def test_setup_tracer(self): module = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), r'static_files\MavenProj') repo = Repo.Repo(module) expected_agent_path = os.path.join(repo.repo_dir, 'agent.jar') expected_paths_path = os.path.join(repo.repo_dir, 'paths.txt') repo.setup_tracer() self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(expected_agent_path)) self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(expected_paths_path)) with open(expected_paths_path, 'rb') as paths: lines = paths.readlines() self.assertEqual( lines[0].replace('\n', '').replace('\r', ''), os.path.join(os.environ['USERPROFILE'], r'.m2\repository')) self.assertEqual(lines[1], repo.repo_dir) with open(os.path.join(repo.repo_dir, 'pom.xml'), 'rb') as pom: lines = pom.readlines() self.assertTrue( '<argLine>-javaagent:{}={}</argLine>'.format( expected_agent_path, expected_paths_path), os.path.join(os.environ['USERPROFILE'], r'.m2\repository'))
class WXAddUrgentContact: def __init__(self): self.repo = Repo() def action(self, d, z, args): z.heartbeat() d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am force-stop").communicate() # 将微信强制停止 d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am start -n" ).communicate() # 将微信拉起来 z.sleep(9) d(text='我').click() d(text='设置').click() d(textContains='帐号与安全').click() d(text='应急联系人').click() d(className='android.widget.GridView').child( className='android.widget.ImageView').click() d(text='搜索').click() z.heartbeat() add_count = int(args['add_count']) cate_id = args["repo_material_id"] # ------------------ Material = self.repo.GetMaterial(cate_id, 0, add_count) for i in range(0, add_count, +1): if len(Material) == 0: d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am broadcast -a com.zunyun.zime.toast --es msg \"消息素材%s号仓库为空,没有取到消息\"" % cate_id).communicate() z.sleep(10) return WXName = Material[i]['content'] # 从素材库取出的要发的材料 z.input(WXName) z.heartbeat() d(className='android.widget.CheckBox').click() d(textContains='确定').click() d(text='完成').click() if (args["time_delay"]): z.sleep(int(args["time_delay"]))
class WXPublicNum: def __init__(self): self.repo = Repo() def action(self, d, z, args): z.heartbeat() d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am force-stop").communicate() # 将微信强制停止 d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am start -n" ).communicate() # 将微信拉起来 z.sleep(7) endIndex = int(args['EndIndex']) d(description='搜索').click() z.heartbeat() endCondition = 0 while endCondition < endIndex: cate_id = args["repo_material_id"] # ------------------ Material = self.repo.GetMaterial(cate_id, 0, 1) if len(Material) == 0: d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am broadcast -a com.zunyun.zime.toast --es msg \"消息素材%s号仓库为空,没有取到消息\"" % cate_id).communicate() z.sleep(10) return z.heartbeat() link = Material[0]['content'] # 从素材库取出的要发的材料 z.input(link) d(className='android.widget.ListView').child( className='android.widget.LinearLayout', index=0).child(className='android.widget.RelativeLayout', index=0).click() #点击搜索 if d(textContains='没有更多的').exists: endCondition = endCondition + 1 d(description='清除').click() continue if (args["time_delay"]): z.sleep(int(args["time_delay"]))
class WXBindMail: def __init__(self): self.repo = Repo() def action(self, d, z, args): z.heartbeat() d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am force-stop").communicate() # 将微信强制停止 d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am start -n" ).communicate() # 将微信拉起来 z.sleep(7) d(text='我').click() d(text='设置').click() d(textContains='帐号与安全').click() d(text='邮件地址').click() z.heartbeat() if d(textContains='重新发送验证').exists: return if d(textContains='解绑').exists: return cate_id = int(args["repo_cate_id"]) # 得到取号码的仓库号 Mail = self.repo.GetNumber(cate_id, 0, 1) # 取出add_count条两小时内没有用过的号码 if len(Mail) == 0: d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am broadcast -a com.zunyun.zime.toast --es msg \"第%s号号码仓库为空,等待中……\"" % cate_id).communicate() z.sleep(10) return BindMail = Mail[0]['number'] d(className='android.widget.EditText').set_text(BindMail) d(text='确定').click() z.heartbeat() if (args["time_delay"]): z.sleep(int(args["time_delay"]))
def test_change_surefire_ver_3(self): module = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), r'static_files\tika') repo = Repo.Repo(module) curr_wd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(module) os.system('git checkout d363b828bc6e714aa5f4ffedfbd1d09e1880f9ee -f') mvn_help_cmd = 'mvn help:describe -DgroupId=org.apache.maven.plugins -DartifactId=maven-surefire-plugin' excpected_version = '2.22.0' poms = repo.get_all_pom_paths(module) repo.change_surefire_ver(excpected_version, module) self.assertTrue(len(poms) > 0) for pom in poms: print('#### checking ' + pom + ' ######') if (os.path.normcase( os.path.join( os.getcwd(), r'tika-dotnet\pom.xml')) == os.path.normcase(pom)): print('#### passing ' + pom + ' ######') continue module_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(pom, os.pardir)) with os.popen(mvn_help_cmd + ' -f ' + module_path) as proc: tmp_file_path = 'tmp_file.txt' with open(tmp_file_path, "w+") as tmp_file: duplicate_stdout(proc, tmp_file) with open(tmp_file_path, "r") as tmp_file: duplicate_stdout(proc, tmp_file) build_report = tmp_file.readlines() version_line_sing = list( filter(lambda l: l.startswith('Version: '), build_report)) assert len(version_line_sing) == 1 version_line = version_line_sing[0] self.assertEqual( version_line.lstrip('Version: ').rstrip('\n'), excpected_version) os.system('git checkout HEAD -f') os.chdir(curr_wd)
class WXAssignSearchHello: def __init__(self): self.repo = Repo() self.mid = os.path.realpath(__file__) def action(self, d,z, args): z.toast( "正在ping网络是否通畅" ) while True: ping = d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "ping -c 3" ).communicate( ) print(ping) if 'icmp_seq' and 'bytes from' and 'time' in ping[0]: break z.sleep( 2 ) z.toast( "开始执行:微信指定好友互聊" ) run_time_min = int( args['run_time_min'] ) run_time_max = int( args['run_time_max'] ) run_time = float( random.randint( run_time_min, run_time_max ) ) * 60 run_interval = z.getModuleRunInterval( self.mid ) if run_interval is not None and run_interval < run_time: z.toast( u'模块在锁定时间内,无法运行' ) z.sleep( 2 ) return start_time = args['start_time'] stop_time = args['stop_time'] try: if self.repo.timeCompare(start_time, stop_time): z.toast('处于' + start_time + '~' + stop_time + '时间段内,模块不运行') z.sleep(2) return except: logging.exception( "exception" ) z.toast( "输入时间格式有误" ) return
class QQSafetyCenter: def __init__(self): self.repo = Repo() self.type = 'token' def GetUnique(self): nowTime ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S") # 生成当前时间 randomNum = random.randint(0, 1000) # 生成的随机整数n,其中0<=n<=100 if randomNum <= 10: randomNum = str(00) + str(randomNum) uniqueNum = str(nowTime) + str(randomNum) return uniqueNum def Login(self, d, z, args): z.heartbeat() d.server.adb.cmd("shell", "pm clear com.tencent.token").communicate() # 清除缓存 d.server.adb.cmd("shell", "am start -n com.tencent.token/.ui.LogoActivity" ).communicate() # 拉起来 z.sleep(6) z.heartbeat() if d(text='登录QQ,开启安全之旅 >').exists: d(resourceId='com.tencent.token:id/account_bind_eval_level').click( ) z.sleep(0.5) if d(text='QQ登录').exists: d(text='QQ登录').click() z.sleep(8) z.heartbeat() cate_id = args["repo_cate_id"] time_limit = args['time_limit'] numbers = self.repo.GetAccount(cate_id, time_limit, 1) while len(numbers) == 0: z.heartbeat() d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am broadcast -a com.zunyun.zime.toast --es msg \"QQ帐号库%s号仓库无%s分钟未用\"" % (cate_id, time_limit)).communicate() z.sleep(2) return "none" sendSMS_URL = args["sms_url"] QQNumber = numbers[0]['number'] # 即将登陆的QQ号 QQPassword = numbers[0]['password'] z.sleep(1), 360) # 点击输入帐号文本框 z.input(QQNumber) z.sleep(1), 480) # 点击输入密码文本框 z.input(QQPassword) z.sleep(1), 593) # 点击登陆按钮 z.sleep(6) z.heartbeat() if d(description='请向右拖动滑块完成拼图').exists: z.toast("遇到安全验证,重新开始") return "again" while d(text='身份验证').exists: d(text='下一步').click() z.sleep(3) z.heartbeat() if d(text='请填写您收到的短信验证码:').exists: z.sleep(65) z.heartbeat() if d(text='请填写您收到的短信验证码:').exists: return "again" if d(text='开启安全之旅').exists: d(text='开启安全之旅').click() z.sleep(3) if d(text='重试').exists: d(text='重试').click() return "again" if d(text='您的帐号安全有待加强').exists: return QQNumber def action(self, d, z, args): z.toast(u"开始:ping网络是否通畅") i = 0 while i < 200: i += 1 ping = d.server.adb.cmd("shell", "ping -c 3").communicate() print(ping) if 'icmp_seq' and 'bytes from' and 'time' in ping[0]: z.toast(u"网络通畅。开始执行:QQ安全中心登陆备份模块") break z.sleep(2) if i > 200: z.toast(u"网络不通,请检查网络状态") return while True: z.heartbeat() z.generate_serial("com.tencent.token") # 随机生成手机特征码 z.toast(u"随机生成手机特征码") serial = d.server.adb.device_serial() self.slot = Slot(serial, self.type) self.slot.backupToDisk("132132132") # 设备信息,卡槽号,QQ号 print "ok" break
def __init__(self): self.type = 'mobileqq' self.repo = Repo() self.slot = Slot('', self.type) self.logger = util.logger
def __init__(self): self.repo = Repo() self.mid = os.path.realpath(__file__)
def __init__(self): self.repo = Repo()
class AQYLogin: def __init__(self): self.repo = Repo() def action(self, d, z, args): cateId = args['number_id'] d.server.adb.cmd("shell", "pm clear").communicate() # 清除缓存 d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am start -n" ).communicate() # main拉起 wait = 1 while wait == 1: # 判断仓库是否有东西 try: numbers = self.repo.GetAccount(cateId, 120, 1) qqNumber = numbers[0]['number'] # 即将登陆的QQ号 wait = 0 except Exception: d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am broadcast -a com.zunyun.zime.toast --es msg \"仓库为空,没有取到号码\"" ) time.sleep(5) qqPassword = numbers[0]['password'] while 1: time.sleep(1) if d(text='我的', className='android.widget.RadioButton').exists: break d(text='我的', className='android.widget.RadioButton').click() d(text='我的', className='android.widget.RadioButton').click() d(text='登录', className='android.widget.TextView').click() d(text='其他方式登录', className='android.widget.TextView').click() d(textContains='QQ', className='android.widget.TextView').click() while 1: time.sleep(1) if d(index=1, className='android.webkit.WebView').exists: break str = # 获取屏幕大小等信息 height = str["displayHeight"] width = str["displayWidth"] / 2, height * 121 / 444) z.input(qqNumber), height * 151 / 444) z.input(qqPassword), height * 401 / 888) time.sleep(4) if not d(text='绑定手机', className='android.widget.TextView').exists: self.heatCode(d, z)"back")"back") d(index=0, className='android.widget.RelativeLayout').child( index=1, className='android.widget.ImageView').click() d(text='通讯录', className='android.widget.TextView').click() while 1: time.sleep(1) if d(text='聊天', className='android.widget.TextView').exists: break self.scrollCell(d, z, args) if (args["time_delay"]): time.sleep(int(args["time_delay"])) def scrollCell(self, d, z, args): materialId = args["material_id"] info = d(index=3, className='android.widget.ListView').info bHeight = info["visibleBounds"]["bottom"] - info["visibleBounds"]["top"] bBottom = info["visibleBounds"]["bottom"] bWidth = info["visibleBounds"]["right"] - info["visibleBounds"]["left"] count = d(index=3, className='android.widget.ListView').info['childCount'] numberArr = [] judge = True while judge == True: if judge == False: break for i in range(0, count): obj = d(index=3, className='android.widget.ListView').child( index=i, className='android.widget.RelativeLayout') if obj.exists: obj1 = obj.child(index=0, className='android.widget.TextView') if obj1.exists: text =["text"] if text in numberArr: ok = 'ok' else: if text.isdigit(): numberArr.append(text) if obj.child( text='聊天', className='android.widget.TextView' ).exists: while 1: material = self.repo.GetMaterial( materialId, 0, 1) if len(material) == 0: d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am broadcast -a com.zunyun.zime.toast --es msg \"消息素材%s号仓库为空,没有取到消息\"" % materialId).communicate() time.sleep(5) else: break message = material[0][ 'content'] # 取出验证消息的内容 obj.child( text='聊天', className='android.widget.TextView' ).click() d(index=0, className='android.widget.EditText' ).click() z.input(message) d(text='发送', className='android.widget.TextView' ).click() d(text='返回', className='android.widget.TextView' ).click() print text if count == i + 1: time.sleep(1) d.swipe(bWidth / 2, bHeight, bWidth / 2, 0) nstr = d(index=3, className='android.widget.ListView').child( index=i, className='android.widget.RelativeLayout' ).child(index=0, className='android.widget.TextView') if nstr.exists: nstr =["text"] if nstr == numberArr[-1]: judge = 'False' break else: if i == 0: continue else: judge = 'False' break def GetUnique(self): nowTime ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S") # 生成当前时间 randomNum = random.randint(0, 1000) # 生成的随机整数n,其中0<=n<=100 if randomNum <= 10: randomNum = str(00) + str(randomNum) uniqueNum = str(nowTime) + str(randomNum) return uniqueNum def heatCode(self, d, z): base_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir, "tmp")) if not os.path.isdir(base_dir): os.mkdir(base_dir) sourcePng = os.path.join(base_dir, "%s_s.png" % (self.GetUnique())) codePng = os.path.join(base_dir, "%s_c.png" % (self.GetUnique())) if 1: # 需要验证码的情况 co = RClient() im_id = "" for i in range(0, 30, +1): # 打码循环 if i > 0: co.rk_report_error(im_id) str = # 获取屏幕大小等信息 height = str["displayHeight"] width = str["displayWidth"] left = width * 31 / 540 # 验证码的位置信息 top = height * 249 / 888 right = width * 271 / 540 bottom = height * 348 / 888 d.screenshot(sourcePng) # 截取整个输入验证码时的屏幕 img = box = (left, top, right, bottom) # left top right bottom region = img.crop(box) # 截取验证码的图片 img ='RGBA', (right - left, bottom - top)) img.paste(region, (0, 0)) im = open(codePng, 'rb').read() codeResult = co.rk_create(im, 3040) code = codeResult["Result"] im_id = codeResult["Id"] os.remove(sourcePng) os.remove(codePng) * 391 / 540, height * 298 / 888) z.input(code) time.sleep(1) / 2, height * 456.5 / 888) time.sleep(4) if d(text='绑定手机', className='android.widget.TextView').exists: break
class MMCQQCardParise2: def __init__(self): self.repo = Repo() self.mid = os.path.realpath( __file__ ) def GetUnique(self): nowTime ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S"); # 生成当前时间 randomNum = random.randint(0, 1000); # 生成的随机整数n,其中0<=n<=100 if randomNum <= 10: randomNum = str(00) + str(randomNum); uniqueNum = str(nowTime) + str(randomNum); return uniqueNum def action(self, d, z,args): startTime = args["startTime"] endTime = args["endTime"] try: if self.repo.timeCompare( startTime, endTime ): z.toast( "该时间段不允许运行" ) return except: z.toast( "输入的时间格式错误,请检查后再试" ) return set_timeStart = int( args['set_timeStart'] ) # 得到设定的时间 set_timeEnd = int( args["set_timeEnd"] ) run_time = float( random.randint( set_timeStart, set_timeEnd ) ) run_interval = z.getModuleRunInterval( self.mid ) if run_interval is not None and run_interval < run_time: z.toast( u'锁定时间还差:%d分钟' % int( run_time - run_interval ) ) z.sleep( 2 ) return z.toast( "准备执行MMS版QQ名片名片点赞模块无锁" ) z.sleep( 1 ) z.toast( "正在ping网络是否通畅" ) z.heartbeat( ) i = 0 while i < 200: i += 1 ping = d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "ping -c 3" ).communicate( ) print( ping ) if 'icmp_seq' and 'bytes from' and 'time' in ping[0]: z.toast( "网络通畅。开始执行:MMS版QQ名片名片点赞模块无锁" ) break z.sleep( 2 ) if i > 200: z.toast( "网络不通,请检查网络状态" ) if (args["time_delay"]): z.sleep( int( args["time_delay"] ) ) return # self.scode = smsCode( d.server.adb.device_serial( ) ) z.heartbeat( ) d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am force-stop com.tencent.mobileqq" ).communicate( ) # 强制停止 d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am start -n com.tencent.mobileqq/com.tencent.mobileqq.activity.SplashActivity" ).communicate( ) # 拉起来 z.sleep( 10 ) z.heartbeat( ) if d( text="消息", resourceId="com.tencent.mobileqq:id/ivTitleName", className="android.widget.TextView" ).exists: z.toast( "登录状态正常" ) elif d( text='绑定手机号码' ).exists: while d( text='关闭' ).exists: d( text='关闭' ).click( ) z.sleep( 0.5 ) z.sleep( 1 ) elif d( text='主题装扮' ).exists: while d( text='关闭' ).exists: d( text='关闭' ).click( ) z.sleep( 0.5 ) elif d( text='马上绑定' ).exists: while d( text='关闭' ).exists: d( text='关闭' ).click( ) z.sleep( 0.5 ) else: z.toast( "登录状态异常,停止模块" ) now = ) nowtime = now.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ) # 将日期转化为字符串 datetime => string z.setModuleLastRun( self.mid ) z.toast( '模块结束,保存的时间是%s' % nowtime ) return count = int( args['count'] ) # 要添加多少人 i = 0 switch = args["switch"] # time_limit1 = int( args["time_limit1"] ) repo_number_cate_id = int( args["repo_number_cate_id"] ) # 得到取号码的仓库号 click_count = int( args["click_count"] ) flag = True while i < count : # 总人数 numbers = self.repo.GetNumber( repo_number_cate_id, 0, 1 ) if len( numbers ) == 0: d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am broadcast -a com.zunyun.zime.toast --es msg \"QQ号码库%s号仓库为空,等待中\"" % repo_number_cate_id ).communicate( ) z.sleep( 5 ) now = ) nowtime = now.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ) # 将日期转化为字符串 datetime => string z.setModuleLastRun( self.mid ) z.toast( '模块结束,保存的时间是%s' % nowtime ) return z.heartbeat( ) QQnumber = numbers[0]['number'] # 即将点赞的QQ号 print(QQnumber) z.sleep( 1 ) z.cmd( "shell", 'am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "mqqapi://card/show_pslcard?src_type=internal\&version=1\&uin=%s\&card_type=person\&source=qrcode"' % QQnumber ) # qq名片页面 z.sleep( random.randint(5,7)) if d( text='QQ', resourceId="android:id/text1" ).exists: z.heartbeat( ) d( text='QQ', resourceId="android:id/text1" ).click( ) z.sleep( 2 ) z.heartbeat( ) while d( text='仅此一次' ).exists: z.heartbeat( ) d( text='仅此一次' ).click( ) z.sleep( 1 ) objtext = '' objtext1 = "" obj = d( descriptionContains="当前有" ).child( index=0, className='android.widget.LinearLayout' ).child( index=1, className="android.widget.TextView" ) if obj.exists: objtext1 =["text"].encode( "utf-8" ) objtext = objtext1 else: if switch =="跳过": z.toast("这个获取不到点赞数,跳过") continue obj = d( descriptionContains="当前有" ) flag = False if click_count>=10: click_count = 10 if obj.exists: # objtext =["text"].encode("utf-8") for j in range( 0, random.randint(1,5) ): if d( descriptionContains="当前有" ).exists: d( descriptionContains="当前有" ).click( ) z.sleep( 1 ) # d.dump( compressed=False ) if objtext != "": objtext2 = d( descriptionContains="当前有" ).child( index=0, className='android.widget.LinearLayout' ).child( index=1, className="android.widget.TextView" ).info["text"].encode( "utf-8" ) if objtext == objtext2: z.toast( "今天无法继续赞了,停止模块" ) now = ) nowtime = now.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ) # 将日期转化为字符串 datetime => string z.setModuleLastRun( self.mid ) z.toast( '模块结束,保存的时间是%s' % nowtime ) return objtext = objtext2 else: z.toast( "这个获取不到点赞数,跳过" ) continue else: z.toast( "对方拒绝赞" ) continue if flag: z.cmd( "shell",'am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "mqqapi://card/show_pslcard?src_type=internal\&version=1\&uin=%s\&card_type=person\&source=qrcode"' % QQnumber ) # qq名片页面 z.sleep( random.randint( 5, 7 ) ) if d( text='QQ', resourceId="android:id/text1" ).exists: z.heartbeat( ) d( text='QQ', resourceId="android:id/text1" ).click( ) z.sleep( 2 ) z.heartbeat( ) while d( text='仅此一次' ).exists: z.heartbeat( ) d( text='仅此一次' ).click( ) z.sleep( 1 ) if objtext1 == "": z.toast( "这个获取不到点赞数,跳过" ) continue obj = d( descriptionContains="当前有" ).child( index=0,className='android.widget.LinearLayout' ).child( index=1, className="android.widget.TextView" ) if obj.exists: objtext3 =["text"].encode( "utf-8" ) if int(objtext3)>int(objtext1): z.toast("可以点赞") i = i + 1 else: z.toast("点赞无用") break else: z.toast( "这个获取不到点赞数,跳过" ) continue now = ) nowtime = now.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ) # 将日期转化为字符串 datetime => string z.setModuleLastRun( self.mid ) z.toast( '模块结束,保存的时间是%s' % nowtime ) return
class WXDeleteChat: def __init__(self): self.repo = Repo() self.mid = os.path.realpath(__file__) def action(self, d, z, args): z.toast("正在ping网络是否通畅") while True: ping = d.server.adb.cmd("shell", "ping -c 3").communicate() print(ping) if 'icmp_seq' and 'bytes from' and 'time' in ping[0]: break z.sleep(2) z.toast("开始执行:微信删除好友聊天") run_time_min = int(args['run_time_min']) run_time_max = int(args['run_time_max']) run_time = float(random.randint(run_time_min, run_time_max)) * 60 run_interval = z.getModuleRunInterval(self.mid) if run_interval is not None and run_interval < run_time: z.toast(u'模块在锁定时间内,无法运行') z.sleep(2) return start_time = args['start_time'] stop_time = args['stop_time'] try: if self.repo.timeCompare(start_time, stop_time): z.toast('处于' + start_time + '~' + stop_time + '时间段内,模块不运行') z.sleep(2) return except: logging.exception("exception") z.toast("输入时间格式有误") return d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am force-stop").communicate() # 将微信强制停止 d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am start -n" ).communicate() # 将微信拉起来 z.sleep(20) z.heartbeat() while True: if d(text='发现').exists and d(text='我').exists and d( text='通讯录').exists: d(text='微信').click() break else: d(descriptionContains='返回', className='android.widget.ImageView').click() z.sleep(2) i = 0 while True: nearObj = d(className='android.widget.LinearLayout', resourceId='', index=i) if nearObj.exists: z.sleep(1.5) if d(textContains='(', resourceId='').exists: d(descriptionContains='返回').click() elif d(className='android.widget.EditText').exists: d(className='android.widget.EditText').click() cate_id = args["repo_material_id"] Material = self.repo.GetMaterial(cate_id, 0, 1) if len(Material) == 0: d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am broadcast -a com.zunyun.zime.toast --es msg \"消息素材%s号仓库为空,等待中……\"" % cate_id).communicate() z.sleep(10) return message = Material[0]['content'] # 取出发送消息的内容 z.input(message) z.sleep(1) d(text='发送').click() d(descriptionContains='返回').click() else: d(descriptionContains='返回').click() z.sleep(1) nearObj = nearObj.child( className='android.widget.RelativeLayout', index=0).child(resourceId='') nearObj.long_click() z.sleep(1) if d(text='删除该聊天').exists: d(text='删除该聊天').click() z.sleep(2) if d(text='删除').exists: d(text='删除').click() i = 0 else: if i == 50: break i += 1 now = nowtime = now.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # 将日期转化为字符串 datetime => string z.setModuleLastRun(self.mid) z.toast('模块结束,保存的时间是%s' % nowtime)
def __init__(self): self.repo = Repo() self.xuma = XunMa()
