コード例 #1
def draw_sea_polyline(endLon, plot, wks):
    # 海岸线- 图1 绘制(海岸线和等高线有区别吗)
    shpf3 = Nio.open_file("/home/xulh/mnt/python/python_script/orl/quanqiu/HAX.shp", "r")
    # 4海岸线
    lon3 = np.ravel(shpf3.variables["x"][:])
    lat3 = np.ravel(shpf3.variables["y"][:])
    segments3 = shpf3.variables["segments"][:, 0]
    dqres = Ngl.Resources()  # -- resources for polylines
    dqres.gsLineColor = "black"
    dqres.gsLineThicknessF = 1.0
    dqres.gsSegments = segments3
    Ngl.add_polyline(wks, plot, lon3, lat3, dqres)
    # 5.海岸线-图2 绘制
    shpf4 = Nio.open_file("/home/xulh/mnt/python/python_script/orl/quanqiu/DYAX.shp", "r")
    lon4 = np.ravel(shpf4.variables["x"][:])
    lat4 = np.ravel(shpf4.variables["y"][:])
    segments4 = shpf4.variables["segments"][:, 0]
    dqres = Ngl.Resources()
    dqres.gsLineColor = "black"
    dqres.gsLineThicknessF = 1.0
    dqres.gsSegments = segments4
    Ngl.add_polyline(wks, plot, lon4, lat4, dqres)
    if endLon == 360:
        resp = Ngl.Resources()
        resp.gsLineColor = "black"
        resp.gsLineThicknessF = 1
        resp.gsLineDashPattern = 2
        Ngl.add_polyline(wks, plot, [0, 180], [0, 0], resp)
        Ngl.add_polyline(wks, plot, [180, 360], [0, 0], resp)
        Ngl.add_polyline(wks, plot, [180, 180], [-90, 90], resp)
コード例 #2
ファイル: xy3.py プロジェクト: zhishang80/pyngl
def add_highlights(wks,plot,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,title):
  nboxes = 10
  xbox   = Ngl.fspan(xmin,xmax,nboxes)
  ybox   = [ymin,ymin,ymax,ymax,ymin]
  nboxes = xbox.shape[0]-1

#---Resources for filled purple boxes.
  gnres                 = Ngl.Resources()
  gnres.gsFillColor     = "goldenrod" # "MediumPurple1"
  gnres.gsFillOpacityF  = 0.15

  id = []
  for n in range(0,nboxes-1,2):

#---Resources to outline box of interest
  lnres                  = Ngl.Resources()
  lnres.gsLineThicknessF = 3.0
  border = Ngl.add_polyline(wks,plot,[xmin,xmax,xmax,xmin,xmin],\

  txres                 = Ngl.Resources()
  txres.txFontHeightF   = 0.022
  txres.txFont          = "Helvetica-Bold"
  txres.txJust          = "TopCenter"
  text = Ngl.add_text(wks,plot,title,(xmin+xmax)/2.,ymax-0.05,txres)

コード例 #3
ファイル: mpas3.py プロジェクト: zhishang80/pyngl
def add_mpas_edges(wks,map,mfile):
  lonVertex      = mfile.variables["lonVertex"][:]
  latVertex      = mfile.variables["latVertex"][:]
  latVertex      = latVertex * RAD2DEG
  lonVertex      = lonVertex * RAD2DEG
  verticesOnEdge = mfile.variables["verticesOnEdge"][:]
  nedges         = verticesOnEdge.shape[0]

  ecx = numpy.ndarray((nedges,2),'d')
  ecy = numpy.ndarray((nedges,2),'d')

  ecx[:,0] = lonVertex[verticesOnEdge[:,0]-1]
  ecx[:,1] = lonVertex[verticesOnEdge[:,1]-1]
  ecy[:,0] = latVertex[verticesOnEdge[:,0]-1]
  ecy[:,1] = latVertex[verticesOnEdge[:,1]-1]

  ii   = numpy.where((abs(ecx[:,0]-ecx[:,1]) > 180))
  iigt = numpy.where((ecx[ii,0] > ecx[ii,1]))
  iilt = numpy.where((ecx[ii,0] < ecx[ii,1]))
  ecx[iigt,0] = ecx[iigt,0] - 360.0
  ecx[iilt,1] = ecx[iilt,1] - 360.0

# Attach the polylines using special "gsSegments" resource. This
# is *much* faster than attaching every line individually.
  lnres                     = Ngl.Resources()
  lnres.gsLineThicknessF    = 0.50             # default is 1
  lnres.gsLineColor         = "Navy"           # default is black.
  lnres.gsSegments          = range(0,nedges * 2,2)
  map.poly = Ngl.add_polyline(wks,map,numpy.ravel(ecx),numpy.ravel(ecy),lnres)
コード例 #4
def add_mrb_lines(wks,plot,lat,lon):
#---Resources for polyline
  lnres                   = Ngl.Resources()
  lnres.gsLineColor       = "black"
  lnres.gsLineThicknessF  = 3.0            # 3x as thick

  return Ngl.add_polyline(wks, plot, lon, lat, lnres)
コード例 #5
def plot_cc(wks,cont,x='lh',y='dse'):
   if (x == 'lh' and y == 'dse'):
      vy = np.linspace(240,360,101)
      press = 101300.
      vx,es = cclap(vy*1000/1004.,press)
      vx = 2.5 * 10**3 * vx
      ccstring = 'C-C, RH=100%'
      ## Line of constant moist static energy
      vy2 = 345. - vx
      lres = Ngl.Resources()
      lres.gsLineDashPattern         =  1  
      lres.gsLineLabelFontHeightF    =  0.009
      lres.gsLineLabelString         =  'MSE = 345 kJ/kg'
      lres.gsLineDashSegLenF         =  0.09
      line = Ngl.add_polyline(wks,cont,vx,vy2,lres)
   if (x == 'lh' and y == 'mse'):
      vy = np.linspace(240,360,101)
      press = 101300.
      vx,es = 2.5 * 10**3 * cclap(vy*1000/1004.,press)
      vy = vy + vx
      ccstring = 'C-C, RH=100%'
      ## Line of constant moist static energy
      vy2 = 345. * np.ones(vx.shape[0])
      lres = Ngl.Resources()
      lres.gsLineDashPattern         =  1  
      lres.gsLineLabelFontHeightF    =  0.009
      lres.gsLineLabelString         =  'MSE = 345 kJ/kg'
      lres.gsLineDashSegLenF         =  0.09
      line = Ngl.add_polyline(wks,cont,vx,vy2,lres)
   lres = Ngl.Resources()
   lres.gsLineDashPattern         =  15  
   lres.gsLineLabelFontHeightF    =  0.009
   lres.gsLineLabelString         =  ccstring
   line = Ngl.add_polyline(wks,cont,vx,vy,lres)
   return wks,cont
コード例 #6
    def contour_map(self):
        params_dict = self.params_dict
        color_levels = self.color_levels
        cn_fill_colors = np.arange(0, len(color_levels), 1)

        # 1.绘制南海底板
        south_sea_baseboard = params_dict.pop('south_sea_baseboard')
        south_sea_baseboard['cnLevels'] = color_levels
        south_sea_baseboard['cnFillColors'] = cn_fill_colors
        resource = create_or_update_resource(params_dict=south_sea_baseboard)
        south_sea_plot = Ngl.contour_map(self.workstation, self.input_data,

        # 2.绘制南海相关地理线
        south_sea_geoline = params_dict.pop('south_sea_geoline')  # 多级
        for key, params_dict in south_sea_geoline.items():
            file_name = params_dict.pop('file_name')
            type = params_dict.pop('type')
            shape = Nio.open_file(shape_file_path + file_name, "r")
            lon = np.ravel(shape.variables["x"][:])
            lat = np.ravel(shape.variables["y"][:])
            params_dict['gsSegments'] = shape.variables["segments"][:, 0]
            resource = create_or_update_resource(params_dict=params_dict)
            # 2.绘制曲线图
            if type == 'polyline':
                Ngl.add_polyline(self.workstation, south_sea_plot, lon, lat,
                pass  #polygon/point 处理待定

        # 3. 南海加比例尺
        south_sea_scale = params_dict.pop('south_sea_scale')
        scala_figure = south_sea_scale.pop('scala_figure')
        x, y = south_sea_scale.pop('location').split('x')
        resource = create_or_update_resource(params_dict=south_sea_scale)
        Ngl.add_text(self.workstation, south_sea_plot, scala_figure, x, y,

