コード例 #1
    def apply(self, cur_image):
        apply the algorithm for running average in color
        :param cur_image: numpy array; a color image (RGB)
        :return new_objects_box: array consists of new object squares
        :return new_fg: binary image consists of image (black and white)
        cur_image_gray = cv2.cvtColor(cur_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        if self.prev_image is not None:
            threshold_array = np.multiply(np.ones_like(cur_image_gray, 'uint8'), self.threshold)
            diff = np.absolute(np.subtract(cur_image_gray, self.prev_frame))
            fg_raw = np.multiply(
                np.ones_like(cur_image_gray, 'uint8'),
                    np.less(diff, threshold_array),
            raw_boxes, new_fg = PostProcessing.foreground_process(fg_raw)
            new_objects_box = PostProcessing.bounding_box_mask(raw_boxes, new_fg)
            new_fg = np.zeros_like(cur_image_gray)
            new_objects_box = []

        self.prev_image = np.copy(cur_image_gray)
        return new_objects_box, new_fg
コード例 #2
    def apply(self, cur_image, cur_objects):
        apply the algorithm for running average in color
        :param cur_image: numpy array; a color image (RGB)
        :param cur_objects: array consists of object squares
        :return new_objects_box: array consists of new object squares
        :return new_fg: binary image consists of image (black and white)

        cols, rows, depth = cur_image.shape

        if self.bg is None:
            self.bg = np.copy(cur_image)

        if self.prev_frame is None:
            self.prev_frame = np.copy(cur_image)
            self.prev_prev_frame = np.copy(cur_image)

        # get neighbor pixels
        neighbor_pixels = map(
            lambda x: cv2.warpAffine(cur_image, x, (cols, rows)),

        # update background
        new_bg = np.add(((1 - self.alpha) * self.bg), (self.alpha * cur_image))

        # compare neighbor pixel with current background
        # neighbor_pixels_diff = map(
        #     lambda x: np.absolute(np.subtract(new_bg, x)),
        #     neighbor_pixels
        # )

        # get difference at this pixel
        diff = np.absolute(np.subtract(new_bg, cur_image))
        fg_raw = cv2.inRange(cv2.cvtColor(diff.astype('uint8'), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY), 25, 255)
        raw_boxes, new_fg = PostProcessing.foreground_process(fg_raw)
        new_objects_box = PostProcessing.bounding_box_mask(raw_boxes, new_fg)

        cv2.imshow('Background', new_bg.astype('uint8'))
        self.bg = np.copy(new_bg)

        self.prev_prev_frame = np.copy(self.prev_frame)
        self.prev_frame = np.copy(cur_image)
        return new_objects_box, new_fg