print "\nThe drive specified for parameter <DataDriveLetter>" + \ " (" + dataDrive + ") is an invalid drive." goodParameters = False if not doesDriveExist(cacheDrive): print "\nThe drive specified for parameter <CacheDriveLetter>" + \ " (" + cacheDrive + ") is an invalid drive." goodParameters = False # Exit script if parameters are not valid. if not goodParameters: print "\nInvalid script parameters. Exiting " + scriptName + "." sys.exit(1) DestinationDBFolder = OpsServerConfig.getDBConnFileRootPath(dataDrive) DestinationCacheFolder = OpsServerConfig.getCacheRootPath(cacheDrive) DestinationFolder = OpsServerConfig.getEnvDataRootPath(dataDrive) modifyOwnershipList = [] printMsg = True totalCopySuccess = True totalRepairMDSuccess = True def copyDataFolders(srcRootPath, destRootPath, ownerAccount): copySuccess = True # Check if there is available space on destination drive # to copy folders. freeSpace = getFreeSpace(destRootPath, "GB")
if not doesDriveExist(dataDrive): print "\nThe drive specified for parameter <DataDriveLetter>" + " (" + dataDrive + ") is an invalid drive." goodParameters = False if not doesDriveExist(cacheDrive): print "\nThe drive specified for parameter <CacheDriveLetter>" + " (" + cacheDrive + ") is an invalid drive." goodParameters = False # Exit script if parameters are not valid. if not goodParameters: print "\nInvalid script parameters. Exiting " + scriptName + "." sys.exit(1) DestinationDBFolder = OpsServerConfig.getDBConnFileRootPath(dataDrive) DestinationCacheFolder = OpsServerConfig.getCacheRootPath(cacheDrive) DestinationFolder = OpsServerConfig.getEnvDataRootPath(dataDrive) modifyOwnershipList = [] printMsg = True totalCopySuccess = True totalRepairMDSuccess = True def copyDataFolders(srcRootPath, destRootPath, ownerAccount): copySuccess = True # Check if there is available space on destination drive # to copy folders. freeSpace = getFreeSpace(destRootPath, "GB")
def createSite(username, password, dataDrive, cacheDrive): success = True try: print print "--Create ArcGIS Server Site..." print agsCache = OpsServerConfig.getCacheRootPath(cacheDrive) pathList = ["arcgisserver", "directories"] agsData = makePath(serverDrive, pathList) pathList = ["arcgisserver", "config-store"] agsConfig = makePath(serverDrive, pathList) # Set up required properties for config store print "\t-Setting up required properties for config store..." configStoreConnection={"connectionString": agsConfig, "type": "FILESYSTEM"} print "\tDone." print # Set up paths for server directories jobsDirPath = os.path.join(agsData, "arcgisjobs") outputDirPath = os.path.join(agsData, "arcgisoutput") systemDirPath = os.path.join(agsData, "arcgissystem") # Create Python dictionaries representing server directories print "\t-Creating Python dictionaries representing server directories" print "\t\t(arcgiscache, arcgisjobs, arcgisoutput, arcgissystem)..." cacheDir = dict(name = "arcgiscache",physicalPath = agsCache,directoryType = "CACHE",cleanupMode = "NONE",maxFileAge = 0,description = "Stores tile caches used by map, globe, and image services for rapid performance.", virtualPath = "") jobsDir = dict(name = "arcgisjobs",physicalPath = jobsDirPath, directoryType = "JOBS",cleanupMode = "TIME_ELAPSED_SINCE_LAST_MODIFIED",maxFileAge = 360,description = "Stores results and other information from geoprocessing services.", virtualPath = "") outputDir = dict(name = "arcgisoutput",physicalPath = outputDirPath,directoryType = "OUTPUT",cleanupMode = "TIME_ELAPSED_SINCE_LAST_MODIFIED",maxFileAge = 10,description = "Stores various information generated by services, such as map images.", virtualPath = "") systemDir = dict(name = "arcgissystem",physicalPath = systemDirPath,directoryType = "SYSTEM",cleanupMode = "NONE",maxFileAge = 0,description = "Stores files that are used internally by the GIS server.", virtualPath = "") print "\tDone." print # Serialize directory information to JSON print "\t-Serializing server directory information to JSON..." directoriesJSON = json.dumps(dict(directories = [cacheDir, jobsDir, outputDir, systemDir])) print "\tDone." print # Construct URL to create a new site print "\t-Constructing URL to create a new site..." createNewSiteURL = "/arcgis/admin/createNewSite" print "\tDone." print # Set up parameters for the request print "\t-Setting up parameters for the request to create new site..." params = urllib.urlencode({'username': username, 'password': password, 'configStoreConnection': configStoreConnection, 'directories':directoriesJSON, 'f': 'json'}) headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain"} print "\tDone." print # Connect to URL and post parameters print "\t-Making request to create new site..." httpConn = httplib.HTTPConnection(servername, serverPort) httpConn.request("POST", createNewSiteURL, params, headers) # Read response response = httpConn.getresponse() if (response.status != 200): httpConn.close() print "\tERROR: Error while creating the site." print success = False else: data = httpConn.close() # Check that data returned is not an error object if not assertJsonSuccess(data): print "\tERROR: Error returned by operation. " + str(data) print else: print "\tSite created successfully." print "\tDone." print except: success = False # Get the traceback object tb = sys.exc_info()[2] tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[0] # Concatenate information together concerning the error into a message string pymsg = "PYTHON ERRORS:\nTraceback info:\n" + tbinfo + "\nError Info:\n" + str(sys.exc_info()[1]) # Print Python error messages for use in Python / Python Window print print "***** ERROR ENCOUNTERED *****" print pymsg + "\n" finally: # Return success flag return success