cid, resnum = args.resid for seqf in seqfs: pdbf = General.changeExt( seqf.replace(args.head + '_', ''), 'pdb') if not os.path.isfile(pdbf): print(pdbf + ' doesn\'t exist!') continue outf = General.changeExt(pdbf, args.o) if args.wgap != None: # specific to gap assert args.conR == False, 'wgap and conR cannot be specified simultaneously' dirname = General.getBase(pdbf) pdbf = args.wgap + '/' + dirname + '/'+ pdbf index = PDB.findPositionInPDB(pdbf, resnum, cid) aacol = Analyze.readColumn(seqf, index, top = args.uplimit) if args.conR: # should contacting residue be constrained? conid = General.getBase(seqf).split('_')[-1] ccid, cresnum = conid[0], conid[1:] cindex = PDB.findPositionInPDB(pdbf, cresnum, ccid) cres = PDB.getResByInd(pdbf, ccid, cresnum).getResname() cres = PDB.t2s(cres) caacol = Analyze.readColumn(seqf, cindex, top = args.uplimit) if args.env != None: # environment corrected counts envf = General.getBase(seqf.replace(args.head, args.envhead)) + '.' + args.env if not os.path.isfile(envf): print(envf + ' doesn\'t exist!') continue
base = General.getBase(pdb) matchf = args.head + '_' + base + '.match' if not os.path.isfile(matchf): continue outname = General.getBase(matchf) + '.' + args.o if os.path.isfile(outname): continue if outname in seen: continue seen[outname] = 1 # for the gap test only if args.wgap != None: pdb = args.wgap + '/' + mut.dir + '/' + pdb ## pos = PDB.findPositionInPDB(pdb, str(mut.n), mut.c) if pos == -1: print('cannot found the residue in fragment pdb: '+ pdb) continue pdb = General.removePath(pdb) cmd = ['python', selfbin +'/','--m', matchf, '--n', str(pos-1), '--o', outname] if args.uplimit != None: cmd.extend(['--uplimit', args.uplimit]) if args.wgap != None: cmd.append('--wgap') cmd = ' '.join(cmd) job = General.jobOnCluster([cmd], mut.dir, os.path.realpath(outname)) job.submit(3) jobs.append(job) sleep(0.5)
dirs = [x for x in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isdir(x)] dirs.sort() odir = os.getcwd() for d in dirs: os.chdir(odir) os.chdir(d) pdbs = glob.glob('*.pdb') cmds = [] resn = int(d.split('_')[1][2:]) for pdb in pdbs: matchf = args.head + '_' + General.changeExt(pdb, 'match') if not os.path.isfile(matchf): continue pos = PDB.findPositionInPDB(pdb, resn) # if output file is already there, skip the job if os.path.isfile('nr' +'_'+matchf): continue cmd = ['python', selfbin + '/', '--m', matchf, '--cres', str(pos), '--id',, '--outh', 'nr'] if not args.db == None: cmd.extend(['--db', args.db]) if args.conR: conresn = General.getBase(pdb).split('_')[2][1:] conpos = PDB.findPositionInPDB(pdb, conresn) cmd.extend(['--conres', str(conpos)]) if args.env != None: cmd.extend(['--env', args.env]) cmd = ' '.join(cmd) cmds.append(cmd)
pdbs = glob.glob('*.pdb') pdbs.sort() for pdb in pdbs: base = General.getBase(pdb) matchf = args.head + '_' + base + '.match' if not os.path.isfile(matchf): continue outname = General.getBase(matchf) + '.' + args.o if os.path.isfile(outname): continue if outname in seen: continue seen[outname] = 1 pos = PDB.findPositionInPDB(pdb, str(mut.n), mut.c) if pos == -1: print('cannot found the residue in fragment pdb: '+ pdb) continue con = base.split('_')[-1] conc, conn = con[0], con[1:] conpos = PDB.findPositionInPDB(pdb, str(conn), conc) cmd = ['python', selfbin +'/','--m', matchf, '--n', str(pos-1), str(conpos-1), '--o', outname] if args.uplimit != None: cmd.extend(['--uplimit', args.uplimit]) cmd = ' '.join(cmd) job = General.jobOnCluster([cmd], mut.dir, os.path.realpath(outname)) job.submit(3)