コード例 #1
ファイル: gemm.py プロジェクト: tmaone/efi
def numeric_gemm_var1_flat(A, B, C, mc, kc, nc, mr=1, nr=1):
  M, N = C.shape
  K = A.shape[0]

  mc = min(mc, M)
  kc = min(kc, K)
  nc = min(nc, N)  

  tA = Numeric.zeros((mc, kc), typecode = Numeric.Float)
  tB = Numeric.zeros((kc, N), typecode = Numeric.Float)  

  for k in range(0, K, kc):
    # Pack B into tB
    tB[:,:] = B[k:k+kc:,:]
    for i in range(0, M, mc):
      imc = i+mc
      # Pack A into tA
      tA[:,:] = A[i:imc,k:k+kc]
      for j in range(0, N): # , nc):
        # Cj += ABj + Cj
        # jnc = j+nc
        ABj = Numeric.matrixmultiply(tA, tB[:,j])
        Numeric.add(C[i:imc:,j], ABj, C[i:imc:,j])
        # Store Caux into memory
コード例 #2
 def add_second_wave(self, to_what):
     # our second wave travels slower by a factor of e
     Numeric.add(Numeric.array(-time.time() / Numeric.e % twopi,
                 self.r2, self.tmp2)
     Numeric.sin(self.tmp2, self.tmp2)
     Numeric.add(self.tmp2, to_what, to_what)
コード例 #3
ファイル: Subspace.py プロジェクト: fxia22/ASM_xf
 def projectionOf(self, vector):
     """Returns the projection of |vector| (a Class:MMTK.ParticleVector
     object) onto the subspace."""
     vector = vector.array
     basis = self.getBasis().array
     p = Numeric.zeros(vector.shape, Numeric.Float)
     for bv in basis:
                     p, p)
     return ParticleProperties.ParticleVector(self.universe, p)
コード例 #4
ファイル: gemm.py プロジェクト: tmaone/efi
def _gebp_opt1(A, B, C, nc):
  n = C.shape[1]

  # Assume B is packed
  # Pack A into tA
  for j in range(0, n, nc):
    # Load Bj into cache
    # Load Cj into cache

    # Cj += ABj + Cj
    ABj = Numeric.matrixmultiply(A, B[:,j:j+nc])
    Numeric.add(C[:,j:j+nc], ABj, C[:,j:j+nc])

    # Store Caux into memory
コード例 #5
def raster_add(s_fh, s_xoff, s_yoff, s_xsize, s_ysize, s_band_n, t_fh, t_xoff,
               t_yoff, t_xsize, t_ysize, t_band_n, nodata):

    import Numeric

    if verbose != 0:
        print 'Copy %d,%d,%d,%d to %d,%d,%d,%d.' \
              % (s_xoff, s_yoff, s_xsize, s_ysize,
             t_xoff, t_yoff, t_xsize, t_ysize )

    s_band = s_fh.GetRasterBand(s_band_n)
    t_band = t_fh.GetRasterBand(t_band_n)

    data_src = s_band.ReadAsArray(s_xoff, s_yoff, s_xsize, s_ysize, t_xsize,
    data_dst = t_band.ReadAsArray(t_xoff, t_yoff, t_xsize, t_ysize)

    nodata_test = Numeric.equal(data_src, s_band.GetNoDataValue())
    data_src_fill = Numeric.choose(nodata_test, (data_src, 0))

    to_write = Numeric.add(data_src_fill, data_dst)

    t_band.WriteArray(to_write, t_xoff, t_yoff)

    return 0
コード例 #6
def raster_add( s_fh, s_xoff, s_yoff, s_xsize, s_ysize, s_band_n,
                             t_fh, t_xoff, t_yoff, t_xsize, t_ysize, t_band_n,
                             nodata ):

    import Numeric
    if verbose != 0:
        print 'Copy %d,%d,%d,%d to %d,%d,%d,%d.' \
              % (s_xoff, s_yoff, s_xsize, s_ysize,
             t_xoff, t_yoff, t_xsize, t_ysize )

    s_band = s_fh.GetRasterBand( s_band_n )
    t_band = t_fh.GetRasterBand( t_band_n )

    data_src = s_band.ReadAsArray( s_xoff, s_yoff, s_xsize, s_ysize,
                                   t_xsize, t_ysize )
    data_dst = t_band.ReadAsArray( t_xoff, t_yoff, t_xsize, t_ysize )