class WeiXinNearByNotify: def __init__(self): self.repo = Repo() def action(self, d, z, args): z.heartbeat() str = # 获取屏幕大小等信息 height = str["displayHeight"] width = str["displayWidth"] d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am force-stop").communicate() # 将微信强制停止 d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am start -n" ).communicate() # 将微信拉起来 z.sleep(9) # if d(text='发现',index=1).exists: # d(text='发现', index=1).click() # else: # d(text='发现', index=0).click() # d(text='附近的人').click() # z.sleep(2) z.wx_action('opennearui') while d(textContains='正在查找').exists: z.sleep(3) z.heartbeat() if d(text='开始查看').exists: d(text='开始查看').click() if d(text='提示').exists: d(text='下次不提示').click() time.sleep(0.5) d(text='确定').click() if d(textContains='查看附近的人').exists: d(textContains='查看附近的人').click() z.sleep(3) z.heartbeat() d(description='更多').click() GenderFrom = args['gender'] # ------------------------------- if GenderFrom != '不限': d(textContains=GenderFrom).click() while d(textContains='正在查找').exists: z.sleep(2) else: d(textContains='全部').click() while d(textContains='正在查找').exists: z.sleep(2) z.heartbeat() set1 = set() change = 0 i = 1 t = 1 EndIndex = int(args['EndIndex']) #------------------ while t < EndIndex + 1: cate_id = args["repo_material_id"] #------------------ Material = self.repo.GetMaterial(cate_id, 0, 1) if len(Material) == 0: d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am broadcast -a com.zunyun.zime.toast --es msg \"消息素材%s号仓库为空,没有取到消息\"" % cate_id).communicate() z.sleep(10) return message = Material[0]['content'] # 从素材库取出的要发的材料 z.sleep(1) obj = d(className='android.widget.ListView').child( className='android.widget.LinearLayout', index=i).child(index=1).child( className='android.widget.LinearLayout', index=0).child(className='android.widget.TextView', index=0) #得到微信名 if obj.exists: z.heartbeat() change = 1 obj = name = obj['text'] if name in set1: #判断是否已经给该人发过消息 i = i + 1 continue else: set1.add(name) print(name) d(className='android.widget.ListView', index=0).child(className='android.widget.LinearLayout', index=i).child( className='android.widget.LinearLayout', index=1).click() #点击第i个人 z.sleep(1) if d(text='打招呼').exists: d(text='打招呼').click() else: d(description='返回').click() i = i + 1 continue z.heartbeat() d(className='android.widget.EditText').click() z.input(message) #---------------------------------------- d(text='发送').click() z.sleep(1) # d(description='返回').click() d(description='返回').click() i = i + 1 t = t + 1 continue else: if change == 0: #一次还没有点击到人 i = i + 1 continue else: d.swipe(width / 2, height * 6 / 7, width / 2, height / 7) z.sleep(2) obj = d(className='android.widget.LinearLayout', index=i - 1).child(index=1).child( className='android.widget.TextView', index=0) obj = name1 = obj['text'] #判断是否已经到底 if name1 in set1: return i = 1 continue d(description='更多').click() d(text='清除位置并退出').click() d(text='确定').click() if (args["time_delay"]): z.sleep(int(args["time_delay"]))
class TIMAddfriendsByNumber: def __init__(self): self.repo = Repo() def GetUnique(self): nowTime ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S") # 生成当前时间 randomNum = random.randint(0, 1000) # 生成的随机整数n,其中0<=n<=100 if randomNum <= 10: randomNum = str(00) + str(randomNum) uniqueNum = str(nowTime) + str(randomNum) return uniqueNum def Gender(self, d, z): base_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir, "tmp")) if not os.path.isdir(base_dir): os.mkdir(base_dir) sourcePng = os.path.join(base_dir, "%s_s.png" % (self.GetUnique())) obj = d(resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/name', className='android.widget.ImageView') if obj.exists: z.heartbeat() obj = obj = obj['bounds'] # 验证码处的信息 left = obj["left"] # 验证码的位置信息 top = obj['top'] right = obj['right'] bottom = obj['bottom'] d.screenshot(sourcePng) # 截取整个输入验证码时的屏幕 img = box = (left, top, right, bottom) # left top right bottom region = img.crop(box) # 截取验证码的图片 # show(region) #展示资料卡上的信息 image = region.convert('RGBA') # 生成缩略图,减少计算量,减小cpu压力 image.thumbnail((200, 200)) max_score = None dominant_color = None for count, (r, g, b, a) in image.getcolors(image.size[0] * image.size[1]): # 跳过纯黑色 if a == 0: continue saturation = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0)[1] y = min( abs(r * 2104 + g * 4130 + b * 802 + 4096 + 131072) >> 13, 235) y = (y - 16.0) / (235 - 16) # 忽略高亮色 if y > 0.9: continue z.heartbeat() score = (saturation + 0.1) * count if score > max_score: max_score = score dominant_color = (r, g, b) # print("---------------------------------------------------------------------------") # print(dominant_color) z.heartbeat() if None == dominant_color: return '不限' red = dominant_color[0] blue = dominant_color[2] if red > blue: # print('女') return '女' else: # print('男') return '男' else: # 没有基本资料的情况 return '不限' def action(self, d, z, args): z.toast("准备执行TIM搜索加好友模块") z.sleep(1) # z.toast( "正在ping网络是否通畅" ) # z.heartbeat( ) # i = 0 # while i < 200: # i += 1 # ping = d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "ping -c 3" ).communicate( ) # print( ping ) # if 'icmp_seq' and 'bytes from' and 'time' in ping[0]: # z.toast( "网络通畅。开始执行:TIM加好友(搜索查找)" ) # break # z.sleep( 2 ) # if i > 200: # z.toast( "网络不通,请检查网络状态" ) # if (args["time_delay"]): # z.sleep( int( args["time_delay"] ) ) # return self.scode = smsCode(d.server.adb.device_serial()) z.heartbeat() d.server.adb.cmd("shell", "am force-stop com.tencent.tim").communicate() # 强制停止 d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am start -n com.tencent.tim/com.tencent.mobileqq.activity.SplashActivity" ).communicate() # 拉起来 z.sleep(8) z.heartbeat() if d(text="消息", resourceId="com.tencent.tim:id/ivTitleName").exists and not d( text="马上绑定", className="android.widget.Button").exists: z.toast("登录状态正常,继续执行") else: if d(text="关闭", resourceId="com.tencent.tim:id/ivTitleBtnLeftButton").exists: d(text="关闭", resourceId="com.tencent.tim:id/ivTitleBtnLeftButton").click( ) z.sleep(1) elif d(text="消息", className="android.widget.TextView").exists and d( text="马上绑定", className="android.widget.Button").exists: d(text="消息", className="android.widget.TextView").click() z.sleep(1) elif d(text="返回").exists: d(text="返回").click() z.sleep(1) else: z.toast("登录状态异常,跳过此模块") return repo_material_cate_id = args["repo_material_cate_id"] # 得到验证语的仓库号 Material = self.repo.GetMaterial(repo_material_cate_id, 0, 1) switch_card = args["switch_card"] gender1 = args['gender'] wait = 1 # 判断素材仓库里是否由素材 while wait == 1: try: material = Material[0]['content'] # 取出验证消息的内容 wait = 0 except Exception: d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am broadcast -a com.zunyun.zime.toast --es msg \"仓库为空,没有取到验证消息\"" ) add_count = int(args['add_count']) # 要添加多少人 repo_number_cate_id = int(args["repo_number_cate_id"]) # 得到取号码的仓库号 wait = 1 while wait == 1: numbers = self.repo.GetNumber(repo_number_cate_id, 120, add_count) # 取出add_count条两小时内没有用过的号码 if "Error" in numbers: # d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am broadcast -a com.zunyun.zime.toast --es msg \"仓库为空,没有取到号码\"" ) continue wait = 0 # list = numbers # 将取出的号码保存到一个新的集合 # num = list[0]['number'] QQnumber = numbers[0]['number'] z.sleep(1) z.heartbeat() d(resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/name', description='快捷入口').click() z.heartbeat() z.sleep(1) if d(text='加好友', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/name').exists: d(text='加好友', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/name').click() z.heartbeat() else: z.heartbeat() d(resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/name', description='快捷入口').click() z.heartbeat() d(text='加好友', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/name').click() z.sleep(1) z.heartbeat() if d(text='QQ号/手机号/群', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/name').exists: d(text='QQ号/手机号/群', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/name').click() # d(text='QQ号/手机号/群', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/et_search_keyword').click() z.heartbeat() # d(text='QQ号/手机号/群', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/et_search_keyword').set_text(QQnumber) # 第一次添加的帐号 list[0] z.input(QQnumber) z.heartbeat() # d( text='搜索', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/btn_cancel_search' ).click( ) if d(text="找人:", className="android.widget.TextView").exists: d(text="找人:", className="android.widget.TextView").click() z.sleep(3) count = 0 while count < add_count: # numbers = list[0] repo_material_cate_id = args["repo_material_cate_id"] # 得到验证语的仓库号 Material = self.repo.GetMaterial(repo_material_cate_id, 0, 1) material = Material[0]['content'] # 得到验证语 numbers = self.repo.GetNumber(repo_number_cate_id, 120, 1) # 取出两小时内没有用过的号码 # list = numbers QQnumber = numbers[0]['number'] z.heartbeat() time.sleep(1) if d(text='没有找到相关结果', className='android.widget.TextView').exists: #没有这个人的情况 z.heartbeat() d(resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/ib_clear_text', description='清空').click() obj = d(text='QQ号/手机号/群', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/et_search_keyword') if obj.exists: z.heartbeat() z.sleep(2) obj.set_text(QQnumber) # 下次要添加的号码 obj = d(text='网络查找人', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/et_search_keyword') if obj.exists: z.heartbeat() z.sleep(2) obj.set_text(QQnumber) # 下次要添加的号码 if d(text="找人:", className="android.widget.TextView").exists: d(text="找人:", className="android.widget.TextView").click() z.sleep(3) time.sleep(1) continue time.sleep(2) if d(text="申请加群").exists: d(resourceId="com.tencent.tim:id/ivTitleBtnLeft", description="返回按钮").click() d(resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/ib_clear_text', description='清空').click() obj = d(text='QQ号/手机号/群', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/et_search_keyword') if obj.exists: z.heartbeat() z.sleep(2) obj.set_text(QQnumber) # 下次要添加的号码 obj = d(text='网络查找人', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/et_search_keyword') if obj.exists: z.heartbeat() z.sleep(2) obj.set_text(QQnumber) # 下次要添加的号码 # d( text='搜索', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/btn_cancel_search' ).click( ) if d(text="找人:", className="android.widget.TextView").exists: d(text="找人:", className="android.widget.TextView").click() z.sleep(3) time.sleep(1) continue z.sleep(2) if d(className='android.widget.AbsListView').child( index=1, resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/name').exists: #在同一查条件有多个人 z.heartbeat() z.sleep(2) d(className='android.widget.AbsListView').child( index=1, resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/name').click() z.sleep(2) z.sleep(1) z.heartbeat() if gender1 != '不限': gender2 = self.Gender(d, z) z.heartbeat() if gender1 == gender2: # gender1是外界设定的,gender2是读取到的 z.sleep(1) else: d(text='返回', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/ivTitleBtnLeft').click() z.sleep(2) d(resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/ib_clear_text', description='清空').click() obj = d(text='QQ号/手机号/群', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/et_search_keyword') if obj.exists: z.heartbeat() z.sleep(2) obj.set_text( QQnumber) # 要改为从库里取------------------------------- obj = d(text='网络查找人', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/et_search_keyword') if obj.exists: z.sleep(2) obj.set_text(QQnumber) if d(text="找人:", className="android.widget.TextView").exists: d(text="找人:", className="android.widget.TextView").click() z.sleep(3) continue z.heartbeat() d(text='加好友', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/name').click() time.sleep(1) if d(text='加好友', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/name').exists: #拒绝被添加为好友的情况 time.sleep(1) z.heartbeat() d(text='返回', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/ivTitleBtnLeft').click() z.sleep(2) d(resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/ib_clear_text', description='清空').click() z.sleep(2) obj = d(text='QQ号/手机号/群', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/et_search_keyword') if