コード例 #1
def Simple_JPS_Planner(_map, start, goal):
    #_map : [] grid map
    #start: position
    #goal : pose
    #Open_list = [current jump point1: {'LeftDown': False, 'LeftUp': False,
    #                     'RightDown': False, 'RightUp': False,
    #                     'Right': False, 'Left': False,
    #                     'Up': False, 'Down': False},
    #             current jump point2: {'LeftDown': False, 'LeftUp': False,
    #                     'RightDown': False, 'RightUp': False,
    #                     'Right': False, 'Left': False,
    #                     'Up': False, 'Down': False}]
    import JPS
    width = _map.info.width
    height = _map.info.height
    start_num = maplib.position_num(_map, start)
    end_num = maplib.position_num(_map, goal.position)
    DENSITY = 5
    raw_field = JPS_GenerateMap(_map.data, width, height)
    field = JPS.generate_field(
        raw_field, (lambda cell: True if cell > DENSITY else False), True)
    (start_row, start_colomn, end_row,
     end_colomn) = Generate_Cor(start_num, end_num)
    path = JPS.jps(field, start_row, start_colomn, end_row, end_colomn)
    path = JPS.get_full_path(path)
    print len(path)
    return path
コード例 #2
def Simple_JPS_Planner(_map, start, goal):
 #_map : [] grid map
 #start: position
 #goal : pose
 #Open_list = [current jump point1: {'LeftDown': False, 'LeftUp': False, 
 #                     'RightDown': False, 'RightUp': False, 
 #                     'Right': False, 'Left': False,
 #                     'Up': False, 'Down': False},
 #             current jump point2: {'LeftDown': False, 'LeftUp': False, 
 #                     'RightDown': False, 'RightUp': False, 
 #                     'Right': False, 'Left': False,
 #                     'Up': False, 'Down': False}]
 import JPS 
 width = _map.info.width
 height = _map.info.height
 start_num = maplib.position_num(_map, start)
 end_num   = maplib.position_num(_map, goal.position)
 raw_field = JPS_GenerateMap(_map.data, width, height)
 field = JPS.generate_field(raw_field, (lambda cell: True if cell > DENSITY else False), True)
 (start_row, start_colomn, end_row, end_colomn) = Generate_Cor(start_num, end_num)
 path = JPS.jps(field, start_row, start_colomn, end_row, end_colomn)
 path = JPS.get_full_path(path)
 print len(path)
 return path
コード例 #3
	def __init__(self, mapTopicName = '/map_yellow'):
		self.mapName = mapTopicName
		# Default stuff
		self.goal  = Point(1,1,0)  # default
		self.start = Point(1,1,0) # default		
		# Automatic subscribers
		rospy.Subscriber(mapTopicName,  OccupancyGrid, self.mapRecieved, queue_size=1)
		rospy.Subscriber('/move_base_simple/yellowgoal',  PoseStamped, self.goalRecieved, queue_size=2)
		rospy.Subscriber('/yellowinitialpose',  PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.startRecieved, queue_size=2)
		# For keeping Updates on robot position
		self.Jeep = JPS()
		# Flag to prevent calculations on non-existent maps
		self.hasMap = False
コード例 #4
def main():

    if len(sys.argv) == 2:
        configFileName = sys.argv[1]
        configFileName = "office.config"

    cfgReader = ConfigFileReader.ConfigFileReader(configFileName)

    ret, height, width, numRobots, R, baseX, baseY, initLocs, obstacles = cfgReader.readCfg(
    if ret == -1:
        print 'readCfg() Unsuccessful!'
        print 'Read the config file', configFileName

    k = 2
    T = 100000

    algo = CAC.CAC(height, width, obstacles, numRobots, initLocs, T)

    if height <= 10:
        xoffset = 300
        xoffset = 100
    if width <= 10:
        yoffset = 300
        yoffset = 100

    maxScreenHeight = 700
    cellSize = int(floor(maxScreenHeight / (height + 2)))

    root = Tk()

    gui = GridUI.GridUI(root, height, width, cellSize, algo.gridworld,
                        algo.robots, algo.frontier)
    guiHeight = str((height + 2) * cellSize)
    guiWidth = str((width + 2) * cellSize)
    xOffset = str(xoffset)
    yOffset = str(yoffset)
    geometryParam = guiWidth + 'x' + guiHeight + '+' + xOffset + '+' + yOffset