    nodata_test = Numeric.equal(data_src,s_band.GetNoDataValue())
    data_src_fill = Numeric.choose( nodata_test, (data_src, 0) )
    to_write = Numeric.add(data_src_fill,data_dst)
    t_band.WriteArray( to_write, t_xoff, t_yoff )
    return 0
コード例 #7
ファイル: Trajectory.py プロジェクト: fxia22/ASM_xf
 def readParticleTrajectory(self, atom, first=0, last=None, skip=1,
                            variable = "configuration"):
     total = None
     self.steps_read = []
     for i in range(len(self.trajectories)):
         if self.nsteps[i+1] <= first:
         if last is not None and self.nsteps[i] >= last:
         n = max(0, (self.nsteps[i]-first+skip-1)/skip)
         start = first+skip*n-self.nsteps[i]
         n = (self.nsteps[i+1]-first+skip-1)/skip
         stop = first+skip*n
         if last is not None:
             stop = min(stop, last)
         stop = stop-self.nsteps[i]
         if start >= 0 and start < self.nsteps[i+1]-self.nsteps[i]:
             t = self.trajectories[i]
             pt = t.readParticleTrajectory(atom, start, stop, skip,
             if total is None:
                 total = pt
                 if variable == "configuration" \
                    and self.cell_parameters[0] is not None:
                     jump = pt.array[0]-total.array[-1]
                     mask = Numeric.less(jump,
                                         -0.5*self.cell_parameters[i-1])- \
                     t._boxTransformation(pt.array, pt.array, 1)
                     Numeric.add(pt.array, mask[Numeric.NewAxis, :],
                     t._boxTransformation(pt.array, pt.array, 0)
                 elif variable == "box_coordinates" \
                    and self.cell_parameters[0] is not None:
                     jump = pt.array[0]-total.array[-1]
                     mask = Numeric.less(jump, -0.5)- \
                            Numeric.greater(jump, 0.5)
                     Numeric.add(pt.array, mask[Numeric.NewAxis, :],
                 total.array = Numeric.concatenate((total.array, pt.array))
     return total
コード例 #8
ファイル: gemm.py プロジェクト: tmaone/efi
def numeric_gemm_var1_row(A, B, C, mc, kc, nc, mr=1, nr=1):
  Observations on flat/row:
  - Using the same basic approach and keeping the parameters
    equal,  flat is faster by about 100 MFlops.  This is
    counterintuitive, since row is optimized for the row major layout
    of the arrays and flat is optimized for column major layout.
  - The key to getting row to be faster lies in making sure the kernel
    operations really take advantage of the row layout by adjusting
    nc, which impacts row operations in the inner loop:
    - In Python, the final add has the largest effect on performance 
      - for flat, nc controls how much of each row is copied
      - for row,  nc controls how much of each row is copied
      - How much of each row is copied appears to have the biggest
  - In the end, turns out that doing vector/matrix multiply in the
    innermost loop is most fair.  Cache effects aren't really
    observable since matrixmultiply is already pretty fast.  Making
    the block sizes bigger just gives more to an already fast kernel.
  M, N = C.shape
  K = A.shape[0]

  nc = min(nc, N)
  kc = min(kc, K)
  mc = min(mc, M)
  tA = Numeric.zeros((M, kc), typecode = Numeric.Float)
  tB = Numeric.zeros((kc, nc), typecode = Numeric.Float)  

  for k in range(0, K, kc):
    # Pack A into tA
    tA[:,:] = A[:,k:k+kc]

    for j in range(0, N, nc):
      jnc = j+nc
      # Pack B into tB
      tB[:,:] = B[k:k+kc, j:jnc]

      for i in range(0, M): # , mc):
        # Ci = AiB + Ci
        # imc = i+mc
        ABi = Numeric.matrixmultiply(tA[i,:], tB)
        Numeric.add(C[i,j:jnc], ABi, C[i,j:jnc])
        # Store Caux into memory
コード例 #9
ファイル: RandomArray.py プロジェクト: KarolNi/VROOM-
def multivariate_normal(mean, cov, shape=[]):
    """multivariate_normal(mean, cov) or multivariate_normal(mean, cov, [m, n, ...])
          returns an array containing multivariate normally distributed random numbers
          with specified mean and covariance.

          mean must be a 1 dimensional array. cov must be a square two dimensional
          array with the same number of rows and columns as mean has elements.

