コード例 #1
ファイル: Opening.py プロジェクト: greggvarona/image-filters
def main():
    print 'executing...'
    im = util.open('in/image1.png')
    openingFile = "out/opening-" + datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') + ".png"
    arr = util.toBytes(im)

    start = time.time()
    arr = grayScale.averaging(arr)
    print 'grayscale : ' + str(time.time() - start)

    start = time.time()
    arr = smoothening.median(arr, im.width, im.height, 2)
    print 'median : ' + str(time.time() - start)

    start = time.time()
    arr = util.uniformedThresholding(arr, im.width, im.height, (125, 125, 125))
    print 'uniformedThresholding : ' + str(time.time() - start)

    start = time.time()
    window = [(0, 0, 0)] * 3 * 3
    opened = opening(arr, im.width, im.height, window, 3, 3, window, 3, 3)
    print 'opening : ' + str(time.time() - start)

    util.save(openingFile, opened, im.mode, im.size)
    print 'done executing...'
コード例 #2
ファイル: imasko.py プロジェクト: stormsson/imasko
def saveChunks(inputDir, outputDir, relevanceThreshold=255):

    print "saveChunks from %s to %s " % (inputDir, outputDir)
    imageIndex = 1
    for fileName in os.listdir(inputDir):
        path = inputDir + '/' + fileName
        f, file_extension = os.path.splitext(path)

        if file_extension == '.png':
            maskImage = ImageUtils.preprocessMask(Image.open(path),210)
            chunks = ImageUtils.splitImageInChunks(maskImage, chunkWidth, chunkHeight)
            for index, c in enumerate(chunks):
                    c.save("%s/chunk-%s-%s-%s%s" % (outputDir, imageIndex, int(index % 20), int(index / 20), file_extension))

        if not isfile(path) or file_extension != '.jpg':

        print "- opening "+path

        srcImage = ImageUtils.preprocessImage(Image.open(path), 240)

        if file_extension == '.jpg':
            chunks = ImageUtils.splitImageInChunks(srcImage, chunkWidth, chunkHeight)

        for index, c in enumerate(chunks):
            savePath = "%s/chunk-%s-%s-%s%s" % (outputDir, imageIndex, int(index % 20), int(index / 20), file_extension)
            if(chunkIsRelevant(c, relevanceThreshold)):
                c.save(savePath, quality=95)

    print "savechunks - finished"
コード例 #3
 def transform(self):
     self.target = self.component.transform()
     hessian = Hessian()
     img_max_eigenvalues, img_min_eigenvalues = hessian.calculate(
         self.target, self.scale)
     utils = ImageUtils()
     return utils.max(img_max_eigenvalues, img_min_eigenvalues)
コード例 #4
def print_remove(image_path):
    src = teacher_remove(image_path)
    image = cv2.cvtColor(src, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    ret1, th1 = cv2.threshold(image, 200, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

    ImageUtils.show_images([image, th1], 1)
コード例 #5
def main():
    print 'executing...'
    im = util.open('in/image1.png')
    openingFile = "out/opening-" + datetime.now().strftime(
        '%Y%m%d%H%M%S') + ".png"
    arr = util.toBytes(im)

    start = time.time()
    arr = grayScale.averaging(arr)
    print 'grayscale : ' + str(time.time() - start)

    start = time.time()
    arr = smoothening.median(arr, im.width, im.height, 2)
    print 'median : ' + str(time.time() - start)

    start = time.time()
    arr = util.uniformedThresholding(arr, im.width, im.height, (125, 125, 125))
    print 'uniformedThresholding : ' + str(time.time() - start)

    start = time.time()
    window = [(0, 0, 0)] * 3 * 3
    opened = opening(arr, im.width, im.height, window, 3, 3, window, 3, 3)
    print 'opening : ' + str(time.time() - start)