        # 4.南海放在中国的位置
        south_sea_location = params_dict.pop('south_sea_location')
        resource = create_or_update_resource(params_dict=south_sea_location)
        Ngl.add_annotation(self.plot, south_sea_plot, resource)
コード例 #7
ファイル: map3.py プロジェクト: zhishang80/pyngl
def add_map_gridlines(wks,map,lat_spc,lon_spc):

#---Set some resources for the polyline
  lnres                   = Ngl.Resources()
  lnres.gsLineColor       = "Gray25"
  lnres.gsLineThicknessF  = 1.0     # 1.0  is the default
  lnres.gsLineDashPattern = 2       # 0 (solid) is the default

  lon_values = np.arange(-180,181,lon_spc)
  lat_values = np.arange(-90,91,lat_spc)

#---Add the line to existing plot
  lines = []
  for lat in lat_values:
  for lon in lon_values:
  lnres.gsLineColor = "red"

  return lines
コード例 #8
def add_shapefile_outlines(wks, plot, filename):
    #---Read data off shapefile
    f = Nio.open_file(filename, "r")
    lon = np.ravel(f.variables["x"][:])
    lat = np.ravel(f.variables["y"][:])

    plres = Ngl.Resources()  # resources for polylines
    plres.gsLineColor = "navyblue"
    plres.gsLineThicknessF = 2.0  # default is 1.0
    plres.gsSegments = f.variables["segments"][:, 0]

    return Ngl.add_polyline(wks, plot, lon, lat, plres)
コード例 #9
ファイル: wrf_tools.py プロジェクト: LiftHC531/Cloud_seeding
def add_shapefile_polylines(input_shapefile,
    """ Attach shapefile polylines to map """
    f_shap = Nio.open_file(input_shapefile, "r")
    lon = f_shap.variables["x"][:]  #np.ravel()
    lat = f_shap.variables["y"][:]
    lnres = Ngl.Resources()
    lnres.gsLineColor = color
    lnres.gsLineThicknessF = thick
    lnres.gsSegments = f_shap.variables["segments"][:, 0]
    return Ngl.add_polyline(wks, plot, lon, lat, lnres)
コード例 #10
ファイル: traj1.py プロジェクト: zhishang80/pyngl
def add_trajectories(wks,map,filename,cmap):
#---Open the netCDF file containing the salinity data for the trajectories.
  ncfile = Nio.open_file(filename)

  traj = [1,10,53,67,80]   # choose which trajectories to plot
  pres                  = Ngl.Resources()    # polyline resources
  pres.gsLineThicknessF = 5.0                # line thickness

  mres  = Ngl.Resources()                    # marker resources
  mres.gsMarkerSizeF       = 17.0            # marker size
  mres.gsMarkerColor       = "black"         # marker color
  mres.gsMarkerIndex       = 15              # circle with an X
  mres.gsMarkerThicknessF  = 2.0             # thicker marker outlines

#  Loop through the chosen trajectories.
  sdata = ncfile.variables["sdata"]
  sid = []
  for i in range(len(traj)):
    lat = sdata[2,:,traj[i]]                  # extract lat from whole array
    lon = sdata[1,:,traj[i]]                  # extract lon from whole array
    sst = sdata[8,:,traj[i]]

#  Map the salinity values between 34.55 and 34.85 into color
#  indices between 0 and 9 and draw polylines, with those 
#  colors, between adjacent lat/lon values.
    for j in range(len(lat)-2):
      sval = 0.5*(sst[j]+sst[j+1])
      cindex = nint(30.*(sval-34.55))
      pres.gsLineColor = cmap[cindex]

#---Draw a polymarker at the beginning of each trajectory.

コード例 #11
ファイル: traj1.py プロジェクト: zhishang80/pyngl
def add_labelbar(wks,map,cmap):
  gsres = Ngl.Resources()  # Line resources.

  delta_lon = 4.0
  delta_lat = 2.1
  start_lon = -68.
  start_lat = -58.
  txres = Ngl.Resources()          # For labeling the label bar.
  txres.txFontHeightF = 0.015
  gid = []
  lid = []
  tid = []
  for i in range(4,14,1):
    lon0 = start_lon+(i-4)*delta_lon
    lon1 = lon0+delta_lon
    lat0 = start_lat
    lat1 = start_lat+delta_lat
    lons = [lon0,lon1,lon1,lon0,lon0]
    lats = [lat0,lat0,lat1,lat1,lat0]
    gsres.gsFillColor = cmap[i-4]    # Change fill color.
    if (i == 4):
    elif(i == 6):
    elif(i == 8):
    elif(i == 10):
    elif(i == 12):
コード例 #12
    config.nglDraw              = False
    config.mpProjection          = "Orthographic"
    config.mpLimitMode           = "LatLon"
    config.mpMinLonF             = 0
    config.mpMaxLonF             = 18
    config.mpMinLatF             = 43
    config.mpMaxLatF             = 50

    map = Ngl.map(wks,config)

    ecx = numpy.ravel( vlon[ edge_vertices-1 ], order='F' )
    ecy = numpy.ravel( vlat[ edge_vertices-1 ], order='F' )

    lines_cfg = Ngl.Resources()
    lines_cfg.gsSegments = numpy.arange(0, edge_vertices.size, 2)
    poly = Ngl.add_polyline(wks, map, ecx, ecy, lines_cfg)


