.CAPTCHA_FONT_PATH,settings.CAPTCHA_FONT_SIZE)
        font = ImageFont.load(settings.CAPTCHA_FONT_PATH)
    size = font.getsize(text)
    size = (size[0]*2,size[1])
    image = Image.new('RGB', size , settings.CAPTCHA_BACKGROUND_COLOR)
    xpos = 2
    for char in text:
        fgimage = Image.new('RGB', size, settings.CAPTCHA_FOREGROUND_COLOR)
        charimage = Image.new('L', font.getsize(' %s '%char), '#000000')
        chardraw = ImageDraw.Draw(charimage)
        chardraw.text((0,0), ' %s '%char, font=font, fill='#ffffff')
        charimage = charimage.rotate(random.randrange( *settings.CAPTCHA_LETTER_ROTATION ), expand=0, resample=Image.BICUBIC)
        charimage = charimage.crop(charimage.getbbox())
        maskimage = Image.new('L', size)
        maskimage.paste(charimage, (xpos, 4, xpos+charimage.size[0], 4+charimage.size[1] ))
        size = maskimage.size
        image = Image.composite(fgimage, image, maskimage)
        xpos = xpos + 2 + charimage.size[0]
    image = image.crop((0,0,xpos+1,size[1]))
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
    for f in settings.noise_functions():
        draw = f(draw,image)
    for f in settings.filter_functions():
        image = f(image)
    out = StringIO()
    response = HttpResponse()
    response['Content-Type'] = 'image/png'
    return response
コード例 #39
ファイル: trace.py プロジェクト: Zinebl/Pyro-Robotics-OSX
 def drawSymbol(self, loc, angle, label = None):
     pointList = []
     if type(label) == type("") and len(label) >= 2 and label[0] == '"':
         label = label[1:-1]
     elif label:
         label = self.getSymbol(label)
         label = self.getSymbol(1)
     colorNum = self.getColor(label)
     if self.symbols:
         self.drawObj.text(loc, label, font = ImageFont.load(self.fontFilename),
                           fill = self.indexToColor(colorNum) )
         self.drawObj.line([(loc[0], loc[1]),
                       (loc[0] + self.length * math.sin(angle),
                        loc[1] + self.length * math.cos(angle))],
                      fill = self.indexToColor(colorNum))
         self.drawObj.ellipse( (loc[0] - 2, loc[1] - 2, loc[0] + 2, loc[1] + 2),
                          fill = (0, 0, 0))
コード例 #40
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: pacoqueen/ginn
 def drawOnPIL(self):
     Funciona igual que el método "draw" y "drawOnDW" 
     sólo que usa PIL para dibujar.
     Necesita los archivos de fuentes usados en EANBarCode.
         import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw
     except ImportError:
         from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw
     from informes.barcode.EANBarCode import decodeFontFile, courB08_pil, courB08_pbm, FDEST_PIL, FDEST_PBM
     # Fuente:
     decodeFontFile(courB08_pil, FDEST_PIL)
     decodeFontFile(courB08_pbm, FDEST_PBM)
     font = ImageFont.load(FDEST_PIL)
     # Imagen:
     im = Image.new("1", map(int, (self.width, self.height + 15)))
     # Lienzo:
     dw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
     # Comienzo con lienzo en blanco:
     # Dibujo el número 
     dw.text((self.width * 0.5 - len(self.value) * 1.5, im.size[1] - 12), self.value, font=font, fill=0)
     # Dibujo las barras:    
     xdim = self.xdim
     wx = xdim * self.ratio
     left = self.xo
     b = self.bearers * xdim
     bb = b * 0.5 + 3
     tb = self.height - (b * 1.5)
     for c in self.decomposed:
         if c == 'i': left = left + self.gap
         elif c == 's': left = left + xdim
         elif c == 'S': left = left + wx
         elif c == 'b': dw.rectangle(((left, bb), (left + xdim, tb)), fill = 0); left = left + xdim
         elif c == 'B': dw.rectangle(((left, bb), (left + wx, tb)), fill = 0); left = left + wx
     if self.bearers:
         dw.rectangle(((self.lquiet, 0.0), (self.width - (self.lquiet + self.rquiet), b)), fill = 0)
         dw.rectangle(((self.lquiet, self.height - b), (self.width - (self.lquiet + self.rquiet), b)), fill = 0)
     return im
コード例 #41
 def change_value(self, name, value):
     if name == "font_face":
         if type(value) in (str, unicode): return
         sizes = []
         import ImageFont
         fontname = value.GetFaceName()
         filename = self.get_font_filename(value)
         if not filename and wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
             filename = "/Library/Fonts/" + fontname + "/rsrc"
         if filename[-4:].upper() in (
         ) or filename[-6:].upper() == '.DFONT' or filename.endswith(
             font = ImageFont.truetype(filename, value.GetPointSize())
             font = ImageFont.load(filename, value.GetPointSize())
         total_width = 0
         max_height = 0
         for c in self.obj.letters:
             size = font.getsize(c)
             max_height = max(max_height, size[1])
             total_width += size[0]
         self.build_font_image(fontname, font, (total_width, max_height),
             "font_face", (("widths", tuple(sizes)),
                           ("filename", join("fonts",
                                             str(fontname) + '.png')),
                           ("font_face", fontname)),
     elif name in ("color", "scale", "alpha"):
         setattr(self.mouquet.sprite, name, value)
         AdvancedCompanion.change_value(self, name, value)
         AdvancedCompanion.change_value(self, name, value)
コード例 #42
    def legend(self, heights):
        template = os.path.join(self.inpath, "density.png")
        legend_img = os.path.join(self.target, "pop_density_legend.png")