    util.save(openingFile, opened, im.mode, im.size)
    print 'done executing...'
コード例 #6
 def getDuring(self):
     timeInfo = ImageUtils.ocr(
             ImageUtils.screenshotByImage("./boxue_img/play_player.png", 60,
                                          0, 45, 26)))
     during = timeUtils.t2s(timeInfo['words_result'][0]['words'])
     return during
コード例 #7
ファイル: Player.py プロジェクト: Deemonser/ScrennRecording
 def getDuring(self):
     timeInfo = ImageUtils.ocr(
             ImageUtils.screenshotByImage('./img/player_during.png', 0, 0,
                                          150, 40)))
     during = timeUtils.handleOcrTime(
     return during
コード例 #8
ファイル: imasko.py プロジェクト: stormsson/imasko
def getImageAndMaskDifferenceChunks(imgPath):
    srcImage, maskImage = getImageAndMask(imgPath)

    srcImage = ImageUtils.preprocessImage(srcImage,240)
    maskImage = ImageUtils.preprocessMask(maskImage, 210)

    imageChunks = ImageUtils.splitImageInChunks(srcImage, chunkWidth, chunkHeight)
    maskChunks = ImageUtils.splitImageInChunks(maskImage, chunkWidth, chunkHeight)

    return ImageUtils.getDifferenceChunks(imageChunks, maskChunks)
コード例 #9
def main():
    im = util.open('in/image1.png')
    arr = util.toBytes(im)
    out = []
    fileMedian = "out/m-" + datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') + ".png"
    print("Executing... ")
    start = time.time()
    out = median(arr, im.width, im.height, 2)
    print 'median : ' + str(time.time() - start)
    util.save(fileMedian, out, im.mode, im.size)
    print("done saving ")
コード例 #10
 def ComputeMeanStd(self,img):
     gray = np.zeros((3,3),dtype=np.uint8)
     if ImageUtils.IsGrayImage(img):
         gray = img.copy()
         gray = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
         gray = ImageUtils.GrayImage(img)
     th, binGray = cv2.threshold(gray, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
     blurBin = cv2.blur(binGray, (5,5))
     meanPre, stddevPre = ImageUtils.GetMeanStd(gray, binGray, 'pre')
     meanBack, stddevBack = ImageUtils.GetMeanStd(gray, binGray, 'back')
     return meanPre, stddevPre, meanBack, stddevBack
コード例 #11
def teacher_remove(image_path):
    src = cv2.imread(image_path)  # shape: (1080, 1863, 3)
    image = src.copy()
    hsv = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
    # CLAHE (Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization)
    mask = ImageUtils.get_hsvmask(hsv, 160, 70, 70, 30)
    mask = ImageUtils.erode_dilate(mask, 3)

    result = ImageUtils.swap_color(image, mask, 255)
    # ImageUtils.show_images([src, result], 1)
    return result
コード例 #12
ファイル: pipelines.py プロジェクト: gavinliu/SpiderCover
    def process_item(self, item, spider):
        formate = item['cover'][item['cover'].rindex('.'):]

        dirPath = 'cover/' + item['artist_name']
        filePath = 'cover/' + item['artist_name'] + '/' + item['album_name'] + formate

        if os.path.exists(filePath):
            raise DropItem("Duplicate item found: %s" % item['album_name'])
            if not os.path.exists(dirPath):

            f = urllib2.urlopen(item['cover']) 
            with open(filePath, "wb") as code:

            info = ImageUtils.get_image_info(filePath)

            item['cover_path'] = filePath
            item['cover_color'] = info[0]
            item['cover_width'] = info[1]
            item['cover_height'] = info[2]

            return item
コード例 #13
    def fft(self):
        Converts the color to l-values, then calculates the 2 dimensional
        Fourier transform.
        Displays the values shifted to the center of the image, on a
        logarithmic scale.

