コード例 #1
ファイル: Main.py プロジェクト: lewandowskijake/WBSF
def main():
    var = ''  #just want update to repeat not entire thing

    while var != 'null':

        company_name = raw_input(
            "Enter the name of the company you're searching for "
        )  #THis asks for a company name

        var = get_companysymbol(
        )  #this searchs the company list we have and returns null if not found
        var = company_name

        if var != 'null':  # ONLY PRECED IF WE HAVE A COMPANY

            timeBegin = int(
                input('Enter Start year ')
            ) - 2  #Gets the start date and pushes it back 2 years to show enough data to fit the screen nicely

            totalDataCurrent = Fetching.fetchDataToday(
                var, timeBegin
            )  # This gets all the data from the start year to 3 days ago (give or take a work day)

            googData = Fetching.fetchGoogData(
                var)  # Fetch Todays data from google finance

            Prediction_Data = Fetching.fetchDataSpec(
                var, (datetime.now() + timedelta(days=-45))
            )  # Get the data from just the past month for the prediciton part

            Prediction_Data_Length = len(
            )  # Lenght of the predictin Data to save the recalc of it

            Coeffcients = LinearAlgebra.coeffcients_Generator(
                LinearAlgebra.makeXVals_Matrix(10, timeBegin,
            )  #coeffcients for prediction fucntion a0-a10

            Prediction_Model = LinearAlgebra.makeOutY(
                Coeffcients, Prediction_Data_Length, timeBegin,
                totalDataCurrent.High, googData
            )  # Gets Prediciton Model or scatter of predicted points these points are also normalized

            pointY = LinearAlgebra.getPointY(
                Coeffcients, timeBegin, googData[0]['LastTradePrice'],
                totalDataCurrent.High[len(totalDataCurrent) - 1]
            )  #gets Predictiion Point for the next day independently so I can calculate individual days
            R = RSI.PredictRSI(totalDataCurrent.Close)
                var, totalDataCurrent, googData, Prediction_Model, pointY,
                R)  #Print Final Graph with everything together

コード例 #2
def getGraph():
	stockName = request.args.get('s')
	old_stdout = sys.stdout
	sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, "w")
	if var != 'null':					# ONLY PRECEDE IF WE HAVE A COMPANY
			Coefficients = numpy.zeros(shape =(11,1))
			totalDataCurrent=Fetching.fetchDataToday(var,timeBegin) # This gets all the data from the start year to 3 days ago (give or take a work day)

			googData=Fetching.fetchGoogData(var) # Fetch Todays data from google finance
			Prediction_Data=Fetching.fetchDataSpec(var,(datetime.now()+timedelta(days=-45))) # Get the data from just the past month for the prediciton part
			Prediction_Data_Length=len(Prediction_Data.Close) # Lenght of the predictin Data to save the recalc of it

			#if Cache2.Search(var) ==0:
			Coefficients=LinearAlgebra.coefficients_Generator(LinearAlgebra.makeXVals_Matrix(10,timeBegin,Prediction_Data_Length),LinearAlgebra.makeY_Matrix(Prediction_Data.Low)) #coeffcients for prediction fucntion a0-a10		
			#Cache2.Cache_Predictions(var,Coefficients)		# after calculating store the data in cache
				#Coefficients = Cache2.Fetch_Cache(var)		# fetch from cache if the company data is stored and it's recent ( less than 3 days from prediction)
			Prediction_Model=LinearAlgebra.makeOutY(Coefficients,Prediction_Data_Length,timeBegin,totalDataCurrent.High,googData) # Gets Prediciton Model or scatter of predicted points these points are also normalized
			pointY=LinearAlgebra.getPointY(Coefficients,timeBegin,googData[0]['LastTradePrice'],totalDataCurrent.High[len(totalDataCurrent)-1]) #gets Predictiion Point for the next day independently so I can calculate individual days

