コード例 #1
ファイル: Wvl.py プロジェクト: LLNL/WVL
def threeD_MM(a, res, o, nAngles=2, verboseLvl=1, tmp='/tmp/'):

    import Mrc
    if o < 1:
        raise ValueError, "order need to >= 1"
    if nAngles < 1:
        raise ValueError, "nAngles need to >= 1"

    if verboseLvl >=1:
        import time
        startTime = time.clock()
    res[:] = 0
    #    aWV = Mrc.bindNew(tmp+"wvl_aWV", N.float32, a.shape)
    #    aRot= Mrc.bindNew(tmp+"wvl_aRot", N.float32, a.shape)
    #    c  =  Mrc.bindNew(tmp+"wvl_c", N.float32, a.shape)
    aWV = F.zeroArrF(a.shape)

    angles = N.arange(90./nAngles,  90., 90./nAngles)
    nOffAngles = len(angles) # = nAngles -1

    # do first fastwv6 on original data
    if verboseLvl >=1:
        print "begin angle 0"
        if verboseLvl >=2:
            print "     perm "

    for i in range(len(_perm)):
        if verboseLvl >=2:
            print "        ", i
        tmpTrans = N.transpose(a, _perm[i]).copy() # force contiguous!
        aWV.shape = tmpTrans.shape
        W.fastwv6(tmpTrans,aWV, o,o,o, verboseLvl>=3)
        tmpTrans = N.transpose(aWV,_invperm[i])
        tmpTrans /= len(_perm) * (1 + (nOffAngles * 3))
        res += tmpTrans

    # now do it for a bunch of angles
    if len(angles):
        c  =  Mrc.bindNew(tmp+"wvl_c", N.float32, a.shape)
    for angle in angles:
        for axis in (0,1,2):
            if verboseLvl >=1:
                print "begin angle ",angle
                print "   axis:", axis

            aRot = aWV
            U.rot3d(a,aRot, angle, axis)

            if verboseLvl >=2:
                print "     perm "

            c[:] = 0
            for i in range(len(_perm)):
                #dbg  print "     perm:", i
                if verboseLvl >=2:
                    print "        ", i

                tmpTrans = N.transpose(aRot, _perm[i]).copy() # force contiguous!
                aWV.shape = tmpTrans.shape
                W.fastwv6(tmpTrans,aWV, o,o,o, verboseLvl>=3)
                tmpTrans  = N.transpose(aWV,_invperm[i])
                tmpTrans /= len(_perm) * (1 + (nOffAngles * 3))
                c += tmpTrans

            res += aRot

        if verboseLvl >=1:
    if verboseLvl >=1:
        import time
        d = time.clock()-startTime
        print "time: %.2lf secs - %.2lf min - %.2lf h " % (d, d/60., d/60./60.)