コード例 #1
def main(argv=None):

    #%% Check argv
    if argv == None:
        argv = sys.argv

    start = time.time()
    ver = "1.4.8"
    date = 20210127
    author = "Y. Morishita"
    print("\n{} ver{} {} {}".format(os.path.basename(argv[0]), ver, date,
    print("{} {}".format(os.path.basename(argv[0]), ' '.join(argv[1:])),

    ## For parallel processing
    global n_para_gap, G, Aloop, unwpatch, imdates, incdir, ifgdir, length, width,\
        coef_r2m, ifgdates, ref_unw, cycle, keep_incfile, resdir, restxtfile, \
        cmap_vel, cmap_wrap, wavelength

    #%% Set default
    ifgdir = []
    tsadir = []
    inv_alg = 'LS'

        n_para = len(os.sched_getaffinity(0))
        n_para = multi.cpu_count()
    n_para_inv = 1

    memory_size = 4000
    gamma = 0.0001
    n_unw_r_thre = []
    keep_incfile = False

    cmap_vel = SCM.roma.reversed()
    cmap_noise = 'viridis'
    cmap_noise_r = 'viridis_r'
    cmap_wrap = SCM.romaO
    # q = multi.get_context('fork')
    q = multi.get_context('spawn')
    compress = 'gzip'

    #%% Read options
            opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "hd:t:", [
                "help", "mem_size=", "gamma=", "n_unw_r_thre=", "keep_incfile",
                "inv_alg=", "n_para="
        except getopt.error as msg:
            raise Usage(msg)
        for o, a in opts:
            if o == '-h' or o == '--help':
                return 0
            elif o == '-d':
                ifgdir = a
            elif o == '-t':
                tsadir = a
            elif o == '--mem_size':
                memory_size = float(a)
            elif o == '--gamma':
                gamma = float(a)
            elif o == '--n_unw_r_thre':
                n_unw_r_thre = float(a)
            elif o == '--keep_incfile':
                keep_incfile = True
            elif o == '--inv_alg':
                inv_alg = a
            elif o == '--n_para':
                n_para = int(a)

        if not ifgdir:
            raise Usage('No data directory given, -d is not optional!')
        elif not os.path.isdir(ifgdir):
            raise Usage('No {} dir exists!'.format(ifgdir))
        elif not os.path.exists(os.path.join(ifgdir, 'slc.mli.par')):
            raise Usage('No slc.mli.par file exists in {}!'.format(ifgdir))

    except Usage as err:
        print("\nERROR:", file=sys.stderr, end='')
        print("  " + str(err.msg), file=sys.stderr)
        print("\nFor help, use -h or --help.\n", file=sys.stderr)
        return 2

    #%% Directory settings
    ifgdir = os.path.abspath(ifgdir)

    if not tsadir:
        tsadir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(ifgdir),
                              'TS_' + os.path.basename(ifgdir))

    if not os.path.isdir(tsadir):
        print('\nNo {} exists!'.format(tsadir), file=sys.stderr)
        return 1

    tsadir = os.path.abspath(tsadir)
    resultsdir = os.path.join(tsadir, 'results')
    infodir = os.path.join(tsadir, 'info')
    netdir = os.path.join(tsadir, 'network')

    bad_ifg11file = os.path.join(infodir, '11bad_ifg.txt')
    bad_ifg12file = os.path.join(infodir, '12bad_ifg.txt')
    reffile = os.path.join(infodir, '12ref.txt')
    if not os.path.exists(reffile):  ## for old LiCSBAS12 < v1.1
        reffile = os.path.join(infodir, 'ref.txt')

    incdir = os.path.join(tsadir, '13increment')
    if not os.path.exists(incdir): os.mkdir(incdir)

    resdir = os.path.join(tsadir, '13resid')
    if not os.path.exists(resdir): os.mkdir(resdir)
    restxtfile = os.path.join(infodir, '13resid.txt')

    cumh5file = os.path.join(tsadir, 'cum.h5')

    #%% Check files
        if not os.path.exists(bad_ifg11file):
            raise Usage('No 11bad_ifg.txt file exists in {}!'.format(infodir))
        if not os.path.exists(bad_ifg12file):
            raise Usage('No 12bad_ifg.txt file exists in {}!'.format(infodir))
        if not os.path.exists(reffile):
            raise Usage('No 12ref.txt file exists in {}!'.format(infodir))
    except Usage as err:
        print("\nERROR:", file=sys.stderr, end='')
        print("  " + str(err.msg), file=sys.stderr)
        print("\nFor help, use -h or --help.\n", file=sys.stderr)
        return 2

    #%% Set preliminaly reference
    with open(reffile, "r") as f:
        refarea = f.read().split()[0]  #str, x1/x2/y1/y2
    refx1, refx2, refy1, refy2 = [int(s) for s in re.split('[:/]', refarea)]

    #%% Check RAM
    mem_avail = (psutil.virtual_memory().available) / 2**20  #MB
    if memory_size > mem_avail / 2:
        print('\nNot enough memory available compared to mem_size ({} MB).'.
        print('Reduce mem_size automatically to {} MB.'.format(
            int(mem_avail / 2)))
        memory_size = int(mem_avail / 2)

    #%% Read data information
    ### Get size
    mlipar = os.path.join(ifgdir, 'slc.mli.par')
    width = int(io_lib.get_param_par(mlipar, 'range_samples'))
    length = int(io_lib.get_param_par(mlipar, 'azimuth_lines'))
    speed_of_light = 299792458  #m/s
    radar_frequency = float(io_lib.get_param_par(mlipar,
                                                 'radar_frequency'))  #Hz
    wavelength = speed_of_light / radar_frequency  #meter
    coef_r2m = -wavelength / 4 / np.pi * 1000  #rad -> mm, positive is -LOS

    ### Calc pixel spacing depending on IFG or GEOC, used in later spatial filter
    dempar = os.path.join(ifgdir, 'EQA.dem_par')
    width_geo = int(io_lib.get_param_par(dempar, 'width'))
    length_geo = int(io_lib.get_param_par(dempar, 'nlines'))
    dlat = float(io_lib.get_param_par(dempar, 'post_lat'))  #negative
    dlon = float(io_lib.get_param_par(dempar, 'post_lon'))  #positive
    lat1 = float(io_lib.get_param_par(dempar, 'corner_lat'))
    lon1 = float(io_lib.get_param_par(dempar, 'corner_lon'))
    if width == width_geo and length == length_geo:  ## Geocoded
        print('\nIn geographical coordinates', flush=True)
        centerlat = lat1 + dlat * (length / 2)
        ra = float(io_lib.get_param_par(dempar, 'ellipsoid_ra'))
        recip_f = float(
            io_lib.get_param_par(dempar, 'ellipsoid_reciprocal_flattening'))
        rb = ra * (1 - 1 / recip_f)  ## polar radius
        pixsp_a = 2 * np.pi * rb / 360 * abs(dlat)
        pixsp_r = 2 * np.pi * ra / 360 * dlon * np.cos(np.deg2rad(centerlat))
        print('\nIn radar coordinates', flush=True)
        pixsp_r_org = float(io_lib.get_param_par(mlipar,
        pixsp_a = float(io_lib.get_param_par(mlipar, 'azimuth_pixel_spacing'))
        inc_agl = float(io_lib.get_param_par(mlipar, 'incidence_angle'))
        pixsp_r = pixsp_r_org / np.sin(np.deg2rad(inc_agl))