			pointY=LinearAlgebra.getPointY(Coefficients,timeBegin,googData[0]['LastTradePrice'],totalDataCurrent.Low[len(totalDataCurrent)-1]) #gets Predictiion Point for the next day independently so I can calculate individual days
			url=Graphing.totalTogether(var,totalDataCurrent,googData,Prediction_Model,pointY,R) #Print Final Graph with everything together
			url = url + ".embed?width=640&height=480"
			ret = "<iframe width='640' height='480' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' src='" + url + "'> </iframe>"
			sys.stdout = old_stdout
			return ret
		sys.stdout = old_stdout
		return "false"
コード例 #3
ファイル: StockAnalyst.py プロジェクト: A1eXFei/StockMarket
def analyze(stock_code, date):
    total_score = 0.0
    total_score += BBI.analyze(stock_code, date, BBI_PARM_PERIOD_TRACE_FOR_HIGH, BBI_PARM_PERIOD_TRACE_HIS)[0]
    total_score += BIAS.analyze(stock_code, date)[0]
    total_score += BOLL.analyze(stock_code, date, BOLL_PARM_PERIOD)[0]
    total_score += BRAR.analyze(stock_code, date, BRAR_PARM_PERIOD_HIS)[0]
    total_score += CCI.analyze(stock_code, date, CCI_PARM_PERIOD)[0]
    total_score += DMA.analyze(stock_code, date, DMA_PARM_PERIOD)[0]
    total_score += DMI.analyze(stock_code, date, DMI_PARM_PERIOD)[0]
    total_score += KDJ.analyze(stock_code, date)[0]
    total_score += MA.analyze(stock_code, date, MA_PARM_PERIOD)[0]
    total_score += OBV.analyze(stock_code, date, OBV_PARM_PERIOD_TRACE_HIS)[0]
    total_score += PSY.analyze(stock_code, date)[0]
    total_score += ROC.analyze(stock_code, date, ROC_PARM_PERIOD_TRACE_HIS)[0]
    total_score += RSI.analyze(stock_code, date, RSI_PARM_PERIOD_TRACE_HIS)[0]
    total_score += VR.analyze(stock_code, date)[0]
    total_score += WR.analyze(stock_code, date, WR_PARM_PERIOD_TRACE_HIS)[0]

    bd.updateAnalysisData("TOTAL_SCORE", str(total_score), stock_code, date)
コード例 #4
def latestScores(start_date, end_date, tickerSymbol):

    debug = 0
    if debug == 1:
        print("start_date, end_Date, tickersymbol")

    url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/datasets/covid-19/master/data/time-series-19-covid-combined.csv"
    filename = url
    df = pd.read_csv(filename, lineterminator='\n')
    tdate = start_date

    sDates, sCloses = Ticker.Ticker(start_date, end_date, tickerSymbol)

    # Check if Ticker is Valid and if not use default tickersymbol
    validTicker = True
    if len(sDates) < 1:
        validTicker = False
        sDates, sCloses = Ticker.Ticker(start_date, end_date, defaultTS)

    scDates, tCases, scCloses = CV_Stats.CV_Stats(tdate, sDates, sCloses, df,
    sDates = scDates
    sCloses = scCloses
    sDates1 = pd.to_datetime(sDates)
    sDates1 = sDates1.strftime("%m-%d")
    score = Correlation.Correlate(sCloses, tCases)

    if debug == 1:

    score1 = RSI.computeRSI(sCloses, sDates, 10, 30)
    return score, score1, validTicker, sDates1, sCloses, tCases
コード例 #5
def main():
    p_f_st = 0
    p_f_no = 0
    p_f_k  = 0
    p_f_h  = 0
    #--STOCH -> 確率論的アルゴリズム
    #--NO_THRESHOLDS -> 決定論的アルゴリズム
    #---- Memo -----------------------------------------------------------
    #--株価はyahoo! financeから2015年4/1~11/30までの営業日で取得
    #--12/8追記 4/1~11/30(163次元)でメモリエラー発生 -> クラスタリングできていない
    #--1/12 4/1~11/30(163次元)できた!!(家PC)
    #--1/12 クラスタリング結果の評価関数(Pseudo_F.py)追加

    # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

    import datetime
    import pandas as pd
    from pandas import Series, DataFrame
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import STOCH_StockPrice as st_sp
    import NO_THRESHOLDS_StockPrice as nt_sp
    import K_means_StockPrice as kmeans_sp
    import Hierarchy_clustering as h_c
    import cluster_Ant as cl_ant
    import Return_Index as r_index
    import RSI as rsi
    import Move_Average as m_ave
    import Pseudo_F as p_f
    #date 4/1~11/30まで
    #4/1 ~ 5/18 : 30日分
    #4/1 ~ 6/29 : 60日分
    #4/1 ~ 8/11 : 90日分
    #4/1 ~ 9/27 : 120日分
    start_date = datetime.date(2015,4,1)
    end_date = datetime.date(2015,9,27)
    companies_test = {9682:'DTS', 9742:'アイネス', 9613:'NTTデータ', 2327:'新日鉄住金ソリューションズ',
                 9640:'セゾン情報システムズ', 3626:'ITホールディングス', 2317:'システナ',
                 4684:'オービック', 9739:'NSW', 4726:'ソフトバンク・テクノロジー', 4307:'野村総合研究所',
                 9719:'SCSK', 4793:'富士通ビー・エス・シー', 4812:'ISID', 8056:'日本ユニシス'}

    companies_it = {9682:'DTS', 9742:'アイネス', 9613:'NTTデータ', 2327:'新日鉄住金ソリューションズ',
                3626:'ITホールディングス', 2317:'システナ',
                 4684:'オービック', 9739:'NSW', 4726:'ソフトバンク・テクノロジー', 4307:'野村総合研究所',
                 9719:'SCSK', 4812:'ISID', 8056:'日本ユニシス',
                 3765:'ガンホー・オンライン・エンターテイメント', 4689:'ヤフー', 4716:'日本オラクル',
                 4739:'伊藤忠テクノソリューションズ', 4825:'ウェザーニュース', 7844:'マーベラス', 9432:'日本電信電話',
                 9433:'KDDI', 9437:'NTTドコモ', 9697:'カプコン', 9766:'コナミ', 9984:'ソフトバンクグループ',
                 9749:'富士ソフト', 3632:'グリー', 3656:'KLab'} #情報通信系

    companies_food = {2001:'日本製粉', 2002:'日清製粉グループ本社', 2003:'日東富士製粉', 2109:'三井製糖', 2201:'森永製菓',
                 2206:'江崎グリコ', 2211:'不二家', 2212:'山崎製パン', 2217:'モロゾフ', 2220:'亀田製菓', 2229:'カルビー',
                 2264:'森永乳業', 2267:'ヤクルト本社', 2270:'雪印メグミルク', 2281:'プリマハム', 2282:'日本ハム',
                 2284:'伊藤ハム', 2288:'丸大食品', 2501:'サッポロホールディングス', 2502:'アサヒホールディングス', 2503:'キリンホールディングス',
                 2579:'コカ・コーラウエスト', 2593:'伊藤園'} #食料品

    companies_retail = {2651:'ローソン', 2681:'ゲオホールディングス', 2730:'エディオン', 3048:'ビックカメラ', 3197:'すかいらーく',
                 3382:'セブン&アイホールディングス', 7550:'ゼンショーホールディングス', 7581:'サイゼリヤ', 7630:'壱番屋',
                 8028:'ファミリーマート', 8175:'ベスト電器', 8179:'ロイヤルホールディングス', 8200:'リンガーハット',
                 9831:'ヤマダ電器'} #小売

    companies_device = {4902:'コニカミノルタ', 6448:'ブラザー工業', 6501:'日立製作所', 6502:'東芝', 6503:'三菱電機',
                 6506:'安川電機', 6516:'三洋電機', 6645:'オムロン', 6701:'NEC', 6702:'富士通', 6703:'OKI',
                 6724:'セイコーエプソン', 6752:'パナソニック', 6753:'シャープ', 6758:'ソニー', 6762:'TDK',
                 6981:'村田製作所', 7751:'キャノン', 7752:'リコー', 8035:'東京エレクトロン'} #電気機器