obj.exists: z.heartbeat() z.sleep(2) obj.set_text( QQnumber) # 要改为从库里取------------------------------ obj = d(text='网络查找人', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/et_search_keyword') if obj.exists: z.heartbeat() z.sleep(2) obj.set_text(QQnumber) time.sleep(1) if d(text="找人:", className="android.widget.TextView").exists: d(text="找人:", className="android.widget.TextView").click() z.sleep(3) continue time.sleep(2) if d(text="风险提示").exists: #风险提示 z.sleep(1) z.heartbeat() d(text="取消").click() z.sleep(1) d(text='返回', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/ivTitleBtnLeft').click() z.sleep(2) d(resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/ib_clear_text', description='清空').click() obj = d(text='QQ号/手机号/群', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/et_search_keyword') if obj.exists: z.heartbeat() z.sleep(2) obj.set_text( QQnumber) # 要改为从库里取------------------------------- obj = d(text='网络查找人', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/et_search_keyword') if obj.exists: z.sleep(2) obj.set_text(QQnumber) if d(text="找人:", className="android.widget.TextView").exists: d(text="找人:", className="android.widget.TextView").click() z.sleep(3) continue if d(text='必填', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/name').exists: #要回答问题的情况 z.heartbeat() z.sleep(2) d(text='返回', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/ivTitleBtnLeft').click() time.sleep(1) z.heartbeat() d(text='返回', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/ivTitleBtnLeft').click() z.sleep(2) d(resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/ib_clear_text', description='清空').click() obj = d(text='QQ号/手机号/群', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/et_search_keyword') if obj.exists: z.sleep(2) obj.set_text(QQnumber) # 下次要添加的号码- obj = d(text='网络查找人', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/et_search_keyword') if obj.exists: z.heartbeat() z.sleep(2) obj.set_text(QQnumber) time.sleep(1) if d(text="找人:", className="android.widget.TextView").exists: d(text="找人:", className="android.widget.TextView").click() z.sleep(3) continue time.sleep(1) z.heartbeat() obj = d(text='发送', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/ivTitleBtnRightText' ) #不需要验证可直接添加为好友的情况 if obj.exists: z.sleep(2) if d(text='添加失败,请勿频繁操作', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/name').exists: # z.sleep( 1 ) # z.heartbeat( ) # d( text="确定", className="android.widget.TextView" ).click( ) # z.sleep( 1 ) # z.heartbeat( ) # d( text="返回", className="android.widget.TextView" ).click( ) z.toast("频繁操作,跳出模块") return else: print(str(QQnumber) + "请求发送成功") time.sleep(1) d(text='返回', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/ivTitleBtnLeft').click() z.sleep(2) d(resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/ib_clear_text', description='清空').click() obj = d(text='QQ号/手机号/群', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/et_search_keyword') if obj.exists: z.heartbeat() z.sleep(2) obj.set_text( QQnumber) # 要改为从库里取------------------------------- obj = d(text='网络查找人', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/et_search_keyword') if obj.exists: z.sleep(2) obj.set_text(QQnumber) if d(text="找人:", className="android.widget.TextView").exists: d(text="找人:", className="android.widget.TextView").click() z.sleep(3) continue time.sleep(2) obj = d(className='android.widget.EditText', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/name').info #将之前消息框的内容删除 obj = obj['text'] lenth = len(obj) t = 0 while t < lenth: t = t + 1 time.sleep(2) d(className='android.widget.EditText', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/name').click() #发送验证消息 material z.input(material) if "是" in switch_card: if d(index=2, className="android.widget.CompoundButton", resourceId="com.tencent.tim:id/name").exists: d(index=2, className="android.widget.CompoundButton", resourceId="com.tencent.tim:id/name").click() else: if d(text="设置我的名片").exists: d(text="设置我的名片").click() while True: z.sleep(3) z.heartbeat() d.dump(compressed=False) if d(text="添加我的名片").exists: d(text="添加我的名片").click() d(index=3, resourceId="com.tencent.tim:id/name", className="android.widget.Button").click() z.sleep(2) obj = d( index=0, className="com.tencent.widget.GridView", resourceId="com.tencent.tim:id/photo_list_gv" ).child(index=0, className="android.widget.RelativeLayout") if obj.exists: z.sleep(1) z.heartbeat() z.sleep(3) d(text='确定', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/name').click( ) time.sleep(3) z.heartbeat() d(text="完成").click() z.sleep(1) z.heartbeat() d(text="返回").click() break if d(index=0, resourceId="com.tencent.tim:id/name", className="android.widget.ImageButton" ).exists: d(index=0, resourceId="com.tencent.tim:id/name", className="android.widget.ImageButton" ).click() d(text="退出").click() d(text='下一步', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/ivTitleBtnRightText').click() z.sleep(1) d(text='发送', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/ivTitleBtnRightText').click() print(str(QQnumber) + "请求发送成功") time.sleep(1) if d(text='添加失败,请勿频繁操作', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/name').exists: # z.sleep( 1 ) # z.heartbeat( ) # d( text="确定", className="android.widget.TextView" ).click( ) # z.sleep( 1 ) # z.heartbeat( ) # d( text="返回", className="android.widget.TextView" ).click( ) z.toast("频繁操作,跳出模块") return z.sleep(1) d(text='返回', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/ivTitleBtnLeft').click() z.sleep(2) d(resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/ib_clear_text', description='清空').click() z.sleep(1) count = count + 1 if count < add_count: obj = d(text='QQ号/手机号/群', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/et_search_keyword') if obj.exists: z.input(QQnumber) z.sleep(2) obj = d(text='网络查找人', resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/et_search_keyword') if obj.exists: obj.set_text(QQnumber) z.sleep(1) if d(text="找人:", className="android.widget.TextView").exists: d(text="找人:", className="android.widget.TextView").click() z.sleep(3) else: z.sleep(2) z.heartbeat() d(text="取消", className="android.widget.Button").click() z.sleep(2) d(text="返回", className="android.widget.TextView").click() if count == add_count: print("模块已完成") z.toast("模块已完成") break if (args["time_delay"]): time.sleep(int(args["time_delay"]))
def __init__(self): self.type = 'tim' self.repo = Repo()
class WXSearchAddFriendsByV1: def __init__(self): self.repo = Repo() self.mid = os.path.realpath(__file__) def action(self, d, z, args): run_time = float(args['run_time']) * 60 run_interval = z.getModuleRunInterval(self.mid) if run_interval is not None and run_interval < run_time: z.toast(u'锁定时间还差:%d分钟' % int(run_time - run_interval)) z.sleep(2) return z.heartbeat() count = 1 while True: wayList = ['3', '6', '13', '15', '17', '18', '30', '39'] if count > int(args['add_count']): z.toast(args['add_count'] + '个好友已加完') break cateId = args['repo_material_id'] Material = self.repo.GetMaterial(cateId, 0, 1) if len(Material) == 0: d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am broadcast -a com.zunyun.zime.toast --es msg \"消息素材%s号仓库为空,没有取到消息\"" % cate_id).communicate() z.sleep(10) return message = Material[0]['content'] # 从素材库取出的要发的材料 z.sleep(1) cate_id = args['repo_number_id'] infoList = self.repo.GetNumber(cate_id, 0, 1) if len(infoList) == 0: z.toast(cate_id + '号仓库为空,没有取到v1值') return v1 = infoList[0]['number'] if args['add_friend_way'] == '随机': indexStr = choice(wayList) else: indexStr = args['add_friend_way'] z.wx_openuser_v1(v1, indexStr) z.sleep(3) z.heartbeat() if d(text='添加到通讯录').exists: d(text='添加到通讯录').click() z.sleep(5) if d(text='发消息').exists: count = count + 1 danshuang = '单向' if d(text='验证申请').exists: count = count + 1 danshuang = '双向' deltext = d(className='android.widget.EditText', index=1).info # 将之前消息框的内容删除 deltext = deltext['text'] lenth = len(deltext) m = 0 while m < lenth: m = m + 1 z.heartbeat() d(className='android.widget.EditText', index=1).click() z.input(message) z.sleep(2) d(text='发送').click() z.sleep(1) d(description='返回').click() if d(text='确定').exists: d(text='确定').click() para = {"x_05": danshuang, 'x_20': v1} self.repo.PostInformation(args["repo_information_id"], para) z.toast("%s入库完成") if d(descriptionContains='返回').exists: d(descriptionContains='返回').click() if (args["time_delay"]): z.sleep(int(args["time_delay"])) now = nowtime = now.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # 将日期转化为字符串 datetime => string z.setModuleLastRun(self.mid) z.toast('模块结束,保存的时间是%s' % nowtime)
class WXHelloNearPeople: def __init__(self): self.repo = Repo() self.mid = os.path.realpath(__file__) def action(self, d, z, args): run_time = float(args['run_time']) * 60 run_interval = z.getModuleRunInterval(self.mid) if run_interval is not None and run_interval < run_time: z.toast(u'锁定时间还差:%d分钟' % int(run_time - run_interval)) z.sleep(2) return z.heartbeat() d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am force-stop").communicate() # 将微信强制停止 d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am start -n" ).communicate() # 将微信拉起来 str = # 获取屏幕大小等信息 height = str["displayHeight"] width = str["displayWidth"] z.sleep(7) while True: if d(text='发现').exists and d(text='我').exists and d( text='通讯录').exists: break else: d(descriptionContains='返回', className='android.widget.ImageView').click() z.sleep(2) for i in range(0, 2): d(text='发现').click() z.sleep(2) if d(text='附近的人').exists: d(text='附近的人').click() z.sleep(15) if d(textContains='开始查看').exists: d(textContains='开始查看').click() z.sleep(1.5) if d(textContains='提高微信定位精确度').exists: d(text='跳过').click() z.sleep(1.5) if d(textContains='下次不提示').exists: d(textContains='下次不提示').click() if d(text='确定').exists: d(text='确定').click() if d(textContains='补充个人信息').exists: d(text='女').click() d(textContains='地区').click() z.sleep(3) d(className='android.widget.LinearLayout', index=1).child(className='android.widget.ImageView', index=0).click() z.sleep(1.5) d(text='下一步').click() if d(text='查看附近的人').exists: d(text='查看附近的人').click() z.sleep(3) # while True: # v1List1 = z.wx_userList() # endIndex1 = len(list(json.loads(v1List1))) # if endIndex1 < 20: # break # # for j in range(0, endIndex1): # v1_1 = list(json.loads(v1List1))[j] # 将字符串改为list样式 # self.repo.uploadPhoneNumber(v1_1, args['repo_number_id']) # d( descriptionContains='更多' ).click( ) # if d(text='附近打招呼的人').exists: # d(text='附近打招呼的人').click() # while True: # HolleNearPeople = d(className='android.widget.ListView', index=0).child(className='android.view.View', index=0) # if HolleNearPeople.exists: # # z.sleep(2) # else: # d(descriptionContains='返回', className='android.widget.ImageView').click() # break # if d(text='通过验证').exists: # d(text='通过验证').click() # z.sleep(2) # if d( text='完成' ).exists: # d( text='完成' ).click( ) # z.sleep( 2 ) # d( descriptionContains='返回', className='android.widget.ImageView' ).click() # z.sleep( 2 ) # if HolleNearPeople.exists: # HolleNearPeople.long_click( ) # z.sleep( 1.5 ) # if d( textContains='删除' ).exists: # d( textContains='删除' ).click( ) # continue # else: # d(descriptionContains='返回', className='android.widget.ImageView').click() # z.sleep(2) # if HolleNearPeople.exists: # HolleNearPeople.long_click() # z.sleep(1.5) # if d(textContains='删除').exists: # d(textContains='删除').click() # continue d(descriptionContains='更多').click() gender = args['gender'] if gender == '男': d(text='只看男生').click() z.sleep(3) elif gender == '女': d(text='只看女生').click() z.sleep(3) else: d(text='查看全部').click() z.sleep(3) # while True: # v1List = z.wx_userList() # endIndex = len(list(json.loads(v1List))) # if endIndex < 20: # break # # for a in range(0, endIndex): # v1 = list(json.loads(v1List))[a] # 将字符串改为list样式 # self.repo.uploadPhoneNumber(v1, args['repo_number_id']) z.sleep(8) i = 0 count = 0 while True: count = count + 1 if count > int(args['hello_count']): z.toast('已完成设置打招呼次数') break i = i + 1 nearObj = d(className='android.widget.ListView', index=0).child(className='android.widget.LinearLayout', index=i) if nearObj.exists: if d(textContains='朋友不够多').exists: continue if d(text='打招呼').exists: d(text='打招呼').click() z.sleep(2) if d(text='向TA说句话打个招呼').exists: cate_id = args['repo_material_id'] Material = self.repo.GetMaterial(cate_id, 0, 1) Msg = Material[0]['content'] z.input(Msg) z.sleep(1.5) d(text='发送').click() z.sleep(3) d(descriptionContains='返回', className='android.widget.ImageView').click() z.sleep(2) else: i = 1 d.swipe(width / 2, height * 7 / 8, width / 2, height / 8) now = nowtime = now.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # 将日期转化为字符串 datetime => string z.setModuleLastRun(self.mid) z.toast('模块结束,保存的时间是%s' % nowtime)