    ### Set n_unw_r_thre and cycle depending on L- or C-band
    if wavelength > 0.2:  ## L-band
        if not n_unw_r_thre: n_unw_r_thre = 0.5
        cycle = 1.5  # 2pi/cycle for comparison png
    elif wavelength <= 0.2:  ## C-band
        if not n_unw_r_thre: n_unw_r_thre = 1.0
        cycle = 3  # 3*2pi/cycle for comparison png

    #%% Read date and network information
    ### Get all ifgdates in ifgdir
    ifgdates_all = tools_lib.get_ifgdates(ifgdir)
    imdates_all = tools_lib.ifgdates2imdates(ifgdates_all)
    n_im_all = len(imdates_all)
    n_ifg_all = len(ifgdates_all)

    ### Read bad_ifg11 and 12
    bad_ifg11 = io_lib.read_ifg_list(bad_ifg11file)
    bad_ifg12 = io_lib.read_ifg_list(bad_ifg12file)
    bad_ifg_all = list(set(bad_ifg11 + bad_ifg12))

    ### Remove bad ifgs and images from list
    ifgdates = list(set(ifgdates_all) - set(bad_ifg_all))

    imdates = tools_lib.ifgdates2imdates(ifgdates)

    n_ifg = len(ifgdates)
    n_ifg_bad = len(set(bad_ifg11 + bad_ifg12))
    n_im = len(imdates)
    n_unw_thre = int(n_unw_r_thre * n_im)

    ### Make 13used_image.txt
    imfile = os.path.join(infodir, '13used_image.txt')
    with open(imfile, 'w') as f:
        for i in imdates:
            print('{}'.format(i), file=f)

    ### Calc dt in year
    imdates_dt = ([
        dt.datetime.strptime(imd, '%Y%m%d').toordinal() for imd in imdates
    dt_cum = np.float32((np.array(imdates_dt) - imdates_dt[0]) / 365.25)

    ### Construct G and Aloop matrix for increment and n_gap
    G = inv_lib.make_sb_matrix(ifgdates)
    Aloop = loop_lib.make_loop_matrix(ifgdates)

    #%% Plot network
    ## Read bperp data or dummy
    bperp_file = os.path.join(ifgdir, 'baselines')
    if os.path.exists(bperp_file):
        bperp_all = io_lib.read_bperp_file(bperp_file, imdates_all)
        bperp = io_lib.read_bperp_file(bperp_file, imdates)
    else:  #dummy
        bperp_all = np.random.random(len(imdates_all)).tolist()
        bperp = np.random.random(n_im).tolist()

    pngfile = os.path.join(netdir, 'network13_all.png')
    plot_lib.plot_network(ifgdates_all, bperp_all, [], pngfile)

    pngfile = os.path.join(netdir, 'network13.png')
    plot_lib.plot_network(ifgdates_all, bperp_all, bad_ifg_all, pngfile)

    pngfile = os.path.join(netdir, 'network13_nobad.png')

    #%% Get patch row number
    if inv_alg == 'WLS':
        n_store_data = n_ifg * 3 + n_im * 2 + n_im * 0.3  #
        n_store_data = n_ifg * 2 + n_im * 2 + n_im * 0.3  #not sure

    n_patch, patchrow = tools_lib.get_patchrow(width, length, n_store_data,

    #%% Display and output settings & parameters
    print('Size of image (w,l)    : {}, {}'.format(width, length))
    print('# of all images        : {}'.format(n_im_all))
    print('# of images to be used : {}'.format(n_im))
    print('# of all ifgs          : {}'.format(n_ifg_all))
    print('# of ifgs to be used   : {}'.format(n_ifg))
    print('# of removed ifgs      : {}'.format(n_ifg_bad))
    print('Threshold of used unw  : {}'.format(n_unw_thre))
    print('Reference area (X/Y)   : {}:{}/{}:{}'.format(
        refx1, refx2, refy1, refy2))
    print('Allowed memory size    : {} MB'.format(memory_size))
    print('Number of patches      : {}'.format(n_patch))
    print('Inversion algorism     : {}'.format(inv_alg))
    print('Gamma value            : {}'.format(gamma), flush=True)

    with open(os.path.join(infodir, '13parameters.txt'), "w") as f:
        print('range_samples:  {}'.format(width), file=f)
        print('azimuth_lines:  {}'.format(length), file=f)
        print('wavelength:     {}'.format(wavelength), file=f)
        print('n_im_all:       {}'.format(n_im_all), file=f)
        print('n_im:           {}'.format(n_im), file=f)
        print('n_ifg_all:      {}'.format(n_ifg_all), file=f)
        print('n_ifg:          {}'.format(n_ifg), file=f)
        print('n_ifg_bad:      {}'.format(n_ifg_bad), file=f)
        print('n_unw_thre:     {}'.format(n_unw_thre), file=f)
        print('ref_area:       {}:{}/{}:{}'.format(refx1, refx2, refy1, refy2),
        print('memory_size:    {} MB'.format(memory_size), file=f)
        print('n_patch:        {}'.format(n_patch), file=f)
        print('inv_alg:        {}'.format(inv_alg), file=f)
        print('gamma:          {}'.format(gamma), file=f)
        print('pixel_spacing_r: {:.2f} m'.format(pixsp_r), file=f)
        print('pixel_spacing_a: {:.2f} m'.format(pixsp_a), file=f)

    #%% Ref phase for inversion
    lengththis = refy2 - refy1
    countf = width * refy1
    countl = width * lengththis  # Number to be read
    ref_unw = []
    for i, ifgd in enumerate(ifgdates):
        unwfile = os.path.join(ifgdir, ifgd, ifgd + '.unw')
        f = open(unwfile, 'rb')
        f.seek(countf * 4, os.SEEK_SET)  #Seek for >=2nd path, 4 means byte

        ### Read unw data (mm) at ref area
        unw = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.float32, count=countl).reshape(
            (lengththis, width))[:, refx1:refx2] * coef_r2m

        unw[unw == 0] = np.nan
        if np.all(np.isnan(unw)):
            print('All nan in ref area in {}.'.format(ifgd))
            print('Rerun LiCSBAS12.')
            return 1



    #%% Open cum.h5 for output
    if os.path.exists(cumh5file): os.remove(cumh5file)
    cumh5 = h5.File(cumh5file, 'w')
    cumh5.create_dataset('imdates', data=[np.int32(imd) for imd in imdates])
    if not np.all(np.abs(np.array(bperp)) <= 1):  # if not dummy
        cumh5.create_dataset('bperp', data=bperp)
    cum = cumh5.require_dataset('cum', (n_im, length, width),
    vel = cumh5.require_dataset('vel', (length, width),
    vconst = cumh5.require_dataset('vintercept', (length, width),
    gap = cumh5.require_dataset('gap', (n_im - 1, length, width),

    if width == width_geo and length == length_geo:  ## if geocoded
        cumh5.create_dataset('corner_lat', data=lat1)
        cumh5.create_dataset('corner_lon', data=lon1)
        cumh5.create_dataset('post_lat', data=dlat)
        cumh5.create_dataset('post_lon', data=dlon)

    #%% For each patch
    for i_patch, rows in enumerate(patchrow):
        print('\nProcess {0}/{1}th line ({2}/{3}th patch)...'.format(
            rows[1], patchrow[-1][-1], i_patch + 1, n_patch),
        start2 = time.time()