          The first form returns a single 1-D array containing a multivariate

          The second form returns an array of shape (m, n, ..., cov.shape[0]).
          In this case, output[i,j,...,:] is a 1-D array containing a multivariate
    # Check preconditions on arguments
    mean = Numeric.array(mean)
    cov = Numeric.array(cov)
    if len(mean.shape) != 1:
        raise ArgumentError, "mean must be 1 dimensional."
    if (len(cov.shape) != 2) or (cov.shape[0] != cov.shape[1]):
        raise ArgumentError, "cov must be 2 dimensional and square."
    if mean.shape[0] != cov.shape[0]:
        raise ArgumentError, "mean and cov must have same length."
    # Compute shape of output
    if isinstance(shape, IntType): shape = [shape]
    final_shape = list(shape[:])
    # Create a matrix of independent standard normally distributed random
    # numbers. The matrix has rows with the same length as mean and as
    # many rows are necessary to form a matrix of shape final_shape.
    x = ranlib.standard_normal(Numeric.multiply.reduce(final_shape))
    x.shape = (Numeric.multiply.reduce(final_shape[0:len(final_shape) - 1]),
    # Transform matrix of standard normals into matrix where each row
    # contains multivariate normals with the desired covariance.
    # Compute A such that matrixmultiply(transpose(A),A) == cov.
    # Then the matrix products of the rows of x and A has the desired
    # covariance. Note that sqrt(s)*v where (u,s,v) is the singular value
    # decomposition of cov is such an A.
    (u, s, v) = LinearAlgebra.singular_value_decomposition(cov)
    x = Numeric.matrixmultiply(x * Numeric.sqrt(s), v)
    # The rows of x now have the correct covariance but mean 0. Add
    # mean to each row. Then each row will have mean mean.
    Numeric.add(mean, x, x)
    x.shape = final_shape
    return x
コード例 #10
ファイル: RandomArray.py プロジェクト: tomaszpg/PogodaTMC
def multivariate_normal(mean, cov, shape=[]):
       """multivariate_normal(mean, cov) or multivariate_normal(mean, cov, [m, n, ...])
          returns an array containing multivariate normally distributed random numbers
          with specified mean and covariance.

          mean must be a 1 dimensional array. cov must be a square two dimensional
          array with the same number of rows and columns as mean has elements.