        gray = ImageUtils.rgb2grey_fixed(self.image_array)

        transformed = numpy.fft.fft2(gray)
        fshift = numpy.fft.fftshift(transformed)
        fshift = 20 * numpy.log(numpy.abs(fshift))
        fshift += fshift.min()
        fshift *= (255 / fshift.max())

        pyplot.imshow(gray, cmap="gray")
        pyplot.title("Input image")

        pyplot.imshow(fshift, cmap="Set1")
        pyplot.title("Fourier transformation")
コード例 #14
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: kheidrich/face-recognition
def handle_extract_face_features():
    face = ImageUtils.decode_image_buffer(
    aligned_face = RecogitionService.align_face(face)
    face_features = RecogitionService.extract_features(aligned_face)

    return jsonify({"model": list(face_features)})
コード例 #15
	def read_processed(self):
		frame = None
		with self.captureLock:
			frame = self.processing_frame	
		frame = ImageUtils.resize_mjpeg(frame)
		ret, jpeg = cv2.imencode('.jpg', frame)
		return jpeg.tostring()
コード例 #16
    def sobel(self):
        Performs the sobel operator in x and y direction and combines the
        output. The output is normalized by using contrast_stretch.

        gray = ImageUtils.rgb2grey_fixed(self.image_array) / 255

        sobel_x = ndimage.sobel(gray, 0)
        sobel_y = ndimage.sobel(gray, 1)
        sobel_xy = numpy.hypot(sobel_x, sobel_y)
        sobel_xy = ImageUtils.normalize_intensity_p298(sobel_xy)
        # sobel_xy *= (255 / sobel_xy.max())
        sobel_xy = ImageUtils.rgb2grey_fixed(sobel_xy)

        self._update_image_data(sobel_xy, "Sobel edge-detection")
コード例 #17
def trainOnImage(imageId, model, cbs, modelParams):

    logging.info("Training on image: {0}".format(imageId))

    (img, mask) = ImageUtils.loadImage(imageId)
    (imgs, classes, masks) = genPatches(img, mask, modelParams)

    (x_train, x_cv, y_train, y_cv) = scv.train_test_split(imgs,
    y_train_cat = np_utils.to_categorical(y_train.flatten(),
    y_train_cat = y_train_cat.reshape(
        (y_train.shape[0], y_train.shape[1] * y_train.shape[2],


    logging.info("Training completed, evaluating model")

    y_cv_cat = np_utils.to_categorical(y_cv.flatten(), modelParams.nb_classes)
    y_cv_cat = y_cv_cat.reshape(
        (y_cv.shape[0], y_cv.shape[1] * y_cv.shape[2], modelParams.nb_classes))

    loss = model.evaluate(x_cv, y_cv_cat, batch_size=modelParams.batchSize)

    logging.info("Loss: {0}".format(str(loss)))

    return model
コード例 #18
    def grayscale(self):
        Converts RGB values of the image to luminosity values, thus giving
        the image a 'grayscale' effect.

        grey = ImageUtils.rgb2grey_fixed(self.image_array)
        self._update_image_data(grey, "Grayscale")
コード例 #19
    def contrast_stretch(self):
        Rescales the intensity values of the image based on the 2 and 98

        normalized = ImageUtils.normalize_intensity_p298(self.image_array)
        self._update_image_data(normalized, "Contrast stretch")
コード例 #20
ファイル: InterferingLine.py プロジェクト: weinvest/bid
def TraverseLine(img, w, h, fromDirection, linePointThresold, directions, count, continuesDo = None):
    def callContinus():
        if continuesDo is None:
            return True

        newDirections = []
        for direction in directions:
            newDirections.append((-direction[0], -direction[1]))

        return continuesDo(newDirections, count)

    if w <= 1 or w >= img.width - 1:
        return callContinus()

    if h <= 1 or h >= img.height - 1:
        return callContinus()