# regular plot
print('Plot regular')
datafile = Nio.open_file(args.data)

clon  = numpy.rad2deg( gridfile.variables["clon"][:] )
clat  = numpy.rad2deg( gridfile.variables["clat"][:] )
clonv  = numpy.rad2deg( gridfile.variables["clon_vertices"][:] )
clatv  = numpy.rad2deg( gridfile.variables["clat_vertices"][:] )
コード例 #13
def plot_dots(vpx=0.2,vpy=0.8,hei=0.3,wth=0.4,xlab='',ylab='',legend=True, yrev=False, lab=''):
   res = Ngl.Resources()
   res.nglFrame = False
   res.nglPaperOrientation = 'Portrait' 
   res.nglMaximize = False
   res.nglDraw = False
   res.xyMarkLineMode = 'Markers'
   res.xyMonoMarkerColor = True
   res.xyMarkerColor = 'black'
   res.xyMarkerThicknessF = 2
   res.xyMarkerSizeF = 0.01
   res.tiYAxisString = ylab
   res.tiXAxisString = xlab
   res.tiMainString = lab
   res.tiMainFontHeightF = 0.015
   res.tiMainOffsetYF = -hei/4.7
   res.tiMainOffsetXF = -wth * 2./5.
   res.trXMinF = xmin
   res.trXMaxF = xmax
   res.trYMinF = ymin
   res.trYMaxF = ymax
   res.trYReverse = yrev
   res.vpXF = vpx
   res.vpYF = vpy
   res.vpHeightF = hei
   res.vpWidthF = wth
   xy = Ngl.xy(wks,np.transpose(np.vstack((vx,vx))),np.transpose(np.vstack((vy,vy))),res)
      ## Fit line
      k,m,cor,sig,err = stats.linregress(vx,vy)
      vx2 = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,10)
      vy2 = vx2 * k + m
      # Plot line
      lres = Ngl.Resources()
      lres.gsLineColor = 'black'
      lres.gsLineDashPattern = 1
      lres.gsLineThicknessF = 2
      line = Ngl.add_polyline(wks,xy,vx2,vy2,lres)
      # Print correlations
      text = 'k = %.2f  R = %4.2f' % (k,cor)
      if (sig*100. < 1.):
         text = text + ' (99% sign.)'
      elif (sig*100. < 5.):
         text = text + ' (95% sign.)'
         text = text + ' (not sign.)'
      tres = Ngl.Resources()
      tres.txFontHeightF = 0.012
      tres.txJust = 'CenterLeft'
      tres.txFontColor = 'black'
コード例 #14
def plot_xy(vpx=0.2,vpy=0.8,hei=0.3,wth=0.4,xlab='',ylab='',legend=True, yrev=False, lab=''):
   nprof = len(vy)
   res = Ngl.Resources()
   res.nglFrame = False
   res.nglPaperOrientation = 'Portrait' 
   res.nglMaximize = False
   res.nglDraw = False
   res.xyLineColors = colors
   res.xyLineThicknesses = thicknesses
   res.tiYAxisString = ylab
   res.tiXAxisString = xlab
   res.tiMainString = lab
   res.tiMainFontHeightF = 0.015
   res.tiMainOffsetYF = -hei/4.7
   res.tiMainOffsetXF = -wth * 2./5.
   res.trXMinF = xmin
   res.trXMaxF = xmax
   res.trYMinF = ymin
   res.trYMaxF = ymax
   res.trYReverse = yrev
   res.vpXF = vpx
   res.vpYF = vpy
   res.vpHeightF = hei
   res.vpWidthF = wth
   xy = Ngl.xy(wks,vx[0],vy[0],res)
   for jn in range(1,nprof):
      res = Ngl.Resources()
      res.gsLineColor                           =  colors[jn]
      res.gsLineDashPattern                     =  patterns[jn]
      res.gsLineThicknessF                      =  thicknesses[jn]
      if ( isinstance(vx,list) and len(vx) >= len(vy) ):
         tmpx = vx[jn]
      elif (isinstance(vx,list) and len(vx)-1 < jn ):
         tmpx = vx[0]
         tmpx = vx
      line = Ngl.add_polyline(wks,xy,tmpx,vy[jn],res)
   wth2 = 0.08
   hei2 = 0.08
   for jn in range(0,2):
      if (jn == 0):
         x0 = vpx+wth-(wth2)
         y0 = vpy+hei2
         st = 0
         sp = 4
      elif (jn == 1 and nprof > 4):
         x0 = vpx+wth-(2*wth2+0.05)
         y0 = vpy+hei2
         st = 4
         sp = nprof
      lres = Ngl.Resources()
      lres.vpWidthF            =  wth2
      lres.vpHeightF           =  hei2
      lres.lgLineColors        =  colors[st:sp]
      lres.lgLineThicknesses   =  thicknesses[st:sp] 
      lres.lgDashIndexes       =  patterns[st:sp]
      lres.lgLineLabelsOn      =  False
      lres.lgLabelFontHeightF  =  0.008
         lg = Ngl.legend_ndc(wks,sp-st,titles1[st:sp],x0,y0,lres)
コード例 #15
def plot_psirr_lines(vpx=0.2, vpy=0.8, hei=0.4, xlab=1,ylab=1):
   psi_levels = np.array([-500,-50])
         res = Ngl.Resources()
         res.nglMaximize                      =  False
         res.nglPaperOrientation              =  'Portrait'
         res.nglFrame                         =  False
         res.nglDraw                          =  False
         res.cnFillOn                         =  False
         res.cnLinesOn                        =  True
         res.cnLineLabelsOn                   =  True
         res.cnLineLabelDensityF              =  2
         res.cnLineLabelBackgroundColor       =  -1
         res.cnLevelSelectionMode             =  'ExplicitLevels'
         res.cnLevels                         =  psi_levels
         res.cnMonoLineColor                  =  True
         res.cnLineColor                      =  'blue'
         res.cnLineThicknessF                 =  2
         res.cnInfoLabelOn                    =  False
         res.sfXArray                         =  vx
         res.sfYArray                         =  vy
         res.trXMinF                          =  -3
         res.trXMaxF                          =  55
         res.trYMinF                          =  250
         res.trYMaxF                          =  360
         res.tiXAxisString                    =  'Latent heat [kJ/kg]'
         res.tiYAxisString                    =  'Dry static energy [kJ/kg]'
         res.tiMainString                     =  title
         if (xlab == 1):
            res.tiXAxisOn                     =  True
            res.tmXBLabelsOn                  =  True
            res.tiXAxisSide                   =  'Bottom'
         elif (xlab == -1):
            res.tiXAxisOn                      =  True
            res.tmXBLabelsOn                  =  False
            res.tmXTLabelsOn                  =  True
            res.tiXAxisSide                   =  'Top'
         elif (xlab == 0):
            res.tiXAxisOn                     =  False
            res.tmXBLabelsOn                  =  False
            res.tmXTLabelsOn                  =  False
         if (ylab == 1):
            res.tiYAxisOn                     =  True
            res.tmYLLabelsOn                  =  True
            res.tmYRLabelsOn                  =  False
            res.tiYAxisSide                   =  'Left'
         elif (ylab == -1):
            res.tiYAxisOn                     =  True
            res.tmYLLabelsOn                  =  False
            res.tmYRLabelsOn                  =  True
            res.tiYAxisSide                   =  'Right'
         elif (ylab == 0):
            res.tiYAxisOn                     =  False
            res.tmYLLabelsOn                  =  False
            res.tmYRLabelsOn                  =  False
         res.vpWidthF                         =  hei
         res.vpHeightF                        =  hei
         res.vpYF                             =  vpy
         res.vpXF                             =  vpx
         lsmooth = False
         if (lsmooth):
            sigma = 2
            order = 0
            for ji in range(0,2):
                                               mode='reflect', cval=0.0)
         cont1 = Ngl.contour(wks,zplot1[:,:],res)
         ## Clausius-Clapeyron line
         vy_cc = np.linspace(240,360,101)
         press = 101300.
         vx_cc,es = cclap(vy_cc*1000/1004.,press)
         vx_cc = 2.5 * 10**3 * vx_cc
         #ccstring = 'C-C, RH=100%'
         lres = Ngl.Resources()
         lres.gsLineDashPattern         =  15  
         lres.gsLineLabelFontHeightF    =  0.009
         lres.gsLineThicknessF          =  3
         #lres.gsLineLabelString         =  ccstring
         line = Ngl.add_polyline(wks,cont1,vx_cc,vy_cc,lres)
         ## MSE profiles
         lres = Ngl.Resources()
         lres.gsLineDashPattern         =  1
         lres.gsLineThicknessF          =  7  
         lres.gsLineColor               =  'blue'
         line = Ngl.add_polyline(wks,cont1,vlh1,vdse1,lres)
         res.cnLineColor = 'red'
         cont2 = Ngl.contour(wks,zplot2[:,:],res)
         ## MSE profiles
         lres = Ngl.Resources()
         lres.gsLineDashPattern         =  1
         lres.gsLineThicknessF          =  7  
         lres.gsLineColor               =  'red'
         line = Ngl.add_polyline(wks,cont2,vlh2,vdse2,lres)
コード例 #16

fillres.gsFillColor = "LightBlue"
fillbox.append(Ngl.add_polygon(wks,plot, \

# Draw some boxes and bars on the XY plot using calls to Ngl.add_polyline.
# First draw a thick line at Y = 0.
lineres = Ngl.Resources()
lineres.gsLineThicknessF = 3.
zero_line = Ngl.add_polyline(wks, plot, [res.trXMinF, res.trXMaxF], [0., 0.],

# Add the vertical green "error" bars.
time = Ngl.fspan(1, 5, 5)
lineres.gsLineThicknessF = 2.5
lineres.gsLineColor = "DarkGreen"
vlines = []
for ii in range(5):
    ii1 = ii + 1
        Ngl.add_polyline(wks, plot, [ii1, ii1], [minval[ii], maxval[ii]],
    vlines.append(Ngl.add_polyline(wks,plot,[ii1-.08,ii1+.08], \
コード例 #17
ファイル: tickmark1.py プロジェクト: Python3pkg/pyngl
#---Create dummy data for additional curve.
npts2 = 40
y2 = numpy.zeros([npts2], 'f')
for i in range(npts2):
    y2[i] = 3.0 - 6. * random.random()

#---Force some of the y2 points be missing
y2 = ma.array(y2,mask=[0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,\

#---Set some resources for the polyline
gsres = Ngl.Resources()
gsres.gsLineColor = "Blue"
gsres.gsLineThicknessF = 3.

#---Add the line to existing plot
x = Ngl.fspan(min(years), max(years), npts2)
prim1 = Ngl.add_polyline(wks, plot, x, y2, gsres)

#---Change the main title of original plot.
srlist = Ngl.Resources()
srlist.tiMainString = "Adding a blue curve with missing values"
Ngl.set_values(plot, srlist)

#---Draw plot (and its attached line)

コード例 #18
ファイル: shapefile2.py プロジェクト: Python3pkg/pyngl
res.mpMinLonF = -90
res.mpMaxLonF = -30

res.mpFillOn = True
res.mpLandFillColor = "NavajoWhite"
res.mpOceanFillColor = "SlateGray2"

res.tiMainString = "Stream network data for South America"
res.tiMainFontHeightF = 0.015  # Make font slightly smaller.

plot = Ngl.map(wks, res)  # Draw map, but don't advance frame.

