コード例 #1
def ExecLine(s):
    l = s.split()
    if len(l) == 0:
        return None
    elif s == "help":
        print("  ----- HELP -----")
        print("  $... = parameter")
        print("  [...] = optional parameter")
        print("  Commands:")
            "     var $name  $expression         --> define a variable with the value of expression"
        print("     func $name $definition         --> define a function")
        print("     plot $function [A=-10] [B=10]  --> plot a function")
        print("     exit [expression]              --> close the program")
        print("     print [expression]             --> print an expression")
            "     message [string]               --> print an expression literal message"
            "     read                           --> read an expression from standard input"
            "     vread $name                    --> read a variable from standard input"
            "     fread $name                    --> read a function from standard input"
            "     exec $file                     --> open a file and execute it"
        print("     help                           --> show this help")
        return None
    elif l[0] == "exit":
        if len(l) == 1:
        ns = "".join(l[1:])
        for v in localvars:
            ns = ns.replace(v, str(localvars[v]))
    elif l[0] == "func":
        if len(l) < 3:
            raise Exception("MyMath : invalid arguments of command 'function'")
        fname = l[1]
        if Calculate.IsReal(fname):
            raise Exception(
                "MyMath : a number can not be a name of a function")
        ns = "".join(l[2:])
        for v in localvars:
            ns = ns.replace(v, str(localvars[v]))
        Calculate.functions[fname] = []
        f = Function.GenerateFunction(ns)
        Calculate.functions[fname] = [Function.ToPythonFunc(f), 1]
        localfuncs[fname] = [f, ns]
        return None
    elif l[0] == "plot":
        if len(l) != 2 and len(l) != 4:
            raise Exception("MyMath : invalid arguments of command 'plot'")
        literal = ""
        func = 0
        if l[1] in localfuncs:
            literal = localfuncs[l[1]][1]
            func = localfuncs[l[1]][0]
        elif l[1] in Calculate.functions:
            literal = l[1] + "(x)"
            if Calculate.functions[l[1]][1] > 1:
                raise Exception(
                    "MyMath : the built-in function '", l[1],
                    "' can not be plotted besause needs more than 1 parameter")
            func = Function.GenerateFunction(literal)
            raise Exception("MyMath : '" + l[1] +
                            "' is not defined as function")
        A = -10
        B = 10
        if len(l) == 4:
            for v in localvars:
                l[2] = l[2].replace(v, str(localvars[v]))
            for v in localvars:
                l[3] = l[3].replace(v, str(localvars[v]))
            A = int(l[2])
            B = int(l[3])
        print("Drawing '", l[1], "(x) = ", literal, "' , wait...", sep='')
        Plot.FuncPlot(func, A, B)
        print("Plot closed")
        return None
    elif l[0] == "var":
        if len(l) < 2:
            raise Exception("MyMath : invalid arguments of command 'var'")
        if l[1] == "x":
            raise Exception(
                "MyMath : 'x' can not be declared as a local variable")
        if Calculate.IsReal(l[1]):
            raise Exception(
                "MyMath : a number can not be a name of a variable")
        if len(l) == 2:
            localvars[l[1]] = 0.0
            return None
        ns = "".join(l[2:])
        for v in localvars:
            ns = ns.replace(v, str(localvars[v]))
        localvars[l[1]] = Calculate.Calculate(ns)
        return None
    elif l[0] == "read":
        if len(l) != 1:
            raise Exception("MyMath : invalid arguments of command 'read'")
        ns = input()
        nl = ns.split()
        if len(nl) == 0:
            return None
        if len(nl) == 1:
            if nl[0] in localfuncs:
                return ("Local function defined as '" + nl[0] + "(x) := " +
                        localfuncs[nl[0]][1] + "'")
            elif nl[0] in Calculate.functions:
                return ("Built-in function with " +
                        Calculate.functions[nl[0]][1] + " parameters")
        for v in localvars:
            ns = ns.replace(v, str(localvars[v]))
        return Calculate.Calculate(ns)
    elif l[0] == "vread":
        if len(l) != 2:
            raise Exception("MyMath : invalid arguments of command 'vread'")
        if l[1] == "x":
            raise Exception(
                "MyMath : 'x' can not be declared as a local variable")
        if Calculate.IsReal(l[1]):
            raise Exception(
                "MyMath : a number can not be a name of a variable")
        ns = input()
        if ns.isspace():
            localvars[l[1]] = 0.0
            return None
        for v in localvars:
            ns = ns.replace(v, str(localvars[v]))
        localvars[l[1]] = Calculate.Calculate(ns)
        return None
    elif l[0] == "fread":
        if len(l) != 2:
            raise Exception("MyMath : invalid arguments of command 'fread'")
        fname = l[1]
        if Calculate.IsReal(fname):
            raise Exception(
                "MyMath : a number can not be a name of a function")
        ns = input()
        for v in localvars:
            ns = ns.replace(v, str(localvars[v]))
        f = Function.GenerateFunction(ns)
        Calculate.functions[fname] = [Function.ToPythonFunc(f), 1]
        localfuncs[fname] = [f, ns]
        return None
        if l[1] == "x":
            raise Exception(
                "MyMath : 'x' can not be declared as a local variable")
        if Calculate.IsReal(l[1]):
            raise Exception(
                "MyMath : a number can not be a name of a variable")
        ns = input()
        for v in localvars:
            ns = ns.replace(v, str(localvars[v]))
        localvars[l[1]] = Calculate.Calculate(ns)
        return None
    elif l[0] == "message":
        ns = s[len("message") + 1:]
        nns = ns[0]
        for i in range(1, len(ns)):
            if nns[len(nns) - 1] == "\\" and ns[i] == "\\":
            elif nns[len(nns) - 1] == "\\" and ns[i] == "n":
                nns = nns[:len(nns) - 1] + "\n"
            elif nns[len(nns) - 1] == "\\" and ns[i] == "t":
                nns = nns[:len(nns) - 1] + "\t"
                nns += ns[i]
        print(nns, end="")
    elif l[0] == "print":
        if len(l) < 2:
            raise Exception("MyMath : invalid arguments of command 'print'")
        if len(l) == 2:
            if l[1] in localfuncs:
                return None
            elif l[1] in Calculate.functions:
                return None
        ns = "".join(l[1:])
        for v in localvars:
            ns = ns.replace(v, str(localvars[v]))
    elif l[0] == "exec":
        if len(l) != 2:
            raise Exception("MyMath : invalid arguments of command 'exec'")
        st = open(l[1], "r").read()
        fl = st.splitlines()
        for item in fl:
        return None
        if len(l) == 1:
            if l[0] in localfuncs:
                return ("Local function defined as '" + l[0] + "(x) := " +
                        localfuncs[l[0]][1] + "'")
            elif l[0] in Calculate.functions:
                return ("Built-in function with " +
                        Calculate.functions[l[0]][1] + " parameters")
        ns = s
        for v in localvars:
            ns = ns.replace(v, str(localvars[v]))
        return Calculate.Calculate(ns)
コード例 #2
#oppure in modo compatto


import Function

s = "exp(x)"

f = Function.GenerateFunction(s)

val = Function.InvokeFunction(f, 1)

print("e =", val)

#o in modo analogo

pyf = Function.ToPythonFunc(f)

val = pyf(1)

print("e =", val)

import Plot

Plot.FuncPlot(f, -10, 10)

#oppure in modo compatto