          The first form returns a single 1-D array containing a multivariate

          The second form returns an array of shape (m, n, ..., cov.shape[0]).
          In this case, output[i,j,...,:] is a 1-D array containing a multivariate
       # Check preconditions on arguments
       mean = Numeric.array(mean)
       cov = Numeric.array(cov)
       if len(mean.shape) != 1:
              raise ArgumentError, "mean must be 1 dimensional."
       if (len(cov.shape) != 2) or (cov.shape[0] != cov.shape[1]):
              raise ArgumentError, "cov must be 2 dimensional and square."
       if mean.shape[0] != cov.shape[0]:
              raise ArgumentError, "mean and cov must have same length."
       # Compute shape of output
       if isinstance(shape, IntType): shape = [shape]
       final_shape = list(shape[:])
       # Create a matrix of independent standard normally distributed random
       # numbers. The matrix has rows with the same length as mean and as
       # many rows are necessary to form a matrix of shape final_shape.
       x = ranlib.standard_normal(Numeric.multiply.reduce(final_shape))
       x.shape = (Numeric.multiply.reduce(final_shape[0:len(final_shape)-1]),
       # Transform matrix of standard normals into matrix where each row
       # contains multivariate normals with the desired covariance.
       # Compute A such that matrixmultiply(transpose(A),A) == cov.
       # Then the matrix products of the rows of x and A has the desired
       # covariance. Note that sqrt(s)*v where (u,s,v) is the singular value
       # decomposition of cov is such an A.
       (u,s,v) = LinearAlgebra.singular_value_decomposition(cov)
       x = Numeric.matrixmultiply(x*Numeric.sqrt(s),v)
       # The rows of x now have the correct covariance but mean 0. Add
       # mean to each row. Then each row will have mean mean.
       x.shape = final_shape
       return x
コード例 #11
 def fitWithGradient(self, object, r0=0.4, w_neg=1.):
     r = self._rGrid()
     atom_map = N.zeros(self.data.shape, N.Float)
     cutoff = 4. * r0
     for a in object.atomList():
         ra = a.position().array
         xi1 = N.sum(self.x_axis < ra[0] - cutoff)
         xi2 = N.sum(self.x_axis < ra[0] + cutoff)
         yi1 = N.sum(self.y_axis < ra[1] - cutoff)
         yi2 = N.sum(self.y_axis < ra[1] + cutoff)
         zi1 = N.sum(self.z_axis < ra[2] - cutoff)
         zi2 = N.sum(self.z_axis < ra[2] + cutoff)
         if xi2 > xi1 and yi2 > yi1 and zi2 > zi1:
             dr = r[xi1:xi2, yi1:yi2, zi1:zi2] - \
                  ra[N.NewAxis, N.NewAxis, N.NewAxis, :]
             w = N.exp(-0.5 * N.sum(dr**2, axis=-1) / r0**2)
             lmap = atom_map[xi1:xi2, yi1:yi2, zi1:zi2]
             N.add(lmap, w, lmap)
     norm_factor = 1. / N.sum(N.sum(N.sum(atom_map)))
     N.multiply(atom_map, norm_factor, atom_map)
     N.subtract(atom_map, self.data, atom_map)
     weight = 1. + (w_neg - 1.) * N.less(atom_map, 0.)
     N.multiply(atom_map, weight, atom_map)
     g = ParticleVector(object.universe())
     for a in object.atomList():
         ra = a.position().array
         xi1 = N.sum(self.x_axis < ra[0] - cutoff)
         xi2 = N.sum(self.x_axis < ra[0] + cutoff)
         yi1 = N.sum(self.y_axis < ra[1] - cutoff)
         yi2 = N.sum(self.y_axis < ra[1] + cutoff)
         zi1 = N.sum(self.z_axis < ra[2] - cutoff)
         zi2 = N.sum(self.z_axis < ra[2] + cutoff)
         if xi2 > xi1 and yi2 > yi1 and zi2 > zi1:
             dr = r[xi1:xi2, yi1:yi2, zi1:zi2] - \
                  ra[N.NewAxis, N.NewAxis, N.NewAxis, :]
             lmap = atom_map[xi1:xi2, yi1:yi2, zi1:zi2]
             lw = weight[xi1:xi2, yi1:yi2, zi1:zi2]
             w = N.exp(-0.5 * N.sum(dr**2, axis=-1) / r0**2)
             v = N.sum(
                     N.sum(lmap[..., N.NewAxis] * lw[..., N.NewAxis] * dr *
                           w[..., N.NewAxis])))
             g[a] = Vector(v)
     return N.sum(N.sum(N.sum(atom_map**2))), -2 * norm_factor * g / r0**2
コード例 #12
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: mikeswamp/numeric_copy
 def testOperators (self):
     "Test the operators +, -, *, /, %, ^, &, |"
     x = Numeric.array([1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.])
     y = Numeric.array([-1.,2.,0.,2.,-1, 3.])
     assert_eq(x + y, [0., 4., 3., 6., 4., 9.])
     assert_eq(x - y, [2., 0., 3., 2., 6., 3.])
     assert_eq(x * y, [-1., 4., 0., 8., -5., 18.])
     assert_eq(y / x, [-1, 1., 0., .5, -.2, .5])
     assert_eq(x**2, [1., 4., 9., 16., 25., 36.])
     xc = Numeric.array([1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.])
     xc += y
     assert_eq(xc, x + y)
     xc = Numeric.array([1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.])
     xc -= y
     assert_eq(xc, x - y)
     xc = Numeric.array([1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.])
     xc *= y
     assert_eq(xc, x * y)
     yc = Numeric.array(y)
     yc /= x
     assert_eq( yc, y / x)
     assert_eq(x + y, Numeric.add(x, y))
     assert_eq(x - y, Numeric.subtract(x, y))
     assert_eq(x * y, Numeric.multiply(x, y))
     assert_eq(y / x, Numeric.divide (y, x))
     self.failUnlessRaises(ZeroDivisionError, Numeric.divide, 
                           Numeric.array(1), Numeric.array(0))
     assert_eq(x**2, Numeric.power(x,2))
     x = Numeric.array([1,2])
     y = Numeric.zeros((2,))
     assert_eq(x%x, y)
     assert_eq(Numeric.remainder(x,x), y)
     assert_eq(x <<1, [2,4])
     assert_eq(Numeric.left_shift(x,1), [2,4])
     assert_eq(x >>1, [0,1])
     assert_eq(Numeric.right_shift(x,1), [0,1])
     assert_eq(x & 2, [0,2])
     assert_eq(Numeric.bitwise_and (x, 2), [0,2])
     assert_eq(x | 1, [1,3])
     assert_eq(Numeric.bitwise_or (x, 1), [1,3])
     assert_eq(x ^ 2, [3,0])
     assert_eq(Numeric.bitwise_xor(x,2), [3,0])
     x = divmod(Numeric.array([2,1]), Numeric.array([1,2]))
     assert_eq(x[0], [2,0])
     assert_eq(x[1], [0,1])
     assert (4L*Numeric.arange(3)).typecode() == Numeric.PyObject
     x = Numeric.array([1,2,3,4,5,6],'u')
     y = Numeric.array([1,2,0,2,2,3],'u')
     assert_eq(x + y, [2, 4, 3, 6, 7, 9])
     assert_eq(x - y, [0, 0, 3, 2, 3, 3])
     assert_eq(x * y, [1, 4, 0, 8, 10, 18])
     assert_eq(y / x, [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0])
     assert_eq(y // x, [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0])
     assert_eq(x**2, [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36])
コード例 #13
 def atomMap(self, object, r0=0.3):
     r = self._rGrid()
     atom_map = N.zeros(self.data.shape, N.Float)
     cutoff = 4. * r0
     for a in object.atomList():
         # An over-eager optimization: it should use
         # an enlarged box
         #if not self.box.enclosesPoint(a.position()):
         #    continue
         ra = a.position().array
         xi1 = N.sum(self.x_axis < ra[0] - cutoff)
         xi2 = N.sum(self.x_axis < ra[0] + cutoff)
         yi1 = N.sum(self.y_axis < ra[1] - cutoff)
         yi2 = N.sum(self.y_axis < ra[1] + cutoff)
         zi1 = N.sum(self.z_axis < ra[2] - cutoff)
         zi2 = N.sum(self.z_axis < ra[2] + cutoff)
         if xi2 > xi1 and yi2 > yi1 and zi2 > zi1:
             dr = r[xi1:xi2, yi1:yi2, zi1:zi2] - \
                  ra[N.NewAxis, N.NewAxis, N.NewAxis, :]
             w = N.exp(-0.5 * N.sum(dr**2, axis=-1) / r0**2)
             lmap = atom_map[xi1:xi2, yi1:yi2, zi1:zi2]
             N.add(lmap, w, lmap)
     N.divide(atom_map, N.sum(N.sum(N.sum(atom_map))), atom_map)
     return atom_map
コード例 #14
def text_to_image(in_file, datatype, rastercopy):
    turns a textfile into a geotiff image. Assumes that the input will have
    three locational columns (pixel_ID, Col, Row) and a single value column
    1) the input txt file to process
    2) the datatype as an integer choices are:
         float32 - 6
         int32 - 5
         int16 - 3
    3) copycat image
    1) geotiff image
    interacts with: text_to_list, array_to_pan