    count += 1
    c = img.getpixel((w, h))
    similars = ImageUtils.getSimilarNeighbors(img, c, (w, h), [(0,0), fromDirection])
    similarCount = len(similars)
    if similarCount > 1:
        if count >= linePointThresold:
            if continuesDo is None:
                img.putpixel((w, h), color.BLACK_COLOR)
                return True
            elif callContinus():
                img.putpixel((w, h), color.BLACK_COLOR)
                return True
        return False

    if 0 == similarCount:
        if callContinus():
            img.putpixel((w, h), color.BLACK_COLOR)
            return True
        return False

    sw, sh = similars[0]
    if 0 == len(directions):
        directions = similars
    elif 1 == len(directions):
        dw, dh = directions[0]
        distW, distH = (sw - dw, sh - dh)
        dist = distW * distW + distH * distH
        if 0 == dist:
        elif 1 == dist:
            directions.append((sw, sh))
            return False
    elif (sw, sh) in directions:
        return False

    if TraverseLine(img, w + sw, h + sh, (-sw, -sh), linePointThresold, directions, count, continuesDo):
        img.putpixel((w, h), color.BLACK_COLOR)
        return True
コード例 #21
def feature():
    req_parm = request.json
    print type(req_parm)
    import faceUtils
    import ImageUtils
    image_array = ImageUtils.base64_to_array(req_parm[u'hello'])
    feature = faceUtils.face_feature(image_array)
    # face_cuts = faceUtils.face_cut(image_array)
    return json.dumps(feature, ensure_ascii=False)
コード例 #22
    def laplace(self, sigma=1):
        Performs the laplacian filter based on gaussian derivatives.
        This allows for controlling the level of detail in the output image.

        gray = ImageUtils.rgb2grey_fixed(self.image_array)
        laplace = ndimage.gaussian_laplace(gray, sigma)
        self._update_image_data(laplace, "Laplace edge-detection")
コード例 #23
 def getSplitRatio(self, remove=True):
     import ImageUtils as iu
     lowestMagnification = self.magnifications[
         -2]  # Sometimes the lowest magnification image is truncated
     imgPath = self.split(lowestMagnification, compression=COMPRESSION_NONE)
     splitRatio = iu.getSplitLeftRightColumnRatio(imgPath)
     if remove:
     return splitRatio
コード例 #24
def getImageMask(img, model):
    gall_t = ImageUtils.genPatches(img.shape[1:], (img_dim_y, img_dim_x), img_dim_x)
    (imgs_t, classes_t, masks_t) = ImageUtils.prepareDataSets(gall_t, img, mask)
    coords = [x for x in ImageUtils.genPatches(img.shape[1:], (img_dim_y, img_dim_x), img_dim_x)]
    all_rez = model.predict(imgs_t, batch_size=4)

    rez1 = np.array(all_rez)
    rez1[:,:,0:1] *= 0.1
    rez_img = np.argmax(rez1, axis = 2)
    rez_img = rez_img.reshape((-1, img_dim_y, img_dim_x))

    mask_rez = np.zeros(img.shape[1:])

    for i in range(len(coords)):
        (y, x, h, w) = coords[i]
        mask_rez[y:(y+h), x:(x+h)] = rez_img[i]

    return mask_rez
コード例 #25
ファイル: InterferingLine.py プロジェクト: weinvest/bid
def clean(img, linePointThresold = 5):
    for h in range(1, img.height - 1):
        for w in range(1, img.width - 1):
            c = img.getpixel((w, h))
            if color.isBackground(c):
                img.putpixel((w, h), color.BLACK_COLOR)
                similars = ImageUtils.getSimilarNeighbors(img, c, (w, h), [(0,0)])
                similarCount = len(similars)
                if 0 == similarCount:
                    if len(ImageUtils.getBackgrondNeighbors(img, c, (w, h))) == 7:
                        img.putpixel((w, h), color.BLACK_COLOR)

                count = 1
                if 1 == similarCount:
                    ww, hh = similars[0]
                    if TraverseLine(img, w + ww, h + hh, (-ww, -hh), linePointThresold, similars, count):
                        img.putpixel((w, h), color.BLACK_COLOR)
                elif 2 == similarCount:
                    ww, hh = similars[0]
                    ww1, hh1 = similars[1]

                    if (ww * ww1 + hh * hh1) >= 0:
                        img.putpixel((w, h), color.BLACK_COLOR)

                    if (1, 0) not in similars or (-1, 1) not in similars:
                        if hh1 > hh or (hh1 == hh and ww1 > ww):
                            tmpW = ww; tmpH = hh
                            ww = ww1; hh = hh1
                            ww1 = tmpW; hh1 = tmpH