# Section to add polylines to map.
f = Nio.open_file(filename, "r")  # Open shapefile
lon = numpy.ravel(f.variables["x"][:])
lat = numpy.ravel(f.variables["y"][:])
segments = f.variables["segments"][:, 0]

plres = Ngl.Resources()  # resources for polylines
plres.gsLineColor = "blue"
plres.gsSegments = segments

id = Ngl.add_polyline(wks, plot, lon, lat, plres)


コード例 #19
def plot_xy(wks,vx,data_vy,vpx=0.2,vpy=0.8,hei=0.3,xlab='',ylab='',\
                  linecolors = ['red','blue','black','green','yellow'],\
   if ( isinstance(data_vy,list) ):
      nprof = len(data_vy)
      data_vy = [data_vy]
      nprof = 1
   vx = fill_blanks(vx,nprof)
   linecolors = fill_blanks(linecolors,nprof)
   linepatterns = fill_blanks(linepatterns,nprof)
   linethicknesses = fill_blanks(linethicknesses,nprof)
   if (prof):
      tmp = vx
      vx = data_vy
      data_vy = tmp
   res = Ngl.Resources()
   res.nglFrame = False
   res.nglPaperOrientation = 'Portrait' 
   res.nglMaximize = False
   res.nglDraw = False
   res.xyLineColors = linecolors
   res.tiYAxisString = ylab
   res.tiXAxisString = xlab
   res.trYReverse = yrev
   res.trXMinF = xmin
   res.trXMaxF = xmax
   res.trYMinF = ymin
   res.trYMaxF = ymax
      wth = hei * 1./np.sqrt(2.)
      wth = hei * np.sqrt(2.)
   res.vpXF = vpx
   res.vpYF = vpy
   res.vpHeightF = hei
   res.vpWidthF = wth
   xy = Ngl.xy(wks,vx[0],data_vy[0],res)
   for jn in range(1,nprof):
      res = Ngl.Resources()
      res.gsLineColor                           =  linecolors[jn]
      res.gsLineDashPattern                     =  linepatterns[jn]
      res.gsLineThicknessF                      =  linethicknesses[jn]
      line = Ngl.add_polyline(wks,xy,vx[jn],data_vy[jn],res)
   wth2 = 0.15
   hei2 = 0.08
   for jn in range(0,2):
      if (jn == 0):
         x0 = vpx+wth-(wth2)
         y0 = vpy+hei2
         st = 0
         sp = 4
      elif (jn == 1):
         x0 = vpx+wth-(2*wth2+0.05)
         y0 = vpy+hei2
         st = 4
         sp = 7
      lres = Ngl.Resources()
      lres.vpWidthF            =  wth2
      lres.vpHeightF           =  hei2
      lres.lgLineColors        =  linecolors[st:sp]
      lres.lgLineThicknesses   =  linethicknesses[st:sp] 
      lres.lgDashIndexes       =  linepatterns[st:sp]
      lres.lgLineLabelsOn      =  False
      lres.lgLabelFontHeightF  =  0.01
      lg = Ngl.legend_ndc(wks,sp-st,titles[st:sp],x0,y0,lres)
   #tres = Ngl.Resources()
   #tres.txFontHeightF = 0.015
   #tres.txJust = 'CenterLeft'
   #y = vpy + 0.03
   #x0 = vpx
   #dx = 0.15
   #print nprof
   #print titles
   #for jn in range(0,nprof):
   #   tres.txFontColor = linecolors[jn]
   #   x = x0 + dx*jn
   #   Ngl.text_ndc(wks,titles[jn],x,y,tres)
   if (frame):
コード例 #20
def plot_dots(wks,vx,vy,vpx=0.2,vpy=0.8,hei=0.3,xlab='',ylab='',\
              dotcolors = ['red','blue','black','green','yellow'],\
   ndots = len(vy)
   print dotcolors
   print dotindices
   print dotsizes
   dotcolors = fill_blanks(dotcolors,ndots)
   dotindices = fill_blanks(dotindices,ndots)
   dotsizes = fill_blanks(dotsizes,ndots)
   res = Ngl.Resources()
   res.nglFrame = False
   res.nglPaperOrientation = 'Portrait' 
   res.nglMaximize = False
   res.nglDraw = False
   res.xyMarkLineMode = 'Markers'
   res.xyMonoMarkerColor = False
   res.xyMarkerColors = dotcolors
   res.xyMarkerThicknesses = 2
   res.xyMarkerSizes = np.array(dotsizes) * 0.01
   res.xyMarkers = dotindices
   res.tiYAxisString = ylab
   res.tiXAxisString = xlab
   res.trXMinF = xmin
   res.trXMaxF = xmax
   res.trYMinF = ymin
   res.trYMaxF = ymax
      wth = hei * 1./np.sqrt(2.)
      wth = hei * np.sqrt(2.)
   res.vpXF = vpx
   res.vpYF = vpy
   res.vpHeightF = hei
   res.vpWidthF = wth
   print vx
   print vy
   print xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax
   xy = Ngl.xy(wks,np.transpose(np.vstack((vx,vx))),np.transpose(np.vstack((vy,vy))),res)
   if (lreg):
      ## Fit line
      k,m,cor,sig,err = stats.linregress(vx,vy)
      vx = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,10)
      vy = vx * k + m
      # Plot line
      lres = Ngl.Resources()
      lres.gsLineColor = 'black'
      lres.gsLineDashPattern = 1
      lres.gsLineThicknessF = 2
      line = Ngl.add_polyline(wks,xy,vx,vy,lres)
      # Print correlations
      text = 'R = '+repr(cor)
      if (sig*100. < 1.):
         text = text + ' (99% sign.)'
      elif (sig*100. < 5.):
         text = text + ' (95% sign.)'
         text = text + ' (not sign.)'
      tres = Ngl.Resources()
      tres.txFontHeightF = 0.01
      tres.txJust = 'BottomLeft'
      tres.txFontColor = 'black'
   #wth2 = 0.15
   #hei2 = 0.08
   #for jn in range(0,2):
   #   if (jn == 0):
   #      x0 = vpx+wth-(wth2)
   #      y0 = vpy+hei2
   #      st = 0
   #      sp = 4
   #   elif (jn == 1):
   #      x0 = vpx+wth-(2*wth2+0.05)
   #      y0 = vpy+hei2
   #      st = 4
   #      sp = 7
   #   lres = Ngl.Resources()
   #   lres.vpWidthF            =  wth2
   #   lres.vpHeightF           =  hei2
   #   lres.lgLineColors        =  linecolors[st:sp]
   #   lres.lgLineThicknesses   =  linethicknesses[st:sp] 
   #   lres.lgDashIndexes       =  linepatterns[st:sp]
   #   lres.lgLineLabelsOn      =  False
   #   lres.lgLabelFontHeightF  =  0.01
   #   lg = Ngl.legend_ndc(wks,sp-st,titles[st:sp],x0,y0,lres)
   if (frame):
コード例 #21
ファイル: meteogram.py プロジェクト: akrherz/me
taus_above_zero = Numeric.take(taus,ind_above_zero)
px[0::5] = (taus_above_zero - dx/2.).astype(taus.typecode())
px[1::5] = (taus_above_zero - dx/2.).astype(taus.typecode())
px[2::5] = (taus_above_zero + dx/2.).astype(taus.typecode())
px[3::5] = (taus_above_zero + dx/2.).astype(taus.typecode())
px[4::5] = (taus_above_zero - dx/2.).astype(taus.typecode())
py[0::5] = rain_res.trYMinF
py[1::5] = Numeric.take(rain03,ind_above_zero)
py[2::5] = Numeric.take(rain03,ind_above_zero)
py[3::5] = rain_res.trYMinF
py[4::5] = rain_res.trYMinF
polyg    = Ngl.add_polygon(wks,rainhist,px,py,pgres)

# For the outlines, we don't need the fifth point.
polyl    = Ngl.add_polyline(wks,rainhist,px,py,pgres)
temptmsz  = Ngl.xy(wks,taus,tempht,tempsfc_res)

# ---------------------- overlay, draw, and advance frame ---------
Ngl.overlay(rhfill,templine)   # Overlay temperature contour on rh plot.
Ngl.overlay(rhfill,windlayer)  # Overlay windbarbs on rh plot.


