コード例 #1
#first sequence set includes randomly distributed sites
#second sequence set includes only one site
#experiment is repeated 100 times

#write csv header

#loop experiments
for cnt in range(0, 100):
    print "Experiment: ", cnt
    #create background sequence set: 100 seqs 283 bp long
    set1 = MGlib.random_DNA(283, {'A': 0.3, 'C': 0.2, 'G': 0.2, 'T': 0.3}, 100)
    set2 = set1[:]
    #compute softmax scores for background sequences in dataset
    gscr = MGlib.esfmax_score_seqs(set1, pssm, rpssm)
    #compute softmax scores for motif sequences
    mscr = MGlib.esfmax_score_seqs(mot.instances, pssm, rpssm)

    #get normal distributions for background and motif
    n_g = norm(mean(gscr), std(gscr))
    n_m = norm(mean(mscr), std(mscr))

    #create motif instances
    pmot1 = MGlib.sample_motif(mot, 100)
    pmot2 = MGlib.sample_motif(mot, 1)

    #insert sites in sequences
    e = 0
    while (e < len(set1)):
        #insert random site in first 10 sequences
コード例 #2
#all sites are inserted at the first position of the sequence
#get individual sequence posteriors and write them together with the
#score of the site inserted
#repeat 100 times

#write csv header

#loop experiments
for cnt in range(0,100):
    print "Experiment: ", cnt
    #create background sequence set: 100 seqs 283 bp long
    set1 = MGlib.random_DNA(283,{'A': 0.3,'C': 0.2,'G': 0.2,'T': 0.3},100)
    #compute softmax scores for background sequences in dataset
    gscr = MGlib.esfmax_score_seqs(set1,pssm,rpssm)
    #compute softmax scores for motif sequences
    mscr = MGlib.esfmax_score_seqs(mot.instances,pssm,rpssm)
    #get normal distributions for background and motif
    n_g=norm(mean(gscr), std(gscr))
    n_m=norm(mean(mscr), std(mscr))
    #create motif instances
    pmot1 = MGlib.sample_motif(mot,100)
    #insert sites in sequences
    while (e<len(set1)):
        set1[e] = pmot1[e] + set1[e]
        e = e+1
コード例 #3
def main():
    #set default parameters
    motif_filename = "CsoR.txt"  #input file
    out_filename = "cog_exp_sym2_c"  #prefix for output
    verbose = 0  #verbose mode
    alpha = 1.0 / 300.0  #mixing ratio for regulated model
    rproms = 3.0  #number of regulated promoters [prior]
    tproms = 1811.0  #total number of promoters in genome [prior]

    # control number of cogs and number of permutations
    num_cogs = 10000
    neg_cutoff = 9900  # Cog #'s less than this are negative
    num_perms = 100
    cog_sample_size = 1000

    if verbose: print "Using: ", motif_filename, " as input"
    if verbose:        print "Writing to (suffix): ", "[void]" if out_filename==""\
else out_filename

    #open file for ouput
        out_file = open(
            out_filename + str(num_cogs) + "_s" + str(cog_sample_size) + "_p" +
            str(num_perms) + ".csv", "w")
    except (IOError, OSError) as file_open_exception:
        print "*** Something went wrong while opening the output file"
        print "*** Error: ", file_open_exception.errno, " - ",\

    #compute priors
    PR = rproms / tproms  #prior probability of regulation
    PB = 1.0 - PR  #prior probability of non-regulation
    PPR = PB / PR  #prior probability ratio

    # read motif and assign 0.25 pseudocounts to PSWM
    # also assign background uniform distribution for the PSSM (default)
    mot = MGlib.read_motif(motif_filename)
    mot.pseudocounts = 1
    mot.background = None

    # save the pssm for the motif and the reverse complement
    #(so that they are not recalculated everytime we invoke motif.pssm)
    pssm = mot.pssm
    rpssm = pssm.reverse_complement()

    # Save the motif itself as a list of strings for later permuting
    motif_sites = []
    num_motif_sites = len(mot.instances)
    for i in range(num_motif_sites):


    # Create the COGS
    all_cogs = []
    the_neg_seqs = []
    neg_cog_nums = [i for i in range(0, neg_cutoff)]
    ran_neg_cog_nums = sample(cog_sample_size, neg_cog_nums, replace=False)
    cog_file = open(
        "seqs_sym2_" + str(num_cogs) + "_s" + str(cog_sample_size) + "_p" +
        str(num_perms) + ".csv", "w")
    for i in range(0, num_cogs):
        label = get_cog_type(i, neg_cutoff)
        #print "Create cog #", i, label
        cur_cog = create_COG(label, mot)
        if i in ran_neg_cog_nums:
            # A negatively regulated cog
            for s in cur_cog:
                cog_file.write("%d,%s\n" % (i, s))
            for s in cur_cog:
                cog_file.write("%d,%s\n" % (i, s))

    # compute softmax scores for sampled background sequences
    gscr = MGlib.esfmax_score_seqs(the_neg_seqs, pssm, rpssm)
    # compute softmax scores for motif sequences
    mscr = MGlib.esfmax_score_seqs(mot.instances, pssm, rpssm)