    # call txt_to_array function and write results to separate variables
    array_tuple = txt_to_list(in_file, datatype)
    count = array_tuple[0]
    col_max = array_tuple[1]
    row_max = array_tuple[2]
    val_list = array_tuple[3]

    # create an array full of zeros the length of the list generated
    val_line_array = Numeric.zeros((1, count))

    # add the list to the array
    val_line_array = Numeric.add(val_line_array, val_list)

    # resize the array  using the col and rows recorded earlier
    val_squ_array = Numeric.resize(val_line_array, (row_max, col_max))

    # generate outname
    inprefix, insuffix = path.splitext(in_file)
    outname = inprefix + '_img.tif'

    # call function to create output image from array
    array_to_pan(rastercopy, outname, val_squ_array, datatype)

    print "%s generated" % (outname)
コード例 #15
ファイル: landsat.py プロジェクト: dongjwOU/geotoolbox
def text_to_image(in_file, datatype ,rastercopy):
    turns a textfile into a geotiff image. Assumes that the input will have
    three locational columns (pixel_ID, Col, Row) and a single value column
    1) the input txt file to process
    2) the datatype as an integer choices are:
         float32 - 6
         int32 - 5
         int16 - 3
    3) copycat image
    1) geotiff image
    interacts with: text_to_list, array_to_pan
    #call txt_to_array function and write results to separate variables 
    array_tuple = txt_to_list(in_file,idatatype)
    count = array_tuple[0]
    col_max = array_tuple[1]
    row_max = array_tuple[2]
    val_list = array_tuple[3]