        font_file = "./pilfonts/helvB14.pil"
        font = ImageFont.load(font_file)

        im = Image.open(template)
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)

        text = ""
        X = 75
        Y = 90

        for h in heights:
            text = "%.1f\n" % (h)
            draw.text((X, Y), text, (0, 0, 0), font=font)
            Y += 47

        print "saved legend to ", legend_img
コード例 #43
ファイル: pointrenderer.py プロジェクト: cedadev/cows
    def txt2img(self, label, fontname="courB08.pil", imgformat="PNG", fgcolor=(0,0,0), bgcolor=(255,255,255),rotate_angle=0):

        """Render text as image."""
        fontpath = pylons.config['pilfonts_dir']
        font = ImageFont.load(os.path.join(fontpath,fontname))
        imgOut = Image.new("RGBA", (20,49), (0,0,0,0))

        # calculate space needed to render text
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(imgOut)
        sizex, sizey = draw.textsize(label, font=font)

        imgOut = imgOut.resize((sizex,sizey))

        # render text into image draw area
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(imgOut)
        draw.text((0, 0), label, fill=fgcolor, font=font)

        if rotate_angle:
                imgOut = imgOut.rotate(rotate_angle)

        return imgOut
コード例 #44
	def legend(self, heights):
		template		= os.path.join(self.inpath, "density.png")
		legend_img 		= os.path.join(self.target,"pop_density_legend.png")
		font_file   	= "./pilfonts/helvB14.pil"
		font 			= ImageFont.load(font_file)
		im 				= Image.open(template)
		draw 			= ImageDraw.Draw(im)
		text = ""
		X = 75
		Y = 90
		for h in heights:
			text = "%.1f\n" % (h)
			draw.text((X, Y), text, (0,0,0), font=font)
			Y += 47
		print "saved legend to ", legend_img
コード例 #45
    def drawBarCode(self, value, draw, x, y, height=30):
        """ Convert string value to bar code starting at (x,y)
        and draw onto a PIL image
        height specifies in pixel of the bar code """

        import ImageFont

        # Get the bar code list
        bits = self.makeCode(value)

        # Get the bar code with the checksum added
        code = ''
        for digit in self.EAN13:
            code += '{n:d}'.format(n=digit)

        # Load font
        font = ImageFont.load('courB08.pil')

        # Draw first part of number
        draw.text((x, y + height - 9), code[0], font=font, fill=0)

        # Draw first part of number
        draw.text((x + 15, y + height - 9), code[1:7], font=font, fill=0)

        # Draw second part of number
        draw.text((len(bits) / 2 + 14 + x, y + height - 9),

        # Draw the bar codes
        for bit in range(len(bits)):
            # Draw normal bar
            if bits[bit] == '1':
                    ((bit + x + 8, y), (bit + x + 8, y + height - 10)), fill=0)
            # Draw long bar
            elif bits[bit] == 'L':
                    ((bit + x + 8, y), (bit + x + 8, y + height - 3)), fill=0)
コード例 #46
ファイル: Code128.py プロジェクト: okertanov/functional
   def getImage(self, value, width, height = 50, extension = "PNG"):
      """ Get an image with PIL library
      value code barre value
      height height in pixel of the bar code
      extension image file extension"""
      import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw
      from string import lower, upper

      # Create a missing font file
      decodeFontFile(courB08_pil ,"courB08.pil")
      decodeFontFile(courB08_pbm ,"courB08.pbm")

      # Get the bar code list
      bits = self.makeCode(value)

      # Create a new image
      position = 4
      original_width = len(bits)+position
      im = Image.new("1",(width, height))

