コード例 #1
ファイル: MST_GA.py プロジェクト: Logical43/MuonStpAnalysis
def main():
    # defining initial population
    pop = toolbox.MST_pop(n=nDisks)

    # clean up old files
    if os.path.exists('./stoppingRate.txt'):
    if os.path.exists('./highEElectrons.txt'):

    # clean up old result directories
    shutil.rmtree('runOutput', ignore_errors=True)
    print('Cleared run output')
    shutil.rmtree('evalOut', ignore_errors=True)
    print("Cleared evaluation output")

    # making new directories
    if not os.path.exists('./runOutput'):
    if not os.path.exists('./evalOut'):

    print("-- Generation 1 --")
    # creating SIMG4 directory for the first iteration
    simG4Dir = '/vols/comet/users/sy5118/newBuild/OfflineProject/packages/SimG4/geometry_macros/GA_MST/generated_MST1'
    if not os.path.exists(simG4Dir):

    j = 0
    for mst in pop:
        baby_MST = MST(nDisksOnAxis, mst, gen=1, id=j)
        baby_MST.write_MST(simG4Dir, j)
        j = j + 1

    fitnesses = list(
        map(toolbox.evaluate, np.ones(nDisks), range(1, nDisks + 1)))
    storage = np.array([pop[1]])

    for ind, fit in zip(pop, fitnesses):
        ind.fitness.values = fit

    # CXPB  is the probability with which two individuals
    #       are crossed
    # MUTPB is the probability for mutating an individual
    CXPB, MUTPB = 0.5, 0.2

    # Extracting all the fitnesses of
    fits = [ind.fitness.values[0] for ind in pop]
    # counter
    g = 1
    # Begin the evolution
    while max(fits) < 1 and g < 5:
        g = g + 1
        # A new generation
        simG4Dir = '/vols/comet/users/sy5118/newBuild/OfflineProject/packages/SimG4/geometry_macros/GA_MST/generated_MST' + str(
        if not os.path.exists(simG4Dir):

        print("-- Generation %i --" % g)

        # Select the next generation individuals
        offspring = toolbox.select(pop, len(pop))
        # Apply crossover and mutation on the offspring
        for child1, child2 in zip(offspring[::2], offspring[1::2]):
            if random.random() < CXPB:
                toolbox.mate(child1, child2)
                del child1.fitness.values
                del child2.fitness.values

        for mutant in offspring:
            if random.random() < MUTPB:
                del mutant.fitness.values

        j = 1
        for pop in offspring:
            baby_MST = MST(nDisksOnAxis, pop, gen=g, id=j)
            baby_MST.write_MST(simG4Dir, j)
            pop.fitness.values = toolbox.evaluate(g, j)
            j = j + 1
        # Clone the selected individuals
        offspring = list(map(toolbox.clone, offspring))

        # Evaluate the individuals with an invalid fitness
        invalid_ind = [ind for ind in offspring if not ind.fitness.valid]
        fitnesses = map(toolbox.evaluate, invalid_ind)
        for ind, fit in zip(invalid_ind, fitnesses):
            ind.fitness.values = fit

        pop = offspring
        # Gather all the fitnesses in one list and print the stats
        fits = [ind.fitness.values[0] for ind in pop]
コード例 #2
from k_means import *
from convex_hull import *

N = 10000  # points quantity
sample_N = 100  # points for testing data
K = 2  # clusters amount

mass = []
edges = []
mst = []
center = [[130, 125], [700, 300]]  # test centers of generated clusters

gen = data_gen(center, N, K)  # data generator
dr = data_drawer(K)
ch = convex_hull()
m = MST(100, K)
#mass = gen.normal_gen()
#mass = gen.nested_data()
mass = gen.get_random_data()  # all points
#mass = gen.get_real_random_data()
#mass = gen.strip_data()
sample = mass[:sample_N]
smpl = data_gen(center, sample_N, K)
smpl.mass = sample
s_edges = smpl.get_edges()
mst = m.get_MST(s_edges)
km_obj = k_means(mass, K)
#mass = gen.strip_data()
#convex = ch.convex_hull(result[0])
#dr.draw_MST(mst, mass)