                        if TraverseLine(img, w + ww, h + hh, (-ww, -hh), linePointThresold, similars, count):
                            img.putpixel((w, h), color.BLACK_COLOR)
                            img.putpixel((w + ww1, h + hh1), color.BLACK_COLOR)


                    from functools import partial
                    continueDo = partial(TraverseLine, img, w + ww1, h + hh1, (-ww1, -hh1), linePointThresold)
                    if TraverseLine(img, w + ww, h + hh, (-ww, -hh), linePointThresold, [similars[0], (-ww1, -hh1)], count, continueDo):
                        img.putpixel((w, h), color.BLACK_COLOR)
コード例 #26
    def read_processed(self):
        frame = None
        with self.captureLock:
            frame = self.processing_frame
        while frame == None:  # If there are problems, keep retrying until an image can be read.
            with self.captureLock:
                frame = self.processing_frame

        frame = ImageUtils.resize_mjpeg(frame)
        ret, jpeg = cv2.imencode('.jpg', frame)
        return jpeg.tostring()
コード例 #27
    def read_jpg(self):
        """We are using Motion JPEG, and OpenCV captures raw images,
		so we must encode it into JPEG in order to stream frames to
		the client. It is nessacery to make the image smaller to
		improve streaming performance"""

        capture_blocker = self.captureEvent.wait()
        frame = self.captureFrame
        frame = ImageUtils.resize_mjpeg(frame)
        ret, jpeg = cv2.imencode('.jpg', frame)
        return jpeg.tostring()
コード例 #28
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: kheidrich/face-recognition
def handle_recognize_face_from_features():
    features = np.array(request.json['model'])
    face_to_recognize = ImageUtils.decode_image_buffer(
    aligned_face = RecogitionService.align_face(face_to_recognize)
    face_to_recognize_features = RecogitionService.extract_features(
    are_same = RecogitionService.recognize(features,

    return jsonify({"areSame": are_same})
コード例 #29
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        fg_index = index
        bg_index = index % len(self.backgrounds)

        # fetching foreground and background images
        fg_img, label = self.foregrounds[fg_index]
        bg_img, _ = self.backgrounds[bg_index]

        # add alpha channel to foreground
        fg_img = self.add_alpha(fg_img)

        # random cropping background
        bg_height = np.random.randint(bg_img.shape[0] // 2, bg_img.shape[0])
        bg_width = np.random.randint(bg_img.shape[1] // 2, bg_img.shape[1])
        x0 = self.safe_random(0, bg_img.shape[1] - bg_width)
        y0 = self.safe_random(0, bg_img.shape[0] - bg_height)

        bg_crop = bg_img[y0:y0 + bg_height, x0:x0 + bg_width]
        bg_img = cv2.resize(bg_crop,

        # random squeezing foreground
        fg_width = fg_img.shape[1]
        fg_height = fg_img.shape[0]

        random_w_squeeze = 1 - np.random.rand() * 0.2
        random_h_squeeze = 1 - np.random.rand() * 0.2
        tgt_fg_width = min(self.target_size[0],
                           int(fg_width * random_w_squeeze))
        tgt_fg_height = min(self.target_size[1],
                            int(fg_height * random_h_squeeze))

        fg_img = cv2.resize(fg_img, (tgt_fg_width, tgt_fg_height),

        # augmentation of BG/FG
        fg_img = self.augment(fg_img)
        bg_img = self.augment(bg_img)

        # alpha-blending
        blended = self.blend(fg_img, bg_img)

        # augmentation of composite
        blended = self.augment_blended(blended)

        rgb_tensor = ImageUtils.image_to_tensor(blended, unsqueeze=False)