class WXAutoReplyMsg: def __init__(self): self.repo = Repo() self.mid = os.path.realpath(__file__) def action(self, d, z, args): run_time = float(args['run_time']) * 60 run_interval = z.getModuleRunInterval(self.mid) if run_interval is not None and run_interval < run_time: z.toast(u'锁定时间还差:%d分钟' % int(run_time - run_interval)) z.sleep(2) return d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am force-stop").communicate() # 将微信强制停止 d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am start -n" ).communicate() # 将微信拉起来 z.sleep(7) msg_count = int(args['msg_count']) while True: if d(text='发现').exists and d(text='我').exists and d( text='通讯录').exists: d(text='微信').click() break else: d(descriptionContains='返回', className='android.widget.ImageView').click() z.sleep(2) if d(text='腾讯新闻').exists: d(text='腾讯新闻').long_click() z.sleep(2) if d(text='删除该聊天').exists: d(text='删除该聊天').click() if d(text='微信团队').exists: d(text='微信团队').long_click() z.sleep(2) if d(text='删除该聊天').exists: d(text='删除该聊天').click() i = 0 j = 0 while True: i = i + 1 nearObj = d(className='android.widget.RelativeLayout', index=0).child(className='android.widget.TextView', resourceId='', index=1) newNearObj = d(className='android.widget.RelativeLayout', index=0).child(className='android.widget.TextView', resourceId='', index=1) if nearObj.exists or newNearObj.exists: if j > int(args['reply_count']): break if nearObj.exists: else: z.sleep(1.5) for i in range(0, msg_count): if d(textContains='(', resourceId='').exists: break cate_id = args["repo_material_id"] Material = self.repo.GetMaterial(cate_id, 0, 1) if len(Material) == 0: d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am broadcast -a com.zunyun.zime.toast --es msg \"消息素材%s号仓库为空,等待中……\"" % cate_id).communicate() z.sleep(10) return message = Material[0]['content'] # 取出发送消息的内容 if d(className='android.widget.EditText').exists: d(className='android.widget.EditText').click() else: break z.input(message) z.sleep(1) d(text='发送').click() d(descriptionContains='返回').click() z.sleep(1.5) d(className='android.widget.ListView', index=0).child(className='android.widget.LinearLayout', index=i).long_click() if d(text='删除该聊天').exists: d(text='删除该聊天').click() z.sleep(1) j += 1 else: if i > 20: break z.sleep(10) continue now = nowtime = now.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # 将日期转化为字符串 datetime => string z.setModuleLastRun(self.mid) z.toast('模块结束,保存的时间是%s' % nowtime)
class MobilqqFilterPraiseGreet: def __init__(self): self.repo = Repo() def action(self, d, z, args): z.toast("准备执行QQ附近的人(筛选+点赞+打招呼)") z.toast("正在ping网络是否通畅") z.heartbeat() i = 0 while i < 200: i += 1 ping = d.server.adb.cmd("shell", "ping -c 3").communicate() print(ping) if 'icmp_seq' and 'bytes from' and 'time' in ping[0]: z.toast("网络通畅。开始执行:QQ交友资料修改") break z.sleep(2) if i > 200: z.toast("网络不通,请检查网络状态") if (args["time_delay"]): z.sleep(int(args["time_delay"])) return # self.scode = smsCode( d.server.adb.device_serial( ) ) z.heartbeat() d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am force-stop com.tencent.mobileqq").communicate() # 强制停止 d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am start -n com.tencent.mobileqq/com.tencent.mobileqq.activity.SplashActivity" ).communicate() # 拉起来 z.sleep(10) z.heartbeat() if d(text="消息").exists: z.toast("卡槽状态正常,继续执行") else: z.toast("卡槽状态异常,跳过此模块") return str = # 获取屏幕大小等信息 height = str["displayHeight"] width = str["displayWidth"] z.heartbeat() if d(text='绑定手机号码').exists: d(text='关闭').click() if d(textContains='匹配').exists: # d(description='快捷入口').click() # d( descriptionContains='快捷入口' ).click( ) # d(text='加好友/群').click() z.heartbeat() while not d(text='附近的人', className="android.widget.TextView").exists: if d(index=2, text="动态", className="android.widget.TextView").exists: d(index=2, text="动态", className="android.widget.TextView").click() z.sleep(1) z.heartbeat() if d(index=1, text="附近", className="android.widget.TextView").exists: z.sleep(1) z.heartbeat() d(index=1, text="附近", className="android.widget.TextView").click() tempnum = 0 objtemp = d(index=2, className="android.widget.LinearLayout").child( index=0, className="android.widget.LinearLayout", resourceId="com.tencent.mobileqq:id/name").child( index="0", className="android.widget.RelativeLayout").child( index=0, className="android.widget.ImageView", resourceId="com.tencent.mobileqq:id/icon") while True: if objtemp.exists: z.sleep(1) break else: z.sleep(2) if tempnum == 4: break else: tempnum = tempnum + 1 getGender = args['gender'] if getGender != '不限': d(resourceId='com.tencent.mobileqq:id/ivTitleBtnRightImage').click( ) d(text='筛选附近的人').click() d(text=getGender).click() d(text='完成').click() while not d(textContains='等级').exists: z.sleep(2) z.heartbeat() prisenum = int(args['prisenum']) concernnum = int(args['concernnum']) textnum = int(args['textnum']) count = max(prisenum, concernnum, textnum) t = 0 i = 3 while t < count: forClick = d(className='android.widget.AbsListView').child( className='android.widget.LinearLayout', index=i).child(className='android.widget.RelativeLayout') if forClick.child(className='android.widget.LinearLayout', index=2).exists: z.heartbeat() if forClick.child(text='直播中').exists: i = i + 1 continue while not d(textContains='关注').exists: z.sleep(2) if d(text='知道了').exists: d(text='知道了').click() if t < prisenum: praise = 0 z.heartbeat() while praise < 10: if d(descriptionContains='赞').exists: z.heartbeat() d(descriptionContains='赞').click() if d(text='取消').exists: #当点赞够次超数的时候 d(text='取消').click() praise = 10 #表明点赞已够次数,将点赞结束掉 praise = praise + 1 else: praise = 10 # 无法赞的情况 continue z.sleep(2) if t < concernnum: if d(text='关注').exists: d(text='关注').click() if d(text='关注').exists: d(text='关注').click() if d(text='关注').exists: z.toast("关注频繁,进行其他操作") if t < textnum: d(text='发消息').click() z.sleep(1) if d(text='发消息').exists: z.toast('无法发消息') d(text='返回').click() i = i + 1 t = t + 1 continue d(className='android.widget.EditText').click() cate_id = args["repo_material_id"] Material = self.repo.GetMaterial(cate_id, 0, 1) if len(Material) == 0: d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am broadcast -a com.zunyun.zime.toast --es msg \"消息素材%s号仓库为空,没有取到消息\"" % cate_id).communicate() z.sleep(10) return message = Material[0]['content'] z.input(message) d(text='发送').click() # d(text='返回').click() if d(index=1, resourceId='com.tencent.mobileqq:id/rlCommenTitle', className="android.widget.RelativeLayout").child( index=0, className="android.widget.LinearLayout").child( index=0, className="android.widget.ImageView").exists: d(index=1, resourceId='com.tencent.mobileqq:id/rlCommenTitle', className="android.widget.RelativeLayout").child( index=0, className="android.widget.LinearLayout").child( index=0, className="android.widget.ImageView").click() i = i + 1 t = t + 1 elif d(className='android.widget.AbsListView').child( className='android.widget.RelativeLayout', index=i).child(text='广告').exists: #被点击条件不存在的情况 z.heartbeat() i = i + 1 continue else: str = # 获取屏幕大小等信息 width = str["displayWidth"] clickCondition = d(className='android.widget.AbsListView') obj = obj = obj['visibleBounds'] top = int(obj['top']) bottom = int(obj['bottom']) y = bottom - top d.swipe(width / 2, y, width / 2, 0) z.sleep(3) i = 1 if (args["time_delay"]): z.sleep(int(args["time_delay"]))
class MMCTIMAutoReply: def __init__(self): self.repo = Repo() self.mid = os.path.realpath(__file__) def GetUnique(self): nowTime ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S") # 生成当前时间 randomNum = random.randint(0, 1000) # 生成的随机整数n,其中0<=n<=100 if randomNum <= 10: randomNum = str(00) + str(randomNum) uniqueNum = str(nowTime) + str(randomNum) return uniqueNum def action(self, d, z, args): startTime = args["startTime"] endTime = args["endTime"] try: if self.repo.timeCompare(startTime, endTime): z.toast("该时间段不允许运行") return except: z.toast("输入的时间格式错误,请检查后再试") return set_timeStart = int(args['set_timeStart']) # 得到设定的时间 set_timeEnd = int(args["set_timeEnd"]) run_time = float(random.randint(set_timeStart, set_timeEnd)) run_interval = z.getModuleRunInterval(self.mid) if run_interval is not None and run_interval < run_time: z.toast(u'锁定时间还差:%d分钟' % int(run_time - run_interval)) z.sleep(2) return cate_id = args["repo_material_cate_id"] sendTime = args["sendTime"] sendTime = sendTime.split("-") try: sendTimeStart = int(sendTime[0]) sendTimeEnd = int(sendTime[1]) except: z.toast("发送间隔的参数格式有误") return z.toast("准备执行MMS版TIM监控自动回复") z.sleep(1) z.toast("正在ping网络是否通畅") z.heartbeat() i = 0 while i < 200: i += 1 ping = d.server.adb.cmd("shell", "ping -c 3").communicate() print(ping) if 'icmp_seq' and 'bytes from' and 'time' in ping[0]: z.toast("网络通畅。开始执行:准备执行MMS版TIM监控自动回复") break z.sleep(2) if i > 200: z.toast("网络不通,请检查网络状态") if (args["time_delay"]): z.sleep(int(args["time_delay"])) return # self.scode = smsCode( d.server.adb.device_serial( ) ) z.heartbeat() d.server.adb.cmd("shell", "am force-stop com.tencent.tim").communicate() # 强制停止 d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am start -n com.tencent.tim/com.tencent.mobileqq.activity.SplashActivity" ).communicate() # 拉起来 z.sleep(8) z.heartbeat() if d(text="消息", resourceId="com.tencent.tim:id/ivTitleName").exists and not d( text="马上绑定", className="android.widget.Button").exists: z.toast("登录状态正常,继续执行") else: if d(text="关闭", resourceId="com.tencent.tim:id/ivTitleBtnLeftButton").exists: d(text="关闭", resourceId="com.tencent.tim:id/ivTitleBtnLeftButton").click( ) z.sleep(1) elif d(text="消息", className="android.widget.TextView").exists and d( text="马上绑定", className="android.widget.Button").exists: d(text="消息", className="android.widget.TextView").click() z.sleep(1) elif d(text="返回").exists: d(text="返回").click() z.sleep(1) else: z.toast("登录状态异常,跳过此模块") now = nowtime = now.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # 将日期转化为字符串 datetime => string z.setModuleLastRun(self.mid) z.toast('模块结束,保存的时间是%s' % nowtime) return add_count = int(args["add_count"]) i = 0 cate_id = args["repo_material_cate_id"] sendTime = args["sendTime"] sendTime = sendTime.split("-") try: sendTimeStart = int(sendTime[0]) sendTimeEnd = int(sendTime[1]) except: z.toast("发送间隔的参数格式有误") return meg_count = int(args["meg_count"]) k = 0 while i < add_count: if k == 10: z.toast("连续等待了100秒都没一条消息,停止模块") now = nowtime = now.