def loop(): while True: signal = int( * 4 if signal > Treshold: print signal ADC.write( sleep(0.01)
def loop(): status = 1 while True: print('Value:', Value = outvalue = map(Value, 0, 255, 120, 255) ADC.write(outvalue) time.sleep(0.2)
def destroy(): ADC.write(0) Rpwm.stop Gpwm.stop Bpwm.stop GPIO.output(Rpin, GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(Gpin, GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(Bpin, GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.cleanup
def measure(): ADC.setup(0x48) bus = smbus.SMBus(1) reading = ADC.write( value = ((0.641025641) * reading) moistureLevel = (100 - value) * 2 if moistureLevel > 100: moistureLevel = 100 return moistureLevel
def loop(): while True: value = # read the potentiometer value dc = value / 2.55 # duty cycle goes from 0 to 100, the potentiometer value from 0 to 255 print 'Value: ' + str(value) print 'DC: ' + str(dc) p.ChangeDutyCycle( dc) # set the brightness, changing duty cycle to the value of dc ADC.write(value) time.sleep(0.05) # wait for 50 ms
def loop(): while True: value = # read the potentiometer value ms = float(value) / 1000 print 'Milliseconds: ' + str(ms) ADC.write(ms) print "Led ON..." GPIO.output(ledPin, GPIO.LOW) # turn on led time.sleep(ms) # wait for the number of seconds in ms print "Led OFF..." GPIO.output(ledPin, GPIO.HIGH) # turn off led time.sleep(ms) # wait for the number of seconds in ms
def loop(): while True: for pin in pins: # turn on LEDs from left to right value = # read the potentiometer value ms = float(value) / 1000 ADC.write(ms) GPIO.output(pin, GPIO.LOW) # turn on the LED time.sleep(ms) # wait for the number of seconds in ms for pin in invertedPins: # turn off LEDs from right to left value = # read the potentiometer value ms = float(value) / 1000 ADC.write(ms) GPIO.output(pin, GPIO.HIGH) # turn off the LED time.sleep(ms) # wait for the number of seconds in ms for pin in invertedPins: # turn on LEDs from right to left value = # read the potentiometer value ms = float(value) / 1000 ADC.write(ms) GPIO.output(pin, GPIO.LOW) # turn on the LED time.sleep(ms) # wait for the number of seconds in ms for pin in pins: # turn off LEDs from left to right value = # read the potentiometer value ms = float(value) / 1000 ADC.write(ms) GPIO.output(pin, GPIO.HIGH) # turn off the LED time.sleep(ms) # wait for the number of seconds in ms
def indexroute(): Temp_units = #Read ADC units on chn 0 Temp_volts = ( Temp_units * 3.3 ) / 256 #Convert to voltage based on ADC resolution (vref+-vref-)/2^N temp = Temp_volts / 0.01 # using temperature sensor eqn: 10mV/1C ADC.write(Temp_units) # write to dac to adjust LED brightness Hum_units = #Read ADC units on chn 1 Hum_volts = ( Hum_units * 3.3 ) / 256 #Convert to voltage based on ADC resolution (vref+-vref-)/2^N humidity = (Hum_volts - 0.985) / 0.0307 # using humidity sensor eqn return "Welcome! The current temp is %2.2f and the humidity is %2.2f" % ( temp, humidity) #Return the temp and humidty
def loop(): status = 1 while True: print('Value:', Value = if Value > 250: ## if < 120: print('...relayd on') GPIO.output(RelayPin, GPIO.LOW) else: print('relay off...') GPIO.output(RelayPin, GPIO.HIGH) outvalue = map(Value, 0, 255, 120, 255) ADC.write(outvalue) time.sleep(0.2)
def main(): try: ADC.setup(0x48) # Set up the GPIO pins used to talk to the DAC monitor = PeakMonitor(SINK_NAME, METER_RATE) for sample in monitor: # samples range from 0 to 127 so double them to get the full voltage # range of the DAC ("<< 1") # sample = sample << 1 sample = sample * 1.42 # reduce range for better VU scale # sample = table[sample] # ...using loopup table # print sample ADC.write(sample) except KeyboardInterrupt: #Ctrl+C pressed print print "Shutdown requested...exiting" monitor.flushqueue()
