コード例 #1
 def createDatabase(self, count = 100, startFrom=1000):
     Description: creates the database
     # only allow 4 digit PINs
     if startFrom + count > 9999:
         startFrom = 1000
     if count > 1000:
         count = 100
     # 'privatekeys : where private keys are stored'
     if not os.path.exists('privatekeys'):
     # database is again Database.pkl
     serverDB = open('Database.pkl','ab')
     for counter in range(startFrom, startFrom + count):
         # generates RSAkey pair, length = 1024 bits
         rsakey = RSAKeyHandling.generateRSAkeypair()
         # now we can write the public and private keys to different files
         # for the efficiency in verification and debugging, the values
         # have been chosen as such.
         # One must NOT confuse them as real values as they will be entirely different and generated
         # using a different set of algorithms
         voterID = 'voteid' + str(counter)
         PIN = counter
         # generate privatekey file name for voter
         keyfilename = 'privatekeys/' + voterID +'.pem'
         rsakey.save_pem(keyfilename, None, empty_callback)        
         # public key part of RSA in base64
         publickey_inbase64 = RSAKeyHandling.save_public_rsakey_to_b64string(rsakey)
         # sha256 of VoterID || PIN in base64
         hash_of_voterID_PIN = RSAKeyHandling.sha256hash_base64( voterID + str(PIN) )
         # create dictionary for a particular userID
         userDict = { 
             hash_of_voterID_PIN : {
                 'pkey' : publickey_inbase64 , 
                 'voted' : 0
         # save dictionary; save userID info in the database
         pickle.dump(userDict, serverDB)
コード例 #2
def main():
    # seeding the PRNG with 1024 random bytes from OS
    # from M2Crypto
    Rand.rand_seed (os.urandom (1024))

    while 1:
        # draw MAIN SCREEN
        mainScreen = MainScreen()
        centerWindow(mainScreen, WINDOW_WIDTH_MS, WINDOW_HEIGHT_MS)
        ### begin connecting to the srver
        # buffer length
        buffer_length = 5000
        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        # require a certificate from the server
        myhost = 'localhost'
        myport = 4321
            # ssl.CERT_NONE : cause we are using a self signed certificate
            ssl_sock = ssl.wrap_socket(s,cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_NONE,ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1)
            ssl_sock.connect((myhost, myport))
            #print repr(ssl_sock.getpeername())
            #print ssl_sock.cipher()
            #begin to receive DH key exchange data from server
            #in order of p,g,g^a
            serverDH_p   = base64.b64decode(ssl_sock.read(buffer_length))
            serverDH_g   = base64.b64decode(ssl_sock.read(buffer_length))
            serverDH_pub = base64.b64decode(ssl_sock.read(buffer_length))
            myDHobject = DH.set_params(serverDH_p, serverDH_g)
            # pick random p and generate g^b in myDhobject.pub
            # generate shared AES Key
            sharedAESkey = myDHobject.compute_key(serverDH_pub)
            # print 'shared AES Key ', hexlify(sharedAESkey)
            # now we have a secure shared 256-bit AES key to send data around
            # it was Diffie Hellman, so even if TLS was borked, hopefully noone knows it
            #ZZZ change to msgbox
            tkMessageBox.showwarning(title = "Connection Error",
                                    message = "Cannot connect to server.")
            # mainScreen.destroy()
            # print 'Cannot connect to server', myhost , ':' , myport
        authScreen = AuthScreen()
        centerWindow(authScreen, WINDOW_WIDTH_AUTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT_AUTH)
        # voterID, privateRSAKey and PIN are valid
        # start validating login
        # get the chosen IV in base64
        chosen_IV_inbase64 = ssl_sock.read(buffer_length)
        # decode it from base64
        chosen_IV = b64decode(chosen_IV_inbase64)
        # print 'got chosen_IV ', hexlify(chosen_IV)
        # voterID || PIN 
        voterID_PIN = voterID + voterPIN
        # print 'voterID_PIN ', str(voterID_PIN)
        # calculate sha256 hash of voterID || PIN in base64
        hash_of_voterID_PIN_inbase64 = RSAKeyHandling.sha256hash_base64(voterID_PIN)
        # print 'hash of voterID_PIN in base 64 ', hash_of_voterID_PIN_inbase64
        # encrypt it using AES 256
        # key = sharedAESKey
        # IV = chosen_IV
        encrypted_AES_hash = RSAKeyHandling.AES_encryptor(sharedAESkey, hash_of_voterID_PIN_inbase64, chosen_IV) 
        # convert it into base64
        encrypted_AES_hash_inbase64 = base64.b64encode(encrypted_AES_hash)
        # send it to the server
        # print 'sent to server encrypted_AES_hash_inbase64 ', encrypted_AES_hash_inbase64
        # wait for server to return user_exists or user_has_voted
        user_exists_base64 = ssl_sock.read(buffer_length)
        # decode it from base64
        user_exists = base64.b64decode(user_exists_base64)
        # print hexlify(user_exists)
        # decrypt it from AES using sharedAESkey and chosenIV
        user_exists = RSAKeyHandling.AES_decryptor(sharedAESkey, user_exists, chosen_IV)
        # print user_exists
        if user_exists == 'LOL_NO_WAY':
            # ZZZ change to msgbox
            tkMessageBox.showerror(title = "Not Eligible User",
                                    message = "Sorry, User Not Eligible to Vote")
            #print 'Sorry, user not eligible to vote'