        #%% Read data
        ### Allocate memory
        lengththis = rows[1] - rows[0]
        n_pt_all = lengththis * width
        unwpatch = np.zeros((n_ifg, lengththis, width), dtype=np.float32)

        if inv_alg == 'WLS':
            cohpatch = np.zeros((n_ifg, lengththis, width), dtype=np.float32)

        ### For each ifg
        print("  Reading {0} ifg's unw data...".format(n_ifg), flush=True)
        countf = width * rows[0]
        countl = width * lengththis
        for i, ifgd in enumerate(ifgdates):
            unwfile = os.path.join(ifgdir, ifgd, ifgd + '.unw')
            f = open(unwfile, 'rb')
            f.seek(countf * 4,
                   os.SEEK_SET)  #Seek for >=2nd patch, 4 means byte

            ### Read unw data (mm) at patch area
            unw = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.float32, count=countl).reshape(
                (lengththis, width)) * coef_r2m
            unw[unw == 0] = np.nan  # Fill 0 with nan
            unw = unw - ref_unw[i]
            unwpatch[i] = unw

            ### Read coh file at patch area for WLS
            if inv_alg == 'WLS':
                cohfile = os.path.join(ifgdir, ifgd, ifgd + '.cc')
                f = open(cohfile, 'rb')

                if os.path.getsize(cohfile) == length * width:  ## uint8 format
                    f.seek(countf, os.SEEK_SET)  #Seek for >=2nd patch
                    cohpatch[i, :, :] = (np.fromfile(
                        f, dtype=np.uint8, count=countl).reshape(
                            (lengththis, width))).astype(np.float32) / 255
                else:  ## old float32 format
                    f.seek(countf * 4,
                           os.SEEK_SET)  #Seek for >=2nd patch, 4 means byte
                    cohpatch[i, :, :] = np.fromfile(f,
                                                        (lengththis, width))
                cohpatch[cohpatch == 0] = np.nan

        unwpatch = unwpatch.reshape(
            (n_ifg, n_pt_all)).transpose()  #(n_pt_all, n_ifg)

        ### Calc variance from coherence for WLS
        if inv_alg == 'WLS':
            cohpatch = cohpatch.reshape(
                (n_ifg, n_pt_all)).transpose()  #(n_pt_all, n_ifg)
                cohpatch <
                0.01] = 0.01  ## because negative value possible due to geocode
                cohpatch > 0.99] = 0.99  ## because >1 possible due to geocode
            varpatch = (1 - cohpatch**2) / (2 * cohpatch**2)
            del cohpatch

        #%% Remove points with less valid data than n_unw_thre
        ix_unnan_pt = np.where(
            np.sum(~np.isnan(unwpatch), axis=1) > n_unw_thre)[0]
        n_pt_unnan = len(ix_unnan_pt)

        unwpatch = unwpatch[ix_unnan_pt, :]  ## keep only unnan data
        if inv_alg == 'WLS':
            varpatch = varpatch[ix_unnan_pt, :]  ## keep only unnan data

        print('  {}/{} points removed due to not enough ifg data...'.format(
            n_pt_all - n_pt_unnan, n_pt_all),

        #%% Compute number of gaps, ifg_noloop, maxTlen point-by-point
        if n_pt_unnan != 0:
            ns_gap_patch = np.zeros((n_pt_all), dtype=np.float32) * np.nan
            gap_patch = np.zeros((n_im - 1, n_pt_all), dtype=np.int8)
            ns_ifg_noloop_patch = np.zeros(
                (n_pt_all), dtype=np.float32) * np.nan
            maxTlen_patch = np.zeros((n_pt_all), dtype=np.float32) * np.nan

            ### Determine n_para
            n_pt_patch_min = 1000
            if n_pt_patch_min * n_para > n_pt_unnan:
                ## Too much n_para
                n_para_gap = int(np.floor(n_pt_unnan / n_pt_patch_min))
                if n_para_gap == 0: n_para_gap = 1
                n_para_gap = n_para

            print('\n  Identifing gaps, and counting n_gap and n_ifg_noloop,')
            print('  with {} parallel processing...'.format(n_para_gap),

            ### Devide unwpatch by n_para for parallel processing
            p = q.Pool(n_para_gap)
            # _result = np.array(p.map(count_gaps_wrapper, range(n_para_gap)), dtype=object)
            _result = np.array(p.map(count_gaps_wrapper,
                                     [(i, n_para_gap, G, Aloop, unwpatch)
                                      for i in range(n_para_gap)]),

            ns_gap_patch[ix_unnan_pt] = np.hstack(_result[:, 0])  #n_pt
            gap_patch[:, ix_unnan_pt] = np.hstack(_result[:, 1])  #n_im-1, n_pt
            ns_ifg_noloop_patch[ix_unnan_pt] = np.hstack(_result[:, 2])

            ### maxTlen
            _maxTlen = np.zeros((n_pt_unnan), dtype=np.float32)  #temporaly
            _Tlen = np.zeros((n_pt_unnan), dtype=np.float32)  #temporaly
            for imx in range(n_im - 1):
                _Tlen = _Tlen + (dt_cum[imx + 1] - dt_cum[imx])  ## Adding dt
                                ix_unnan_pt] == 1] = 0  ## reset to 0 if gap
                _maxTlen[_maxTlen < _Tlen] = _Tlen[
                    _maxTlen < _Tlen]  ## Set Tlen to maxTlen
            maxTlen_patch[ix_unnan_pt] = _maxTlen

            #%% Time series inversion
            print('\n  Small Baseline inversion by {}...\n'.format(inv_alg),
            if inv_alg == 'WLS':
                inc_tmp, vel_tmp, vconst_tmp = inv_lib.invert_nsbas_wls(
                    unwpatch, varpatch, G, dt_cum, gamma, n_para_inv)
                inc_tmp, vel_tmp, vconst_tmp = inv_lib.invert_nsbas(
                    unwpatch, G, dt_cum, gamma, n_para_inv)

            ### Set to valuables
            inc_patch = np.zeros(
                (n_im - 1, n_pt_all), dtype=np.float32) * np.nan
            vel_patch = np.zeros((n_pt_all), dtype=np.float32) * np.nan
            vconst_patch = np.zeros((n_pt_all), dtype=np.float32) * np.nan

            inc_patch[:, ix_unnan_pt] = inc_tmp
            vel_patch[ix_unnan_pt] = vel_tmp
            vconst_patch[ix_unnan_pt] = vconst_tmp

            ### Calculate residuals
            res_patch = np.zeros((n_ifg, n_pt_all), dtype=np.float32) * np.nan
            res_patch[:, ix_unnan_pt] = unwpatch.T - np.dot(G, inc_tmp)

            res_sumsq = np.nansum(res_patch**2, axis=0)
            res_n = np.float32((~np.isnan(res_patch)).sum(axis=0))
            res_n[res_n == 0] = np.nan  # To avoid 0 division
            res_rms_patch = np.sqrt(res_sumsq / res_n)

            ### Cumulative displacememt
            cum_patch = np.zeros((n_im, n_pt_all), dtype=np.float32) * np.nan
            cum_patch[1:, :] = np.cumsum(inc_patch, axis=0)

            ## Fill 1st image with 0 at unnan points from 2nd images
            bool_unnan_pt = ~np.isnan(cum_patch[1, :])
            cum_patch[0, bool_unnan_pt] = 0