def destroy(): ADC.write(0)
def destroy(): p.stop() # stop the PWM instance ADC.write(0) GPIO.output(ledPin, GPIO.HIGH) # turn off led GPIO.cleanup() # release resource
def menu(): global direction global submenu global main_menu global DAC0_status if direction == "up": submenu = submenu - 1 elif direction == 'down': submenu = submenu + 1 elif direction == "right": main_menu = main_menu + 1 submenu = 1 elif direction == "left": main_menu = main_menu - 1 submenu = 1 if main_menu == 12: main_menu = 1 if main_menu == 0: main_menu = 11 temp, pressure = bmp.get_temperature_and_pressure() #BMP280 code line #Information if main_menu == 1: Temp_C, Temp_F = RTC.getTemp() #ds3231 code line if submenu == 4: submenu = 1 if submenu == 0: submenu = 3 if submenu == 1: oled("< 1.Time >", time.strftime('%X')) if submenu == 2: oled("< 1.Date >", time.strftime('%x')) elif submenu == 3: oled("< 1.RTC Temp >", (str(round(Temp_C, 2)) + " C"), (str(round(Temp_F, 2)) + " F")) # Sensor data elif main_menu == 2: if submenu == 3: submenu = 1 if submenu == 0: submenu = 2 if submenu == 1: oled("< 2. BMP280 >", "Temperature", (str(round(temp, 2)) + " C")) elif submenu == 2: oled("< 2. BMP280 >", "Pressure", round(pressure, 2)) # Device info elif main_menu == 3: if submenu == 5: submenu = 1 if submenu == 0: submenu = 4 if submenu == 1: oled("< 3.Rpi Info >", "CPU Temperature=", (add_module.getCPUtemperature() + " C")) elif submenu == 2: oled("< 3.Rpi Info >", "Free RAM", (str(int(add_module.getRAMinfo()[2]) / 1024) + " MB")) elif submenu == 3: oled("< 3.Rpi Info >", "CPU Usage", (str(add_module.getCPUuse()) + " %")) elif submenu == 4: oled("< 3.Rpi Info >", "Disk Usage", add_module.getDiskSpace()[3]) # IP Address elif main_menu == 4: if submenu == 3: submenu = 1 if submenu == 0: submenu = 2 if submenu == 1: oled("< 4. Rpi IP's >", "WLAN0", add_module.get_ip_address('wlan0')) elif submenu == 2: oled("< 4. Rpi IP's >", "ETH0", add_module.get_ip_address('eth0')) #Finance elif main_menu == 5: if submenu == 3: submenu = 1 if submenu == 0: submenu = 2 if submenu == 1: oled("< 5. Exch Rate >", "Dolar / TL", DovizKurlari().DegerSor("USD", 4)) elif submenu == 2: oled("< 5. Exch Rate >", "Euro / TL", DovizKurlari().DegerSor("EUR", 4)) #DAC0, LED1, and ADC0 through ADC3 elif main_menu == 6: if submenu == 6: submenu = 1 if submenu == 0: submenu = 5 if submenu == 1: oled("< 6. DAC0/LED1 >", "Turn On/OFF", "Press Button") if GPIO.input(KEY) == 0: if DAC0_status == 0: GPIO.output( LED1, GPIO.HIGH) #Turns on LED1 to indicate DAC0 is on ADC.write(255) #Turns on DAC0 DAC0_status = 1 time.sleep(.25) else: GPIO.output( LED1, GPIO.LOW) #Turns off LED1 to indicate DAC0 is off ADC.write(0) #Turns off DAC0 DAC0_status = 0 time.sleep(.25) elif submenu == 2: oled("< 6. DAC0/LED1 >", "Ain0", (str(round(, 2)) + " Volts")) #PCF8591 code line elif submenu == 3: oled("< 6. DAC0/LED1 >", "Ain1", (str(round(, 2)) + " Volts")) #PCF8591 code line elif submenu == 4: oled("< 6. DAC0/LED1 >", "Ain2", (str(round(, 2)) + " Volts")) #PCF8591 code line elif submenu == 5: oled("< 6. DAC0/LED1 >", "Ain3", (str(round(, 2)) + " Volts")) #PCF8591 code line #System elif main_menu == 7: if submenu == 5: submenu = 1 if submenu == 0: submenu = 4 elif submenu == 1: oled("< 7. System >", "Close App", "Press Button") if GPIO.input(KEY) == 0: sys.exit() elif submenu == 2: oled("< 7. System >", "Restart", "Press Button") if GPIO.input(KEY) == 0: os.popen('sudo reboot') elif submenu == 3: oled("< 7. System >", "Halt System", "Press Button") if GPIO.input(KEY) == 0: os.popen('sudo halt') elif submenu == 4: oled("< 7. System >", "App Update", "Press Button") if GPIO.input(KEY) == 0: oled("< 7. System >", "Update ...") os.popen('sudo apt-get update') oled("< 7. System >", "Upgrade ...") os.popen('sudo apt-get upgrade -y') oled("< 7. System >", "Completed") #Additional sensors elif main_menu == 8: temp_c, temp_f = OneWire.read_temp() #ds18b20 code line f = OneWire.read_rom() #ds18b20 code line if submenu == 3: submenu = 1 if submenu == 0: submenu = 2 if submenu == 1: oled("< 8. Sensors >", f, (str(round(temp_c, 2)) + " C")) elif submenu == 2: oled("< 8. Sensors >", f, (str(round(temp_f, 2)) + " F")) # IRM readings elif main_menu == 9: if submenu == 2: submenu = 1 if submenu == 0: submenu = 1 if submenu == 1: IRM_key = IRM.irm_key() oled("< 9. IRM >", "Readings", IRM_key) #This is not catching all the button presses. #The issue is the structure of this program would need to change to handle the timing. #Running a thread does not improve program response to sensor input. To improve the #response to the sensor input the program needs to be restructured/shortened. #USB2UART TX Test elif main_menu == 10: oled("< 10. USB2UART >", "Run TX test", "Press Button" ) #This is to test the transmission from the Pi to a PC. if GPIO.input(KEY) == 0: ser.write("Test line\r\n".encode()) oled("< 10. USB2UART >", "Test line sent", "View results") time.sleep(2) #USB2UART RX Test elif main_menu == 11: oled("< 11. USB2UART >", "Run RX test", "Press Button") #This is to test the #transmission from the PC to a Pi. No more than a small word, due to the OLED size. if GPIO.input(KEY) == 0: flush_input() #Calls the function to clear the #terminal keyboard buffer before the desired input is collected. oled("< 11. USB2UART >", "Button Pressed", "Starting test") ser.write("Type something\r\n".encode()) out = USB2UART.readData() oled("< 11. USB2UART >", "You wrote:", str(out)) ser.write("You wrote: ".encode() + str(out).encode() + "\r\n".encode()) time.sleep(2) else: print("something went wrong") return (submenu)
def destroy(): GPIO.cleanup() ADC.write(0)
def destroy(): con.close() ADC.write(0)
if apass != kpass: print "Invalid Password\n" else: while validate_rfid(data) != rfidpass: data = print "Invalid RFID Tag\n" song1() mycam.start_preview() print "\nWelcome to SMirror\n Flip switch 1 to take a picture, 4 to take a video and 8 to start the server" try: while True: (tp, tpunits) = temp(2) (otp, otpunits) = temp(1) (lint, lintunits) = light(3) adc.write(lintunits) tp = float(tp) otp = float(otp) otp = otp / 5.00 time.sleep(0.5) if tp >= 23: lcd.clear() gpio.output(ledac, 1) lcd.write(0, 0, "AC is ON") lcd.write(0, 1, "Room Temp: %2.2fC" % tp) else: lcd.clear() gpio.output(ledac, 0) lcd.write(0, 0, "AC is OFF") lcd.write(0, 1, "Room Temp: %2.2fC" % tp)
def loop(): while True: print ADC.write(
import PCF8591 as ADC import time ADC.setup(0x48) while True: ADC.write(0) time.sleep(0.1)
def destroy(): ADC.write(0) GPIO.output(ledPin, GPIO.HIGH) # turn off led GPIO.cleanup() # release resource
def vibrate(): ADC.setup(0x48) ADC.write(255) time.sleep(0.3) ADC.write(0) print "vibrate!"
def loop(): while True: print( ADC.write(
def ADWrite(self, value): ADC.write(value)
import PCF8591 as ADC ADC.setup(0x48) trt: while True: print( ADC.write( finally: ADC.write(0)