    #create an array full of zeros the length of the list generated
    val_line_array = Numeric.zeros((1,count))

    #add the list to the array
    val_line_array = Numeric.add(val_line_array, val_list)

    #resize the array  using the col and rows recorded earlier  
    val_squ_array = Numeric.resize(val_line_array, (row_max,col_max))

    #generate outname
    inprefix, insuffix = path.splitext(in_file)
    outname = inprefix + '_img.tif'

    #call function to create output image from array

    print "%s generated" % (outname)
コード例 #16
ファイル: hair.py プロジェクト: odf/pydough
def make_fiber(verts_in, r_start = 0.01, r_end = 0.01, gon = 5):
    n = len(verts_in)
    directions = normalize(num.subtract(verts_in[1:], verts_in[:-1]))
    bisectors = normalize(num.add(directions[1:], directions[:-1]))

    d = directions[0]
    if abs(num.dot(d, [1,0,0])) > 0.9:
        u = cross(d, [0,1,0])
        u = cross(d, [1,0,0])
    v = cross(d, u)
    u, v = normalize(num.array([u, v]))
    a = 2 * math.pi / gon

    section = num.array([u * math.cos(a * i) + v * math.sin(a * i)
                         for i in xrange(gon)])

    verts_out = num.zeros([n * gon, 3], "double")
    normals   = num.zeros([n * gon, 3], "double")
    verts_out[:gon] = section * r_start + verts_in[0]
    normals[:gon]   = section

    for i in xrange(n - 2):
        d = bisectors[i]
        u = directions[i]
        f = num.sum(section * d, 1)[:, num.NewAxis]
        section = section - f / num.dot(d, u) * u
        r = ((i + 1) * r_end + (n - i - 1) * r_start) / n
        verts_out[(i + 1)*gon : (i + 2)*gon] = section * r + verts_in[i + 1]
        normals[(i + 1)*gon : (i + 2)*gon]   = section

    d = directions[-1]
    section = section - num.sum(section * d, 1)[:, num.NewAxis] * d
    verts_out[-gon:] = section * r_end + verts_in[-1]
    normals[-gon:]   = section

    return verts_out, normalize(normals), fiber_polygons(n - 1, gon)
コード例 #17
ファイル: Trajectory.py プロジェクト: fxia22/ASM_xf
    def __init__(self, trajectory, object, first=0, last=None, skip=1,
                 reference = None):
        self.trajectory = trajectory
        universe = trajectory.universe
        if last is None: last = len(trajectory)
        first_conf = trajectory.configuration[first]
        offset = universe.contiguousObjectOffset([object], first_conf, 1)
        if reference is None:
            reference = first_conf
        reference = universe.contiguousObjectConfiguration([object],
        steps = (last-first+skip-1)/skip
        mass = object.mass()
        ref_cms = object.centerOfMass(reference)
        atoms = object.atomList()

        possq = Numeric.zeros((steps,), Numeric.Float)
        cross = Numeric.zeros((steps, 3, 3), Numeric.Float)
        rcms = Numeric.zeros((steps, 3), Numeric.Float)

        # cms of the CONTIGUOUS object made of CONTINUOUS atom trajectories 
        for a in atoms:
            r = trajectory.readParticleTrajectory(a, first, last, skip,
            w = a._mass/mass
            Numeric.add(rcms, w*r, rcms)
            if offset is not None:
                Numeric.add(rcms, w*offset[a].array, rcms)
        # relative coords of the CONTIGUOUS reference
        r_ref = Numeric.zeros((len(atoms), 3), Numeric.Float)
        for a in range(len(atoms)):
            r_ref[a] = atoms[a].position(reference).array - ref_cms.array

        # main loop: storing data needed to fill M matrix 
        for a in range(len(atoms)):
            r = trajectory.readParticleTrajectory(atoms[a],
                                                  first, last, skip,
            r = r - rcms # (a-b)**2 != a**2 - b**2
            if offset is not None:
                Numeric.add(r, offset[atoms[a]].array,r)
            trajectory._boxTransformation(r, r)
            w = atoms[a]._mass/mass
            Numeric.add(possq, w*Numeric.add.reduce(r*r, -1), possq)
            Numeric.add(possq, w*Numeric.add.reduce(r_ref[a]*r_ref[a],-1),
            Numeric.add(cross, w*r[:,:,Numeric.NewAxis]*r_ref[Numeric.NewAxis,
        self.trajectory._boxTransformation(rcms, rcms)