            ## Drop (fill with nan) interpolated cum by 2 continuous gaps
            for i in range(n_im - 2):  ## from 1->n_im-1
                gap2 = gap_patch[i, :] + gap_patch[i + 1, :]
                bool_gap2 = (gap2 == 2
                             )  ## true if 2 continuous gaps for each point
                cum_patch[i + 1, :][bool_gap2] = np.nan

            ## Last (n_im th) image. 1 gap means interpolated
            cum_patch[-1, :][gap_patch[-1, :] == 1] = np.nan

        #%% Fill by np.nan if n_pt_unnan == 0
            cum_patch = np.zeros((n_im, n_pt_all), dtype=np.float32) * np.nan
            vel_patch = np.zeros((n_pt_all), dtype=np.float32) * np.nan
            vconst_patch = np.zeros((n_pt_all), dtype=np.float32) * np.nan
            gap_patch = np.zeros((n_im - 1, n_pt_all), dtype=np.int8)
            inc_patch = np.zeros(
                (n_im - 1, n_pt_all), dtype=np.float32) * np.nan
            res_patch = np.zeros((n_ifg, n_pt_all), dtype=np.float32) * np.nan
            res_rms_patch = np.zeros((n_pt_all), dtype=np.float32) * np.nan
            ns_gap_patch = np.zeros((n_pt_all), dtype=np.float32) * np.nan
            ns_ifg_noloop_patch = np.zeros(
                (n_pt_all), dtype=np.float32) * np.nan
            maxTlen_patch = np.zeros((n_pt_all), dtype=np.float32) * np.nan

        #%% Output data and image
        ### cum.h5 file
        cum[:, rows[0]:rows[1], :] = cum_patch.reshape(
            (n_im, lengththis, width))
        vel[rows[0]:rows[1], :] = vel_patch.reshape((lengththis, width))
        vconst[rows[0]:rows[1], :] = vconst_patch.reshape((lengththis, width))
        gap[:, rows[0]:rows[1], :] = gap_patch.reshape(
            (n_im - 1, lengththis, width))

        ### Others
        openmode = 'w' if rows[0] == 0 else 'a'  #w only 1st patch

        ## For each imd. cum and inc
        for imx, imd in enumerate(imdates):
            ## Incremental displacement
            if imd == imdates[-1]: continue  #skip last
            incfile = os.path.join(incdir,
                                   '{0}_{1}.inc'.format(imd, imdates[imx + 1]))
            with open(incfile, openmode) as f:
                inc_patch[imx, :].tofile(f)

        ## For each ifgd. resid
        for i, ifgd in enumerate(ifgdates):
            resfile = os.path.join(resdir, '{0}.res'.format(ifgd))
            with open(resfile, openmode) as f:
                res_patch[i, :].tofile(f)

        ## velocity and noise indecies in results dir
        names = [
            'vel', 'vintercept', 'resid_rms', 'n_gap', 'n_ifg_noloop',
        data = [
            vel_patch, vconst_patch, res_rms_patch, ns_gap_patch,
            ns_ifg_noloop_patch, maxTlen_patch
        for i in range(len(names)):
            file = os.path.join(resultsdir, names[i])
            with open(file, openmode) as f:

        #%% Finish patch
        elapsed_time2 = int(time.time() - start2)
        hour2 = int(elapsed_time2 / 3600)
        minite2 = int(np.mod((elapsed_time2 / 60), 60))
        sec2 = int(np.mod(elapsed_time2, 60))
        print("  Elapsed time for {0}th patch: {1:02}h {2:02}m {3:02}s".format(
            i_patch + 1, hour2, minite2, sec2),

    #%% Find stable ref point
    print('\nFind stable reference point...', flush=True)
    ### Compute RMS of time series with reference to all points
    sumsq_cum_wrt_med = np.zeros((length, width), dtype=np.float32)
    for i in range(n_im):
        sumsq_cum_wrt_med = sumsq_cum_wrt_med + (cum[i, :, :] -
                                                 np.nanmedian(cum[i, :, :]))**2
    rms_cum_wrt_med = np.sqrt(sumsq_cum_wrt_med / n_im)

    ### Mask by minimum n_gap
    n_gap = io_lib.read_img(os.path.join(resultsdir, 'n_gap'), length, width)
    min_n_gap = np.nanmin(n_gap)
    mask_n_gap = np.float32(n_gap == min_n_gap)
    mask_n_gap[mask_n_gap == 0] = np.nan
    rms_cum_wrt_med = rms_cum_wrt_med * mask_n_gap

    ### Find stable reference
    min_rms = np.nanmin(rms_cum_wrt_med)
    refy1s, refx1s = np.where(rms_cum_wrt_med == min_rms)
    refy1s, refx1s = refy1s[0], refx1s[0]  ## Only first index
    refy2s, refx2s = refy1s + 1, refx1s + 1
    print('Selected ref: {}:{}/{}:{}'.format(refx1s, refx2s, refy1s, refy2s),

    ### Rerferencing cumulative displacement  and vel to new stable ref
    for i in range(n_im):
        cum[i, :, :] = cum[i, :, :] - cum[i, refy1s, refx1s]
    vel = vel - vel[refy1s, refx1s]
    vconst = vconst - vconst[refy1s, refx1s]

    ### Save image
    rms_cum_wrt_med_file = os.path.join(infodir, '13rms_cum_wrt_med')
    with open(rms_cum_wrt_med_file, 'w') as f:

    pngfile = os.path.join(infodir, '13rms_cum_wrt_med.png')
    plot_lib.make_im_png(rms_cum_wrt_med, pngfile, cmap_noise_r,
                         'RMS of cum wrt median (mm)',
                         np.nanpercentile(rms_cum_wrt_med, 1),
                         np.nanpercentile(rms_cum_wrt_med, 99))

    ### Save ref
                         data='{}:{}/{}:{}'.format(refx1s, refx2s, refy1s,
    refsfile = os.path.join(infodir, '13ref.txt')
    with open(refsfile, 'w') as f:
        print('{}:{}/{}:{}'.format(refx1s, refx2s, refy1s, refy2s), file=f)

    if width == width_geo and length == length_geo:  ## Geocoded
        ### Make ref_stable.kml
        reflat = lat1 + dlat * refy1s
        reflon = lon1 + dlon * refx1s
        io_lib.make_point_kml(reflat, reflon,
                              os.path.join(infodir, '13ref.kml'))

    #%% Close h5 file

    #%% Output png images
    ### Incremental displacement
    _n_para = n_im - 1 if n_para > n_im - 1 else n_para
        '\nOutput increment png images with {} parallel processing...'.format(
    p = q.Pool(_n_para)
    # p.map(inc_png_wrapper, range(n_im-1))
          [(i, imdates, incdir, ifgdir, length, width, coef_r2m, ifgdates,
            ref_unw, cycle, cmap_wrap, keep_incfile) for i in range(n_im - 1)])

    ### Residual for each ifg. png and txt.
    with open(restxtfile, "w") as f:
        print('# RMS of residual (mm)', file=f)
    _n_para = n_ifg if n_para > n_ifg else n_para
    print('\nOutput residual png images with {} parallel processing...'.format(
    p = q.Pool(_n_para)
    # p.map(resid_png_wrapper, range(n_ifg))
    p.map(resid_png_wrapper, [(i, ifgdates, resdir, length, width, restxtfile,
                               cmap_vel, wavelength, keep_incfile)
                              for i in range(n_ifg)])