コード例 #22
ファイル: plot_generic.py プロジェクト: rhwhite/heatfluxes
    plot.append(Ngl.contour(wks, varMPac, resCS))
    resCS.tiMainString = "Atlantic meridional overturning"
    plot.append(Ngl.contour(wks, varMAtl, resCS))

    #resCS.tiMainString = "Pacific and Indian meridional overturning"
    #resCS.tiMainString = "Atlantic meridional overturning"

    resCS.tiMainString = "Change in Pacific and Indian meridional overturning"
    resCS.tiYAxisString = "depth, m"

    setplotrange(resCS, -5, 5, 1)

    temp = Ngl.contour(wks, varMPac - varNPac, resCS)
    Ngl.add_polyline(wks, temp, np.array([0, 0]), np.array([0, 5000]), gsres)

    resCS.tiMainString = "Change in Atlantic meridional overturning"
    setplotrange(resCS, -5, 5, 1)

    temp = (Ngl.contour(wks, varMAtl - varNAtl, resCS))
    Ngl.add_polyline(wks, temp, np.array([0, 0]), np.array([0, 5000]), gsres)
    nrows = 4

elif var in ["P-E", "PRECT", "EVAP", "SHFLX"]:
    resMP = Ngl.Resources()
    resMP = initcontourplot(resMP, plotstartlat, plotstartlon, plotendlat,
                            plotendlon, lats.values, lons)
    resMP.mpCenterLonF = 0.
コード例 #23
# add specific out line
# attribute of polyline
lnres = Ngl.Resources()
lnres.gsLineColor = "red"
lnres.gsLineThicknessF = 6.0  # 3x as thick
lnres.gsLineDashPattern = 0

# china east
lonCN = [112, 122]
latCN = [22, 37]
cnEast_bndry_lon = np.ravel([lonCN[0], lonCN[0], lonCN[1], lonCN[1], lonCN[0]])
cnEast_bndry_lat = np.ravel([latCN[0], latCN[1], latCN[1], latCN[0], latCN[0]])
lnid = Ngl.add_polyline(wks, plot, cnEast_bndry_lon, cnEast_bndry_lat, lnres)

# USA east
lonUSA = [-90, -80]
latUSA = [30, 45]
USAEast_bndry_lon = np.ravel(
    [lonUSA[0], lonUSA[0], lonUSA[1], lonUSA[1], lonUSA[0]])
USAEast_bndry_lat = np.ravel(
    [latUSA[0], latUSA[1], latUSA[1], latUSA[0], latUSA[0]])
lnid = Ngl.add_polyline(wks, plot, USAEast_bndry_lon, USAEast_bndry_lat, lnres)

# EUR west
lonEUR = [-1, 14]
latEUR = [44, 54]
EURwest_bndry_lon = np.ravel(
    [lonEUR[0], lonEUR[0], lonEUR[1], lonEUR[1], lonEUR[0]])
コード例 #24
def plot_psiyr(wks,data,vx,vy,xlab='Latitude [deg N]',ylab = 'y',\
   Plots meridional overturning stream functions
      wks    -  Workstation ID
     data    -  2D matrix. Can be several matrices in a list
       vx    -  Latitude vector
       vy    -  y-vector. Can be several in a list
     xlab    -  Title for x-axis
     ylab    -  Title for y-axis
    vsurf    -  Vector of surface values to draw in
      hei    -  Height of plot(s)
     ylon    -  Turn on y labels on left side (else right)
      xon    -  Turn on x labels on bottom
     lbar    -  Turn on colorbar
   res = Ngl.Resources()
   res.wkColorMap = 'ViBlGrWhYeOrRe'
   print '  Plotting overturning stream functions in (y,r) coordinates'
   print lbar
   if ( isinstance(data,list) ):
      nplots = len(data)
      nplots = 1
      data = [data]
   vy = fill_blanks(vy,nplots)
   ylab = fill_blanks(ylab,nplots)
   vsurf = fill_blanks(vsurf,nplots)
   ylon = fill_blanks(ylon,nplots)
   xon = fill_blanks(xon,nplots)
   lbar = fill_blanks(lbar,nplots)
   lbar[0] = True
   flipy = fill_blanks(flipy,nplots)
   hei = max([0.8/(nplots+1),hei])
   wth = min([0.7,hei * 4])
   vpy = 0.9 - hei * np.arange(0,nplots+1)
   ## Color levels for y-r stream functions
   colour_levels = np.arange(-190,210,20)
   for jn in range(0,nplots):
      zplot = data[jn]
      res = Ngl.Resources()
      res.nglMaximize                      =  False
      res.nglPaperOrientation              =  'Portrait'
      res.nglFrame                         =  False
      res.nglDraw                          =  False
      res.cnFillOn                         =  True
      res.cnLinesOn                        =  True
      res.cnLineLabelsOn                   =  False
      res.cnLineLabelDensityF              =  2
      res.cnLineLabelBackgroundColor       =  -1
      res.cnLevelSelectionMode             =  'ExplicitLevels'
      res.cnLevels                         =  colour_levels
      res.sfXArray                         =  vx
      res.sfYArray                         =  vy[jn]
      res.vpXF                             =  vpx
      res.vpWidthF                         =  wth
      res.vpYF                             =  vpy[jn]
      res.vpHeightF                        =  hei
      ## Axis
      res.tiYAxisFontHeightF               =  0.012
      res.tiYAxisString                    =  ylab[jn]
      res.tiXAxisString                    =  xlab
      if( ylon[jn] == True ):
         res.tiYAxisSide                   =  'Left'
         res.tmYLLabelsOn                  =  True
         res.tmYRLabelsOn                  =  False
         res.tmYLLabelFontHeightF          =  0.012
         res.tiYAxisSide                   =  'Right'
         res.tmYLLabelsOn                  =  False
         res.tmYRLabelsOn                  =  True
         res.tmYRLabelFontHeightF          =  0.012
      if( xon[jn] == True ):
         res.tiXAxisOn                     =  True
         res.tmXBLabelsOn                  =  True
         res.tiXAxisFontHeightF            =  0.012
         res.tmXBLabelFontHeightF          =  0.012
         res.tiXAxisOn                     =  False
         res.tmXBLabelsOn                  =  False
      ## Labelbar
      if( lbar[jn] == True ):
         res.lbTitleString         =  'Sverdrup (10~S~9~N~kg/s)'
         res.lbLabelFontHeightF    =  0.012
         res.lbTitleFontHeightF    =  0.015
         res.lbLabelBarOn          =  True
         res.lbOrientation         =  'Horizontal'
         res.pmLabelBarSide        =  'Top'
         res.pmLabelBarDisplayMode =  'Always'
         res.pmLabelBarWidthF      =  0.65
         res.pmLabelBarHeightF     =  0.07
         res.lbLabelBarOn            =  False
      ## Flip y axis?
      if( flipy[jn] == True ):
         res.trYReverse                    =  True
         res.trYReverse                    =  False
      ## Smooth
      if (lsmooth==True):
         sigma = 2
         order = 0
         for ji in range(0,5):
                                            mode='reflect', cval=0.0)
      cont = Ngl.contour(wks,zplot,res)
      ## Also draw the surface values
      if (vsurf[jn].shape[0] == vx.shape[0]):
         lres = Ngl.Resources()
         lres.gsLineThicknessF = 1.5
         lres.gsLineColor = 'black'
         lres.gsLineDashPattern = 1
         line = Ngl.add_polyline(wks,cont,vx,vsurf[jn],lres)
         print ' Length of vx and vsurf do not agree ' 
      ## And show the max/min values
      zmax = np.max( zplot.flatten() )
      zmin = np.min( zplot.flatten() )
      max_point = np.where(zplot == zmax)
      min_point = np.where(zplot == zmin)
      lmax = vx[max_point[1]][0]
      ymax = vy[jn][max_point[0]][0]
      print ' psimax = '+repr(zmax)
      print ' at lat = '+repr(lmax)+', y = '+repr(ymax)
      lmin = vx[min_point[1]][0]
      ymin = vy[jn][min_point[0]][0]
      print ' psimin = '+repr(zmin)
      print ' at lat = '+repr(lmin)+', y = '+repr(ymin)
      pres = Ngl.Resources()
      pres.gsMarkerColor = 'black'
      pres.gsMarkerThicknessF = 3.
      mark = Ngl.add_polymarker(wks,cont,lmax,ymax,pres)
      mark = Ngl.add_polymarker(wks,cont,lmin,ymin,pres)
   flux_label = ['LH flux [PW]',\
                'DSE flux [PW]',\
                'MSE flux [PW]',\
                'Volume flux [m3/s]',
                'Pressure flux [hPa]',\
                'Sensible heat flux [PW]']
   jj = 0
      vy2 = np.zeros((nplots,vx.shape[0]))
      for jc in range(0,nplots):
         zplot = data[jc][:,:]
         chi = 0.5 * (vy[jc][1:] + vy[jc][:-1])
         for jj in range(0,vx.shape[0]):
            dpsi = zplot[1:,jj] - zplot[:-1,jj]
            vy2[jc,jj] = np.sum(dpsi * chi)
      vy2 = 10**(-3) * (-1) * vy2[:,:] # W->PW and change sign
      linecolors = ['blue','red','black','green','yellow','purple']
      del res
      res = Ngl.Resources()
      res.nglMaximize                      =  False
      res.nglPaperOrientation              =  'Portrait'
      res.nglFrame                         =  False
      res.nglDraw                          =  True
      res.xyLineColors                     =  linecolors
      #res.xyLineThicknesses                = [2,2,2]
      #res.xyLabelMode                      = 'Custom'
      #res.xyExplicitLabels                 = ['LH','DSE','MSE']
      #if( np.mod(jc,2) == 0):
      #   res.tiYAxisSide                   =  'Left'
      #   res.tmYLLabelsOn                  =  True
      #   res.tmYRLabelsOn                  =  False
      #   res.tiYAxisSide                   =  'Right'
      #   res.tmYLLabelsOn                  =  False
      #   res.tmYRLabelsOn                  =  True
      #if( jc == icoord-1):
      #   res.tiXAxisOn                     =  True
      #   res.tmXBLabelsOn                  =  True
      #   res.tiXAxisOn                     =  False
      #   res.tmXBLabelsOn                  =  False
      ## Axis
      res.tiXAxisString                    =  'Latitude'
      res.tiYAxisString                    =  '[PW]'
      res.tiXAxisFontHeightF               =  0.012
      res.tiYAxisFontHeightF               =  0.012
      res.tmXBLabelFontHeightF             =  0.012
      res.tmYLLabelFontHeightF             =  0.012            
      res.trYMaxF                          =  6.
      res.trYMinF                          =  -6.
      res.vpXF                             =  vpx
      res.vpWidthF                         =  wth
      res.vpYF                             =  vpy[-1]
      res.vpHeightF                        =  hei
      cont = Ngl.xy(wks,vx,vy2[0:3],res)
コード例 #25
#-- create the map, but don't draw it yet
map = Ngl.map(wks, res)

