コード例 #1
 def shoot(self):
     "Return a vector of sampled particles"
     p1 = PG.SampledParticle(11, self.mom1.shoot())
     eta1 = p1.mom.Eta()
     phi1 = p1.mom.Phi()
     # TODO: will phi be properly wrapped into range?
     mom2 = PG.PtEtaMPhiSampler(pt=25000,
                                eta=[eta1 - 0.5, eta1 + 0.5],
                                phi=[phi1 - 0.5, phi1 + 0.5])
     p2 = PG.SampledParticle(11, mom2.shoot())
     return [p1, p2]
コード例 #2
    def shoot(self):
        pid = self.pid()
        shift_z = self.shift_z

        mom = self.mom1.shoot()
        pos_temp = mom.Vect().Unit()

        # Would it hit the barrel, or the endcap?
        if abs(pos_temp.Z()) / 3550. < pos_temp.Perp(
        ) / 1148.:  # Hit the barrel!
            pos_temp *= 1148. / pos_temp.Perp()
        else:  # Hit the endcap!
            pos_temp *= 3550. / abs(pos_temp.Z())

        # Shift position of vector in the Z direction
        pos_temp_2 = ROOT.TVector3()
        pos_temp_2.SetXYZ(pos_temp.X(), pos_temp.Y(), pos_temp.Z() + shift_z)
        pos_temp_2 *= 1. / pos_temp_2.Mag()
        # reduce magnitude of vector

        # recalculate; Would it hit the barrel, or the endcap?
        if abs(pos_temp_2.Z()) / 3550. < pos_temp_2.Perp() / 1148.:
            pos_temp_2 *= 1148. / pos_temp_2.Perp()
            pos_temp_2 *= 3550. / abs(pos_temp_2.Z())

        pos = ROOT.TLorentzVector(pos_temp_2.X(), pos_temp_2.Y(),
                                  pos_temp_2.Z(), 0)

        return [PG.SampledParticle(pid, mom, pos)]
コード例 #3
 def shoot(self):
     "Return a vector of sampled particles from the provided pT--eta histogram"
     particles = []
     for i in xrange(self.numparticles):
         ptrand, etarand = self.hist.GetRandom()
         ptrand *= 1000  # NB. This _particular_ histogram is in GeV, but Athena needs MeV!
         # TODO: Provide 4-mom construction functions to avoid building this one-time sampler
         pid = self.pid()
         mom = PG.PtEtaMPhiSampler(pt=ptrand,
         p = PG.SampledParticle(pid, mom())
         #print p.mom.Pt(), "\t", p.mom.Eta(), "\t", p.mom.Phi(), "\t", p.mom.M()
     return particles