    ### Velocity and noise indices
    cmins = [None, None, None, None, None, None]
    cmaxs = [None, None, None, None, None, None]
    cmaps = [
        cmap_vel, cmap_vel, cmap_noise_r, cmap_noise_r, cmap_noise_r,
    titles = [
        'Velocity (mm/yr)', 'Intercept of velocity (mm)',
        'RMS of residual (mm)', 'Number of gaps in SB network',
        'Number of ifgs with no loops',
        'Max length of connected SB network (yr)'

    print('\nOutput noise png images...', flush=True)
    for i in range(len(names)):
        file = os.path.join(resultsdir, names[i])
        data = io_lib.read_img(file, length, width)

        pngfile = file + '.png'

        ## Get color range if None
        if cmins[i] is None:
            cmins[i] = np.nanpercentile(data, 1)
        if cmaxs[i] is None:
            cmaxs[i] = np.nanpercentile(data, 99)
        if cmins[i] == cmaxs[i]: cmins[i] = cmaxs[i] - 1

        plot_lib.make_im_png(data, pngfile, cmaps[i], titles[i], cmins[i],

    #%% Finish
    elapsed_time = time.time() - start
    hour = int(elapsed_time / 3600)
    minite = int(np.mod((elapsed_time / 60), 60))
    sec = int(np.mod(elapsed_time, 60))
    print("\nElapsed time: {0:02}h {1:02}m {2:02}s".format(hour, minite, sec))

    print('\n{} Successfully finished!!\n'.format(os.path.basename(argv[0])))
    print('Output directory: {}\n'.format(os.path.relpath(tsadir)))
コード例 #2
def main(argv=None):

    #%% Check argv
    if argv == None:
        argv = sys.argv

    start = time.time()
    print("{} {}".format(os.path.basename(argv[0]), ' '.join(argv[1:])),

    #%% Set default
    ifgdir = []
    tsadir = []
    refflag = 'auto'  ## not supported
    inv_alg = 'LS'
    n_core = 1

    memory_size = 4000
    gamma = 0.0001
    n_unw_r_thre = []
    keep_incfile = False

    #%% Read options
            opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "hd:t:r:", [
                "help", "mem_size=", "gamma=", "n_unw_r_thre=", "keep_incfile",
                "inv_alg=", "n_core="
        except getopt.error as msg:
            raise Usage(msg)
        for o, a in opts:
            if o == '-h' or o == '--help':
                return 0
            elif o == '-d':
                ifgdir = a
            elif o == '-t':
                tsadir = a
            elif o == '-r':
                refflag = a
            elif o == '--mem_size':
                memory_size = float(a)
            elif o == '--gamma':
                gamma = float(a)
            elif o == '--n_unw_r_thre':
                n_unw_r_thre = float(a)
            elif o == '--keep_incfile':
                keep_incfile = True
            elif o == '--inv_alg':
                inv_alg = a
            elif o == '--n_core':
                n_core = int(a)

        if not ifgdir:
            raise Usage('No data directory given, -d is not optional!')
        elif not os.path.isdir(ifgdir):
            raise Usage('No {} dir exists!'.format(ifgdir))
        elif not os.path.exists(os.path.join(ifgdir, 'slc.mli.par')):
            raise Usage('No slc.mli.par file exists in {}!'.format(ifgdir))

    except Usage as err:
        print("\nERROR:", file=sys.stderr, end='')
        print("  " + str(err.msg), file=sys.stderr)
        print("\nFor help, use -h or --help.\n", file=sys.stderr)
        return 2

    #%% Directory settings
    ifgdir = os.path.abspath(ifgdir)

    if not tsadir:
        tsadir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(ifgdir),
                              'TS_' + os.path.basename(ifgdir))

    if not os.path.isdir(tsadir):
        print('\nNo {} exists!'.format(tsadir), file=sys.stderr)
        return 1

    tsadir = os.path.abspath(tsadir)
    resultsdir = os.path.join(tsadir, 'results')
    infodir = os.path.join(tsadir, 'info')
    netdir = os.path.join(tsadir, 'network')

    bad_ifg11file = os.path.join(infodir, '11bad_ifg.txt')
    bad_ifg12file = os.path.join(infodir, '12bad_ifg.txt')
    reffile = os.path.join(infodir, 'ref.txt')

    incdir = os.path.join(tsadir, '13increment')
    if not os.path.exists(incdir): os.mkdir(incdir)

    resdir = os.path.join(tsadir, '13resid')
    if not os.path.exists(resdir): os.mkdir(resdir)
    restxtfile = os.path.join(infodir, '13resid.txt')

    cumh5file = os.path.join(tsadir, 'cum.h5')

    #%% Check files
        if not os.path.exists(bad_ifg11file):
            raise Usage('No 11bad_ifg.txt file exists in {}!'.format(tsadir))
        if not os.path.exists(bad_ifg12file):
            raise Usage('No 12bad_ifg.txt file exists in {}!'.format(tsadir))
        if not os.path.exists(reffile):
            raise Usage('No ref.txt file exists in {}!'.format(tsadir))
    except Usage as err:
        print("\nERROR:", file=sys.stderr, end='')
        print("  " + str(err.msg), file=sys.stderr)
        print("\nFor help, use -h or --help.\n", file=sys.stderr)
        return 2

    #%% Check and set reference
    if refflag == 'auto':  # Automatic setting based on ref.txt
        with open(reffile, "r") as f:
            refarea = f.read().split()[0]  #str, x1/x2/y1/y2
        refx1, refx2, refy1, refy2 = [
            int(s) for s in re.split('[:/]', refarea)

    #%% Read data information
    ### Get size
    mlipar = os.path.join(ifgdir, 'slc.mli.par')
    width = int(io_lib.get_param_par(mlipar, 'range_samples'))
    length = int(io_lib.get_param_par(mlipar, 'azimuth_lines'))
    speed_of_light = 299792458  #m/s
    radar_frequency = float(io_lib.get_param_par(mlipar,
                                                 'radar_frequency'))  #Hz
    wavelength = speed_of_light / radar_frequency  #meter
    coef_r2m = -wavelength / 4 / np.pi * 1000  #rad -> mm, positive is -LOS

    ### Calc pixel spacing depending on IFG or GEOC, used in later spatial filter
    dempar = os.path.join(ifgdir, 'EQA.dem_par')
    width_geo = int(io_lib.get_param_par(dempar, 'width'))
    length_geo = int(io_lib.get_param_par(dempar, 'nlines'))
    dlat = float(io_lib.get_param_par(dempar, 'post_lat'))  #negative
    dlon = float(io_lib.get_param_par(dempar, 'post_lon'))  #positive
    lat1 = float(io_lib.get_param_par(dempar, 'corner_lat'))
    lon1 = float(io_lib.get_param_par(dempar, 'corner_lon'))
    if width == width_geo and length == length_geo:  ## Geocoded
        print('In geographical coordinates', flush=True)
        centerlat = lat1 + dlat * (length / 2)
        ra = float(io_lib.get_param_par(dempar, 'ellipsoid_ra'))
        recip_f = float(
            io_lib.get_param_par(dempar, 'ellipsoid_reciprocal_flattening'))
        rb = ra * (1 - 1 / recip_f)  ## polar radius
        pixsp_a = 2 * np.pi * rb / 360 * abs(dlat)
        pixsp_r = 2 * np.pi * ra / 360 * dlon * np.cos(np.deg2rad(centerlat))

