コード例 #1
 def makeMesh(self):
     if self.Xs.shape[2] == 0:
     X = self.Xs[:, :, 0]
     Y = self.Ys[:, :, 0]
     Z = self.Zs[:, :, 0]
     mesh = PolyMesh()
     #Come up with vertex indices in the mask
     Mask = np.array(self.Mask, dtype=np.int32)
     nV = np.sum(Mask)
     Mask[self.Mask > 0] = np.arange(nV) + 1
     Mask = Mask - 1
     VPos = np.zeros((nV, 3))
     VPos[:, 0] = X[self.Mask > 0]
     VPos[:, 1] = Y[self.Mask > 0]
     VPos[:, 2] = -Z[self.Mask > 0]
     #Add lower right triangle
     v1 = Mask[0:-1, 0:-1].flatten()
     v2 = Mask[1:, 0:-1].flatten()
     v3 = Mask[1:, 1:].flatten()
     N = v1.size
     ITris1 = np.concatenate((np.reshape(v1, [N, 1]), np.reshape(
         v2, [N, 1]), np.reshape(v3, [N, 1])), 1)
     #Add upper right triangle
     v1 = Mask[0:-1, 0:-1].flatten()
     v2 = Mask[1:, 1:].flatten()
     v3 = Mask[0:-1, 1:].flatten()
     N = v1.size
     ITris2 = np.concatenate((np.reshape(v1, [N, 1]), np.reshape(
         v2, [N, 1]), np.reshape(v3, [N, 1])), 1)
     ITris = np.concatenate((ITris1, ITris2), 0)
     #Only retain triangles which have all three points
     ITris = ITris[np.sum(ITris == -1, 1) == 0, :]
     mesh.VPos = VPos
     mesh.ITris = ITris
     mesh.VColors = 0.5 * np.ones(mesh.VPos.shape)
     mesh.VPosVBO = vbo.VBO(np.array(mesh.VPos, dtype=np.float32))
     mesh.VNormalsVBO = vbo.VBO(np.array(mesh.VNormals, dtype=np.float32))
     mesh.VColorsVBO = vbo.VBO(np.array(mesh.VColors, dtype=np.float32))
     mesh.IndexVBO = vbo.VBO(mesh.ITris, target=GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER)
     mesh.needsDisplayUpdate = False
     self.mesh = mesh
コード例 #2
 def makeMesh(self):
     if self.Xs.shape[2] == 0:
     X = self.Xs[:, :, 0]
     Y = self.Ys[:, :, 0]
     Z = self.Zs[:, :, 0]
     mesh = PolyMesh()
     #Come up with vertex indices in the mask
     Mask = np.array(self.Mask, dtype=np.int32)
     nV = np.sum(Mask)
     Mask[self.Mask > 0] = np.arange(nV) + 1
     Mask = Mask - 1
     VPos = np.zeros((nV, 3))
     VPos[:, 0] = X[self.Mask > 0]
     VPos[:, 1] = Y[self.Mask > 0]
     VPos[:, 2] = -Z[self.Mask > 0]
     #Add lower right triangle
     v1 = Mask[0:-1, 0:-1].flatten()
     v2 = Mask[1:, 0:-1].flatten()
     v3 = Mask[1:, 1:].flatten()
     N = v1.size
     ITris1 = np.concatenate((np.reshape(v1, [N, 1]), np.reshape(v2, [N, 1]), np.reshape(v3, [N, 1])), 1)
     #Add upper right triangle
     v1 = Mask[0:-1, 0:-1].flatten()
     v2 = Mask[1:, 1:].flatten()
     v3 = Mask[0:-1, 1:].flatten()
     N = v1.size
     ITris2 = np.concatenate((np.reshape(v1, [N, 1]), np.reshape(v2, [N, 1]), np.reshape(v3, [N, 1])), 1)
     ITris = np.concatenate((ITris1, ITris2), 0)
     #Only retain triangles which have all three points
     ITris = ITris[np.sum(ITris == -1, 1) == 0, :]
     mesh.VPos = VPos
     mesh.ITris = ITris
     mesh.VColors = 0.5*np.ones(mesh.VPos.shape)
     mesh.VPosVBO = vbo.VBO(np.array(mesh.VPos, dtype=np.float32))
     mesh.VNormalsVBO = vbo.VBO(np.array(mesh.VNormals, dtype=np.float32))
     mesh.VColorsVBO = vbo.VBO(np.array(mesh.VColors, dtype=np.float32))
     mesh.IndexVBO = vbo.VBO(mesh.ITris, target=GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER)
     mesh.needsDisplayUpdate = False
     self.mesh = mesh