        # filling matrix M (formula no 40)
        k = Numeric.zeros((steps, 4, 4), Numeric.Float)
        k[:, 0, 0] = -cross[:, 0, 0]-cross[:, 1, 1]-cross[:, 2, 2]
        k[:, 0, 1] = cross[:, 1, 2]-cross[:, 2, 1]
        k[:, 0, 2] = cross[:, 2, 0]-cross[:, 0, 2]
        k[:, 0, 3] = cross[:, 0, 1]-cross[:, 1, 0]
        k[:, 1, 1] = -cross[:, 0, 0]+cross[:, 1, 1]+cross[:, 2, 2]
        k[:, 1, 2] = -cross[:, 0, 1]-cross[:, 1, 0]
        k[:, 1, 3] = -cross[:, 0, 2]-cross[:, 2, 0]
        k[:, 2, 2] = cross[:, 0, 0]-cross[:, 1, 1]+cross[:, 2, 2]
        k[:, 2, 3] = -cross[:, 1, 2]-cross[:, 2, 1]
        k[:, 3, 3] = cross[:, 0, 0]+cross[:, 1, 1]-cross[:, 2, 2]
        del cross
        for i in range(1, 4):
            for j in range(i):
                k[:, i, j] = k[:, j, i]
        Numeric.multiply(k, 2., k)
        for i in range(4):
            Numeric.add(k[:,i,i], possq, k[:,i,i])
        del possq

        quaternions = Numeric.zeros((steps, 4), Numeric.Float)
        fit = Numeric.zeros((steps,), Numeric.Float)
	import LinearAlgebra
        for i in range(steps):
            e, v = LinearAlgebra.eigenvectors(k[i])
            j = Numeric.argmin(e)
            if e[j] < 0.:
                fit[i] = 0.
                fit[i] = Numeric.sqrt(e[j])
            if v[j,0] < 0.: quaternions[i] = -v[j] # eliminate jumps
            else: quaternions[i] = v[j]
        self.fit = fit
        self.cms = rcms
        self.quaternions = quaternions
コード例 #18
ファイル: Trajectory.py プロジェクト: fxia22/ASM_xf
 def translateBy(self, vector):
     """Adds |vector| to the values at all steps. This does *not*
     change the data in the trajectory file."""
     Numeric.add(self.array, vector.array[Numeric.NewAxis, :], self.array)
コード例 #19
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: mikeswamp/numeric_copy
def test1(*s):
    "Test of basic array creation and arithmetic."
    x=Numeric.array([1.,1.,1.,-2., pi/2.0, 4., 5., -10., 10., 1., 2., 3.])
    y=Numeric.array([5.,0.,3., 2., -1., -4., 0., -10., 10., 1., 0., 3.])
    a10 = 10.
    m1 = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    m2 = [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 ,0, 1]
    xm = array(x, mask=m1)
    ym = array(y, mask=m2)
    z = Numeric.array([-.5, 0., .5, .8])
    zm = array(z, mask=[0,1,0,0])
    xf = Numeric.where(m1, 1.e+20, x)
    for item in [x, y, xm, ym, xf]:
        item.shape = s

