def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('Broad cocleaning (Inderrealignment and BQSR) pipeline') # Logging flags. parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action = 'store_const', const = logging.DEBUG, dest = 'level', help = 'Enable debug logging.', ) parser.set_defaults(level = logging.INFO) # Required flags. parser.add_argument('-r', '--reference_fasta_name', required = True, help = 'Reference fasta path.', ) parser.add_argument('-indel','--known_1k_genome_indel_sites', required=True, help='Reference INDEL path.', ) parser.add_argument('-snp','--dbsnp_known_snp_sites', required=True, help='Reference SNP path.', ) parser.add_argument('-b', '--harmonized_bam_path', required = False, action="append", help = 'Source bam path.', ) parser.add_argument('-list', '--harmonized_bam_list_path', required = False, help = 'Source bam list path.', ) parser.add_argument('-s', '--scratch_dir', required = False, type = is_dir, help = 'Scratch file directory.', ) parser.add_argument('-l', '--log_dir', required = False, type = is_dir, help = 'Log file directory.', ) parser.add_argument('-j', '--thread_count', required = True, type = is_nat, help = 'Maximum number of threads for execution.', ) parser.add_argument('-u', '--uuid', required = True, help = 'analysis_id string', ) parser.add_argument('-m', '--md5', required = False, action = 'store_true', help = 'calculate final size/MD5', ) parser.add_argument('-e', '--eliminate_intermediate_files', required = False, action = 'store_true', help = 'do not (really) reduce disk usage. set if you want to use more disk space!' ) args = parser.parse_args() reference_fasta_name = args.reference_fasta_name known_1k_genome_indel_sites = args.known_1k_genome_indel_sites dbsnp_known_snp_sites = args.dbsnp_known_snp_sites uuid = args.uuid harmonized_bam_path = args.harmonized_bam_path if not args.harmonized_bam_list_path: list_dir = os.path.dirname(harmonized_bam_path[0]) harmonized_bam_list_path = os.path.join(list_dir, uuid + '_harmonized_bam_list.list') with open(harmonized_bam_list_path, "w") as handle: for bam in harmonized_bam_path: handle.write(bam + "\n") else: harmonized_bam_list_path = args.harmonized_bam_list_path if not args.scratch_dir: scratch_dir = os.path.dirname(harmonized_bam_list_path) else: scratch_dir = args.scratch_dir if not args.log_dir: log_dir = os.path.dirname(harmonized_bam_list_path) else: log_dir = args.log_dir thread_count = str(args.thread_count) if not args.eliminate_intermediate_files: eliminate_intermediate_files = True else: eliminate_intermediate_files = False if not args.md5: md5 = False else: md5 = True ##logging logging.basicConfig( filename=os.path.join(log_dir, 'Broad_cocleaning_' + uuid + '.log'), # /host for docker level=args.level, filemode='a', format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S_%Z', ) logging.getLogger('sqlalchemy.engine').setLevel(logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) hostname = os.uname()[1]'hostname=%s' % hostname)'harmonized_bam_list_path=%s' % harmonized_bam_list_path) if not args.harmonized_bam_path: with open(harmonized_bam_list_path) as f: harmonized_bam_path = for path in harmonized_bam_path:'harmonized_bam_path=%s' % path) else: for path in harmonized_bam_path:'harmonized_bam_path=%s' % path) engine_path = 'sqlite:///' + os.path.join(log_dir, uuid + '_Broad_cocleaning.db') engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(engine_path, isolation_level='SERIALIZABLE') ##Pipeline #check .bai file, call samtools index if not exist RealignerTargetCreator.index(uuid, harmonized_bam_list_path, engine, logger) #call RealignerTargetCreator for harmonized bam list harmonized_bam_intervals_path = RealignerTargetCreator.RTC(uuid, harmonized_bam_list_path, thread_count, reference_fasta_name, known_1k_genome_indel_sites, engine, logger) #call IndelRealigner together but save the reads in the output coresponding to the input that the read came from. harmonized_IR_bam_list_path = IndelRealigner.IR(uuid, harmonized_bam_list_path, reference_fasta_name, known_1k_genome_indel_sites, harmonized_bam_intervals_path, engine, logger) #call BQSR table individually and apply it on bam Analysis_ready_bam_list_path = [] for bam in harmonized_IR_bam_list_path: harmonized_IR_bam_BQSR_table_path = BaseRecalibrator.BQSR(uuid, bam, thread_count, reference_fasta_name, dbsnp_known_snp_sites, engine, logger) Analysis_ready_bam_path = PrintReads.PR(uuid, bam, thread_count, reference_fasta_name, harmonized_IR_bam_BQSR_table_path, engine, logger) bam_validate.bam_validate(uuid, Analysis_ready_bam_path, engine, logger) Analysis_ready_bam_list_path.append(Analysis_ready_bam_path) if md5: for bam in Analysis_ready_bam_list_path: bam_name = os.path.basename(bam) bam_dir = os.path.dirname(bam) bam_basename, bam_ext = os.path.splitext(bam_name) bai_name = bam_basename + '.bai' bai_path = os.path.join(bam_dir, bai_name) verify_util.store_md5_size(uuid, bam, engine, logger) verify_util.store_md5_size(uuid, bai_path, engine, logger) if eliminate_intermediate_files: pipe_util.remove_file_list(uuid, harmonized_IR_bam_list_path, engine, logger) for bam in Analysis_ready_bam_list_path: validate_file = bam_validate.bam_validate(uuid, bam, engine, logger)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('Broad HaplotypeCaller (GVCF) pipeline') # Logging flags. parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action = 'store_const', const = logging.DEBUG, dest = 'level', help = 'Enable debug logging.', ) parser.set_defaults(level = logging.INFO) # Required flags. parser.add_argument('-r', '--reference_fasta_name', required = True, help = 'Reference fasta path.', ) parser.add_argument('-indel','--known_1k_genome_indel_sites', required=True, help='Reference INDEL path.', ) parser.add_argument('-snp','--dbsnp_known_snp_sites', required=True, help='Reference SNP path.', ) parser.add_argument('-b', '--analysis_ready_bam_path', required = False, action="append", help = 'Source bam path.', ) parser.add_argument('-list', '--analysis_ready_bam_list_path', required = False, help = 'Source bam list path.', ) parser.add_argument('-intervals', '--source_bam_files_intervals', required = False, help = 'Source bam files intervals.', ) parser.add_argument('-s', '--scratch_dir', required = False, type = is_dir, help = 'Scratch file directory.', ) parser.add_argument('-l', '--log_dir', required = False, type = is_dir, help = 'Log file directory.', ) parser.add_argument('-j', '--thread_count', required = True, type = is_nat, help = 'Maximum number of threads for execution.', ) parser.add_argument('-u', '--uuid', required = True, help = 'analysis_id string', ) parser.add_argument('-m', '--md5', required = False, action = 'store_true', help = 'calculate final size/MD5', ) parser.add_argument('-e', '--eliminate_intermediate_files', required = False, action = 'store_true', help = 'do not (really) reduce disk usage. set if you want to use more disk space!' ) args = parser.parse_args() reference_fasta_name = args.reference_fasta_name known_1k_genome_indel_sites = args.known_1k_genome_indel_sites dbsnp_known_snp_sites = args.dbsnp_known_snp_sites uuid = args.uuid analysis_ready_bam_path = args.analysis_ready_bam_path if not args.analysis_ready_bam_list_path: list_dir = os.path.dirname(analysis_ready_bam_path[0]) analysis_ready_bam_list_path = os.path.join(list_dir, uuid + '_analysis_ready_bam_list.list') with open(analysis_ready_bam_list_path, "w") as handle: for bam in analysis_ready_bam_path: handle.write(bam + "\n") else: analysis_ready_bam_list_path = args.analysis_ready_bam_list_path if not args.scratch_dir: scratch_dir = os.path.dirname(analysis_ready_bam_list_path) else: scratch_dir = args.scratch_dir if not args.log_dir: log_dir = os.path.dirname(analysis_ready_bam_list_path) else: log_dir = args.log_dir thread_count = str(args.thread_count) if not args.eliminate_intermediate_files: eliminate_intermediate_files = True else: eliminate_intermediate_files = False if not args.md5: md5 = False else: md5 = True ##logging logging.basicConfig( filename=os.path.join(log_dir, 'Broad_HaplotypeCaller_' + uuid + '.log'), # /host for docker level=args.level, filemode='a', format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S_%Z', ) logging.getLogger('sqlalchemy.engine').setLevel(logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) hostname = os.uname()[1]'hostname=%s' % hostname)'analysis_ready_bam_list_path=%s' % analysis_ready_bam_list_path) if not args.analysis_ready_bam_path: with open(analysis_ready_bam_list_path) as f: analysis_ready_bam_path = for path in analysis_ready_bam_path:'analysis_ready_bam_path=%s' % path) else: for path in analysis_ready_bam_path:'analysis_ready_bam_path=%s' % path) engine_path = 'sqlite:///' + os.path.join(log_dir, uuid + '_Broad_HaplotypeCaller.db') engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(engine_path, isolation_level='SERIALIZABLE') ##Pipeline #check .bai file, call samtools index if not exist RealignerTargetCreator.index(uuid, analysis_ready_bam_list_path, engine, logger) #call RealignerTargetCreator for bam list if intervals not provided if not args.source_bam_files_intervals: intervals = RealignerTargetCreator.RTC(uuid, analysis_ready_bam_list_path, thread_count, reference_fasta_name, known_1k_genome_indel_sites, engine, logger) else: intervals = args.source_bam_files_intervals #call HaplotypeCaller hc_output_gvcfs = HaplotypeCaller.HC(uuid, analysis_ready_bam_list_path, intervals, thread_count, reference_fasta_name, dbsnp_known_snp_sites, engine, logger) if md5: for gvcf in hc_output_gvcfs: verify_util.store_md5_size(uuid, gvcf, engine, logger)