    companies_service = {2193:'クックパッド', 2371:'カカクコム', 2379:'ディップ', 2433:'博報堂DIYホールディングス',
                 2432:'ディー・エヌ・エー', 4324:'電通', 4751:'サイバーエージェント', 4755:'楽天'} #サービス

    companies_mix = {9437:'NTTドコモ', 4307:'野村総合研究所', 2327:'新日鉄住金ソリューションズ', 8056:'日本ユニシス', 4812:'ISID',
                     2503:'キリンホールディングス', 2579:'コカ・コーラウエスト', 2288:'丸大食品', 2109:'三井製糖',
                     2730:'エディオン', 7550:'ゼンショーホールディングス', 7630:'壱番屋', 8175:'ベスト電器', 8179:'ロイヤルホールディングス',
                     6502:'東芝', 6702:'富士通', 8035:'東京エレクトロン', 6753:'シャープ',
                     2432:'ディー・エヌ・エー', 4324:'電通', 4751:'サイバーエージェント', 4755:'楽天', 2193:'クックパッド'} #混合

        #↑printでの表示は工夫が必要... とりあえず使いたいのはkeyだけ

    companies = companies_service #クラスタリングする業種
    #update → ディクショナリの連結
    #print 'companies: ',len(companies)
    #print 'term : '+str(start_date)+' -- '+str(end_date)
    #dates = r_index.main(start_date, end_date, companies)
    #fname1 = 'return_index_values.csv'
    #fname2 = 'return_index_codes.csv'

    n = 10 #10日間でのRSI
    dates = rsi.main(start_date, end_date, n, companies)
    fname1 = 'RSI_values.csv'
    fname2 = 'RSI_codes.csv'

    #print 'dates : ', len(dates)

    #--- STOCH_StockPrice ---
    Ant, X, count = st_sp.main(0.99, 0.1, fname1, fname2) #引数1:alpha1, 引数2:alpha2
    label = cl_ant.ant_label(Ant)

    tmp = []
    label_max = max(label) #クラスタ数
    for i in range(label_max+1):

    c = 0 #counter
    codes = companies.keys()
    for i in label:
        for j in range(label_max+1):
            if j == i:
                tmp[i][codes[c]] = X[c]
            else : pass
        c = c+1
    PseudoF = p_f.main(tmp, label_max+1)
    p_f_st = PseudoF

    k = label_max+1 #k-meansのクラスタ数

    #--- NO_THRESHOLDS_StockPrice ---
    Ant, X, count = nt_sp.main(fname1, fname2)
    label = cl_ant.ant_label(Ant)

    tmp = []
    label_max = max(label) #クラスタ数
    for i in range(label_max+1):

    c = 0 #counter
    codes = companies.keys()
    for i in label:
        for j in range(label_max+1):
            if j == i:
                tmp[i][codes[c]] = X[c]
            else : pass
        c = c+1

    PseudoF = p_f.main(tmp, label_max+1)
    p_f_no = PseudoF

    #--- K-means --- 
    label, X = kmeans_sp.main(fname1, k) #kはstochと同じに指定

    tmp = []
    label_max = max(label)
    for i in range(label_max+1):

    c = 0
    codes = companies.keys()
    for i in label:
        for j in range(label_max+1):
            if j == i:
                tmp[i][codes[c]] = X[c]
            else : pass
        c = c+1

    PseudoF = p_f.main(tmp, label_max+1)
    p_f_k = PseudoF

    #--- 階層的クラスタリング---
    #print 'Hierarchy Clustering'
    tmp = h_c.main(fname1, fname2, 'single')
    PseudoF = p_f.main(tmp, len(tmp))
    p_f_h = PseudoF