    # get normal distributions for background and motif
    mean_gscr = mean(gscr)
    std_gscr = std(gscr)
    n_g = norm(mean_gscr, std_gscr)
    mean_mscr = mean(mscr)
    std_mscr = std(mscr)
    n_m = norm(mean(mscr), std(mscr))

    smeans_file = open(
        "smeans_stds_sym2_" + str(num_cogs) + "_s" + str(cog_sample_size) +
        "_p" + str(num_perms) + ".csv", "w")
    smeans_file.write("PSSM n_g,%13.10f,%13.10f\n" % (mean_gscr, std_gscr))
    smeans_file.write("PSSM n_m,%13.10f,%13.10f\n" % (mean_mscr, std_mscr))

    # Create the permuted pssm and n_m and n_g for the permutation tests
    new_pssm_list = []
    rnew_pssm_list = []
    n_m_perms = []
    n_g_perms = []

    for j in range(0, num_perms):
        #print "\n***************** Create permutation #", j
        # permute the columns of the motif
        new_mot = sym_permute_motif(motif_sites)
        new_pssm = new_mot.pssm  #
        rnew_pssm = new_pssm.reverse_complement()
        # compute score for the negative sequences
        gscr = MGlib.esfmax_score_seqs(the_neg_seqs, new_pssm, rnew_pssm)
        mean_gscr = mean(gscr)
        std_gscr = std(gscr)
        # compute softmax scores for new motif sequences
        mscr = MGlib.esfmax_score_seqs(new_mot.instances, new_pssm, rnew_pssm)
        mean_mscr = mean(mscr)
        std_mscr = std(mscr)
        smeans_file.write("PermPSSM n_g,%13.10f,%13.10f\n" %
                          (mean_gscr, std_gscr))
        smeans_file.write("PermPSSM n_m,%13.10f,%13.10f\n" %
                          (mean_mscr, std_mscr))

        # get normal distributions for background and motif
        n_g_temp = norm(mean_gscr, std_gscr)
        n_m_temp = norm(mean_mscr, std_mscr)

    # write csv header
        'COG Num,Pos/Neg Regulated,Posterior,LogLikelihood,True Model LL,LL Pval\n'

    # For each cog, do the posterior calculation and the permutation tests
    for i in range(0, num_cogs):
        label = get_cog_type(i, neg_cutoff)
        #print "Test Cog:", i,label
        # The original posterior computation
        #compute softmax scores for sequences in dataset
        scrs = MGlib.esfmax_score_seqs(all_cogs[i], pssm, rpssm)
        #print np.min(scrs[0]), np.max(scrs[0])
        # Compute posterior
        # get log-likelihoods for sequences in dataset
        llrs = MGlib.ll_ratios(scrs, n_g, n_m, alpha)
        # get per-sequence posterior for the sequences in dataset
        fpost = MGlib.PostP(llrs, PPR, 0)

        true_model_ll = compute_log_l(scrs, n_g, n_m, alpha)

        # Permutation test
        log_ls = []
        for j in range(0, num_perms):
            #print " ... perm test", j
            # Compute score and log likelihood for each permutation.
            scrs = MGlib.esfmax_score_seqs(all_cogs[i], new_pssm_list[j],
            log_l = compute_log_l(scrs, n_g_perms[j], n_m_perms[j], alpha)

        rev_pval = compute_p_val(log_ls, true_model_ll)
        pval = 1.0 - rev_pval
        out_file.write("%d,%s,%10.7f,%10.7f,%10.7f,%10.7f\n" %
                       (i, label, fpost, rev_pval, true_model_ll, pval))

コード例 #4
def main():
    # set default parameters
    motif_filename = "CsoR.txt"  # input file
    out_filename = "cog_exp_sym2_c"  # prefix for output
    verbose = 0  # verbose mode
    alpha = 1.0 / 300.0  # mixing ratio for regulated model
    rproms = 3.0  # number of regulated promoters [prior]
    tproms = 1811.0  # total number of promoters in genome [prior]

    # control number of cogs and number of permutations
    num_cogs = 10000
    neg_cutoff = 9900  # Cog #'s less than this are negative
    num_perms = 100
    cog_sample_size = 1000

    # verbose
    if verbose:
        print "Using: ", motif_filename, " as input"
    if verbose:
        print "Writing to (suffix): ", "[void]" if out_filename == "" else out_filename

    # open file for ouput
        out_file = open(
            out_filename + str(num_cogs) + "_s" + str(cog_sample_size) + "_p" + str(num_perms) + ".csv", "w"
    except (IOError, OSError) as file_open_exception:
        print "*** Something went wrong while opening the output file"
        print "*** Error: ", file_open_exception.errno, " - ", file_open_exception.strerror

    # compute priors
    PR = rproms / tproms  # prior probability of regulation
    PB = 1.0 - PR  # prior probability of non-regulation
    PPR = PB / PR  # prior probability ratio

    # read motif and assign 0.25 pseudocounts to PSWM
    # also assign background uniform distribution for the PSSM (default)
    mot = MGlib.read_motif(motif_filename)
    mot.pseudocounts = 1
    mot.background = None