        # getting label index
        label_index = self.foregrounds.labels.index(label)

        label_tensor = torch.LongTensor([label_index])

        return {'rgb': rgb_tensor, 'label': label_tensor}
コード例 #30
def handleEdge(sortedWindow):
    output = sortedWindow
    idx = 0
    resort = 0
    while output[idx] == util.downSignal():
        output[idx] = output[len(output) - 1 - idx]
        idx = idx + 1
        resort = 1
    if resort == 1:
        output = sorted(output, key=itemgetter(0, 1, 2))
    return output
コード例 #31
def test(image_path):
    src = cv2.imread(image_path)  # shape: (1080, 1863, 3)
    image = src.copy()
    hsv = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
    #CLAHE (Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization)
    mask = ImageUtils.get_hsvmask(hsv, 170, 90, 64, 15)
    mask = ImageUtils.erode_dilate(mask)
    result = ImageUtils.swap_color(image, mask, 255)
    ImageUtils.show_images([src, mask, result], 3)
コード例 #32
def main():
    print 'Executing Histograms.main'
    im = util.open('in/captcha.png')
    fileName = "out/normalized-" + datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') + ".png"
    fileName2 = "out/equalized-" + datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') + ".png"
    arr = util.toBytes(im)
    arr = grayScale.averaging(arr)
    util.save("out/tempGray.png", arr, im.mode, im.size)
    # doesn't matter which color index bec. it's gray.
    normalized = normalize(arr, im.width, im.height, 0)
    equalized = equalize(arr, im.width, im.height, 0)
    util.save(fileName, normalized, im.mode, im.size)
    util.save(fileName2, equalized, im.mode, im.size)
    print 'Done executing Histograms.main'
コード例 #33
def main():
    im = util.open('in/captcha.png')
    arr = util.toBytes(im)
    fileAverage = "out/a-" + datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') + ".png"
    fileLuminance = "out/l-" + datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') + ".png"
    fileLightness = "out/li-" + datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') + ".png"
    print("Executing... ")
    averaged = averaging(arr)
    luminous = luminousity(arr)
    lightnessed = lightness(arr)
    util.save(fileAverage, averaged, im.mode, im.size)
    util.save(fileLuminance, luminous, im.mode, im.size)
    util.save(fileLightness, lightnessed, im.mode, im.size)
    print("done saving ")
コード例 #34
def median2(input, w, h, ww, wh):
    output = []
    window = [util.downSignal()] * ww * wh
    for row in range(h):
        for col in range(w):
            origin = row * w + col
            for windowY in range(wh):
                for windowX in range(ww):
                    y = row + windowY - (wh / 2)
                    x = col + windowX - (ww / 2)
                    # The following nested conditions makes sure that the
                    # kernel's origin doesn't go out of the image's boundaries.
                    if (x >= 0 and y >= 0):
                        if (x < w and y < h):
                            index = y * w + x
                            wIndex = windowY * ww + windowX
                            window[wIndex] = input[index]
            window = sorted(window, key=itemgetter(0, 1, 2))
            if (util.isEdge(origin, w, h)):
                window = handleEdge(window)
            output.append(window[len(window) / 2])
    return output
コード例 #35
def main():
    im = util.open('in/captcha.png')
    arr = util.toBytes(im)
    fileAverage = "out/a-" + datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') + ".png"
    fileLuminance = "out/l-" + datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') + ".png"
    fileLightness = "out/li-" + datetime.now().strftime(
        '%Y%m%d%H%M%S') + ".png"
    print("Executing... ")
    averaged = averaging(arr)
    luminous = luminousity(arr)
    lightnessed = lightness(arr)
    util.save(fileAverage, averaged, im.mode, im.size)
    util.save(fileLuminance, luminous, im.mode, im.size)
    util.save(fileLightness, lightnessed, im.mode, im.size)
    print("done saving ")
コード例 #36
ファイル: imasko.py プロジェクト: stormsson/imasko
def activateOnImage(fnn, layerpath, saveWrongChunks=False, breakOnError=True, saveWrongImages=False):
        chunks = getImageAndMaskDifferenceChunks(layerpath)
    except IOError as e:
        print e
    except ValueError as e:
        print e