    return p_f_st, p_f_no, p_f_k, p_f_h
コード例 #6
ファイル: DataTransforming.py プロジェクト: Luobwen/FoDS_CW3
def pairs(cusip1, cusip2, dt):
    cols = [
        'Stock1', 'Stock2', 'YYYYMM', 'SSD_P', 'MHD_P', 'Std2', 'RTN', 'CNT',
        'DAYS', 'SSD_V', 'MHD_V', 'SSD_T', 'MHD_T', 'SSD_R', 'MHD_R'
    pos_pairs = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols)

    im_cols = [
        'BIDLO', 'VOL'
    a = dt[im_cols][dt.CUSIP == cusip1]
    b = dt[im_cols][dt.CUSIP == cusip2]

    strt = max(min(a.DATE), min(b.DATE))
    end = min(max(a.DATE), max(b.DATE))

    a = a[(a.DATE >= strt) & (a.DATE <= end)]
    b = b[(b.DATE >= strt) & (b.DATE <= end)]

    a = a.sort_values(['DATE']).reset_index(drop=True)
    b = b.sort_values(['DATE']).reset_index(drop=True)

    a['RTN'] = daily_return(a)
    b['RTN'] = daily_return(b)
    a['Vola'] = Dua.VE(a)
    b['Vola'] = Dua.VE(b)
    a['TNOV'] = Tao.turnover(a)
    b['TNOV'] = Tao.turnover(b)
    a['RSI'] = Lau.get_rsi(a)
    b['RSI'] = Lau.get_rsi(b)

    merge_col = ['DATE', 'YYYYMM', 'PRC', 'RTN', 'Vola', 'VOL', 'TNOV', 'RSI']
    c = pd.merge(a[merge_col], b[merge_col], on=['DATE', 'YYYYMM'])
    c = c.fillna(0)

    mt = sorted(list(set(c.YYYYMM)))
    for mn in mt[11:len(mt) - 6]:
        d = c[c.YYYYMM <= mn]
        e = c[(c.YYYYMM > mn)
              & (c.YYYYMM <= str(int(mn[0:4]) + int((6 + int(mn[4:6])) / 12)) +
                 str((6 + int(mn[4:6])) % 12).zfill(2))]

        std2 = std_of_his_sprd(d.PRC_x, d.PRC_y)
        rtn, cnt, days = pair_trading(e, std2)
        pos_pairs = pos_pairs.append(
                sum_sqr_diff_prc(d.PRC_x, d.PRC_y),
                sum_mah_diff_prc(d.PRC_x, d.PRC_y),
                Dua.ssd_v(d.Vola_x, d.Vola_y),
                Dua.smd_v(d.Vola_x, d.Vola_y),
                Tao.ssd_t(d.TNOV_x, d.TNOV_y),
                Tao.smd_t(d.TNOV_x, d.TNOV_y),
                Lau.get_sum_of_square_difference_of_rsi(d, d.RSI_x, d.RSI_y),
                Lau.get_maha_distance_of_rsi(d, d.RSI_x, d.RSI_y)

    return (pos_pairs)
コード例 #7
Created on Jun 15, 2017

@author: michaelstecklein

import Database
import RSI
import StockData
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


rsis = RSI.get_RSIs(Database.get_stock("AAPL"), StockData.createSDate("2017-01-01"), StockData.createSDate("2017-06-22"))
plt.plot((0, len(rsis)), (70, 70), 'r-')
plt.plot((0, len(rsis)), (30, 30), 'g-')

print "\ndone"
コード例 #8
ファイル: TradingStrategy.py プロジェクト: dahlansrt/Tradding
import DataLoading
import MACD
import RSI

f = open("idx.txt","r")
fw = open("macd_histogram.csv","w")
for ticker in f.readlines():
    data = DataLoading.getData(ticker.strip(), 700)
    df = MACD.MACD(data)
    macd_histogram = df['MACD Histogram'].iat[-1]
    #if MACD > signal line  then buy else sell
    macd = df['MACD'].iat[-1] > df['Signal Line'].iat[-1]
    df = RSI.RSI(data)
    rsi = df['rsi'].iat[-1]
    volume = df['Volume'].iat[-1]
    if(macd_histogram <= 2 and rsi <= 30 and macd):
        fw.write(ticker.strip() + "," + str(macd_histogram) + "," + str(rsi) + "," + str(volume) + "\n")
        #print(ticker.strip(), " = ", macd_histogram)
コード例 #9
print 'companies: ',len(companies)
print 'term : '+str(start_date)+' -- '+str(end_date)
#dates = r_index.main(start_date, end_date, companies)
#fname1 = 'return_index_values.csv'
#fname2 = 'return_index_codes.csv'