      # Load font
      #font = ImageFont.truetype("symbol.ttf", 16, encoding="symb")
      font = ImageFont.load("courB08.pil")

      # Create drawer
      draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)

      # Erase image

      # Draw text
      draw.text((42, height-12), value, font=font, fill=0)

      # Draw the bar codes
      for bit in range(len(bits)):
         if bits[bit] == '1':

      # Save the result image
      im.save(value+"."+lower(extension), upper(extension))
コード例 #47
ファイル: bar_code_128.py プロジェクト: leogregianin/PyNFe
    def getImage(self, value, height=50, extension="PNG"):
        """ Get an image with PIL library 
      value code barre value
      height height in pixel of the bar code
      extension image file extension"""
        import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw
        from string import lower, upper

        # Create a missing font file
        decodeFontFile(courB08_pil, "courB08.pil")
        decodeFontFile(courB08_pbm, "courB08.pbm")

        # Get the bar code list
        bits = self.makeCode(value)

        # Create a new image
        position = 8
        im = Image.new("1", (len(bits) + position, height))

        # Load font
        font = ImageFont.load("courB08.pil")

        # Create drawer
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)

        # Erase image
        draw.rectangle(((0, 0), (im.size[0], im.size[1])), fill=256)

        # Draw text
        draw.text((0, height - 9), value, font=font, fill=0)

        # Draw the bar codes
        for bit in range(len(bits)):
            if bits[bit] == '1':
                    ((bit + position, 0), (bit + position, height - 10)),

        # Save the result image
        im.save(value + "." + lower(extension), upper(extension))
コード例 #48
ファイル: trace.py プロジェクト: agigom2233/pyrobot
 def drawSymbol(self, loc, angle, label=None):
     pointList = []
     if type(label) == type("") and len(label) >= 2 and label[0] == '"':
         label = label[1:-1]
     elif label:
         label = self.getSymbol(label)
         label = self.getSymbol(1)
     colorNum = self.getColor(label)
     if self.symbols:
         self.drawObj.line([(loc[0], loc[1]),
                            (loc[0] + self.length * math.sin(angle),
                             loc[1] + self.length * math.cos(angle))],
             (loc[0] - 2, loc[1] - 2, loc[0] + 2, loc[1] + 2),
             fill=(0, 0, 0))
コード例 #49
NON_DIGITS_RX = re.compile('[^\d]')

def captcha_image(request, key):
    store = get_object_or_404(CaptchaStore, hashkey=key)
    text = store.challenge

    if settings.CAPTCHA_FONT_PATH.lower().strip().endswith('ttf'):
            font = ImageFont.truetype(settings.CAPTCHA_FONT_PATH,
        except Exception, e:
            print e
        font = ImageFont.load(settings.CAPTCHA_FONT_PATH)

    size = font.getsize(text)
    size = (size[0] * 2, int(size[1] * 1.2))
    image = Image.new('RGB', size, settings.CAPTCHA_BACKGROUND_COLOR)

        PIL_VERSION = int(NON_DIGITS_RX.sub('', Image.VERSION))
        PIL_VERSION = 116
    xpos = 2

    charlist = []
    for char in text:
        if char in settings.CAPTCHA_PUNCTUATION and len(charlist) >= 1:
            charlist[-1] += char
コード例 #50
shortTimeColor = (255, 0, 0)  # Short arrival time = red
minsColor = (110, 110, 110)  # Commans and 'minutes' labels
noTimesColor = (0, 0, 255)  # No predictions = blue

#routeColor     = (255, 255, 255) # Color for route labels (usu. numbers)
#descColor      = (255, 140, 0) # " for route direction/description
#longTimeColor  = (255, 140, 0) # Ample arrival time = green
#midTimeColor   = (255, 140, 0) # Medium arrival time = yellow
#shortTimeColor = (255, 140, 0) # Short arrival time = red
#minsColor      = (255, 140, 0) # Commans and 'minutes' labels
#noTimesColor   = (255, 255, 255) # No predictions = blue

# TrueType fonts are a bit too much for the Pi to handle -- slow updates and
# it's hard to get them looking good at small sizes.  A small bitmap version
# of Helvetica Regular taken from X11R6 standard distribution works well:
font = ImageFont.load(
    os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/fonts/helvetica-8.pil')
fontYoffset = -2  # Scoot up a couple lines so descenders aren't cropped

# Main application -----------------------------------------------------------

# Drawing takes place in offscreen buffer to prevent flicker
image = Image.new('RGB', (width, height))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
currentTime = 0.0
prevTime = 0.0