            ## ZZZ restart GUI , how ?
        # if user is eligible to vote
        # load privatekey 
        rsakey = RSA.load_key(privateRSAKey, RSAKeyHandling.empty_callback)
            # user_exists must contain the hash_normal encrypted with public key
            # decrypt it 
            decrypted_hash = rsakey.private_decrypt(user_exists, RSA.pkcs1_padding)
            # decryption didn't work
            # ZZZ change to msgbox
            tkMessageBox.showerror(title = "Decyption Error",
                                    message = "Sorry, Wrong User Credentials")
            ## ZZZ restart GUI , how ?
        if decrypted_hash != hash_of_voterID_PIN_inbase64:
            # ZZZ change to msgbox
            tkMessageBox.showerror(title = "Decryption Error",
                                    message = "Sorry, Wrong User Credentials")
            # print 'Sorry, wrong user credentials'
            # sys.exit()
        # now the user is authenticated and we can go on
        # start voting 
        #draw choice screen for president/congress/counsel/
        polls = {
            "president" : (1, 3),
            "congress" : (1, 5),
            "counsel" : (2, 4)
        votes = {
            "president" : None,
            "congress" : None,
            "counsel" : None
        for poll in polls:
            window = Group(poll, polls[poll][0], polls[poll][1]) # def __init__(self, _vf, _ms, _mo, master=None):
            centerWindow(window, WINDOW_WIDTH_MAIN, WINDOW_HEIGHT_MAIN)
            votes[poll] = tuple(userVote) # store user vote
            del userVote[:] # clear user vote
        # send the votes to server
        # print votes
        votes_string = json.dumps(votes)
        # convert votes to base64
        votes_string_inbase64 = base64.b64encode(votes_string)
        # to load it later
        # votes_n = json.loads(vote_str)
        # begin to encrypt votes
        encrypted_votes_string = RSAKeyHandling.AES_encryptor(sharedAESkey, votes_string_inbase64, chosen_IV)
        # convert it to base64
        encrypted_votes_string_inbase64 = base64.b64encode(encrypted_votes_string)
        # send it to the server
        # wait for the thank you note
        encrypted_thankyou_inbase64 = ssl_sock.read(buffer_length)
        # decode it from base64
        encrypted_thankyou = base64.b64decode(encrypted_thankyou_inbase64)
        # decrypt it using AES
        decrypted_thankyou = RSAKeyHandling.AES_decryptor(sharedAESkey, encrypted_thankyou, chosen_IV)
        print decrypted_thankyou
        # draw END SCREEN
        endScreen = EndScreen()
        centerWindow(endScreen, WINDOW_WIDTH_ES, WINDOW_HEIGHT_MS)
        # note that closing the SSLSocket will also close the underlying socket
コード例 #3
def generate_voters(count=100,startfrom=1000):
    # only allow 4 digit PINs
    if startfrom+count > 9999:
        startfrom = 1000
    if count > 100:
        count = 100
    'privatekeys : where private keys are stores'
    if not os.path.exists('privatekeys'):
    # 'publickeys : where the server DB will be saved'
    # if not os.path.exists('publickeys'):
    #    os.makedirs('publickeys')
    serverDB = open('Database.pkl','ab')
    # start generating count RSA keypairs
    for counter in range(startfrom,startfrom+count):
        # generates RSAkey pair, length = 1024 bits
        rsakey = RSAKeyHandling.generateRSAkeypair()
        # now we can write the public and private keys to different files
        voterID = 'voters' + str(counter)
        PIN = counter
        # generate privatekey file name for voter
        keyfilename = 'privatekeys/' + voterID +'.pem'
        rsakey.save_pem(keyfilename, None, empty_callback)        
        # public key part of RSA in base64
        publickey_inbase64 = RSAKeyHandling.save_public_rsakey_to_b64string(rsakey)
        # sha256 of VoterID || PIN in base64
        hash_of_voterID_PIN = RSAKeyHandling.sha256hash_base64( voterID + str(PIN) )
        # final string to write to DB in a line 
        # public key in base 64 SPACE hash of voterID||PIN SPACE 0 (0 because he has not voted yet)
        # final_db_record = publickey_inbase64 + ' ' + hash_of_voterID_PIN + ' '+'0\n'
        # print final_db_record
        # serverDB.write(final_db_record)
        userdict = { 
                    hash_of_voterID_PIN : {
                                           'pkey' : publickey_inbase64 , 
                                           'voted' : 0
        pickle.dump(userdict, serverDB)
    return 1