    fileName = os.path.basename(layerpath)

    needToSaveImage = False
    for c in chunks:
        cFlattened = np.asarray(c).flatten()
        estimate = fnn.activate(cFlattened)
        if estimate[0] < 0.7:
            needToSaveImage = True
            print "estimated error on %s. probability OK / KO: %s/%s" % (fileName, estimate[0], estimate[1])
            if saveWrongChunks:
                c.save(outputPath+"/chunk-%s.jpg" %(index))

            if breakOnError:

    if needToSaveImage and saveWrongImages:
        srcImage, maskImage = getImageAndMask(layerpath)
        srcImage.save(outputPath+"/image-%s-original-image.jpg" %(index))
        maskImage.save(outputPath+"/image-%s-original-mask.png" %(index))

        srcImage = ImageUtils.preprocessImage(srcImage,240)
        maskImage = ImageUtils.preprocessMask(maskImage, 210)
        srcImage.save(outputPath+"/image-%s-elab-image.jpg" %(index))
        maskImage.save(outputPath+"/image-%s-elab-mask.png" %(index))

コード例 #37
def main():
    print 'Executing Histograms.main'
    im = util.open('in/captcha.png')
    fileName = "out/normalized-" + datetime.now().strftime(
        '%Y%m%d%H%M%S') + ".png"
    fileName2 = "out/equalized-" + datetime.now().strftime(
        '%Y%m%d%H%M%S') + ".png"
    arr = util.toBytes(im)
    arr = grayScale.averaging(arr)
    util.save("out/tempGray.png", arr, im.mode, im.size)
    # doesn't matter which color index bec. it's gray.
    normalized = normalize(arr, im.width, im.height, 0)
    equalized = equalize(arr, im.width, im.height, 0)
    util.save(fileName, normalized, im.mode, im.size)
    util.save(fileName2, equalized, im.mode, im.size)
    print 'Done executing Histograms.main'
コード例 #38
ファイル: segment.py プロジェクト: weinvest/bid
def SelectSameElementEx(origin, me, w, h, c, excludes, thresold = 0.5):
    if w <= WMargin or w >= (origin.width - WMargin):
        return 0

    if h < HMargin or h >= (origin.height - HMargin):
        return 0

    if not hasattr(me, 'left'):
        me.left = w
        me.right = w
        me.top = h
        me.bottom = h
        if w < me.left:
            me.left = w
        elif w > me.right:
            me.right = w

        if h < me.top:
            me.top = h
        elif h > me.bottom:
            me.bottom = h

    count = 1
    similars = ImageUtils.getSimilarNeighborsEx(origin, c, (w, h), excludes, thresold)
    s1 = []
    distMean = 0
    for (ww, hh, dist) in similars:
        cc = origin.getpixel((w + ww,h ++ hh))
        if color.isBackground(cc):

        distMean += dist
        cc = origin.getpixel((w + ww, h + hh))
        s1.append((ww, hh, cc))

        origin.putpixel((w + ww, h + hh), color.BLACK_COLOR)
        me.putpixel((w + ww, h + hh), cc)

    if 0 == len(s1):
        return count
    distMean /= len(s1)
    thresold = thresold * SAME_ELEMENT_THRESOLD_ALPHA + (1 - SAME_ELEMENT_THRESOLD_ALPHA) * distMean
    #print('%s thresold=%lf, distMean=%lf' % (FILEANME, thresold, distMean))

