コード例 #1
def string_length(s):
    """This method counts the amount of characters a given string has."""
    # convert string to a list
    string = list(s)
    length = 0

    # Important to note that we could simply apply this principle by returning
    # the len of the string in list format but this is easier to visualize.
    for i in range(1, lf.list_len(string) + 1):
        length += 1

    return length
コード例 #2
def string_reverse(s):
    """This function will reverse any given string."""
    # we must first convert the given string into a list.
    # and create the new String that we will return.
    string = list(s)
    newString = ""

    for i in range(lf.list_len(string)):
        # -(i + 1) represents the incrementation of the index, i, in reverse order
        newString = newString + string[-(i + 1)]

    return newString