        ### Make ref.kml
        reflat = lat1 + dlat * refy1
        reflon = lon1 + dlon * refx1
        make_point_kml(reflat, reflon, os.path.join(infodir, 'ref.kml'))

        print('In radar coordinates', flush=True)
        pixsp_r_org = float(io_lib.get_param_par(mlipar,
        pixsp_a = float(io_lib.get_param_par(mlipar, 'azimuth_pixel_spacing'))
        inc_agl = float(io_lib.get_param_par(mlipar, 'incidence_angle'))
        pixsp_r = pixsp_r_org / np.sin(np.deg2rad(inc_agl))

    ### Set n_unw_r_thre and cycle depending on L- or C-band
    if wavelength > 0.2:  ## L-band
        if not n_unw_r_thre: n_unw_r_thre = 0.5
        cycle = 1.5  # 2pi/cycle for comparison png
    elif wavelength <= 0.2:  ## C-band
        if not n_unw_r_thre: n_unw_r_thre = 1.0
        cycle = 3  # 3*2pi/cycle for comparison png

    #%% Read date and network information
    ### Get all ifgdates in ifgdir
    ifgdates_all = tools_lib.get_ifgdates(ifgdir)
    imdates_all = tools_lib.ifgdates2imdates(ifgdates_all)
    n_im_all = len(imdates_all)
    n_ifg_all = len(ifgdates_all)

    ### Read bad_ifg11 and 12
    bad_ifg11 = io_lib.read_ifg_list(bad_ifg11file)
    bad_ifg12 = io_lib.read_ifg_list(bad_ifg12file)
    bad_ifg_all = list(set(bad_ifg11 + bad_ifg12))

    ### Remove bad ifgs and images from list
    ifgdates = list(set(ifgdates_all) - set(bad_ifg_all))

    imdates = tools_lib.ifgdates2imdates(ifgdates)

    n_ifg = len(ifgdates)
    n_ifg_bad = len(set(bad_ifg11 + bad_ifg12))
    n_im = len(imdates)
    n_unw_thre = int(n_unw_r_thre * n_im)

    ### Make 13used_image.txt
    imfile = os.path.join(infodir, '13used_image.txt')
    with open(imfile, 'w') as f:
        for i in imdates:
            print('{}'.format(i), file=f)

    ### Calc dt in year
    imdates_dt = ([
        dt.datetime.strptime(imd, '%Y%m%d').toordinal() for imd in imdates
    dt_cum = np.float32((np.array(imdates_dt) - imdates_dt[0]) / 365.25)

    ### Construct G and Aloop matrix for increment and n_gap
    G = inv_lib.make_sb_matrix(ifgdates)
    Aloop = loop_lib.make_loop_matrix(ifgdates)
    n_loop = Aloop.shape[0]  # (n_loop,n_ifg)

    #%% Plot network
    ## Read bperp data or dummy
    bperp_file = os.path.join(ifgdir, 'baselines')
    if os.path.exists(bperp_file):
        bperp_all = io_lib.read_bperp_file(bperp_file, imdates_all)
        bperp = io_lib.read_bperp_file(bperp_file, imdates)
    else:  #dummy
        bperp_all = np.random.random(len(imdates_all)).tolist()
        bperp = np.random.random(n_im).tolist()

    pngfile = os.path.join(netdir, 'network13_all.png')
    plot_lib.plot_network(ifgdates_all, bperp_all, [], pngfile, pdf=True)

    pngfile = os.path.join(netdir, 'network13.png')

    pngfile = os.path.join(netdir, 'network13_nobad.png')

    #%% Get patch row number
    if inv_alg == 'WLS':
        n_store_data = n_ifg * 3 + n_im * 2 + n_im * 0.3  #
        n_store_data = n_ifg * 2 + n_im * 2 + n_im * 0.3  #not sure

    n_patch, patchrow = tools_lib.get_patchrow(width, length, n_store_data,

    #%% Display and output settings & paramters
    print('Size of image (w,l)    : {}, {}'.format(width, length))
    print('# of all images        : {}'.format(n_im_all))
    print('# of images to be used : {}'.format(n_im))
    print('# of all ifgs          : {}'.format(n_ifg_all))
    print('# of ifgs to be used   : {}'.format(n_ifg))
    print('# of removed ifgs      : {}'.format(n_ifg_bad))
    print('Threshold of used unw  : {}'.format(n_unw_thre))
    print('Reference area (X/Y)   : {}:{}/{}:{}'.format(
        refx1, refx2, refy1, refy2))
    print('Allowed memory size    : {} MB'.format(memory_size))
    print('Number of patches      : {}'.format(n_patch))
    print('Inversion algorism     : {}'.format(inv_alg))
    print('Gamma value            : {}'.format(gamma), flush=True)

    with open(os.path.join(infodir, 'parameters.txt'), "w") as f:
        print('range_samples:  {}'.format(width), file=f)
        print('azimuth_lines:  {}'.format(length), file=f)
        print('wavelength:     {}'.format(wavelength), file=f)
        print('n_im_all:       {}'.format(n_im_all), file=f)
        print('n_im:           {}'.format(n_im), file=f)
        print('n_ifg_all:      {}'.format(n_ifg_all), file=f)
        print('n_ifg:          {}'.format(n_ifg), file=f)
        print('n_ifg_bad:      {}'.format(n_ifg_bad), file=f)
        print('n_unw_thre:     {}'.format(n_unw_thre), file=f)
        print('ref_area:       {}:{}/{}:{}'.format(refx1, refx2, refy1, refy2),
        print('memory_size:    {} MB'.format(memory_size), file=f)
        print('n_patch:        {}'.format(n_patch), file=f)
        print('inv_alg:        {}'.format(inv_alg), file=f)
        print('gamma:          {}'.format(gamma), file=f)
        print('pixel_spacing_r: {:.2f} m'.format(pixsp_r), file=f)
        print('pixel_spacing_a: {:.2f} m'.format(pixsp_a), file=f)

#%% Ref phase for inversion
    lengththis = refy2 - refy1
    countf = width * refy1
    countl = width * lengththis  # Number to be read
    ref_unw = []
    for i, ifgd in enumerate(ifgdates):
        unwfile = os.path.join(ifgdir, ifgd, ifgd + '.unw')
        f = open(unwfile, 'rb')
        f.seek(countf * 4, os.SEEK_SET)  #Seek for >=2nd path, 4 means byte

        ### Read unw data (mm) at ref area
        unw = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.float32, count=countl).reshape(
            (lengththis, width))[:, refx1:refx2] * coef_r2m

        unw[unw == 0] = np.nan
        if np.all(np.isnan(unw)):
            print('All nan in ref area in {}.'.format(ifgd))
            print('Rerun LiCSBAS12.')
            return 1



    #%% Open cum.h5 for output
    if os.path.exists(cumh5file): os.remove(cumh5file)
    cumh5 = h5.File(cumh5file, 'w')
    cumh5.create_dataset('imdates', data=[np.int32(imd) for imd in imdates])
    cumh5.create_dataset('refarea', data=refarea)
    if not np.all(np.abs(np.array(bperp)) <= 1):  # if not dummy
        cumh5.create_dataset('bperp', data=bperp)
    cum = cumh5.require_dataset('cum', (n_im, length, width), dtype=np.float32)
    vel = cumh5.require_dataset('vel', (length, width), dtype=np.float32)
    vconst = cumh5.require_dataset('vintercept', (length, width),
    gap = cumh5.require_dataset('gap', (n_im - 1, length, width),

    if width == width_geo and length == length_geo:  ## if geocoded
        cumh5.create_dataset('corner_lat', data=lat1)
        cumh5.create_dataset('corner_lon', data=lon1)
        cumh5.create_dataset('post_lat', data=dlat)
        cumh5.create_dataset('post_lon', data=dlon)