#-- polyline coordinates (Germany)
x = [6., 15., 15., 6., 6.]
y = [47.5, 47.5, 54.5, 54.5, 47.5]

#-- polyline resources
plres = Ngl.Resources()
plres.gsLineThicknessF = 2.0  #-- set line thickness
plres.gsLineColor = "red"  #-- set line color

#-- add polyline to map
box_1 = Ngl.add_polyline(wks, map, x, y, plres)

#-- polygon coordinates (Australia)
x = [110., 160., 160., 110., 110.]
y = [-45., -45., -10., -10., -45.]

#-- polygon resources
pgres = Ngl.Resources()
pgres.gsFillColor = "green"  #-- fill color
pgres.gsFillOpacityF = 0.3  #-- set opacity of polygon

#-- add filled polygon to map
gon_1 = Ngl.add_polygon(wks, map, x, y, pgres)
コード例 #26
def plot_power(Pow, symmetry=("symm"), source="", var1="", plotpath="./", flim=0.5, nWavePlt=20, cmin=0.05, cmax=0.55,
               cspc=0.05, plotxy=[1, 1], N=[1, 2]):

    dims = Pow.shape
    nplot = dims[0]

    FillMode = "AreaFill"

    # text labels
    abc = list(string.ascii_lowercase)

    # plot resources
    wkstype = "png"
    wks = ngl.open_wks(wkstype, plotpath + "SpaceTimePower_" + source + var1)
    plots = []

    # coherence2 plot resources
    res = coh_resources(cmin, cmax, cspc, FillMode, flim, nWavePlt)
    # phase arrow resources
    resA = phase_resources(flim, nWavePlt)

    # dispersion curve resources
    dcres = ngl.Resources()
    dcres.gsLineThicknessF = 2.0
    dcres.gsLineDashPattern = 0

    # text box resources
    txres = ngl.Resources()
    txres.txPerimOn = True
    txres.txFontHeightF = 0.013
    txres.txBackgroundFillColor = "Background"

    # panel plot resources
    resP = panel_resources(nplot, abc)

    # plot contours and phase arrows
    pp = 0
    while pp < nplot:
        if nplot == 1:
            coh2 = Pow
            coh2 = Pow[pp, :, :]
        if len(symmetry) == nplot:
            Symmetry = symmetry[pp]
            Symmetry = symmetry

        res.tiMainString = source + "    log10( Power(" + var1 + "))           " + Symmetry
        plot = ngl.contour(wks, coh2, res)

        (matsuno_names, textlabels, textlocsX, textlocsY) = text_labels(Symmetry)
        nlabel = len(textlocsX)

        # generate matsuno mode dispersion curves
        if Symmetry == "midlat":
            He = [3000, 7000, 10000]
            matsuno_modes = mp.matsuno_modes_wk_bg(he=He, n=N, latitude=0., max_wn=nWavePlt, n_wn=500, u=25)
            He = [12, 25, 50]
            matsuno_modes = mp.matsuno_modes_wk(he=He, n=N, latitude=0., max_wn=nWavePlt, n_wn=500)

        # add polylines for dispersion curves
        for he in matsuno_modes:
            df = matsuno_modes[he]
            wn = df.index.values
            for wavename in df:
                for matsuno_name in matsuno_names:
                    if wavename == (matsuno_name + str(he) + "m)"):
                        wave = df[wavename].values
                        wnwave = wn[~np.isnan(wave)]
                        wave = wave[~np.isnan(wave)]
                        ngl.add_polyline(wks, plot, wnwave, wave, dcres)

        # add text boxes
        ll = 0
        while ll < nlabel:
            ngl.add_text(wks, plot, textlabels[ll], textlocsX[ll], textlocsY[ll], txres)
            ll += 1

        pp += 1

        # panel plots
    ngl.panel(wks, plots, plotxy, resP)

コード例 #27
ファイル: multi_plot.py プロジェクト: yingkaisha/pyngl

fillres.gsFillColor = "LightBlue"
fillbox.append(Ngl.add_polygon(wks,plot, \

# Draw some boxes and bars on the XY plot using calls to Ngl.add_polyline.
# First draw a thick line at Y = 0.
lineres                  = Ngl.Resources()
lineres.gsLineThicknessF = 3.
zero_line = Ngl.add_polyline(wks,plot,[res.trXMinF,res.trXMaxF],

# Add the vertical green "error" bars.
time  = Ngl.fspan(1,5,5)
lineres.gsLineThicknessF = 2.5
lineres.gsLineColor      = "DarkGreen"
vlines = []
for ii in range(5):
  ii1 = ii + 1
  vlines.append(Ngl.add_polyline(wks,plot,[ii1-.08,ii1+.08], \
  vlines.append(Ngl.add_polyline(wks,plot,[ii1-.08,ii1+.08], \
コード例 #28
ファイル: plotting.py プロジェクト: ajdawson/nglextras
def histogram(wks, data, res):
    """Plot a histogram.

    The NumPy histogram function is used to define the histogram.