    ALGOFLAG = 1

    if ALGOFLAG == 1:
        astar = Dijkstra.Dijkstra()
        path, covered, cost = astar.aStarSearch(algo.gridworld, (0, 0),
                                                (35, 40))
        cost = cost[(35, 40)]
    if ALGOFLAG == 2:
        astar = AStar.AStar()
        path, covered, cost = astar.aStarSearch(algo.gridworld, (0, 0),
                                                (35, 40))
        cost = cost[(35, 40)]
    if ALGOFLAG == 3:
        astar = AStar_arjun.AStar()
        path, cost = astar.aStarSearch(algo.gridworld, (0, 0), (35, 40))
        cost = cost[(35, 40)]
    if ALGOFLAG == 4:
        astar = JPS.JPS()
        covered = astar.jps(algo.gridworld, (0, 0), (35, 40))
        path, cost = astar.full_path(covered)
        print 'cost:', cost

    if TIMER == True:
        print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

    def run():
        gui.redraw(height, width, cellSize, algo.gridworld, algo.robots, path)
        #gui.redraw(height, width, cellSize, algo.gridworld, algo.robots, covered)
        root.after(1, run)

    root.after(1, run)
コード例 #5
class MapHolster:
	# Reads map meta data and saves to object constants
	def __init__(self, mapTopicName = '/map_yellow'):
		self.mapName = mapTopicName
		# Default stuff
		self.goal  = Point(1,1,0)  # default
		self.start = Point(1,1,0) # default		
		# Automatic subscribers
		rospy.Subscriber(mapTopicName,  OccupancyGrid, self.mapRecieved, queue_size=1)
		rospy.Subscriber('/move_base_simple/yellowgoal',  PoseStamped, self.goalRecieved, queue_size=2)
		rospy.Subscriber('/yellowinitialpose',  PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.startRecieved, queue_size=2)
		# For keeping Updates on robot position
		self.Jeep = JPS()
		# Flag to prevent calculations on non-existent maps
		self.hasMap = False
	# Reads the tf stack and returns the global coordinates of the robot 
	def getCurrentPosition(self):
		return self.Jeep.getCurrentPosition()
	# Reads the tf stack and returns the global orientation of the robot 	
	def getCurrentOrientation(self):	
		return self.JEEP.getCurrentOrientation()
    ##########   Grid Cell Utilities   ##################
    # makes a grid cell with the x/y indices from the map
    # can also take a Point object
	def newGridCell(self,x, y = None):
        #X is actually a Point object in this case
		if y == None:
			y = x.y
			x = x.x
		gx = self.gridOrigin.x + x*self.gridResolution    
		gy = self.gridOrigin.y + y*self.gridResolution
		return Point(gx, gy, 0)
    # Converts a list of "points" in map indices to XY grid cells
	def convertPointsToCells(self, points):
		cells = []
		for pt in points:
			cells += [self.newGridCell(pt)]
		return cells

	# converts a random cell to be the nearest map Point(whole numbers!)
	def convertCellToPoint(self, aCell):
		mx = math.trunc((aCell.x - self.gridOrigin.x + self.gridResolution/2) / self.gridResolution)
		my = math.trunc((aCell.y - self.gridOrigin.y + self.gridResolution/2) / self.gridResolution)
		return Point(mx, my,0)
    ######   GridCell message Utilities   ###############
     # Takes cells as a list of Points and sends them to rviz
	def makeGridCells(self, cells):
		newHeader = Header(1,rospy.get_rostime(),'map')
		return GridCells(newHeader, self.gridResolution, self.gridResolution, cells)
    # Helper to make GridCells message
	def makeMessage(self, points):
		return self.makeGridCells(self.convertPointsToCells(points))

    ##########         Map Utilities   ##################
    # returns the value at the given point
    # can also take a Point object
	def readMapPoint(self, x,  y = None):
	#X is actually a Point object in this case
		if y == None: 
			y = x.y
			x = x.x
		width = self.currentMap.info.width    
			return self.currentMap.data[y*width + x]
		except IndexError:
			return -1 # undefined
    # Gets a list of the adjacent points that have low 
    # chances of being obstacles
    # -can also take a Point object    
    # -optional tolerance, default 100
	def getEightAdjacentPoints(self, x, y = None, tol = 100):
        # X is actually a Point object in this case
		if y == None: 
			y = math.trunc(x.y)
			x = math.trunc(x.x)
		# Make a list of the 8 adjacent points
		pointsToCheck = []
		for ax in range(x-1,x+2):
			for ay in range(y-1,y+2):
				pointsToCheck += [Point(ax,ay,0)]
		pointsToCheck.remove(Point(x,y,0)) # Center

        # A list of points that are adjacent and need
        # to be checked for obstacles
		pointsWithoutObstacles = []
		for pt in pointsToCheck:
			if self.readMapPoint(pt) < tol and self.readMapPoint(pt) != -1:
				pointsWithoutObstacles += [pt]
		return pointsWithoutObstacles
    ##########   Subscriber Callbacks  ##################
	def mapRecieved(self, aMap):
		self.currentMap = aMap
		self.mapInfo = aMap.info
		self.mapOrigin  = aMap.info.origin.position 
		self.gridResolution = aMap.info.resolution # assume square map
		self.gridOrigin = Point( self.mapOrigin.x + self.gridResolution/2  , self.mapOrigin.y + self.gridResolution/2  ,  0)
		self.hasMap = True
		#print "Holster got:" + self.mapName 
	def goalRecieved(self, aStampedPose):
		if self.hasMap:
			self.goal = self.convertCellToPoint(aStampedPose.pose.position)
	def startRecieved(self, aPoseWithCovarianceStamped):
		if self.hasMap:
			self.start = self.convertCellToPoint(aPoseWithCovarianceStamped.pose.pose.position)