def reduce_now(args): nargs = len(args) if (nargs < 4): print("\n====================\n") print("\nNot Enough Inputs.") print("Need at least 4 inputs: listZero, listFlat, listSpec, listFe") print("Optional inputs: overwrite= , low_sig= , high_sig= ") print("Example:") print("\n>>> python listZero listFlat listSpec listFe \n") print("\n====================\n") # Unpack list from command line and combe trough them for diffrent observations # scriptname = args[0] zero_lists = rt.List_Combe(rt.Read_List(args[1])) flat_lists = rt.List_Combe(rt.Read_List(args[2])) spec_lists = rt.List_Combe(rt.Read_List(args[3])) # Select names from the first image of each observation # zero_names = [] for zero in zero_lists: zero_names.append(zero[0][5:]) flat_names = [] for flat in flat_lists: flat_names.append(flat[0][5:]) spec_names = [] for spec in spec_lists: spec_names.append(spec[0][5:]) # Default values for special commands if none are given these dont change # overwrite = True # dont give imcombine permision to overwrite files # lo_sig = 10 hi_sig = 3 method = 'median' # method used to combine images # If overwrite special comand is given # if nargs >= 6: overwrite = args[5] warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=UserWarning, append=True) # If low_sigma and high_sigma values are given # if nargs >= 8: lo_sig = float(args[6]) hi_sig = float(args[7]) # If method is given # if nargs >= 9: method = args[8] #Set up array to save for diagnostics. This is defined in rt.init() rt.init() # The rest of the code runs the reduction procces up to apall # ========= # Combine Zeros # comb_zero = rt.imcombine(zero_lists[0], zero_names[0], 'average', lo_sig=10, hi_sig=3, overwrite=overwrite) # Bias Subtract Flats # nf = len(flat_lists) # number of flats b_flat_lists = [] i = 0 while i < nf: b_flat_lists.append(rt.Bias_Subtract(flat_lists[i], comb_zero)) i = i + 1 # Combine Bias Subtracted Flats # i = 0 comb_flat = [] while i < nf: comb_flat.append( rt.imcombine(b_flat_lists[i], 'b.' + flat_names[i], 'median', lo_sig=10, hi_sig=3, overwrite=overwrite)) i = i + 1 # Normalize Flat # i = 0 nb_flat = [] while i < nf: nb_flat.append(rt.Norm_Flat_Avg( comb_flat[i])) # (divide by average of counts) i = i + 1 print('tennisten') # Bias Subtract Spec # i = 0 b_spec_list = [] nsp = len(spec_lists) # number of spectra while i < nsp: b_spec_list.append(rt.Bias_Subtract(spec_lists[i], comb_zero)) i = i + 1 # Flat Field Individual Spectra # i = 0 ftb_spec_list = [] tb_spec_list = rt.List_Combe(b_spec_list) print(tb_spec_list[i]) print(type(tb_spec_list[i])) #tb_spec_list = rt.List_Combe(b_spec_list) tb_spec_list = b_spec_list while i < nsp: ftb_spec_list.append(rt.Flat_Field(tb_spec_list[i], nb_flat[0])) i = i + 1 ''' blueindex = [i for i, s in enumerate(nb_flat) if 'blue' in s.lower()] nbflatblue = nb_flat[blueindex[0]] redindex = [i for i, s in enumerate(nb_flat) if 'red' in s.lower()] if len(redindex) > 0: nbflatred = nb_flat[redindex[0]] i= 0 ftb_spec_list = [] tb_spec_list = rt.List_Combe(b_spec_list) while i < nsp: if tb_spec_list[i][0].lower().__contains__('blue') == True: ftb_spec_list.append( rt.Flat_Field(tb_spec_list[i], nbflatblue) ) elif tb_spec_list[i][0].lower().