    wks -- Ngl wrokstation.
    data -- 1D array of data to construct a histogram from.
    res -- Ngl resources variable. Valid resources are:
    # Define a function to compute bar locations.
    def bar_position(x, y, dx, ymin, bar_width_perc):
        """Compute the coordinates required to draw a specified bar."""
        dxp = dx * bar_width_perc
        xbar = np.array([x, x+dxp, x+dxp, x, x])
        ybar = np.array([ymin, ymin, y, y, ymin])
        return xbar, ybar
    # Make a local copy of resources so they can be modified.
    res = copy(res)
    # Intercept and turn off draw and frame resources. These will be applied
    # if necessary once the histogram has been constructed.
    frame_on = getattr(res, 'nglFrame', True)
    draw_on = getattr(res, 'nglDraw', True)
    res.nglFrame = False
    res.nglDraw = False
    # Set default values of special resources that will not be recognised by 
    # Ngl.
    resdefaults = {
            'nglHistogramBarWidthPercent': 1.,
            'nglHistogramBinIntervals': None,
            'nglHistogramNumberOfBins': 10,
            'nglxHistogramRange': None,
            'nglxHistogramBarColor': 0,
            'nglxHistogramBarOutlineColor': 1,
            'nglxHistogramDensity': True,
    # Record the values of the special resources, and remove them from the
    # resource list.
    specialres = dict()
    for resname in resdefaults.keys():
        specialres[resname] = getattr(res, resname, resdefaults[resname])
            delattr(res, resname)
        except AttributeError:
    # Work out the values of histogram parameters.
    nbins = specialres['nglHistogramBinIntervals'] or \
    hrange = specialres['nglxHistogramRange']
    density = specialres['nglxHistogramDensity']
    # Compute the histogram with the NumPy routine.
    hist, binedges = np.histogram(data, bins=nbins, range=hrange, density=density)
    dx = binedges[1] - binedges[0]
    ymin = 0.
    # Draw up to three bars, the first and last and the tallest, if they are
    # different. This sets up the plot correctly. The user specified plotting
    # resources are respected during this process. The lines drawn here will
    # be covered by the histogram.
    xdum, ydum = list(), list()
    xbar, ybar = bar_position(binedges[0], hist[0], dx, ymin,      # first bar
    if nbins > 1:
        xbar, ybar = bar_position(binedges[-2], hist[-1], dx, ymin,    # last bar
    i = np.argmax(hist)
    if i not in (0, nbins-1):
        xbar, ybar = bar_position(binedges[i], hist[i], dx, ymin,    # tallest bar
    plot = xy(wks, np.array(xdum), np.array(ydum), res)
    # Create resources for shading the bars and drawing outlines around them.
    fillres = Ngl.Resources()
    fillres.gsFillColor = specialres['nglxHistogramBarColor']
    lineres = Ngl.Resources()
    lineres.gsLineColor = specialres['nglxHistogramBarOutlineColor']
    # Draw the bars and their outlines.
    plot._histbars = list()
    plot._histlines = list()
    for bar in xrange(nbins):
        xbar, ybar = bar_position(binedges[bar], hist[bar], dx, ymin,
        plot._histbars.append(Ngl.add_polygon(wks, plot, xbar, ybar, fillres))
        plot._histlines.append(Ngl.add_polyline(wks, plot, xbar, ybar, lineres))
    # Apply drawing and frame advancing if they were specified in the input
    # resources.
    if draw_on:
    if frame_on:
    # Return a plot identifier.
    return plot
コード例 #29
def plot_psirr(vpx=0.2, vpy=0.8, hei=0.4, lbar=True, xlab=1,ylab=1):
   ## Colors for hydrothermal stream functions
   ld   = 550.
   dl   = 50
   res = Ngl.Resources()
   res.wkColorMap = 'WhiteBlue'
   #res.wkColorMap = 'BlueWhiteOrangeRed'
   ## Reverse colormap
   del res
   res = Ngl.Resources()
   cmap = Ngl.retrieve_colormap(wks)
   cmap[2:,:] = cmap[-1:1:-1,:]
   res.wkColorMap = cmap
   psi_levels = np.arange(-ld,0.,dl)
         del res
         res = Ngl.Resources()
         res.nglMaximize                      =  False
         res.nglPaperOrientation              =  'Portrait'
         res.nglFrame                         =  False
         res.nglDraw                          =  False
         res.cnFillOn                         =  True
         res.cnLinesOn                        =  True
         res.cnLineLabelsOn                   =  False
         res.cnLineLabelDensityF              =  2
         res.cnLineLabelBackgroundColor       =  -1
         res.cnLevelSelectionMode             =  'ExplicitLevels'
         res.cnLevels                         =  psi_levels
         if (lbar):
            res.pmLabelBarSide                   =  'Top'
            res.lbLabelBarOn                     =  True
            res.lbOrientation                    =  'Horizontal'
            res.pmLabelBarDisplayMode            =  'Always'
            res.pmLabelBarWidthF                 =  0.6
            res.pmLabelBarHeightF                =  0.03
            res.pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF         =  0.07
            #res.pmLabelBarParallelPosF           =  1.1
            res.lbTitleString                    =  'Sv (10~S~9~N~kg/s)'
            res.lbLabelFontHeightF               =  0.012
            res.lbTitleFontHeightF               =  0.015
            res.pmLabelBarDisplayMode            =  'Never'
         res.sfXArray                         =  vx
         res.sfYArray                         =  vy
         res.trXMinF                          =  -3
         res.trXMaxF                          =  55
         res.trYMinF                          =  250
         res.trYMaxF                          =  360
         res.tiXAxisString                    =  'Latent heat [kJ/kg]'
         res.tiYAxisString                    =  'Dry static energy [kJ/kg]'
         res.tiMainString                     =  title
         res.tiMainOffsetYF                   =  -0.045
         res.tiMainFontHeightF                =  0.015
         if (xlab == 1):
            res.tiXAxisOn                     =  True
            res.tmXBLabelsOn                  =  True
            res.tiXAxisSide                   =  'Bottom'
         elif (xlab == -1):
            res.tiXAxisOn                      =  True
            res.tmXBLabelsOn                  =  False
            res.tmXTLabelsOn                  =  True
            res.tiXAxisSide                   =  'Top'
         elif (xlab == 0):
            res.tiXAxisOn                     =  False
            res.tmXBLabelsOn                  =  False
            res.tmXTLabelsOn                  =  False
         if (ylab == 1):
            res.tiYAxisOn                     =  True
            res.tmYLLabelsOn                  =  True
            res.tmYRLabelsOn                  =  False
            res.tiYAxisSide                   =  'Left'
         elif (ylab == -1):
            res.tiYAxisOn                     =  True
            res.tmYLLabelsOn                  =  False
            res.tmYRLabelsOn                  =  True
            res.tiYAxisSide                   =  'Right'
         elif (ylab == 0):
            res.tiYAxisOn                     =  False
            res.tmYLLabelsOn                  =  False
            res.tmYRLabelsOn                  =  False
         res.vpWidthF                         =  hei
         res.vpHeightF                        =  hei
         res.vpYF                             =  vpy
         res.vpXF                             =  vpx
         lsmooth = False
         if (lsmooth):
            sigma = 2
            order = 0
            for ji in range(0,2):
                                               mode='reflect', cval=0.0)
         cont = Ngl.contour(wks,zplot[:,:],res)
         ## Clausius-Clapeyron line
         vy_cc = np.linspace(240,360,101)
         press = 101300.
         vx_cc,es = cclap(vy_cc*1000/1004.,press)
         vx_cc = 2.5 * 10**3 * vx_cc
         #ccstring = 'C-C, RH=100%'
         lres = Ngl.Resources()
         lres.gsLineDashPattern         =  15  
         lres.gsLineLabelFontHeightF    =  0.009
         lres.gsLineThicknessF          =  2
         #lres.gsLineLabelString         =  ccstring
         line = Ngl.add_polyline(wks,cont,vx_cc,vy_cc,lres)
         ## MSE profile
         lres = Ngl.Resources()
         lres.gsLineDashPattern         =  1
         lres.gsLineThicknessF          =  3  
         line = Ngl.add_polyline(wks,cont,vlh,vdse,lres)
コード例 #30
res.pmLabelBarParallelPosF = 0.6  #+U -D

plot = Ngl.contour_map(wks, hgt_m, res)

# Plot flight track
# seeding time: 1250-1257 LST (0450-0457 UTC)
lnres = Ngl.Resources()
lnres.gsLineColor = 'white'
lnres.gsLineThicknessF = 10
for i in range(len(lon) - 1):
    #print (time[i][0:4])
    xd = [lon[i], lon[i + 1]]
    yd = [lat[i], lat[i + 1]]
    if np.int(time[i][0:4]) < 1240:
        lnres.gsLineColor = 'white'
        plt_track = Ngl.add_polyline(wks, plot, xd, yd, lnres)
    elif np.int(time[i][0:4]) >= 1240 and np.int(time[i][0:4]) <= 1249:
        lnres.gsLineColor = 'red'
        plt_track = Ngl.add_polyline(wks, plot, xd, yd, lnres)
    elif np.int(time[i][0:4]) > 1249 and np.int(time[i][0:4]) < 1258:
        lnres.gsLineColor = 'purple'
        plt_track = Ngl.add_polyline(wks, plot, xd, yd, lnres)
        lnres.gsLineColor = 'orange'
        plt_track = Ngl.add_polyline(wks, plot, xd, yd, lnres)

    #if i > 0 and \
    #  np.int(time[i][0:4]) == 1240 and np.int(time[i-1][0:4]) < 1240:
    #   plt_marker = add_polymarker(wks,plot,lon[i],lat[i], \
    #         color='red')
コード例 #31
ファイル: meteogram.py プロジェクト: zhishang80/pyngl
taus_above_zero = numpy.take(taus, ind_above_zero)
px[0::5] = (taus_above_zero - dx / 2.).astype(taus.dtype.char)
px[1::5] = (taus_above_zero - dx / 2.).astype(taus.dtype.char)
px[2::5] = (taus_above_zero + dx / 2.).astype(taus.dtype.char)
px[3::5] = (taus_above_zero + dx / 2.).astype(taus.dtype.char)
px[4::5] = (taus_above_zero - dx / 2.).astype(taus.dtype.char)
py[0::5] = rain_res.trYMinF
py[1::5] = numpy.take(rain03, ind_above_zero)
py[2::5] = numpy.take(rain03, ind_above_zero)
py[3::5] = rain_res.trYMinF
py[4::5] = rain_res.trYMinF
polyg = Ngl.add_polygon(wks, rainhist, px, py, pgres)

# For the outlines, we don't need the fifth point.
polyl = Ngl.add_polyline(wks, rainhist, px, py, pgres)
temptmsz = Ngl.xy(wks, taus, tempht, tempsfc_res)

# ---------------------- overlay, draw, and advance frame ---------
Ngl.overlay(rhfill, templine)  # Overlay temperature contour on rh plot.
Ngl.overlay(rhfill, windlayer)  # Overlay windbarbs on rh plot.


