コード例 #1
    pose.velocity.x = state[0, 3]
    pose.velocity.y = state[0, 4]
    pose.velocity.z = state[0, 5]

    pose.rotational_velocity.x = state[0, 10]
    pose.rotational_velocity.y = state[0, 11]
    pose.rotational_velocity.z = state[0, 12]


# here's the real script

EKF = KinematicEKF.kinematicQuadEKF()
AttitudeFilt = KinematicEKF.AttitudeComplementaryFilter()
lastTime = 0.

# Set up ZMQ subscriber/poller stuff
poller = zmq.Poller()
poller.register(IMUReceiver, zmq.POLLIN)
#poller.register(VICONReceiver, zmq.POLLIN)
IMUdata = state_pb2.ImuPb()
VICONdata = state_pb2.PosePb()
firstPass = True
firstPlot = True
ii = 0
jj = 0
while (True):
    print 'loop!'
コード例 #2
# create quadrotor
Quad = Multirotor.Multirotor() # default is quadrotor
idx = 0
dt = 0.005
T = 1.3
numsteps = 3
maxInd = int(math.ceil(T/dt))
stateHist = np.zeros((numsteps*maxInd,13))
# command motor
commands = [.5,.5,.5,.5]
#commands = [0,0,0,0]
# add wind
windvel = np.zeros((3,1))
# run for a while
controller = QuadrotorController.Controller()
EKF = KinematicEKF.kinematicQuadEKF()
PosFilt = KinematicEKF.PositionComplementaryFilter();
AttEstimator = KinematicEKF.AttitudeComplementaryFilter()
reference = [0.,0.,0.,3.]
time = 0.
period = dt
for jj in range(int(numsteps)):
    for ii in range(0,maxInd):
        state = Quad.updateState(dt,commands,windVelocity=windvel)
        #stateHist[idx,:] = state
        idx = idx+1
    if(jj <= 1):
        commands = [.3,.3, .3, .4]
コード例 #3
#! /usr/bin/python

import numpy as np
import AeroQuaternion as AQ
import KinematicEKF as kEKF

filter = kEKF.kinematicQuadEKF()

accelerometer = np.array([[.01, .01, -9.82]]).T
gravMeas = np.array([[.0, .0, -9.81]]).T
gyro = np.array([[.01, .01, .01]]).T
velocity = np.zeros((3, 1))
pos = velocity
dT = 0.01
for ii in range(0, 100):

    pos = pos + velocity * dT
    velocity = velocity + (accelerometer - gravMeas) * dT

    gps = ['gps', pos, np.eye(3)]
    other = [gps]

    stateAndCov = filter.runFilter(accelerometer, gyro, other, dT)

    print 'state: '
    print stateAndCov[0].T
コード例 #4
#! /usr/bin/python

import numpy as np
import AeroQuaternion as AQ
import KinematicEKF as kEKF

filter = kEKF.kinematicQuadEKF()

accelerometer = np.array([[.01,.01,-9.82]]).T
gravMeas =  np.array([[.0,.0,-9.81]]).T
gyro = np.array([[.01,.01,.01]]).T
velocity = np.zeros((3,1))
pos = velocity
dT = 0.01
for ii in range(0,100):

   pos = pos + velocity*dT
   velocity = velocity + (accelerometer-gravMeas)*dT

   gps = ['gps',pos,np.eye(3)]
   other = [gps]

   stateAndCov = filter.runFilter(accelerometer,gyro,other,dT)

   print 'state: '
   print stateAndCov[0].T

コード例 #5
# and initialize sim stuff
Quad = Multirotor.Multirotor(fuselageMass = 0.5) # default is quadrotor
idx = 0
dt = 0.002
T = 1.3
numsteps = 3
maxInd = int(math.ceil(T/dt))
stateHist = np.zeros((numsteps*maxInd,13))
commands = [0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5]
# add wind
#windvel = np.array([[30.,30.,0]]).T 
windvel = np.zeros((3,1))
# run for a whil
controller = QuadrotorController.Controller()
EKF = KinematicEKF.kinematicQuadEKF()
AttEstimator = KinematicEKF.AttitudeComplementaryFilter(initialAttitude=AQ.Quaternion(np.array(attEst)), timeConstant = 10.,Kbias = .00)
reference = [0.,0.,5.,0.]
time = 0.
lastTime = 0.
startTime = clock.time()
period = dt
Quad.stateVector[0,2] = 0. # initial height
Quad.stateVector[0,6:10] = AQ.Quaternion(np.array([0,0,0])).q
accMeas = np.zeros((3,1))


def drawQuad(att = [0,0,0], pos = np.zeros((3,1)), color = [1.,0.,0.,1.]):
コード例 #6
        pose.rotational_velocity.x = state[0,10]
        pose.rotational_velocity.y = state[0,11]
        pose.rotational_velocity.z = state[0,12]

        socket.send( pose.SerializeToString() )

def processControlData(data):
     # Fill this in based on how controls are passed
     commands = [data.roll, data.pitch, data.yaw_rate, data.throttle]
     return commands

# create objects
Quad = Multirotor.Multirotor() # default is quadrotor
controller = QuadrotorController.Controller()
AttEstimator = KinematicEKF.AttitudeComplementaryFilter()
EKF = KinematicEKF.kinematicQuadEKF()

Quad.stateVector[0,2] = 0. # initial height
gravTracker = 0.
accMeas = np.zeros((3,1))
lastUpdateTime = 0.
mountError = AQ.Quaternion(np.array([mount_error_roll,mount_error_pitch ,mount_error_yaw]))

# Set up ZMQ subscriber/poller stuff
poller = zmq.Poller()
poller.register(ControlReceiver, zmq.POLLIN)
Controldata = state_pb2.AngleCommandPb()
コード例 #7
# create quadrotor
Quad = Multirotor.Multirotor()  # default is quadrotor
idx = 0
dt = 0.005
T = 1.3
numsteps = 3
maxInd = int(math.ceil(T / dt))
stateHist = np.zeros((numsteps * maxInd, 13))
# command motor
commands = [.5, .5, .5, .5]
#commands = [0,0,0,0]
# add wind
windvel = np.zeros((3, 1))
# run for a while
controller = QuadrotorController.Controller()
EKF = KinematicEKF.kinematicQuadEKF()
PosFilt = KinematicEKF.PositionComplementaryFilter()
AttEstimator = KinematicEKF.AttitudeComplementaryFilter()
reference = [0., 0., 0., 3.]
time = 0.
period = dt
for jj in range(int(numsteps)):
    for ii in range(0,maxInd):
        state = Quad.updateState(dt,commands,windVelocity=windvel)
        #stateHist[idx,:] = state
        idx = idx+1
    if(jj <= 1):
        commands = [.3,.3, .3, .4]