コード例 #1
    path_2 = askdirectory()			# Get Second Day Image
    path_3 = askdirectory()			# Get Third Day Image
    path = filename.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
    print path

    sky_region_mask = ImageProcess.getSkyRegion(path)

    # Get Sun Orbit among three-day image stream using SUN REGION MASK
    sun_orbit = []
    sun_orbit = ImageProcess.getSunOrbit(path_1, path_2, path_3, sky_region_mask)

    # Get Centroid of all the Detected Sun in sun_orbit.
    centroid_list = []
    centroid_list = ImageProcess.getCentroidList(sun_orbit)

    # Fit the centroid list sample to a quadratic equation(general parabola).
    theta, coeffs = ImageProcess.generalParabola(centroid_list)

    # Detect sun of test image
    img_centroid_radius = ImageProcess.sunDetect(filename, sky_region_mask)

    # percentage = 0.0

    if img_centroid_radius is not None and ImageProcess.sunDetectUsingOrbit(img_centroid_radius, theta, coeffs):
        # Sun Detected!
        percentage = ImageProcess.calculateCloudCoverage(filename, sky_region_mask, img_centroid_radius)
        percentage = ImageProcess.calculateCloudCoverage(filename, sky_region_mask)
    images_d1_filter = images_d1.filter(lambda x: x[0] in l1)
    images_d21_filter = images_d2.filter(lambda x: x[0] in l2_1)
    images_d23_filter = images_d2.filter(lambda x: x[0] in l2_3)
    images_d3_filter = images_d3.filter(lambda x: x[0] in l3)

    # For each filtered file, apply Sun Detect Function
    images_d1_sunDetect = images_d1_filter.map(lambda x: ImageProcess.sunDetect(x[1], sky_region_mask.value))
    images_d21_sunDetect = images_d21_filter.map(lambda x: ImageProcess.sunDetect(x[1], sky_region_mask.value))
    images_d23_sunDetect = images_d23_filter.map(lambda x: ImageProcess.sunDetect(x[1], sky_region_mask.value))
    images_d3_sunDetect = images_d3_filter.map(lambda x: ImageProcess.sunDetect(x[1], sky_region_mask.value))

    # Sun Intersection Detect. (Note: coalesce to only ONE group to do this.)
    images_d12_intersect = images_d1_sunDetect.coalesce(1).zip(images_d21_sunDetect.coalesce(1)).filter(lambda x: x[0] is not None and x[1] is not None and ImageProcess.intersectionDetect(x[0], x[1])).collect()
    images_d23_intersect = images_d3_sunDetect.coalesce(1).zip(images_d23_sunDetect.coalesce(1)).filter(lambda x: x[0] is not None and x[1] is not None and ImageProcess.intersectionDetect(x[0], x[1])).collect()

    print (images_d12_intersect)
    print (images_d23_intersect)

    # Get intersection sun centroid list
    centroid_list = ImageProcess.getCentroidList(images_d12_intersect + images_d23_intersect)

    print (centroid_list)

    # Generate Sun Track
        theta, coeffs = ImageProcess.generalParabola(centroid_list)

        print ("theta = ", theta)
        print ("coeffs = ", coeffs)
        print ("Not enough sample to generate sun track")