    assert isMaskedArray(x) == 0
    assert isMaskedArray(xm) == 1
    assert shape(xm) == s
    assert xm.shape == s
    assert size(xm) == reduce(lambda x,y:x*y, s)
    assert xm.size() == size(xm)
    assert size(xm,0) == s[0]
    assert xm.size(0) == size(xm,0)
    assert count(xm) == len(m1) - reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, m1)
    if rank(xm) > 1:
        assert count(xm,0) == size(xm,0) - reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, xm.mask()[0])
    alltest(xm, xf)
    alltest(filled(xm, 1.e20), xf)
    alltest(x, xm)
    alltest(-x, -xm)
    alltest(x + y, xm + ym)
    alltest(x - y, xm - ym)
    alltest(x * y, xm * ym)
    alltest(x / y, xm / ym)
    alltest(a10 + y, a10 + ym)
    alltest(a10 - y, a10 - ym)
    alltest(a10 * y, a10 * ym)
    alltest(a10 / y, a10 / ym)
    alltest(x + a10, xm + a10)
    alltest(x - a10, xm - a10)
    alltest(x * a10, xm * a10)
    alltest(x / a10, xm / a10)
    a2d = array([[1,2],[0,4]], Float)
    a2dm = masked_array(a2d, [[0,0],[1,0]])
    alltest (a2d * a2d, a2d * a2dm)
    alltest (a2d + a2d, a2d + a2dm)
    alltest (a2d - a2d, a2d - a2dm)
    alltest(x**2, xm**2)
    alltest(abs(x)**2.5, abs(xm) **2.5)
    alltest(x**y, xm**ym)
    alltest(Numeric.add(x,y), add(xm, ym))
    alltest(Numeric.subtract(x,y), subtract(xm, ym))
    alltest(Numeric.multiply(x,y), multiply(xm, ym))
    alltest(Numeric.divide(x,y), divide(xm, ym))
    alltest(Numeric.cos(x), cos(xm))
    alltest(Numeric.cosh(x), cosh(xm))
    alltest(Numeric.sin(x), sin(xm))
    alltest(Numeric.sinh(x), sinh(xm))
    alltest(Numeric.tan(x), tan(xm))
    alltest(Numeric.tanh(x), tanh(xm))
    alltest(Numeric.sqrt(abs(x)), sqrt(xm))
    alltest(Numeric.log(abs(x)), log(xm))
    alltest(Numeric.log10(abs(x)), log10(xm))
    alltest(Numeric.exp(x), exp(xm))
    alltest(Numeric.arcsin(z), arcsin(zm))
    alltest(Numeric.arccos(z), arccos(zm))
    alltest(Numeric.arctan(z), arctan(zm))
    alltest(Numeric.arctan2(x, y), arctan2(xm, ym))
    alltest(Numeric.absolute(x), absolute(xm))
    alltest(Numeric.equal(x,y), equal(xm, ym))
    alltest(Numeric.not_equal(x,y), not_equal(xm, ym))
    alltest(Numeric.less(x,y), less(xm, ym))
    alltest(Numeric.greater(x,y), greater(xm, ym))
    alltest(Numeric.less_equal(x,y), less_equal(xm, ym))
    alltest(Numeric.greater_equal(x,y), greater_equal(xm, ym))
    alltest(Numeric.conjugate(x), conjugate(xm))
    alltest(Numeric.concatenate((x,y)), concatenate((xm,ym)))
    alltest(Numeric.concatenate((x,y)), concatenate((x,y)))
    alltest(Numeric.concatenate((x,y)), concatenate((xm,y)))
    alltest(Numeric.concatenate((x,y,x)), concatenate((x,ym,x)))

    ott = array([0.,1.,2.,3.], mask=[1,0,0,0])
    assert isinstance(count(ott), types.IntType)
    alltest(3, count(ott))
    alltest(1, count(1))
    alltest(0, array(1,mask=[1]))
    ott.shape = (2,2)
    assert isMaskedArray(count(ott,0))
    assert isinstance(count(ott), types.IntType)
    alltest(3, count(ott))
    assert getmask(count(ott,0)) is None

    xr = Numeric.ravel(x) #max doesn't work if shaped
    xmr = ravel(xm)
    alltest(max(xr), maximum(xmr)) #true because of careful selection of data
    alltest(min(xr), minimum(xmr)) #true because of careful selection of data
    alltest(Numeric.add.reduce(x), add.reduce(x))
    alltest(Numeric.add.accumulate(x), add.accumulate(x))
    alltest(4, sum(array(4)))
    alltest(4, sum(array(4), axis=0))
    alltest(Numeric.sum(x), sum(x))
    alltest(Numeric.sum(filled(xm,0)), sum(xm))
    alltest(Numeric.sum(x,0), sum(x,0))
    alltest(Numeric.product(x), product(x))
    alltest(Numeric.product(x,0), product(x,0))
    alltest(Numeric.product(filled(xm,1)), product(xm))
    if len(s) > 1:
        alltest(Numeric.concatenate((x,y),1), concatenate((xm,ym),1))
        alltest(Numeric.add.reduce(x,1), add.reduce(x,1))
        alltest(Numeric.sum(x,1), sum(x,1))
        alltest(Numeric.product(x,1), product(x,1))
コード例 #20
ファイル: Universe.py プロジェクト: fxia22/ASM_xf
 def translateBy(self, vector):
     conf = self.configuration().array
     Numeric.add(conf, vector.array[Numeric.NewAxis, :], conf)
コード例 #21
import ranlib