コード例 #32
gsres.gsEdgesOn = True  # Line will be drawn around polygon.

# Polymarker resources.

gsres.gsMarkerIndex = 16  # dots
gsres.gsMarkerColor = "HotPink"
gsres.gsMarkerSizeF = 0.014  # twice normal size

# Add primitives to plot.  They will be drawn in the order
# they are added, so some primitives may cover other ones.
# Be sure to use unique variable names on the left-hand side
# for the Ngl.add_polyxxxx routines.
prim1 = Ngl.add_polyline(wks, xy1, xx, ymidline, gsres)
prim2 = Ngl.add_polygon(wks, xy1, xsquare, ysquare, gsres)
prim3 = Ngl.add_polyline(wks, xy1, xx, ytopline, gsres)
prim4 = Ngl.add_polyline(wks, xy1, xx, ybotline, gsres)

gsres.gsLineColor = "Green"
prim5 = Ngl.add_polyline(wks, xy1, x[26:37], y[26:37], gsres)
prim6 = Ngl.add_polymarker(wks, xy1, xdots, ydots, gsres)

# New Y points for second XY plot.
y = numpy.cos(3.14159 * x / 32.)

# Create second XY plot, but don't draw it yet.
コード例 #33
def popsicle_diagram(restartfile, param_file, pftcolors, stemcolor=159, file=None, title=None, xtitle=None, ytitle=None, yrange=None, colormap=None, title_charsize=0.75, aspect_ratio=None, makepng=False, png_dens=pngdens, use_wks=None, showjupyter=False):

    if use_wks == None:
        plot_type = get_workstation_type(file)
        wks_res = Ngl.Resources()
        if plot_type == 'x11':
            wks_res.wkPause = False
        elif plot_type == 'png':
            wks_res.wkWidth = page_width * 100
            wks_res.wkHeight = page_height * 100
            wks_res.wkPaperWidthF = page_width
            wks_res.wkPaperHeightF = page_height
            wks_res.wkOrientation = "portrait"
        if not colormap == None:
            colormap = parse_colormap(colormap)
            wks_res.wkColorMap = colormap
        wks = Ngl.open_wks(plot_type,file,wks_res)
        if wks < 0 and plot_type == "x11":
            wks = Ngl.open_wks(plot_type,file,wks_res)
        wks = use_wks

    resources = Ngl.Resources()

    #cdkif plot_type != 'png':
    resources.nglDraw = False

    #cdkif plot_type != 'png':
    resources.nglFrame = False

    if title != None:
        resources.tiMainString = title

    if xtitle != None:
        resources.tiXAxisString = xtitle

    if ytitle != None:
        resources.tiYAxisString = ytitle

    if yrange != None:
        resources.trYMinF = np.min(yrange)
        resources.trYMaxF = np.max(yrange)

    resources.trXMinF = 0.
    resources.trXMaxF = 1.

    resources.tiMainFontHeightF = 0.025 * title_charsize

    resources.tmXBMajorLengthF        = 0.01
    resources.tmXBMajorOutwardLengthF = 0.01
    resources.tmYLMajorLengthF        = 0.01    
    resources.tmYLMajorOutwardLengthF = 0.01

    resources.tmXBMinorOn    = False
    resources.tmYLMinorOn    = False

    resources.tmXTOn          = False
    resources.tmYROn          = False
    resources.tmXBOn          = False
    resources.tmXBLabelsOn    = False

    if aspect_ratio != None:
        if aspect_ratio > 1.:
            resources.vpHeightF =  0.6  / aspect_ratio
            resources.vpWidthF =  0.6  * aspect_ratio

    resources.trXMinF = 0.
    resources.trXMaxF = 1.
    if yrange == None:
        yrange = [0, np.ma.max(restartfile.variables['fates_height'][:])]
    resources.trYMinF = np.min(yrange)
    resources.trYMaxF = np.max(yrange)

    dummies = np.ma.masked_all(3)
    plot = Ngl.xy(wks, dummies, dummies, resources)

    #### the main logic all goes here.  ####

    # first calculate the crown areas of each cohort
    cohort_crownareas = carea_allom(restartfile, param_file)

    max_coh_per_patch = 100
    max_cohorts = len(restartfile.variables['fates_CohortsPerPatch'][:])
    max_patches = max_cohorts / max_coh_per_patch
    maxcanlev = restartfile.variables['fates_canopy_layer'][:].max()
    cohort_rhs = np.zeros(maxcanlev)
    ## iterate over patches
    patch_area_sofar = 0.
    vline_res = Ngl.Resources
    vline_res.gsLineThicknessF = .01
    crown_res = Ngl.Resources()
    crown_res.gsLineColor            = "black"
    crown_res.gsLineThicknessF       = .01
    crown_res.gsEdgesOn              = True
    crown_res.gsFillOpacityF         = 0.5
    shadow_res = Ngl.Resources()
    shadow_res.gsFillColor            = "black"
    shadow_res.gsEdgesOn              = False
    stem_res1 = Ngl.Resources()
    stem_res1.gsLineThicknessF       = 1.
    stem_res1.gsEdgesOn              = True
    stem_res1.gsLineColor            = "black"
    stem_res2 = Ngl.Resources()
    stem_res2.gsEdgesOn              = False
    stem_res2.gsFillOpacityF         = 1.
    for i in range(max_patches):
        ## draw thin vertical line at patch lower boundary edge to delineate patches
        patch_lower_edge = 1.-patch_area_sofar - restartfile.variables['fates_area'][i*max_coh_per_patch]/1e4
        zlx = [patch_lower_edge, patch_lower_edge]
        zly = [0., 1000.]
        Ngl.add_polyline(wks,plot, zlx, zly, vline_res)
        ## iterate over cohorts
        for l in range(maxcanlev-1,-1,-1):
            shadow_res.gsFillOpacity = l * 0.5
            cohort_rhs = 1. - patch_area_sofar
            if restartfile.variables['fates_CohortsPerPatch'][i*max_coh_per_patch] > 0:
                for j in range(restartfile.variables['fates_CohortsPerPatch'][i*max_coh_per_patch]-1,-1,-1):
                    cindx = i * max_coh_per_patch + j
                    if restartfile.variables['fates_canopy_layer'][cindx]-1 == l:
                        rhs = cohort_rhs
                        lhs = rhs - cohort_crownareas[cindx]/1e4
                        ctop = restartfile.variables['fates_height'][cindx]
                        cbot = ctop * 0.6
                        crown_res.gsFillColor = pftcolors[restartfile.variables['fates_pft'][cindx]-1]
                        px = [rhs,rhs,lhs,lhs,rhs]
                        py = [ctop,cbot,cbot,ctop,ctop]
                        stem_center = (lhs + rhs) /2.
                        stem_width = .00001 * restartfile.variables['fates_dbh'][cindx]
                        stem_res2.gsFillColor = stemcolor
                        sx = [stem_center+stem_width,stem_center+stem_width,stem_center-stem_width,stem_center-stem_width,stem_center+stem_width]
                        sy = [cbot,0.,0.,cbot,cbot]
                        if l > 0:
                        cohort_rhs = lhs
                        #if lhs < patch_lower_edge:
                        #    raise Exception
        ## get cohort properties: height, upper horizontal edge, crown area, pft, canopy layer
        ## draw cohort as popsicle
        patch_area_sofar = patch_area_sofar + restartfile.variables['fates_area'][i*max_coh_per_patch]/1e4
    if use_wks == None:
        if not file==None:
            if makepng or showjupyter:
                pdf_to_png(file, density=png_dens)
            if jupyter_avail and showjupyter:
                print(' ')
                print('showing file '+file)
        return plot