    #%% For each patch
    i_patch = 1
    for rows in patchrow:
        print('\nProcess {0}/{1}th line ({2}/{3}th patch)...'.format(
            rows[1], patchrow[-1][-1], i_patch, n_patch),
        start2 = time.time()

        #%% Read data
        ### Allocate memory
        lengththis = rows[1] - rows[0]
        n_pt_all = lengththis * width
        unwpatch = np.zeros((n_ifg, lengththis, width), dtype=np.float32)

        if inv_alg == 'WLS':
            cohpatch = np.zeros((n_ifg, lengththis, width), dtype=np.float32)

        ### For each ifg
        print("  Reading {0} ifg's unw data...".format(n_ifg), flush=True)
        countf = width * rows[0]
        countl = width * lengththis
        for i, ifgd in enumerate(ifgdates):
            unwfile = os.path.join(ifgdir, ifgd, ifgd + '.unw')
            f = open(unwfile, 'rb')
            f.seek(countf * 4, os.SEEK_SET)  #Seek for >=2nd path, 4 means byte

            ### Read unw data (mm) at patch area
            unw = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.float32, count=countl).reshape(
                (lengththis, width)) * coef_r2m
            unw[unw == 0] = np.nan  # Fill 0 with nan
            unw = unw - ref_unw[i]
            unwpatch[i] = unw

            ### Read coh file at patch area for WLS
            if inv_alg == 'WLS':
                cohfile = os.path.join(ifgdir, ifgd, ifgd + '.cc')
                f = open(cohfile, 'rb')
                f.seek(countf * 4,
                       os.SEEK_SET)  #Seek for >=2nd path, 4 means byte
                cohpatch[i, :, :] = np.fromfile(f,
                                                    (lengththis, width))

        unwpatch = unwpatch.reshape(
            (n_ifg, n_pt_all)).transpose()  #(n_pt_all, n_ifg)

        ### Calc variance from coherence for WLS
        if inv_alg == 'WLS':
            cohpatch = cohpatch.reshape(
                (n_ifg, n_pt_all)).transpose()  #(n_pt_all, n_ifg)
                cohpatch <
                0.01] = 0.01  ## because negative value possible due to geocode
                cohpatch > 0.99] = 0.99  ## because >1 possible due to geocode
            varpatch = (1 - cohpatch**2) / (2 * cohpatch**2)
            del cohpatch

        #%% Remove points with less valid data than n_unw_thre
        ix_unnan_pt = np.where(
            np.sum(~np.isnan(unwpatch), axis=1) > n_unw_thre)[0]
        n_pt_unnan = len(ix_unnan_pt)

        unwpatch = unwpatch[ix_unnan_pt, :]  ## keep only unnan data
        if inv_alg == 'WLS':
            varpatch = varpatch[ix_unnan_pt, :]  ## keep only unnan data

        print('  {}/{} points removed due to not enough ifg data...'.format(
            n_pt_all - n_pt_unnan, n_pt_all),

        #%% Compute number of gaps, ifg_noloop, maxTlen point-by-point
        ns_gap_patch = np.zeros((n_pt_all), dtype=np.float32) * np.nan
        gap_patch = np.zeros((n_im - 1, n_pt_all), dtype=np.int8)
        ns_ifg_noloop_patch = np.zeros((n_pt_all), dtype=np.float32) * np.nan
        maxTlen_patch = np.zeros((n_pt_all), dtype=np.float32) * np.nan

        ### n_gap
        print('\n  Identifing gaps and counting n_gap...', flush=True)
        #        ns_unw_unnan4inc = (np.matmul(np.int8(G[:, :, None]), (~np.isnan(unwpatch.T))[:, None, :])).sum(axis=0, dtype=np.int16) #n_ifg, n_im-1, n_pt -> n_im-1, n_pt
        ns_unw_unnan4inc = np.array([
            (G[:, i] * (~np.isnan(unwpatch))).sum(axis=1, dtype=np.int16)
            for i in range(n_im - 1)
        ])  #n_ifg*(n_pt,n_ifg) -> (n_im-1,n_pt)
        ns_gap_patch[ix_unnan_pt] = (ns_unw_unnan4inc == 0).sum(axis=0)  #n_pt
        gap_patch[:, ix_unnan_pt] = ns_unw_unnan4inc == 0

        del ns_unw_unnan4inc

        ### n_ifg_noloop
        print('  Counting n_ifg_noloop...', flush=True)
        # n_ifg*(n_pt,n_ifg)->(n_loop,n_pt)
        # Number of ifgs for each loop at eath point.
        # 3 means complete loop, 1 or 2 means broken loop.
        ns_ifg4loop = np.array([
            (np.abs(Aloop[i, :]) * (~np.isnan(unwpatch))).sum(axis=1)
            for i in range(n_loop)
        bool_loop = (ns_ifg4loop == 3
                     )  #(n_loop,n_pt) identify complete loop only

        # n_loop*(n_loop,n_pt)*n_pt->(n_ifg,n_pt)
        # Number of loops for each ifg at eath point.
        ns_loop4ifg = np.array([((np.abs(Aloop[:, i]) * bool_loop.T).T *
                                 (~np.isnan(unwpatch[:, i]))).sum(axis=0)
                                for i in range(n_ifg)])  #

        ns_ifg_noloop_tmp = (ns_loop4ifg == 0).sum(axis=0)  #n_pt
        ns_nan_ifg = np.isnan(unwpatch).sum(axis=1)  #n_pt, nan ifg count
        ns_ifg_noloop_patch[ix_unnan_pt] = ns_ifg_noloop_tmp - ns_nan_ifg

        del bool_loop, ns_ifg4loop, ns_loop4ifg

        ### maxTlen
        _maxTlen = np.zeros((n_pt_unnan), dtype=np.float32)  #temporaly
        _Tlen = np.zeros((n_pt_unnan), dtype=np.float32)  #temporaly
        for imx in range(n_im - 1):
            _Tlen = _Tlen + (dt_cum[imx + 1] - dt_cum[imx])  ## Adding dt
            _Tlen[gap_patch[imx, ix_unnan_pt] == 1] = 0  ## reset to 0 if gap
            _maxTlen[_maxTlen < _Tlen] = _Tlen[_maxTlen <
                                               _Tlen]  ## Set Tlen to maxTlen
        maxTlen_patch[ix_unnan_pt] = _maxTlen

        #%% Time series inversion
        print('\n  Small Baseline inversion by {}...\n'.format(inv_alg),
        if inv_alg == 'WLS':
            inc_tmp, vel_tmp, vconst_tmp = inv_lib.invert_nsbas_wls(
                unwpatch, varpatch, G, dt_cum, gamma, n_core)
            inc_tmp, vel_tmp, vconst_tmp = inv_lib.invert_nsbas(
                unwpatch, G, dt_cum, gamma, n_core)

        ### Set to valuables
        inc_patch = np.zeros((n_im - 1, n_pt_all), dtype=np.float32) * np.nan
        vel_patch = np.zeros((n_pt_all), dtype=np.float32) * np.nan
        vconst_patch = np.zeros((n_pt_all), dtype=np.float32) * np.nan

        inc_patch[:, ix_unnan_pt] = inc_tmp
        vel_patch[ix_unnan_pt] = vel_tmp
        vconst_patch[ix_unnan_pt] = vconst_tmp