# Clear matrix on exit.  Otherwise it's annoying if you need to break and
# fiddle with some code while LEDs are blinding you.
def clearOnExit():
コード例 #51
    def __init__(self, clust_data, labels=None, bsize=10, tree_space=200):

        self.space = tree_space

        colours = [
            'blue', 'green', 'red', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'brown', 'orange'
        self.colour_map = self._init_colours(
            colours, [x.cluster_id for x in clust_data.datapoints])

        if labels is None:
            labels = [
                for x in clust_data.reorder_indices

            self.font = ImageFont.load(
            )  #Copyright (c) 1987 Adobe Systems, Inc., Portions Copyright 1988 Digital Equipment Corp.
        except IOError:
            self.font = None

        if len(clust_data.consensus_matrix) != len(labels):
            raise ValueError, "Number of columns and column label arrays have different lengths!"

        Hmap.__init__(self, clust_data.consensus_matrix,
                      bsize=bsize)  #Creates image in self.im if HMAP_ENABLED

        if self.im is not None:

            old_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.im)

            self.max_textsize = 0
            for label in labels:
                self.max_textsize = max(
                    old_draw.textsize(label, font=self.font)[0])

            del old_draw  #Keep GC from keeping the old image around

            if clust_data.tree is None:
                self.space = self.max_textsize + 5

            newsize = (self.im.size[1] + self.space, self.im.size[0]
                       )  #To hold our rotated copy and some text
            im = Image.new('RGBA', newsize, 'white')

            #Trick to make vertical text when we're done, and add tree space
                     (0, 0, self.im.size[1], self.im.size[0]))

            self.im = im
            self.draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.im)

            #Actual work

            if clust_data.tree is not None:

            self.im = self.im.rotate(90)
コード例 #52
height = 16  # types (incl. tiling).  Other code may need tweaks.
matrix = Adafruit_RGBmatrix(16, 1)  # rows, chain length
fps = 12  # Scrolling speed (ish)

routeColor = (255, 255, 255)  # Color for route labels (usu. numbers)
descColor = (110, 110, 110)  # " for route direction/description
longTimeColor = (0, 255, 0)  # Ample arrival time = green
midTimeColor = (255, 255, 0)  # Medium arrival time = yellow
shortTimeColor = (255, 0, 0)  # Short arrival time = red
minsColor = (110, 110, 110)  # Commans and 'minutes' labels
noTimesColor = (0, 0, 255)  # No predictions = blue

# TrueType fonts are a bit too much for the Pi to handle -- slow updates and
# it's hard to get them looking good at small sizes.  A small bitmap version
# of Helvetica Regular taken from X11R6 standard distribution works well:
font = ImageFont.load(
    os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/helvR08.pil')
fontYoffset = -2  # Scoot up a couple lines so descenders aren't cropped

# Main application -----------------------------------------------------------

# Drawing takes place in offscreen buffer to prevent flicker
image = Image.new('RGB', (width, height))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
currentTime = 0.0
prevTime = 0.0

# Clear matrix on exit.  Otherwise it's annoying if you need to break and
# fiddle with some code while LEDs are blinding you.
def clearOnExit():
コード例 #53
ファイル: csvfunction.py プロジェクト: spencerkoch/jsontemp
import csv
import urllib

import time
import ImageDraw
from PIL import Image
import ImageFont
from rgbmatrix import Adafruit_RGBmatrix

matrix = Adafruit_RGBmatrix(32, 1)
font = ImageFont.load("10x20.pil")
url = "http://api.thingspeak.com/channels/15486/feed.csv?key=1X5610SMHNUIF9XL"

def gettemp(url):
    response = urllib.urlopen(url)
    cr = csv.reader(response)
    rows = list(cr)
    row1 = rows[100]
    return row1[2]

#print "Current temp is " + gettemp(url)  +" degrees."
count = 0
while (count < 100):
    image = Image.new("RGB", (512, 32), (0, 0, 0))
    red = (255, 0, 0)
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
    drawstring = "Current temp is " + gettemp(url) + " degrees."
    draw.text((0, 0), drawstring, font=font, fill=red)
コード例 #54
 def __load_fonts(self):
     """ Load the fonts that will be used by the display """
     self.font1 = ImageFont.truetype(AmpView.FONT1, 10)
     self.font2 = ImageFont.load(AmpView.FONT2)
     self.font3 = ImageFont.truetype(AmpView.FONT3, 8)
コード例 #55
ファイル: text2image.py プロジェクト: yestin/yjl
def main():

    usage = 'usage: %prog [options] (in_text|-) out_image'
    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version='%%prog %s' % __version__)
        help='Font file for rendering text',
        'Font size (only available for TrueType of OpenType fonts) [default: %default]',
        help='Text to border in pixels [default: %default]',
        help='Line height in font-height [default: %default]',
        help='Background color [default: %default]',
        help='Text color [default: %default]',
        help='Border width in pixels [default: %default]',
        help='Border color [default: %default]',
    options, args = parser.parse_args()

    if len(args) != 2:
            'Need both in_text (or -, from standard input) and out_image')