n = 10 #10日間でのRSI
dates = rsi.main(start_date, end_date, n, companies)
fname1 = 'RSI_values.csv'
fname2 = 'RSI_codes.csv'

print 'dates : ', len(dates)

#--- STOCH_StockPrice ---
Ant, X, count = st_sp.main(0.99, 0.1, fname1, fname2) #引数1:alpha1, 引数2:alpha2
label = cl_ant.ant_label(Ant)

tmp = []
label_max = max(label) #クラスタ数
for i in range(label_max+1):

c = 0 #counter
コード例 #10
import RSI
coin = input("Input coin>>")
print("The RSI of",coin,"is",RSI)
if RSI>80:
    print("You should sell")
elif RSI<20:
    print("You should buy")
コード例 #11
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: shauryagit20/Stock-Market-Bot
import Datasheet_Download
import preprocessing
import RSI

toDownload = input("Do you want to downlaod the historical data (y/n) :")
toContinue = "y"
if (toDownload.lower() == "y"):
    toContinue = input("Do you want to continue(y/n) : ")
if (toContinue == "y"):
コード例 #12
ファイル: ControlCenter.py プロジェクト: lai008/stockTrade
    def run(self):  # 把要执行的代码写到run函数里面 线程在创建后会直接运行run函数
        print("Starting " + self.name)
        "Exiting2 " + self.name

        while True:

            code = 'sh.000001'
            today = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d')
            startdate = '2017-01-01'
            enddate = f'{today[0:4]}-{today[4:6]}-{today[6:8]}'
            # 获取当前时间
            now_time = datetime.datetime.now()
            period = 1
            Vol = vol.computeVOL(code, startdate, enddate, period)

            # rsi_6days = rsi.computeRSI(code, startdate, enddate)
            # print(rsi_6days[-1])

            # imnow = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            # print(imnow)
            # time.sleep(1)
            # print(now_time.time().hour)
            # print(now_time.time().minute)# 创建新线程
            "Exiting Main Thread"
            # print(now_time.time().second)
            # print(now_time.time().hour+":"+now_time.time().second +":"+now_time.time().second())

            # 系统时间XX点XX分XX秒,触发策略启动
            if now_time.time().hour == 9 and now_time.time(
            ).minute == 37 and now_time.time().second == 00:
                # ##########KDJ策略体###########
                # #enddate不是交易日,测试会出现接收数据异常  list index out of range
                # # J = kdj.computeKDJ(code, startdate, enddate)
                # # 买入测试日期
                # #J = kdj.computeKDJ(code, startdate,'2019-09-26')
                # #卖出测试日期
                # J = kdj.computeKDJ(code, startdate,'2019-08-21')
                # print(J[-1])
                # if J[-1] < 0:
                #     # work.button_start(QWidget)
                #     print('启动买入策略')
                #     autoTrade.buy(159928)
                # print("交易成功")
                # ######################
                # if J[-1] > 100:
                #     # work.button_start(QWidget)
                #     print('启动卖出策略')
                #     autoTrade.sell(159928)
                # print("交易成功")
                # ######################

                # enddate不是交易日,测试会出现接收数据异常  list index out of range
                #rsi_6days = rsi.computeRSI(code, startdate, enddate)
                # 买入测试日期
                # J = rsi.computeRSI(code, startdate,'2019-09-26')
                # 卖出测试日期
                rsi_6days = rsi.computeRSI(code, startdate, '2019-09-09')

                if rsi_6days[-1] < 20:
                    # work.button_start(QWidget)

                if rsi_6days[-1] > 80:
                    # work.button_start(QWidget)

コード例 #13
def update_indicators():