        ### Calculate residuals
        res_patch = np.zeros((n_ifg, n_pt_all), dtype=np.float32) * np.nan
        res_patch[:, ix_unnan_pt] = unwpatch.T - np.dot(G, inc_tmp)

        res_sumsq = np.nansum(res_patch**2, axis=0)
        res_n = np.float32((~np.isnan(res_patch)).sum(axis=0))
        res_n[res_n == 0] = np.nan  # To avoid 0 division
        res_rms_patch = np.sqrt(res_sumsq / res_n)

        ### Cumulative displacememt
        cum_patch = np.zeros((n_im, n_pt_all), dtype=np.float32) * np.nan
        cum_patch[1:, :] = np.cumsum(inc_patch, axis=0)

        ## Fill 1st image with 0 at unnan points from 2nd images
        bool_unnan_pt = ~np.isnan(cum_patch[1, :])
        cum_patch[0, bool_unnan_pt] = 0

        ## Drop (fill with nan) interpolated cum by 2 continuous gaps
        for i in range(n_im - 2):  ## from 1->n_im-1
            gap2 = gap_patch[i, :] + gap_patch[i + 1, :]
            bool_gap2 = (gap2 == 2
                         )  ## true if 2 continuous gaps for each point
            cum_patch[i + 1, :][bool_gap2] = np.nan

        ## Last (n_im th) image. 1 gap means interpolated
        cum_patch[-1, :][gap_patch[-1, :] == 1] = np.nan

        #%% Output data and image
        ### cum.h5 file
        cum[:, rows[0]:rows[1], :] = cum_patch.reshape(
            (n_im, lengththis, width))
        vel[rows[0]:rows[1], :] = vel_patch.reshape((lengththis, width))
        vconst[rows[0]:rows[1], :] = vconst_patch.reshape((lengththis, width))
        gap[:, rows[0]:rows[1], :] = gap_patch.reshape(
            (n_im - 1, lengththis, width))

        ### Others
        openmode = 'w' if rows[0] == 0 else 'a'  #w only 1st patch

        ## For each imd. cum and inc
        for imx, imd in enumerate(imdates):
            ## Incremental displacement
            if imd == imdates[-1]: continue  #skip last
            incfile = os.path.join(incdir,
                                   '{0}_{1}.inc'.format(imd, imdates[imx + 1]))
            with open(incfile, openmode) as f:
                inc_patch[imx, :].tofile(f)

        ## For each ifgd. resid
        for i, ifgd in enumerate(ifgdates):
            resfile = os.path.join(resdir, '{0}.res'.format(ifgd))
            with open(resfile, openmode) as f:
                res_patch[i, :].tofile(f)

        ## velocity and noise indecies in results dir
        names = [
            'vel', 'vintercept', 'resid_rms', 'n_gap', 'n_ifg_noloop',
        data = [
            vel_patch, vconst_patch, res_rms_patch, ns_gap_patch,
            ns_ifg_noloop_patch, maxTlen_patch
        for i in range(len(names)):
            file = os.path.join(resultsdir, names[i])
            with open(file, openmode) as f:

        #%% Finish patch
        elapsed_time2 = int(time.time() - start2)
        hour2 = int(elapsed_time2 / 3600)
        minite2 = int(np.mod((elapsed_time2 / 60), 60))
        sec2 = int(np.mod(elapsed_time2, 60))
        print("  Elapsed time for {0}th patch: {1:02}h {2:02}m {3:02}s".format(
            i_patch, hour2, minite2, sec2),

        i_patch += 1  #Next patch count

    #%% Close h5 file

    #%% Output png images
    print('\nOutput png images...', flush=True)
    ### Incremental displacement
    for imx, imd in enumerate(imdates):
        if imd == imdates[-1]: continue  #skip last for increment
        ## Comparison of increment and daisy chain pair
        ifgd = '{}_{}'.format(imd, imdates[imx + 1])
        incfile = os.path.join(incdir, '{}.inc'.format(ifgd))
        unwfile = os.path.join(ifgdir, ifgd, '{}.unw'.format(ifgd))
        pngfile = os.path.join(incdir, '{}.inc_comp.png'.format(ifgd))

        inc = io_lib.read_img(incfile, length, width)

            unw = io_lib.read_img(unwfile, length, width) * coef_r2m
            ix_ifg = ifgdates.index(ifgd)
            unw = unw - ref_unw[ix_ifg]
            unw = np.zeros((length, width), dtype=np.float32) * np.nan

        ### Output png for comparison
        data3 = [
            np.angle(np.exp(1j * (data / coef_r2m / cycle)) * cycle)
            for data in [unw, inc, inc - unw]
        title3 = ['Daisy-chain IFG', 'Inverted', 'Difference']
        pngfile = os.path.join(incdir, '{}.increment.png'.format(ifgd))

        if not keep_incfile:

    ### Residual for each ifg. png and txt.
    cmap = 'jet'
    with open(restxtfile, "w") as f:
        print('# RMS of residual (mm)', file=f)
    for ifgd in ifgdates:
        infile = os.path.join(resdir, '{}.res'.format(ifgd))
        resid = io_lib.read_img(infile, length, width)
        resid_rms = np.sqrt(np.nanmean(resid**2))
        with open(restxtfile, "a") as f:
            print('{} {:5.2f}'.format(ifgd, resid_rms), file=f)

        pngfile = infile + '.png'
        title = 'Residual (mm) of {} (RMS:{:.2f}mm)'.format(ifgd, resid_rms)
        plot_lib.make_im_png(resid, pngfile, cmap, title,
                             -wavelength / 2 * 1000, wavelength / 2 * 1000)

        if not keep_incfile:

    ### Velocity and noise indices
    #names = ['vel', 'vconst', 'resid_rms', 'n_gap', 'n_ifg_noloop', 'maxTlen']
    cmins = [None, None, None, None, None, None]
    cmaxs = [None, None, None, None, None, None]
    cmaps = ['jet', 'jet', 'viridis_r', 'viridis_r', 'viridis_r', 'viridis']
    titles = [
        'Velocity (mm/yr)', 'Intercept of velocity (mm)',
        'RMS of residual (mm)', 'Number of gaps in SB network',
        'Number of ifgs with no loops',
        'Max length of connected SB network (yr)'

    for i in range(len(names)):
        file = os.path.join(resultsdir, names[i])
        data = io_lib.read_img(file, length, width)

        pngfile = file + '.png'

        ## Get color range if None
        if cmins[i] is None:
            cmins[i] = np.nanpercentile(data, 1)
        if cmaxs[i] is None:
            cmaxs[i] = np.nanpercentile(data, 99)
        if cmins[i] == cmaxs[i]: cmins[i] = cmaxs[i] - 1

        plot_lib.make_im_png(data, pngfile, cmaps[i], titles[i], cmins[i],

    #%% Finish
    elapsed_time = time.time() - start
    hour = int(elapsed_time / 3600)
    minite = int(np.mod((elapsed_time / 60), 60))
    sec = int(np.mod(elapsed_time, 60))
    print("\nElapsed time: {0:02}h {1:02}m {2:02}s".format(hour, minite, sec))

    print('\n{} Successfully finished!!\n'.format(os.path.basename(argv[0])))
    print('Output directory: {}\n'.format(os.path.relpath(tsadir)))