    # Loading font
    if options.font:
            if options.font.endswith('.ttf') or options.font.endswith('.otf'):
                font = ImageFont.truetype(options.font, options.size)
                font = ImageFont.load(options.font)
        except IOError, e:
            print e
            parser.error('Can not load font from %s' % options.font)
コード例 #56
### Global parameters
resolveSearch = 1                         # resolve hostname for search nodes
ageDecay = 40                             # amount of color do decay on each hop
ipStart = None                            # ip to draw link depth from
xplanetParms = None                       # extra parameters for xplanet map
drawUNodes = 0                            # should i draw user nodes too ?
worldMap = 0                              # should i draw a world map and plot nodes ?
# Colors
snColor = (100,200,200)
unColorFire = (200,0,0)
unColor = (200,200,200)
peerLine = (255,0,0)
userLine = (100,100,100)
# Fonts
    ifoSmall = ImageFont.load("fonts/courR08.pil")
    ifoDate = ImageFont.truetype("fonts/Vera.ttf",28)
    ifoStats = ImageFont.truetype("fonts/Vera.ttf",20)
    ifoSearch = ImageFont.truetype("fonts/Vera.ttf",20)
    print "Error loading font files, make sure they are on \"fonts/\""

### Global vars
global searchNodes,userNodes,visited
#TODO: refactor these global parms to a "env" container object. It's really annoying to "declare" them global on every function when needed.

searchNodes = []
userNodes = []
visited = []                              # list of visited arcs
fireWalled = 0                            # counts the number of firewalled nodes
コード例 #57
ファイル: MatrixController.py プロジェクト: mfitzgerald2/SRTS
RGBwhite = (255, 255, 255)
RGBred = (255, 0, 0)
RGBgreen = (0, 255, 0)
RGBblue = (0, 0, 255)
RGByellow = (255, 255, 0)
RGBmagenta = (255, 0, 255)
RGBcyan = (0, 255, 255)

RGBColors = [
    RGBwhite, RGBred, RGBgreen, RGBblue, RGByellow, RGBmagenta, RGBcyan

#font        = ImageFont.load(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/helvR08.pil')
#font = ImageFont.load('/home/pi/LEDMatrix/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-master/helvR08.pil')
font = ImageFont.load('helvR08.pil')
fontYoffset = -2
font_height = 18
font_topspace = 7

# Application

class Message:
    def __init__(self, text, color):
        self.text = text  #The message as a string.
        self.color = color  #The intended message color.

class MessageSlot:
    def __init__(self, x, y, still_frames):
コード例 #58
def make_letter_image(imgName, fontpath, letter, size=20, color=(0, 0, 0)):
    creates an bitmap image where letter letter is centered.
    my_font = ImageFont.load(fontpath)
    make_centered_text(imgName, letter, size, my_font, color)
コード例 #59
    #slabs = filter(lambda slab: len(slab) > 0, slabs)
    #print "Num unused slabs:", num_slabs - len(slabs)
    #num_slabs = len(slabs)

    max_height = max(len(slab) for slab in slabs)
    max_width = min(
        max((bb.num_bytes + (BB_ALIGN - 1)) / BYTE_RATIO for bb in BBS))

    num_slab_rows = (num_slabs + MAX_SLABS_X_AXIS - 1) / MAX_SLABS_X_AXIS

    WIDTH_PX = max_width * MAX_SLABS_X_AXIS
    HEIGHT_PX = max_height * num_slab_rows

    import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
    font = ImageFont.load("/home/pag/Code/pilfonts/courB08.pil")
    img = Image.new('RGB', (WIDTH_PX, HEIGHT_PX), "black")

    allocators = set(bb.allocator for bb in BBS)
    allocators = list(allocators)
    allocator_nums = dict(zip(allocators, range(len(allocators))))
    allocators = set(allocators)

    # Get a color palette: http://stackoverflow.com/a/876872/247591
    import colorsys
    N = len(allocators)
    print "Number of used allocators:", N
    HSV_tuples = [(x * 1.0 / N, (N - x) * 1.0 / N, 0.5) for x in range(N)]
    RGB_tuples = map(lambda x: colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(*x), HSV_tuples)