    for (ww, hh, cc) in s1:
        count += SelectSameElementEx(origin, me, w + ww, h + hh, cc, [(0, 0), (-ww, -hh)], thresold)

    return count
コード例 #39
    def threshold(self, threshold, mode="binary"):

        gray = ImageUtils.rgb2grey_fixed(self.image_array)


        if mode == "binary":

            for i in range(len(gray)):
                gray[i] = [(0 if x < threshold else 255) for x in gray[i]]

        elif mode == "binary_inverted":

            for i in range(len(gray)):
                gray[i] = [(255 if x < threshold else 0) for x in gray[i]]

        elif mode == "drop_smaller_to_zero":

            for i in range(len(gray)):
                gray[i] = [(0 if x < threshold else x) for x in gray[i]]

        elif mode == "raise_smaller_to_max":

            for i in range(len(gray)):
                gray[i] = [(255 if x < threshold else x) for x in gray[i]]

        elif mode == "drop_bigger_to_zero":

            for i in range(len(gray)):
                gray[i] = [(0 if x > threshold else x) for x in gray[i]]

        elif mode == "raise_bigger_to_max":

            for i in range(len(gray)):
                gray[i] = [(255 if x > threshold else x) for x in gray[i]]

        elif mode == "clip_bigger":

            for i in range(len(gray)):
                gray[i] = [(threshold if x > threshold else x)
                           for x in gray[i]]

        elif mode == "raise_smaller":

            for i in range(len(gray)):
                gray[i] = [(threshold if x < threshold else x)
                           for x in gray[i]]

        self._update_image_data(gray, "Threshold")
コード例 #40
ファイル: TrainGen.py プロジェクト: HKCaesar/PythonGeo
def generateSamples(trainImages, modelParams):
    while True:
        # Choose an image
        idx = np.random.randint(0, len(trainImages))
        logging.info("Loading image: {0}".format(trainImages[idx]))
        (img, mask) = ImageUtils.loadImage(trainImages[idx])

        #img = cv2.GaussianBlur(img.reshape(img.shape[1:]), (5,5), 0).reshape(img.shape)

        # Make patches
        (imgs, classes, masks) = genPatches(img, mask, modelParams)

        nSamples = imgs.shape[0]
        idxs = np.random.permutation(np.arange(nSamples))[:modelParams.samples]
        logging.info("Subsamples: {0}".format(idxs))

        for i in range(modelParams.samples):
            yield (imgs[idxs[i]], masks[idxs[i]])
コード例 #41
def detectColor(color):
    return ImageUtils.detectColor(image, color, 15, 75)
コード例 #42
#extract peak frequencies
smallcm = IU.Circularmask(autoc,s/2,3)
pkfft = IU.PeakFilteredFFT(autoc,cxy,sigma=50)
pkfft_abs = np.abs(pkfft)*smallcm

#get reci lattice vectors
pos = IU.FindPeakPos(pkfft_abs)
pos_zero = pos[:,3:5] - s/2
pos_zero = np.round(pos_zero,2)
bs = VF.find_basis_set(pos_zero.T)
r1,r2 = VF.get_reci_vecs2(bs[:,0],bs[:,1],1024)

fig1 = imshow_z(filt2s,vmin=0,vmax=350)

#Extract peaks
#sort the peaks by strength and recenter some of them
#thevecs1 = fill_space_with_basis2D(autoc,r1,r2,PY.array([512,512]))
thevecs1 = VF.fill_space_with_basis2D_2(autoc,r1,r2,np.array([512,512]))
#fig1 = imshow_z(filt2s,vmin=0,vmax=250)

#slightly shift the centroids and collec the intensities
cents,sums = IU.DiffPeakSums(filt2s,thevecs1)
fig1 = imshow_z(filt2s,vmin=0,vmax=250)