    # save the pssm for the motif and the reverse complement
    # (so that they are not recalculated everytime we invoke motif.pssm)
    pssm = mot.pssm
    rpssm = pssm.reverse_complement()

    # Save the motif itself as a list of strings for later permuting
    motif_sites = []
    num_motif_sites = len(mot.instances)
    for i in range(num_motif_sites):


    # Create the COGS
    all_cogs = []
    the_neg_seqs = []
    neg_cog_nums = [i for i in range(0, neg_cutoff)]
    ran_neg_cog_nums = sample(cog_sample_size, neg_cog_nums, replace=False)
    cog_file = open("seqs_sym2_" + str(num_cogs) + "_s" + str(cog_sample_size) + "_p" + str(num_perms) + ".csv", "w")
    for i in range(0, num_cogs):
        label = get_cog_type(i, neg_cutoff)
        # print "Create cog #", i, label
        cur_cog = create_COG(label, mot)
        if i in ran_neg_cog_nums:
            # A negatively regulated cog
            for s in cur_cog:
                cog_file.write("%d,%s\n" % (i, s))
            for s in cur_cog:
                cog_file.write("%d,%s\n" % (i, s))

    # compute softmax scores for sampled background sequences
    gscr = MGlib.esfmax_score_seqs(the_neg_seqs, pssm, rpssm)
    # compute softmax scores for motif sequences
    mscr = MGlib.esfmax_score_seqs(mot.instances, pssm, rpssm)

    # get normal distributions for background and motif
    mean_gscr = mean(gscr)
    std_gscr = std(gscr)
    n_g = norm(mean_gscr, std_gscr)
    mean_mscr = mean(mscr)
    std_mscr = std(mscr)
    n_m = norm(mean(mscr), std(mscr))

    smeans_file = open(
        "smeans_stds_sym2_" + str(num_cogs) + "_s" + str(cog_sample_size) + "_p" + str(num_perms) + ".csv", "w"
    smeans_file.write("PSSM n_g,%13.10f,%13.10f\n" % (mean_gscr, std_gscr))
    smeans_file.write("PSSM n_m,%13.10f,%13.10f\n" % (mean_mscr, std_mscr))

    # Create the permuted pssm and n_m and n_g for the permutation tests
    new_pssm_list = []
    rnew_pssm_list = []
    n_m_perms = []
    n_g_perms = []

    for j in range(0, num_perms):
        # print "\n***************** Create permutation #", j
        # permute the columns of the motif
        new_mot = sym_permute_motif(motif_sites)
        new_pssm = new_mot.pssm  #
        rnew_pssm = new_pssm.reverse_complement()
        # compute score for the negative sequences
        gscr = MGlib.esfmax_score_seqs(the_neg_seqs, new_pssm, rnew_pssm)
        mean_gscr = mean(gscr)
        std_gscr = std(gscr)
        # compute softmax scores for new motif sequences
        mscr = MGlib.esfmax_score_seqs(new_mot.instances, new_pssm, rnew_pssm)
        mean_mscr = mean(mscr)
        std_mscr = std(mscr)
        smeans_file.write("PermPSSM n_g,%13.10f,%13.10f\n" % (mean_gscr, std_gscr))
        smeans_file.write("PermPSSM n_m,%13.10f,%13.10f\n" % (mean_mscr, std_mscr))

        # get normal distributions for background and motif
        n_g_temp = norm(mean_gscr, std_gscr)
        n_m_temp = norm(mean_mscr, std_mscr)

    # write csv header
    out_file.write("COG Num,Pos/Neg Regulated,Posterior,LogLikelihood,True Model LL,LL Pval\n")

    # For each cog, do the posterior calculation and the permutation tests
    for i in range(0, num_cogs):
        label = get_cog_type(i, neg_cutoff)
        # print "Test Cog:", i,label
        # The original posterior computation
        # compute softmax scores for sequences in dataset
        scrs = MGlib.esfmax_score_seqs(all_cogs[i], pssm, rpssm)
        # print np.min(scrs[0]), np.max(scrs[0])
        # Compute posterior
        # get log-likelihoods for sequences in dataset
        llrs = MGlib.ll_ratios(scrs, n_g, n_m, alpha)
        # get per-sequence posterior for the sequences in dataset
        fpost = MGlib.PostP(llrs, PPR, 0)

        true_model_ll = compute_log_l(scrs, n_g, n_m, alpha)

        # Permutation test
        log_ls = []
        for j in range(0, num_perms):
            # print " ... perm test", j
            # Compute score and log likelihood for each permutation.
            scrs = MGlib.esfmax_score_seqs(all_cogs[i], new_pssm_list[j], rnew_pssm_list[j])
            log_l = compute_log_l(scrs, n_g_perms[j], n_m_perms[j], alpha)

        rev_pval = compute_p_val(log_ls, true_model_ll)
        pval = 1.0 - rev_pval
        out_file.write("%d,%s,%10.7f,%10.7f,%10.7f,%10.7f\n" % (i, label, fpost, rev_pval, true_model_ll, pval))
