コード例 #1
def TestOSTools():

    path1 = "C://basin_data//Chile//lat26p0//"
    path2 = "M:/Yo/ma/yoyo.ma"
    path3 = "/home/smudd/devel_projects/LSDTopoTools/branches/LSDModel"
    path4 = "C:\\basin_data\\Chile\\lat26p0\\heyJude_DEM.flt"

    newpath1 = LSDost.ReformatSeperators(path1)
    print "Old path: " + path1
    print "New path: " + newpath1

    newpath2 = LSDost.ReformatSeperators(path2)
    print "Old path: " + path2
    print "New path: " + newpath2

    newpath3 = LSDost.ReformatSeperators(path3)
    print "Old path: " + path3
    print "New path: " + newpath3

    newpath4 = LSDost.ReformatSeperators(path4)
    print "Old path: " + path4
    print "New path: " + newpath4

    # test the directory adder
    # test the directory adder
    print "\n\n"
    newpath = LSDost.AppendSepToDirectoryPath(path1)
    print "Sep appended path is: " + newpath

    print "\n\n"
    newpath = LSDost.AppendSepToDirectoryPath(path3)
    print "Sep appended path is: " + newpath

    # Test the file prefix grabber
    fprefix = LSDost.GetFilePrefix(path4)
    print "\n\n"
    print "File prefix is: " + fprefix

    # Test the remove path level
    print "\n\n"
    print "Removing a directory level from: " + newpath
    newnewpath = LSDost.RemoveDirectoryLevel(newpath)
    print "The new directory is: " + newnewpath

    # Test the last directory name function
    print "\n\n"
    print "The last directory name in: " + newnewpath
    name = LSDost.GetLastDirectoryLevel(newnewpath)
    print "is: " + name
コード例 #2
def GetRequiredFilesFromFolder(DataDirectory):
    #print "Current directory is: " + os.getcwd()   
    #Append a closing slash to the data directory if one is not already there
    NewDataDirectory = LSDost.ReformatSeperators(DataDirectory)   
    DataDirectory = LSDost.AppendSepToDirectoryPath(NewDataDirectory)
    #print "DataDirectory is (2): " + DataDirectory    

    # Start with a master list of required files
    required_files = []

    # find all the makefiles in the directory
    for FileName in glob(DataDirectory+"*.make"):
        #print "FileName is: " + FileName
        # Now you need to find all the sources in the makefile
        f = open(FileName,'r')  # open file
        lines = f.readlines()   # read in the data
        # Initiate an empty list that will contain the filenames
        cppfiles = []
        # add the makefile to the files to be copied
        # loop through the lines, flag a start where SOURCES line starts
        start_flag = 0
        for line in lines:
            if "SOURCE" in line:
                start_flag = 1
            # If there is OBJECTS in the line, stop looking for ".cpp"
            if "OBJECTS" in line:
                start_flag = 0
            # Look for .cpp between SOURCES and OBJECTS
            if start_flag == 1:
                if ".cpp" in line:
                    # seperate the line using spaces
                    split_line = line.split(' ')
                    this_item = ""
                    # Go through the split line looking for .cpp
                    for item in split_line:
                        if ".cpp" in item:
                            this_item = item
                            # get rid of the SOURCES
                            new_this_item = this_item.replace("SOURCES=","")
                    #print "This cpp file is: " + new_this_item
                    # get rid of stupid escape characters
                    this_file = LSDost.RemoveEscapeCharacters(new_this_item)
        # now print to screen the files required for this makefile
        #print "The files required for this makefile are: "
        #print cppfiles
        # now append to directory...this requires some logic because of the ../ seperators
        for filename in cppfiles:
            #print "Filename is: " + filename            
            # special logic for the ../ seperator            
            if "../" in filename:
                #print "There is a lower level in this filename, this means it is an object"
                thisfile =  filename.replace("../","")
                thisdirectory = LSDost.RemoveDirectoryLevel(DataDirectory)
                fullfile = thisdirectory+thisfile
                fullfile2 = fullfile.replace(".cpp",".hpp")
                fullfile = DataDirectory+filename  
            # append to the required files list
    # now thin out the required files to remove duplicates
    nd = set(required_files)
    required_files_noduplicates = list(nd)

    #print "/n/n================================="    
    #print "Required files are: " 
    #print required_files
    #print "--------"
    #print "And removing duplicates:"
    #print required_files_noduplicates
    #print "====================================="
    return required_files_noduplicates