__contains__('red') == True: ftb_spec_list.append( rt.Flat_Field(tb_spec_list[i], nbflatred) ) else: print("Problem applying the Flats.") print("Could not identify blue or red setup.") i= i+1 tb_spec_list = rt.List_Combe(b_spec_list) print(tb_spec_list[i]) print(type(tb_spec_list[i])) ''' # Save all diagnostic info rt.save_diagnostic() #LA Cosmic i = 0 cftb_spec = [] cftb_mask = [] while i < nsp: m = 0 while m < len(ftb_spec_list[i]): lacos_spec, lacos_mask = rt.lacosmic(ftb_spec_list[i][m]) cftb_spec.append(lacos_spec) cftb_mask.append(lacos_mask) m += 1 i += 1 cftb_spec_list = rt.List_Combe(cftb_spec) cftb_mask_list = rt.List_Combe(cftb_mask) print("Done. Ready for Apeture Extraction.\n")
if len(redindex) > 0: nbflatred = nb_flat[redindex[0]] i= 0 fb_spec_list = [] while i < nsp: if b_spec_list[i][0].lower().__contains__('blue') == True: fb_spec_list.append( rt.Flat_Field(b_spec_list[i], nbflatblue) ) elif b_spec_list[i][0].lower().__contains__('red') == True: fb_spec_list.append( rt.Flat_Field(b_spec_list[i], nbflatred) ) else: print ("Problem applying the Flats." ) print ("Could not identify blue or red setup.") i= i+1 # Save all diagnostic info rt.save_diagnostic() # Combine Spectra # i= 0 comb_fb_spec = [] while i < nsp: rt.checkspec(fb_spec_list[i]) comb_fb_spec.append ( rt.imcombine(fb_spec_list[i], 'fb.'+spec_names[i], 'average', lo_sig= 10, hi_sig= 3, overwrite= overwrite) ) i= i+1 # Trim Spectra # i= 0 while i < nsp: rt.Trim_Spec(comb_fb_spec[i]); i= i+1
def reduce_now(args): nargs = len(args) if (nargs < 5): print "\n====================\n" print "\nNot Enough Inputs." print "Need at least 4 inputs: listZero, listFlat, listSpec, listFe" print "Optional inputs: overwrite= , low_sig= , high_sig= " print "Example:" print "\n>>> python listZero listFlat listSpec listFe \n" print "\n====================\n" # Unpack list from command line and combe trough them for diffrent observations # scriptname = args[0] zero_lists = rt.List_Combe(rt.Read_List(args[1])) flat_lists = rt.List_Combe(rt.Read_List(args[2])) spec_lists = rt.List_Combe(rt.Read_List(args[3])) fe_lists = rt.List_Combe(rt.Read_List(args[4])) # Select names from the first image of each observation # zero_names = [] for zero in zero_lists: zero_names.append(zero[0][5:]) flat_names = [] for flat in flat_lists: flat_names.append(flat[0][5:]) spec_names = [] for spec in spec_lists: spec_names.append(spec[0][5:]) fe_names = [] for lamp in fe_lists: fe_names.append(lamp[0][5:]) # Default values for special commands if none are given these dont change # overwrite = False # dont give imcombine permision to overwrite files # lo_sig = 10 hi_sig = 3 method = 'median' # method used to combine images # If overwrite special comand is given # if nargs >= 6: overwrite = args[5] warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=UserWarning, append=True) # If low_sigma and high_sigma values are given # if nargs >= 8: lo_sig = float(args[6]) hi_sig = float(args[7]) # If method is given # if nargs >= 9: method = args[8] #Set up array to save for diagnostics. This is defined in rt.init() rt.init() #Check ADC status during observations adc_status = rt.adcstat(spec_lists[0][0]) # The rest of the code runs the reduction procces up to apall # ========= # Combine Zeros # comb_zero = rt.imcombine(zero_lists[0], zero_names[0], 'average', lo_sig=10, hi_sig=3, overwrite=overwrite) # Bias Subtract Flats # nf = len(flat_lists) # number of flats b_flat_lists = [] i = 0 while i < nf: b_flat_lists.append(rt.Bias_Subtract(flat_lists[i], comb_zero)) i = i + 1 # Combine Bias Subtracted Flats # i = 0 comb_flat = [] while i < nf: comb_flat.append( rt.imcombine(b_flat_lists[i], 'b.' + flat_names[i], 'median', lo_sig=10, hi_sig=3, overwrite=overwrite)) i = i + 1 #Trim flats# tcomb_flat = [] i = 0 while i < nf: tcomb_flat.append(rt.Trim_Spec(comb_flat[i])) i = i + 1 ''' # Normalize Flat # i= 0 nb_flat1= [] nb_flat= [] while i < nf: nb_flat.append( rt.Norm_Flat_Poly(tcomb_flat[i], 4.) ) # (divide by average of counts) #nb_flat.append(rt.Norm_Flat_Boxcar(nb_flat1[0])) i= i+1 ''' # Normalize Flat # i = 0 nb_flat = [] while i < nf: if 'blue' in tcomb_flat[i].lower(): nb_flat.append( rt.Norm_Flat_Boxcar_Multiples(tcomb_flat[i], adc_stat=adc_status)) else: if 'quartz' in tcomb_flat[i].lower(): nb_flat.append(rt.Norm_Flat_Poly(tcomb_flat[i], 4.)) else: flat_temp = [] flat_temp.append(rt.Norm_Flat_Poly(tcomb_flat[i], 3.)) nb_flat.append(rt.Norm_Flat_Boxcar(flat_temp[0])) #nb_flat.append( rt.Norm_Flat_Poly(tcomb_flat[i]) ) # (divide by average of counts) #nb_flat.append(rt.Norm_Flat_Boxcar(nb_flat1[i])) #nb_flat.append(rt.Norm_Flat_Boxcar_Multiples(tcomb_flat[i])) i = i + 1 # Bias Subtract Spec # i = 0 b_spec_list = [] nsp = len(spec_lists) # number of spectra while i < nsp: b_spec_list.append(rt.Bias_Subtract(spec_lists[i], comb_zero)) i = i + 1 #Trim Spectra# tb_spec_list = [] i = 0 while i < nsp: for x in range(0, len(b_spec_list[i])): tb_spec_list.append(rt.Trim_Spec(b_spec_list[i][x])) i = i + 1 # Flat Field Individual Spectra # blueindex = [i for i, s in enumerate(nb_flat) if 'blue' in s.lower()] nbflatblue = nb_flat[blueindex[0]] redindex = [i for i, s in enumerate(nb_flat) if 'red' in s.lower()] if len(redindex) > 0: nbflatred = nb_flat[redindex[0]] i = 0 ftb_spec_list = [] tb_spec_list = rt.List_Combe(tb_spec_list) while i < nsp: if tb_spec_list[i][0].lower().__contains__('blue') == True: ftb_spec_list.append(rt.Flat_Field(tb_spec_list[i], nbflatblue)) elif tb_spec_list[i][0].lower().__contains__('red') == True: ftb_spec_list.append(rt.Flat_Field(tb_spec_list[i], nbflatred)) else: print("Problem applying the Flats.") print("Could not identify blue or red setup.") i = i + 1 # Save all diagnostic info rt.save_diagnostic() #LA Cosmic i = 0 cftb_spec = [] cftb_mask = [] while i < nsp: m = 0 while m < len(ftb_spec_list[i]): lacos_spec, lacos_mask = rt.lacosmic(ftb_spec_list[i][m]) cftb_spec.append(lacos_spec) cftb_mask.append(lacos_mask) m += 1 i += 1 cftb_spec_list = rt.List_Combe(cftb_spec) cftb_mask_list = rt.List_Combe(cftb_mask) # Combine Spectra # i = 0 comb_fb_spec = [] while i < nsp: rt.checkspec(cftb_spec_list[i]) comb_fb_spec.append( rt.imcombine(cftb_spec_list[i], 'cftb.' + spec_names[i], 'average', lo_sig=10, hi_sig=3, overwrite=overwrite, mask=cftb_mask_list[i])) i = i + 1 print "\n====================\n" ######################################### # Combine Fe lamps # print "Combining and trimming Fe lamps." nf = len(fe_lists) #number of fe lamps i = 0 comb_lamp = [] while i < nf: comb_lamp.append( rt.imcombine(fe_lists[i], fe_names[i], 'average', lo_sig=lo_sig, hi_sig=hi_sig, overwrite=overwrite)) i = i + 1 # Trim lamps # i = 0 while i < nf: rt.Trim_Spec(comb_lamp[i]) i = i + 1 ######################################## print "Done. Ready for Apeture Extraction.\n"