コード例 #1
def bootstrapMCMCprobabilityOfDeath(EmpFrame, AICFrame, N=10, MCMConPartitions = [], Delta=2, Punishment='Death'):
    """Return the high and low confidence intervals for probabiity of death base on MCMC run on partitions.
    #NOTE: Unfinished WIP
    #Generate our own dummy data
EmpFrame = oboM.changePeriod( oboM.loadCatEmp( 'Data/Raw/OBOextractNoGender1yr.csv'), Delta=2).iloc[ [30, 31, 116, 117]]
AICFrame = oboM.loadMod('Data/Partitions/AICtableSortedValuesProperly2yr.csv').iloc[[30,31,116,117],0:4]
    puns = 7
    offs = 9
    PunIndex = c2n.puncatFullUp.index(Punishment)
    DFlon,DFlen = EmpFrame.shape
    OffenceEstimate = oboM.generateDependentModelLaplace(oboM.combineOnOffence(EmpFrame),Delta=Delta)
    #Generate MCMC data if it does not exist.
    if type(MCMConPartitions) is list:
        print('Generating MCMC on {} partitions'.format(N))
        MCMConPartitions =  mcmcOnPartitions(AICFrame, N = N, Verbose=True, Sort=False)
    MCMClon,MCMClen = MCMConPartitions.shape
    #Convert the partition numbers to partitions:
    #print('Converting the MCMC frame of partition numbers to partitions')
    #MCMCofPartitions = MCMCofPartitions.applymap(lambda x: oboP.partitioN[x])
    for row in range(DFlon):
        print('Calculating probabilites for row {} of {}'.format(row,DFlon))
        print('Looping through every MCMC partitioning')
        #Find the groupings for the counts per partition as a series
        Row = MCMCofPartitions.iloc[row]
        RowGrouping = Row.apply(lambda partId: [ x for x in oboP.partitioN.unrank_rgf(partId)[1:] for y in range(puns) ])
        #Find the punishment groupings, with 1 for the punishment and 0 else, discarding 0:
        PunishmentGrouping = Row.apply(lambda partId: [ x if y is PunIndex else 0  for x in oboP.partitioN.unrank_rgf(partId)[1:] for y in list(range(puns)) ])
        #Find the percentage probability estimates for the punishment, per block:
        RowCountsPerBlock = RowGrouping.apply(lambda group: EmpRow.groupby(group).sum())
        PunishmentCountPerBlock = RowDeathOffGrouping.apply(lambda blah: EmpRow.groupby(blah).sum()[1:])
        PunishmentEstimatesPerBlock = (PunishmentCountPerBlock/ RowGroupingCounts)*100
        #Get rid of the pesky il defined infinities
        PunishmentEstimatesPerBlock[np.isinf(PunishmentEstimatesPerBlock)] = 0

        #for MCMC in range(MCMClen):
            #print('Finding estimates for {} for row {}, partition {}'.format(Punishment, row, MCMC))
            #RowDeathOffGrouping = EmpFrame.iloc[row].apply(lambda partId: [ x if y is PunIndex else 0  for x in partitioN.unrank_rgf( MCMConPartitions.iloc[row,MCMC] )[1:] for y in list(range(puns)) ])
    return OffenceEstimate, MCMConPartitions
コード例 #2
def validateAICModelSelection(DummyEmp):
    """Create a DataFrame containing AIC scores of all standard models. Only NoGender at this stage.
    DumyEmp : pandas DataFrame, Dummy emperical data frame as generated by generateDummyDataFrame()
    pandas DataFrame, Sorted AIC scores for different Delta's and model types
    AICFrame = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['Delta','k','ll','AIC'])
    CatEmp = DummyEmp.mul(1)
    Deltas = [1,2,3,4,5,10]
    #Generate all the refactorings:
    CatEmps = [ oboM.changePeriod(CatEmp,Delta) for Delta in Deltas]*2 #*2 as one for Dep and one for Indep
    CatModsDep = [ oboM.generateDependentModelLaplace(CatEmp, Delta=Delta) for Delta in Deltas ]
    CatModsIndep = [ oboM.generateIndependentModel(CatEmp, Delta=Delta) for Delta in Deltas ]
    CatMods = CatModsDep + CatModsIndep
    #For all generated model types on all deltas
    for c,CatMod in enumerate(CatMods):
        ModType = 'Dependent' if (c < len(CatMods)/2) else 'Independent'
        if 'Dependent' in ModType:
            k = (9-1)*(7-1)*CatMod.shape[0]
        elif 'Independent' in ModType:
            k = (9+7-2)*CatMod.shape[0]
            print('Oh deary me')
        ll = oboM.loglikilyhood(CatEmps[c], CatMod)
        AIC = 2*k - 2*ll
        AICFrame.loc[c] = [ ModType + ' Delta = ' + str(Deltas[int(c%(len(CatMods)/2))]), k, ll, AIC]
            ##print('{}, years: {}, model index {}, k {}, log-likelihood {}, AIC {}'.format(file,fileYearDelta,DeltasIndex,k,ll, AIC))
            ##print('{} loaded'.format(file))
            #print('{} failed to load'.format(file))
    ##Return the frame
    return AICFrame.sort('AIC')