コード例 #1

    P = pb1.newton_interpolation(values, cheb_zeros)
    X = cheb_zeros

    print("This gives the following interpolation polynomial:")
    pb1.print_polynomial(P, X)

    max_diff = 0
    max_x = 0
    poly_values = zeros(1001)
    x = linspace(interval[0], interval[1], 1001)

    for i in range(1001):
        x_coord = x[i]
        y_coord = pb1.get_value_of_polynomial(P, X, x_coord)
        fx = f(x_coord)
        if abs(fx - y_coord) > max_diff:
            max_diff = abs(fx - y_coord)
            max_x = x_coord
        poly_values[i] = y_coord

    print("The maximum error found on the test points was:",
          max_diff)  # max difference
    print("This maximum error was found at the x value:", max_x)

    print("Plotting the graph...")

    plot(x, poly_values, 'b-', x, f(x), 'g-', cheb_zeros, values, 'or')
    xlabel("Abscissas", fontsize=20)
コード例 #2
        # Newton with Chebyshev zeros:

        cheb_zeros = pb2.chebyshev(-5, 5, N)  # Retrieves the Chebyshev zeros
        cheb_values = [f(x) for x in cheb_zeros]  # Retrieves the ordinates for the Chebyshev zeros
        cheb_newton_poly = pb1.newton_interpolation(cheb_values, cheb_zeros)  # Generates polynomial

        spline_coeff = pb3.SplineCoefficients(points, values)  # Returns our spline interpolation coefficients

        x = linspace(interval[0], interval[1], 1001)

        for i in range(1001):  # We loop through the 1001 points
            x_coord = x[i]
            # We evaluate all of the approximations at the iteration absica and store it in an array

            y = [pb1.get_value_of_polynomial(newton_poly, points, x_coord),
                 pb1.get_value_of_polynomial(cheb_newton_poly, cheb_zeros, x_coord),
                 pb3.evaluate_spline(spline_coeff, points, x_coord)]

            for j in range(len(y)): # We check if the current error of each approximation is bigger than the last error
                y_coord = y[j]
                fx = f(x_coord)
                if abs(fx - y_coord) > max_error[j]:
                    max_error[j] = abs(fx - y_coord)  # If yes, we record the new biggest error
                    max_x[j] = x_coord  # We also record the x value at which the biggest error occurred.

        for k in range(len(max_errors)):
            max_errors[k][N - 3] = max_error[k]

        # For personal observation, I stored each of the errors in a separate file for easier inspection.