コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        name = "Hellhound"
        description = ([
            "A massive canine the size of a horse. Most of it's skin is missing, showing muscle and sinew under tufts "
            "of bloodstained fur. It's milky white eyes stare blankly ahead while it's nose sniffs endlessly. Jagged shards of bone "
            "protrude from it's form all over, and between that and the enormous jaws it would clearly be a mistake to let this thing "
            "anywhere near you."
        seenDesc = "A massive Hellhound is in the room, growling at you."
        keywords = "enemy,dog,hound,hellhound,hell hound,huge dog,big dog,huge hound,big hound"
        maxHealth = 160
        minDamage = 24
        maxDamage = 29
        accuracy = 90
        corpse = Items.Corpse(
            "Hellhound Corpse",
            "There's so much blood and broken bones that it's almost impossible to tell which wounds killed "
            "it and which it already had. There is a growing pool of blood underneath it, and the smell is even worse than you expected.",
            "A blood smeared hellhound corpse is lying on the floor.",
            "body,corpse,hellhound,hellhound body,dead hellhound,hellhound corpse,dead hound,hound,dead dog,dog"

            "The hellhound is slowly staggering back to it's feet.",
            "attackDesc": [
                "The hellhound leaps towards you, trying to tear into you with it's jaws.",
                "The hellhound snarls and snaps at you."
            "As you walk forward you hear a loud crunching noise from up ahead. You round a shelf to find a massive canine creature at least 2 meters tall at the shoulders, covered in open wounds and bits of protruding bone. It's standing over a mangled corpse, it's head buried in the bloody entrails, as wet crunching and tearing noises fill the room.\nThe creature pauses, sniffing the air for a moment, before turning towards you with a deep, unnatural growl.",
            "exorciseFailDesc": [
                "It completely ignores you. You're going to have to find another way of dealing with it..."
            "advanceDialogue": [
                "The massive canine tears towards you, barking.",
                "The hellhound bolts straight at you with a deep growl."
            "retreatDialogue": ["The beast dashes away, yelping."],
            "The hellhound crashes to the floor and lies still.",
            "The hellhound tears into the room after you, right on your heels.",
            "You hear nearby barks and growls as the hound hunts you.",
            "The door shakes as the hellhound crashes into it over and over. You're not sure how long it will hold."

              self).__init__(name, description, seenDesc, keywords, maxHealth,
                             minDamage, maxDamage, accuracy, corpse, **kwargs)
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        name = "Bent Host"
        description = ([
            "A twisted, tortured human posessed by a demonic entity. Though incapable of controlling their bodies, "
            "these \'bent hosts\' are fully aware and forced to spectate while their captor does what it wishes. They tend to be "
            "clumsy and have little regard for their own safety, but should not be underestimated."
        seenDesc = "A demonically posessed host is in here. "
        keywords = "enemy,host,man,bent host,possessed,possessed man,lunatic,maniac,demon,demonic host"
        maxHealth = 55
        minDamage = 10
        maxDamage = 14
        accuracy = 70
        corpse = Items.Corpse(
            "Human Corpse",
            "The demon has left this host. It's unfortunate what you had to do, but at least he can rest now.",
            "The bloody remains of a demonic host is lying on the floor.",
            "body,corpse,human body,dead human,human corpse,dead host,host corpse,dead demon,demon corpse"

        survivor = None
        if randint(0, 1) == 0:
            survivor = UniqueNPCs.BentHostSurvivorMale()
            survivor = UniqueNPCs.BentHostSurvivorFemale()

            "The demonic host is stumbling around, dazed.",
            "The bent host snaps back to it's senses.",
            "attackDesc": [
                "The host swings it's weapon at you.",
                "The host lunges towards you with it's blade."
            "altExorciseDesc": [
                "You continue reciting the prayer to yourself under your breath, hand outstretched. The host screams and thrashes, clearly in immense pain."
            "takeExorciseDesc": [
                "It works! The hosts eyes roll back in it's head and it collapses to the ground. You'll need to complete the exorcism to free the host from it's demonic captor."
            "The host scrambles back to it's feet, and charges at you with a scream.",
            "advanceDialogue": [
                "The demonic host stumbles towards you, giggling to itself.",
                "The bent host suddenly let's loose a scream and breaks into a wild sprint towards you.",
                "The possessed human walks towards you silently.",
                "The possessed has trouble keeping it's balance and stumbles forward."
            "retreatDialogue": [
                "The host stumbles backwards, trying to get away from you.",
                "The demonic host scrabbles away from you."
            "The demonic host falls to the ground dead.",
            "The possessed human bursts into the room.",
            "A group of bent host's burst into the room, screaming and ranting.",
            "You can hear the taunts and maniacal laughter of a bent host approaching.",
            "You can hear the crazed screaming and pounding of a bent host trying to get in.",
            "You can hear the screaming, arguing and pounding of a group of bent hosts trying to get in.",
            "The host twists and writhes, and with a final scream the demon is ripped from their body. They remain curled up on the floor, bruised and hurt, but still breathing at least.",

              self).__init__(name, description, seenDesc, keywords, maxHealth,
                             minDamage, maxDamage, accuracy, corpse, **kwargs)