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # 将日期转化为字符串 datetime => string z.setModuleLastRun(self.mid) z.toast('模块结束,保存的时间是%s' % nowtime) return if d(resourceId="com.tencent.tim:id/no_chat", text="暂时没有新消息").exists: # d( resourceId="com.tencent.tim:id/no_chat", text="暂时没有新消息" ).click() z.toast("无消息,等待10秒") z.sleep(10) z.heartbeat() k = k + 1 continue k = 0 obj = d(resourceId="com.tencent.tim:id/recent_chat_list", index=1, className="android.widget.AbsListView").child( index=2, className="android.widget.LinearLayout") if obj.exists: z.heartbeat() bounds =["bounds"] top = bounds["top"] bottom = bounds["bottom"] right = bounds["right"] obj2 = obj.child( index=0, resourceId="com.tencent.tim:id/relativeItem", className="android.widget.RelativeLayout").child( index=1, className="android.widget.RelativeLayout").child( index=2, resourceId="com.tencent.tim:id/unreadmsg", className="android.widget.TextView") z.heartbeat() if obj2.exists: obj.child( index=0, resourceId="com.tencent.tim:id/relativeItem", className="android.widget.RelativeLayout").child( index=1, className="android.widget.RelativeLayout").click() if d(resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/input', className="android.widget.EditText").exists and not d( resourceId= "com.tencent.tim:id/ivTitleBtnRightImage", description="群资料卡").exists and not d( text="TIM团队", resourceId="com.tencent.tim:id/title").exists: d(resourceId='com.tencent.tim:id/input', className="android.widget.EditText").click() for j in range(0, random.randint(1, meg_count)): Material = self.repo.GetMaterial(cate_id, 0, 1) if len(Material) == 0: d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am broadcast -a com.zunyun.zime.toast --es msg \"消息素材%s号仓库为空,等待中……\"" % cate_id).communicate() z.sleep(10) return message = Material[0]['content'] # 取出发送消息的内容 z.input(message) z.sleep(1) if d(text="发送", resourceId="com.tencent.tim:id/fun_btn" ).exists: d(text="发送", resourceId="com.tencent.tim:id/fun_btn" ).click() z.sleep( random.randint(sendTimeStart, sendTimeEnd)) i = i + 1 z.sleep(2) if obj2.exists: i = i + 1 continue if not obj.exists: z.sleep(1) z.heartbeat() d.swipe(right - 50, bottom - (bottom - top) / 2, right / 2, bottom - (bottom - top) / 2, 5) z.sleep(1) if d(resourceId="com.tencent.tim:id/name", description="删除").exists: d(resourceId="com.tencent.tim:id/name", description="删除").click() z.sleep(1) else: d.swipe(right - 50, bottom - (bottom - top) / 2, right / 2, bottom - (bottom - top) / 2, 5) z.sleep(1) if d(resourceId="com.tencent.tim:id/name", description="删除").exists: d(resourceId="com.tencent.tim:id/name", description="删除").click() z.sleep(1) else: d.swipe(right - 50, bottom - (bottom - top) / 2, right / 2, bottom - (bottom - top) / 2, 5) z.sleep(1) if d(resourceId="com.tencent.tim:id/name", description="删除").exists: d(resourceId="com.tencent.tim:id/name", description="删除").click() z.sleep(1) else: z.toast("无消息") z.sleep(5) now = nowtime = now.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # 将日期转化为字符串 datetime => string z.setModuleLastRun(self.mid) z.toast('模块结束,保存的时间是%s' % nowtime) return
class WXAssignSearchAddFriends: def __init__(self): self.repo = Repo() self.mid = os.path.realpath(__file__) def action(self, d, z, args): z.heartbeat() d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am force-stop").communicate() # 将微信强制停止 d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am start -n" ).communicate() # 将微信拉起来 z.sleep(5) d(description='更多功能按钮', className='android.widget.RelativeLayout').click() z.sleep(1) if d(text='添加朋友').exists: d(text='添加朋友').click() else: d(description='更多功能按钮', className='android.widget.RelativeLayout').click() z.sleep(1) d(text='添加朋友').click() z.heartbeat() d(index='1', className='android.widget.TextView').click() #点击搜索好友的输入框 cate_id = int(args["repo_number_id"]) # 得到取号码的仓库号 number_count = int(args['get_number']) # 每次取一个号码 while True: exist_numbers = self.repo.GetNumber(cate_id, 8888, number_count, 'exist') remain = number_count - len(exist_numbers) normal_numbers = self.repo.GetNumber(cate_id, 8888, remain, 'normal') numbers = exist_numbers + normal_numbers if len(numbers) > 0: break d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am broadcast -a com.zunyun.zime.toast --es msg \"电话号码%s号仓库为空,结束运行\"" % cate_id).communicate() z.sleep(30) if len(numbers) <= 0: return for i in range(len(numbers)): WXnumber = numbers[i]['number'] z.input(WXnumber) z.heartbeat() z.sleep(3) d(textContains='搜索:').click() while d(textContains='正在查找联系人').exists: z.sleep(2) if d(textContains='操作过于频繁').exists: continue # return z.sleep(2) if d(textContains='用户不存在').exists: d(descriptionContains='清除', index=2).click() z.sleep(1) continue if d(textContains='状态异常').exists: d(descriptionContains='清除', index=2).click() continue z.heartbeat() if d(text='设置备注和标签').exists: d(text='设置备注和标签').click() z.sleep(3) beizhuObj = d(className='android.widget.EditText', index=1) if beizhuObj.exists: deltext = # 将之前消息框的内容删除 deltext = deltext['text'] lenth = len(deltext) m = 0 while m < lenth: m = m + 1 z.input(WXnumber) d(text='保存').click() z.sleep(3) z.heartbeat() if d(text='添加到通讯录').exists: # 存在联系人的情况 d(text='添加到通讯录').click() if d(text='发消息').exists: d(descriptionContains='返回').click() z.sleep(3) d(descriptionContains='返回').click() z.sleep(3) d(descriptionContains='清除').click() continue elif d(text='验证申请').exists: d(text='发送').click() z.sleep(2) d(descriptionContains='返回').click() z.sleep(2) d(descriptionContains='清除').click() continue else: if d(text='取消').exists: d(text='取消').click() d(descriptionContains='返回').click() z.sleep(3) d(descriptionContains='清除').click() continue if d(text='确定').exists: d(text='确定').click() d(descriptionContains='返回').click() z.sleep(3) d(descriptionContains='清除').click() continue d(descriptionContains='返回').click() z.sleep(3) d(descriptionContains='返回').click() z.sleep(3) d(descriptionContains='清除').click() continue elif d(text='发消息').exists: d(descriptionContains='返回').click() z.sleep(3) d(descriptionContains='清除').click() continue
class QQAdressAddfriends2: def __init__(self): self.repo = Repo() def GetUnique(self): nowTime ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S") # 生成当前时间 randomNum = random.randint(0, 1000) # 生成的随机整数n,其中0<=n<=100 if randomNum <= 10: randomNum = str(00) + str(randomNum) uniqueNum = str(nowTime) + str(randomNum) return uniqueNum def Gender(self, d, z): base_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir, "tmp")) if not os.path.isdir(base_dir): os.mkdir(base_dir) sourcePng = os.path.join(base_dir, "%s_s.png" % (self.GetUnique())) obj = d(resourceId='com.tencent.mobileqq:id/name', className='android.widget.TextView', descriptionContains='基本信息') # 当弹出选择QQ框的时候,定位不到验证码图片 if obj.exists: z.heartbeat() obj = obj = obj['bounds'] # 验证码处的信息 left = obj["left"] # 验证码的位置信息 top = obj['top'] right = obj['right'] bottom = obj['bottom'] d.screenshot(sourcePng) # 截取整个输入验证码时的屏幕 img = box = (left, top, right, bottom) # left top right bottom region = img.crop(box) # 截取验证码的图片 # show(region) #展示资料卡上的信息 image = region.convert('RGBA') # 生成缩略图,减少计算量,减小cpu压力 image.thumbnail((200, 200)) max_score = None dominant_color = None for count, (r, g, b, a) in image.getcolors(image.size[0] * image.size[1]): # 跳过纯黑色 if a == 0: continue saturation = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0)[1] y = min( abs(r * 2104 + g * 4130 + b * 802 + 4096 + 131072) >> 13, 235) y = (y - 16.0) / (235 - 16) # 忽略高亮色 if y > 0.9: continue score = (saturation + 0.1) * count if score > max_score: max_score = score dominant_color = (r, g, b) # print("---------------------------------------------------------------------------") # print(dominant_color) z.heartbeat() if None == dominant_color: # print('见鬼了') return '不限' red = dominant_color[0] blue = dominant_color[2] if red > blue: # print('女') return '女' else: # print('男') return '男' else: # 没有基本资料的情况 return '不限' def getAddressList(self, d, z, args): z.heartbeat() base_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir, "tmp")) if not os.path.isdir(base_dir): os.mkdir(base_dir) filename = os.path.join(base_dir, "%s.txt" % (self.GetUnique())) number_count = int(args['number_count']) cate_id = args["repo_cate_id"] while True: exist_numbers = self.repo.GetNumber(cate_id, 0, number_count, 'exist') print(exist_numbers) remain = number_count - len(exist_numbers) normal_numbers = self.repo.GetNumber(cate_id, 0, remain, 'normal') numbers = exist_numbers + normal_numbers if len(numbers) > 0: break d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am broadcast -a com.zunyun.zime.toast --es msg \"电话号码%s号仓库为空,等待中\"" % cate_id).communicate() z.sleep(30) if numbers: file_object = open(filename, 'w') lines = "" pname = "" for number in numbers: if number["name"] is None: random_name = args['random_name'] if random_name == '是': pname = z.phoneToName(number["number"]) else: pname = number["number"] else: pname = number["name"] lines = "%s%s----%s\r" % (lines, pname, number["number"]) file_object.writelines(lines) file_object.close() isclear = args['clear'] if isclear == '是': d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "pm clear").communicate() #d.server.adb.cmd("shell", "am", "start", "-a", "zime.clear.contacts").communicate() d.server.adb.cmd("push", filename, "/data/local/tmp/contacts.txt").communicate() d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am", "start", "-n", "com.zunyun.zime/.ImportActivity", "-t", "text/plain", "-d", "file:////data/local/tmp/contacts.txt").communicate() #d.server.adb.cmd("shell", "am broadcast -a --es file \"file:///data/local/tmp/contacts.txt\"").communicate() os.remove(filename) out = d.server.adb.cmd("shell", "dumpsys activity top | grep ACTIVITY" ).communicate()[0].decode('utf-8') while out.find("com.zunyun.zime/.ImportActivity") > -1: z.heartbeat() out = d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "dumpsys activity top | grep ACTIVITY" ).communicate()[0].decode('utf-8') z.sleep(5) if (args["time_delay"]): z.sleep(int(args["time_delay"])) def Bind(self, d, z): self.scode = smsCode(d.server.adb.device_serial()) z.heartbeat() newStart = 1 while newStart == 1: GetBindNumber = self.scode.GetPhoneNumber( self.scode.QQ_CONTACT_BIND) if isinstance(GetBindNumber, list) and GetBindNumber: GetBindNumber = GetBindNumber[0] elif GetBindNumber is None or GetBindNumber == []: return 'false' if 'Session' in GetBindNumber: self.Bind(d, z) print(GetBindNumber) z.sleep(2) d(resourceId='com.tencent.mobileqq:id/name', className='android.widget.EditText').set_text( GetBindNumber) # GetBindNumber z.heartbeat() z.sleep(1) d(text='下一步').click() z.sleep(3) while d(text="正在发送请求").exists: time.sleep(3) if d(text='下一步', resourceId='com.tencent.mobileqq:id/name', index=2).exists: # 操作过于频繁的情况 return 'false' if d(text='确定', resourceId='com.tencent.mobileqq:id/name', index='2').exists: # 提示该号码已经与另一个qq绑定,是否改绑,如果请求失败的情况 d(text='确定', resourceId='com.tencent.mobileqq:id/name', index='2').click() z.heartbeat() code = self.scode.GetVertifyCode(GetBindNumber, self.scode.QQ_CONTACT_BIND, '4') newStart = 0 d(resourceId='com.tencent.mobileqq:id/name', className='android.widget.EditText').set_text(code) d(text='完成', resourceId='com.tencent.mobileqq:id/name').click() z.heartbeat() z.sleep(5) if d(textContains='没有可匹配的').exists: return 'false' return 'true' def action(self, d, z, args): z.heartbeat() z.toast("准备执行QQ通讯录加好友+导入通讯录+多选") z.toast("开始导入通讯录") self.getAddressList(d, z, args) z.heartbeat() z.heartbeat() str = # 获取屏幕大小等信息 height = str["displayHeight"] width = str["displayWidth"] cate_id1 = args["repo_material_id"] Material = self.repo.GetMaterial(cate_id1, 0, 1) message = Material[0]['content'] # 取出验证消息的内容 d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am force-stop com.tencent.mobileqq").communicate() # 强制停止 d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am start -n com.tencent.mobileqq/com.tencent.mobileqq.activity.SplashActivity" ).communicate() # 拉起来 z.sleep(10) z.heartbeat() if d(text="消息", resourceId="com.tencent.mobileqq:id/ivTitleName", className="android.widget.TextView").exists: z.toast("登录状态正常") elif d(text='绑定手机号码').exists: while d(text='关闭').exists: d(text='关闭').click() z.sleep(0.5) z.sleep(1) elif d(text='主题装扮').exists: while d(text='关闭').exists: d(text='关闭').click() z.sleep(0.5) elif d(text='马上绑定').exists: while d(text='关闭').exists: d(text='关闭').click() z.sleep(0.5) else: z.toast("登录状态异常,停止模块") return str = # 获取屏幕大小等信息 height = str["displayHeight"] width = str["displayWidth"] z.heartbeat() cate_id = args["repo_material_id"] # ------------------ Material = self.repo.GetMaterial(cate_id, 0, 1) if len(Material) == 0: d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am broadcast -a com.zunyun.zime.toast --es msg \"消息素材%s号仓库为空,没有取到消息\"" % cate_id).communicate() z.sleep(10) return message = Material[0]['content'] # 取出验证消息的内容 z.heartbeat() if d(text="联系人", resourceId="com.tencent.mobileqq:id/name").exists: d(text="联系人", resourceId="com.tencent.mobileqq:id/name").click() time.sleep(1) d(text="添加", resourceId="com.tencent.mobileqq:id/ivTitleBtnRightText").click( ) time.sleep(1) d(text='添加手机联系人').click() time.sleep(3) if d(resourceId='com.tencent.mobileqq:id/name', className='android.widget.EditText', index=2).exists: # 检查到尚未 启用通讯录 if d(text=' +null', resourceId='com.tencent.mobileqq:id/name').exists: d(text=' +null', resourceId='com.tencent.mobileqq:id/name').click() d(text='中国大陆', resourceId='com.tencent.mobileqq:id/name').click() z.heartbeat() text = self.Bind(d, z) # 未开启通讯录的,现绑定通讯录 z.heartbeat() if text == 'false': # 操作过于频繁的情况 z.toast('模块结束') return z.sleep(7) if d(textContains='没有可匹配的').exists: if d(text="返回", resourceId="com.tencent.mobileqq:id/ivTitleBtnLeft").exists: d(text="返回", resourceId="com.tencent.mobileqq:id/ivTitleBtnLeft").click() z.sleep(1) if d(text='添加手机联系人').exists: d(text='添加手机联系人').click() z.sleep(1) if d(textContains='没有可匹配的').exists: if d(text="返回", resourceId="com.tencent.mobileqq:id/ivTitleBtnLeft" ).exists: d(text="返回", resourceId="com.tencent.mobileqq:id/ivTitleBtnLeft" ).click() z.sleep(1) if d(text='添加手机联系人').exists: d(text='添加手机联系人').click() z.sleep(1) if d(textContains='没有可匹配的').exists: z.toast("显示不出来") return if d(text='匹配手机通讯录').exists: d(text='匹配手机通讯录').click() while not d(text='多选').exists: z.sleep(2) z.heartbeat() d(text='多选').click() m = 0 # while True: # if d( text='★' ).exists: # z.heartbeat( ) # for m in range( 0, 12, +1 ): # 快速加好友从#号下面的 # obj = d( className='android.widget.AbsListView' ).child( className='android.widget.LinearLayout',index=m ).child( # className='android.widget.TextView' ).info # if obj['text'] == '★': # break # else: # m = m + 1 # continue # # break # else: # 当前页没有找到#时滑页 # d.swipe( width / 2, height * 4 / 5, width / 2, height / 5 ) z.heartbeat() set1 = set() i = m + 1 t = 0 EndIndex = int(args['EndIndex']) # ------------------ while t < EndIndex: obj = d(className='android.widget.AbsListView').child( className='android.widget.LinearLayout', index=i) # 滑动的条件 if obj.exists: z.heartbeat() obj1 = d( className='android.widget.AbsListView' ).child( className='android.widget.LinearLayout', index=i ) \ .child( className='android.widget.LinearLayout', index=2 ).child( className='android.widget.TextView' ) # 第i个内容存在并且是人的情况 if obj1.exists: obj1 = phone = obj1['text'] if phone in set1: i = i + 1 continue else: set1.add(phone) print(phone) obj5 = d( className='android.widget.AbsListView' ).child( className='android.widget.LinearLayout', index=i ) \ .child( className='android.widget.FrameLayout' ).child( text='等待验证' ) # 验证已经发过的情况 if obj5.exists: z.heartbeat() d(textContains='加好友').click() obj = d(className='android.widget.EditText' ).info # 将之前消息框的内容删除 obj = obj['text'] lenth = len(obj) mn = 0 while mn < lenth: mn = mn + 1 z.input(message) d(text='发送').click() return obj4 = d(className='android.widget.AbsListView').child( className='android.widget.LinearLayout', index=i).child(className='android.widget.CheckBox' ) # 勾选框没被遮住的情况 if obj4.exists: else: d(className='android.widget.AbsListView').child( className='android.widget.LinearLayout', index=i).click() i = i + 1 t = t + 1 continue # -------------------------------------------- else: i = i + 1 continue else: d.swipe(width / 2, height * 4 / 5, width / 2, height / 5) obj2 = d( className='android.widget.AbsListView' ).child( className='android.widget.LinearLayout', index=i ) \ .child( className='android.widget.LinearLayout', index=2 ).child( className='android.widget.TextView' ) # 结束条件 if obj2.exists: obj2 = else: obj2 = d( className='android.widget.AbsListView' ).child( className='android.widget.LinearLayout', index=i-1 ) \ .child( className='android.widget.LinearLayout', index=2 ).child( className='android.widget.TextView' ) if obj2.exists: obj2 = else: obj2 = d( className='android.widget.AbsListView' ).child( className='android.widget.LinearLayout', index=i - 2 ) \ .child( className='android.widget.LinearLayout', index=2 ).child( className='android.widget.TextView' ) if obj2.exists: obj2 = else: i = 0 continue EndPhone = obj2['text'] # obj2 = d( className='android.widget.AbsListView' ).child( className='android.widget.LinearLayout', # index=i - 1 ) \ # .child( className='android.widget.LinearLayout', index=2 ).child( # className='android.widget.TextView' ) # 结束条件 # if obj2.exists: # obj2 = # else: # obj2 = d( className='android.widget.AbsListView' ).child( className='android.widget.LinearLayout', # index=i - 2 ) \ # .child( className='android.widget.LinearLayout', index=2 ).child( # className='android.widget.TextView' ).info # 结束条件 # EndPhone = obj2['text'] if EndPhone in set1: z.heartbeat() d(textContains='加好友').click() obj = d(className='android.widget.EditText' ).info # 将之前消息框的内容删除 obj = obj['text'] lenth = len(obj) mn = 0 while mn < lenth: mn = mn + 1 z.input(message) d(text='发送').click() return i = 0 continue d(textContains='加好友').click() obj = d(className='android.widget.EditText').info # 将之前消息框的内容删除 obj = obj['text'] lenth = len(obj) mn = 0 z.heartbeat() while mn < lenth: mn = mn + 1 z.input(message) d(text='发送').click() while d(textContains='发送').exists: time.sleep(2) if (args["time_delay"]): z.sleep(int(args["time_delay"])) z.toast("模块完成!")
class MobilqqLogin2: def __init__(self): self.type = 'mobileqq' self.repo = Repo() self.slot = Slot('', self.type) self.logger = util.logger def GetUnique(self): nowTime ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S") # 生成当前时间 randomNum = random.randint(0, 1000) # 生成的随机整数n,其中0<=n<=100 if randomNum <= 10: randomNum = str(00) + str(randomNum) uniqueNum = str(nowTime) + str(randomNum) return uniqueNum def login(self, d, args, z): z.heartbeat() base_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir, "tmp")) if not os.path.isdir(base_dir): os.mkdir(base_dir) sourcePng = os.path.join(base_dir, "%s_s.png" % (self.GetUnique())) codePng = os.path.join(base_dir, "%s_c.png" % (self.GetUnique())) cate_id = args["repo_cate_id"] while True: time_limit1 = args['time_limit1'] numbers = self.repo.GetAccount(cate_id, time_limit1, 1) t = 30 while len(numbers) == 0: z.heartbeat() z.toast('QQ帐号库%s号仓库无%s分钟未用,即将跳出 %s' % (cate_id, time_limit1, t)) numbers = self.repo.GetAccount(cate_id, time_limit1, 1) z.sleep(2) t = t - 2 if t <= 0: return None QQNumber = numbers[0]['number'] # 即将登陆的QQ号 QQPassword = numbers[0]['password'] z.sleep(1) z.heartbeat() z.cmd("shell", "pm clear com.tencent.mobileqq") # 清除缓存 z.cmd( "shell", "am start -n com.tencent.mobileqq/com.tencent.mobileqq.activity.SplashActivity" ) # 拉起来 while d(textContains='正在更新数据').exists: z.sleep(3) z.heartbeat() t = 15 z.toast("等待 登录 按钮出现") while not d(resourceId='com.tencent.mobileqq:id/btn_login').exists: z.toast("等待 登录 按钮出现 %s" % t) dumpStr = d.dump(compressed=False) z.sleep(2) if t == 9: self.logger.war(dumpStr) t = t - 2 d(resourceId='com.tencent.mobileqq:id/btn_login').click() z.sleep(1) d(className='android.widget.EditText', index=0).click() d(className='android.widget.EditText', index=0).set_text( QQNumber) # 1918697054----xiake1234. QQNumber z.sleep(1) d(resourceId='com.tencent.mobileqq:id/password').set_text( QQPassword) # Bn2kJq5l QQPassword z.heartbeat() print('QQ号:%s,QQ密码:%s' % (QQNumber, QQPassword)) d(resourceId='com.tencent.mobileqq:id/login').click() if d(text='QQ').exists: d(text='QQ').click() if d(text='仅此一次').exists: d(text='仅此一次').click() z.sleep(1) while d(text='登录中').exists: z.sleep(2) z.sleep(4) z.heartbeat() if d(resourceId='com.tencent.mobileqq:id/name', index='2', className="android.widget.EditText").exists: # 需要验证码的情况 icode = imageCode() im_id = "" for i in range(0, 30, +1): # 打码循环 if i > 0: icode.reportError(im_id) obj = d(resourceId='com.tencent.mobileqq:id/name', className='android.widget.ImageView' ) #当弹出选择QQ框的时候,定位不到验证码图片 obj = obj = obj['bounds'] # 验证码处的信息 left = obj["left"] # 验证码的位置信息 top = obj['top'] right = obj['right'] bottom = obj['bottom'] d.screenshot(sourcePng) # 截取整个输入验证码时的屏幕 img = box = (left, top, right, bottom) # left top right bottom region = img.crop(box) # 截取验证码的图片 img ='RGBA', (right - left, bottom - top)) img.paste(region, (0, 0)) im = open(codePng, 'rb') codeResult = icode.getCode(im, icode.CODE_TYPE_4_NUMBER_CHAR) code = codeResult["Result"] im_id = codeResult["Id"] os.remove(sourcePng) os.remove(codePng) z.heartbeat() d(resourceId='com.tencent.mobileqq:id/name', index='2', className="android.widget.EditText").set_text(code) z.sleep(3) d(text='完成', resourceId='com.tencent.mobileqq:id/ivTitleBtnRightText' ).click() z.sleep(6) z.heartbeat() while d(className='android.widget.ProgressBar', index=0).exists: #网速不给力时,点击完成后仍然在加载时的状态 z.sleep(2) z.sleep(3) z.heartbeat() if d(text='输入验证码', resourceId='com.tencent.mobileqq:id/ivTitleName' ).exists: continue else: break else: d.server.adb.cmd("shell", "am force-stop com.tencent1314.mobileqq" ).communicate() # 强制停止 z.sleep(1) d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am start -n com.tencent.mobileqq/com.tencent.mobileqq.activity.SplashActivity" ).communicate() # 拉起来 z.sleep(4) z.heartbeat() if d(text='搜索', resourceId='com.tencent.mobileqq:id/name' ).exists: # 不需要验证码的情况 return QQNumber z.sleep(1) if d(text='马上绑定').exists: return QQNumber z.sleep(1) if d(text='通讯录').exists: #登陆上后弹出t通讯录的情况 return QQNumber if d(textContains='更换主题').exists: return QQNumber if d(text='寻找好友').exists: return QQNumber if d(textContains='密码错误').exists:'===========密码错误==============帐号:%s,密码:%s' % (QQNumber, QQPassword)) z.heartbeat() self.repo.BackupInfo(cate_id, 'frozen', QQNumber, '', '') # 仓库号,使用中,QQ号,设备号_卡槽号QQNumber z.sleep(1) if d(text='帐号无法登录').exists: d(text='取消').click() continue def action(self, d, z, args): z.heartbeat() d.dump(compressed=False) time_limit = args['time_limit'] cate_id = args["repo_cate_id"] slotnum = self.slot.getEmpty() # 取空卡槽 print(slotnum) if slotnum == 0: #没有空卡槽的话 slotnum = self.slot.getSlot(d, time_limit) # 没有空卡槽,取2小时没用过的卡槽 print(slotnum) while slotnum == 0: # 2小时没有用过的卡槽也为空的情况 d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am broadcast -a com.zunyun.zime.toast --es msg \"QQ卡槽全满,无间隔时间段未用\"" ).communicate() z.heartbeat() z.sleep(30) slotnum = self.slot.getSlot(d, time_limit) z.heartbeat() d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "pm clear com.tencent.mobileqq").communicate() # 清除缓存 getSerial = self.repo.Getserial( cate_id, '%s_%s_%s' % (d.server.adb.device_serial(), self.type, slotnum)) #得到之前的串号 time.sleep(1) if len(getSerial) == 0: #之前的信息保存失败的话 d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am broadcast -a com.zunyun.zime.toast --es msg \"串号获取失败,重新设置\"" ).communicate() #在51上测时库里有东西但是王红机器关闭后仍获取失败 print('切换失败') getSerial = z.generateSerial("788") # 修改信息 else: getSerial = getSerial[0]['imei'] #如果信息保存成功但串号没保存成功的情况 print('卡槽切换时的sereial%s' % getSerial) if getSerial is None: #如果串号为空,在该卡槽下保存新的串号 getSerial = z.generateSerial("788") # 修改信息 else: z.generateSerial(getSerial) # 将串号保存 z.heartbeat() self.slot.restore(d, slotnum) # 有time_limit分钟没用过的卡槽情况,切换卡槽 z.heartbeat() while True: ping = d.server.adb.cmd("shell", "ping -c 3").communicate() print(ping) if 'icmp_seq' and 'bytes from' and 'time' in ping[0]: break z.sleep(2) d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am broadcast -a com.zunyun.zime.toast --es msg \"卡槽成功切换为" + str(slotnum) + "号\"").communicate() z.sleep(2) if d(textContains='主题装扮').exists: d(text='关闭').click() z.sleep(1) d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am start -n com.tencent.mobileqq/com.tencent.mobileqq.activity.SplashActivity" ).communicate() # 拉起来 z.sleep(2) z.heartbeat() while d(textContains='正在更新数据').exists: z.sleep(2) z.sleep(5) z.heartbeat() if d(textContains='主题装扮').exists: d(text='关闭').click() z.sleep(1) loginedFlag = True seconds = 15 while seconds > 0: z.toast('检查是否出现登录界面%s' % seconds) seconds = seconds - 1 z.sleep(1) if z.checkTopActivity("com.tencent.mobileqq/.activity.RegisterGuideActivity") \ or z.checkTopActivity("com.tencent.mobileqq/.activity.LoginActivity") \ or d(textContains='身份过期').exists: loginedFlag = False break obj = self.slot.getSlotInfo(d, slotnum) # 得到切换后的QQ号 QQnumber = obj['info'] # info为QQ号 if loginedFlag: z.toast(u'卡槽恢复成功') z.heartbeat() self.slot.backup(d, slotnum, QQnumber) # 设备信息,卡槽号,QQ号 self.repo.BackupInfo(cate_id, 'using', QQnumber, getSerial, '%s_%s_%s' % (d.server.adb.device_serial(), self.type, slotnum)) # 仓库号,状态,QQ号,备注设备id_卡槽id else: #切换不成功的情况 #z.toast(u'卡槽恢复失败,开始补登') self.repo.BackupInfo(cate_id, 'frozen', QQnumber, '', '') # 标记卡槽号码为冻结,仓库号,状态,QQ号,备注设备id_卡槽id z.cmd("shell", "pm clear com.tencent.mobileqq") # 清除缓存 serialinfo = z.generateSerial("788") # 修改信息 z.heartbeat() z.toast(u'卡槽恢复失败,开始补登') QQnumber = self.login(d, args, z) # 帐号无法登陆则登陆,重新登陆 if QQnumber: self.slot.backup( d, slotnum, QQnumber) # 登陆之后备份,将备份后的信息传到后台 仓库号,状态,QQ号,备注设备id_卡槽id self.repo.BackupInfo( cate_id, 'using', QQnumber, serialinfo, '%s_%s_%s' % (d.server.adb.device_serial(), self.type, slotnum)) # 仓库号,使用中,QQ号,设备号_卡槽号 else: z.toast(u'补登失败了 :(') else: # 有空卡槽的情况 d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "pm clear com.tencent.mobileqq").communicate() # 清除缓存 z.heartbeat() while True: ping = d.server.adb.cmd("shell", "ping -c 3").communicate() print(ping) if 'icmp_seq' and 'bytes from' and 'time' in ping[0]: break z.sleep(2) serialinfo = z.generateSerial("788") #修改串号等信息 print('登陆时的serial%s' % serialinfo) z.heartbeat() QQnumber = self.login(d, args, z) z.heartbeat() self.slot.backup(d, str(slotnum) + '_' + QQnumber) #设备信息,卡槽号,QQ号 self.repo.BackupInfo(cate_id, 'using', QQnumber, serialinfo, '%s_%s_%s' % (d.server.adb.device_serial(), self.type, slotnum)) # 仓库号,使用中,QQ号,设备号_卡槽号 if (args["time_delay"]): z.sleep(int(args["time_delay"]))
class EIMAddGroup: def __init__(self): self.repo = Repo() def action(self, d, z, args): z.heartbeat() totalNumber = int(args['totalNumber']) # 要给多少人发消息 cate_id = int(args["repo_number_id"]) # 得到取号码的仓库号 numbers = self.repo.GetNumber(cate_id, 0, totalNumber) # 取出totalNumber条两小时内没有用过的号码 if len(numbers) == 0: d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am broadcast -a com.zunyun.zime.toast --es msg \"QQ号码库%s号仓库为空,等待中\"" % cate_id).communicate() z.sleep(10) return list = numbers # 将取出的号码保存到一个新的集合 print(list) z.sleep(15) z.heartbeat() for i in range(0, totalNumber, +1): cate_id = args["repo_material_id"] Material = self.repo.GetMaterial(cate_id, 0, 1) if len(Material) == 0: d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am broadcast -a com.zunyun.zime.toast --es msg \"消息素材%s号仓库为空,没有取到消息\"" % cate_id).communicate() z.sleep(10) return message = Material[0]['content'] QQnumber = list[i]['number'] z.sleep(1) z.heartbeat() d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", 'am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "mqqapi://card/show_pslcard?src_type=internal\&version=1\&uin=%s\&card_type=group&source=qrcode"' % QQnumber) # 群页面 z.sleep(2) if d(text='企业QQ').exists: d(text='企业QQ').click() z.sleep(0.5) if d(text='仅此一次').exists: d(text='仅此一次').click() z.heartbeat() obj = d(className='android.widget.RelativeLayout', index=5).child(className='android.widget.TextView', index=1).info member = obj['text'] member = filter(lambda ch: ch in '0123456789', member) member = int(member) if member == 0: continue d(text='加入该群').click() z.sleep(1) z.heartbeat() if d(text='加入该群').exists: continue obj = d(className='android.widget.EditText').info # 将之前消息框的内容删除 obj = obj['text'] lenth = len(obj) m = 0 while m < lenth: m = m + 1 z.input(message) d(text='发送').click() if (args["time_delay"]): z.sleep(int(args["time_delay"]))
def __init__(self): self.repo = Repo() self.xuma = None
class QQEmailSendTextAllUnifiedAccountCate: def __init__(self): self.repo = Repo() self.domain = '' def input(self,random_code,z,text): if random_code=="乱码": z.cmd( "shell", "am broadcast -a ZY_INPUT_TEXT --es text \\\"%s\\\"" % text ) else: z.input(text) def get_material(self, cateId, interval, limit, wid=''): #wid是用来发微信朋友圈的 path = "/repo_api/material/pick?status=normal&cate_id=%s&interval=%s&limit=%s&wid=%s" % (cateId,interval,limit,wid) url = self.domain + path response = requests.get( url ) if response.status_code == 200: data = response.text numbers = json.loads( data ) return numbers else: return [] def backup_info(self, cateId, status, Number, IMEI, remark): # 仓库号,状态,QQ号,备注设备id_卡槽id # path = "/repo_api/account/statusInfo?cate_id=%s&status=%s&Number=%s&IMEI=%s&cardslot=%s" % (cateId,status,Number,IMEI,remark) # conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(self.domain, self.port, timeout=30) # conn.request("GET",path) data = {"cate_id": cateId, "status": status, 'Number': Number, 'IMEI': IMEI, "cardslot": remark} path = "/repo_api/account/statusInfo" headers = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Connection": "Keep-Alive"}; url = self.domain + path response = url, data, headers=headers ) # print response.status_code def getTime(self, timeType): path = "/cgi-bin/cgi_svrtime" conn = httplib.HTTPConnection( "", None, timeout=30 ) conn.request( "GET", path ) response = conn.getresponse( ) data = ).replace( "\n", "" ) # if response.status == 200: # data = # else: # print u" 失效了" # return "" timea = datetime.datetime.strptime( data, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ) if timeType == "EnTime": return timea.strftime( "%a, %b %d, %Y %I:%M %p" ) elif timeType == "CnTime": nt = timea w = "" weekday = nt.weekday( ) if weekday == 0: w = "星期一" elif weekday == 1: w = "星期二" elif weekday == 2: w = "星期三" elif weekday == 3: w = "星期四" elif weekday == 4: w = "星期五" elif weekday == 5: w = "星期六" elif weekday == 6: w = "星期日" p = nt.strftime( "%p" ) if p == "PM" or p == "pm": p = "下午" else: p = "上午" nowtime = nt.strftime( '%Y年%m月%d日%I:%M' ) nowtime = nowtime.replace( "日", "日 (%s) %s" % (w, p) ) return nowtime else: return timea.strftime( "%a, %b %d, %Y %I:%M %p" ) def send_mail(self, d, z, args, fj, repo_mail_cateId, repo_mail_cateId2, account, check, account_num): # repo_mail_cateId = args['repo_mail_cateId'] repo_material_cateId = args['repo_material_cateId'] selectContent = args["selectContent"] repo_material_cateId2 = args['repo_material_cateId2'] Str = # 获取屏幕大小等信息 height = int( Str["displayHeight"] ) width = int( Str["displayWidth"] ) size = args['size'] random_code = args['random_code'] z.heartbeat( ) numberArr = [] if repo_mail_cateId: count = 1 else: count = 0 if repo_mail_cateId2: if "@" in repo_mail_cateId2: numberArr.append(repo_mail_cateId2) count2 = 0 else: count2 = 1 else: count2 = 0 if count > 0: numbers = self.repo.GetNumber( repo_mail_cateId, 120, count ) if len( numbers ) == 0: if args["nuberLoop"] == "循环": self.repo.UpdateNumberStauts( "", repo_mail_cateId, "normal" ) numbers = self.repo.GetNumber( repo_mail_cateId, 120, count ) if len( numbers ) == 0: z.toast( "%s号仓库没有号码" % repo_mail_cateId ) return else: d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am broadcast -a com.zunyun.zime.toast --es msg \"%s号仓库为空,没有取到消息\"" % repo_mail_cateId ).communicate( ) z.sleep( 10 ) return QQEmail = numbers[0]['number'].encode( "utf-8" ) if "@" not in QQEmail: QQEmail += "" numberArr.append(QQEmail) if count2 > 0: numbers = self.repo.GetNumber( repo_mail_cateId2, 120, count2 ) if len( numbers ) == 0: if args["nuberLoop"] == "循环": self.repo.UpdateNumberStauts( "", repo_mail_cateId2, "normal" ) numbers = self.repo.GetNumber( repo_mail_cateId2, 120, count2 ) if len( numbers ) == 0: z.toast( "%s号仓库没有号码" % repo_mail_cateId2 ) return else: d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am broadcast -a com.zunyun.zime.toast --es msg \"%s号仓库为空,没有取到消息\"" % repo_mail_cateId2 ).communicate( ) z.sleep( 10 ) return QQEmail = numbers[0]['number'].encode( "utf-8" ) if "@" not in QQEmail: QQEmail += "" numberArr.append(QQEmail) Material = self.get_material( repo_material_cateId, 0, 1 ) if len( Material ) == 0: d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am broadcast -a com.zunyun.zime.toast --es msg \"%s号仓库为空,没有取到消息\"" % repo_material_cateId ).communicate( ) z.sleep( 10 ) return message = Material[0]['content'] Material2 = self.get_material( repo_material_cateId2, 0, 1 ) if len( Material ) == 0: d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am broadcast -a com.zunyun.zime.toast --es msg \"%s号仓库为空,没有取到消息\"" % repo_material_cateId ).communicate( ) z.sleep( 10 ) return message2 = Material2[0]['content'] z.heartbeat( ) # if d(text="温馨提示",className="android.widget.TextView").exists: # d(text="确定",className="android.widget.Button").click() # z.sleep(1) if d( description="写邮件和设置等功能" ).exists: d( description="写邮件和设置等功能" ).click( ) z.sleep( 0.5 ) if d( text="写邮件" ).exists: d( text="写邮件" ).click( ) z.sleep( 0.5 ) # 60 / 720 * width, 198 / 1280 * height ) # z.sleep(0.5) flag2 = True else: d.swipe( width / 2, height * 1 / 5, width / 2, height * 4 / 5 ) time.sleep( 3 ) if d( text="写邮件" ).exists: d( text="写邮件" ).click( ) z.sleep( 0.5 ) # 60 / 720 * width, 198 / 1280 * height ) # z.sleep(0.5) flag2 = True z.heartbeat( ) if selectContent == "只发主题" or selectContent == "主题内容都发": 166 / 720 * width, 377 / 1280 * height ) self.input(random_code,z, message2.encode( "utf-8" ) ) z.sleep( 2 ) z.heartbeat( ) z.sleep( 1 ) d.dump( compressed=False ) if selectContent == "只发内容" or selectContent == "主题内容都发": if "@" not in account: account2 = account + "" else: account2 = account message = message.replace( "+FromMail+", account2.encode( "utf-8" ) ) email = numberArr[0] message = message.replace( "+ToMail+", email.encode( "utf-8" ) ) message = message.replace( "+Subject+", message2.encode( "utf-8" ) ) while True: try: x = self.getTime( "CnTime" ) x = unicode( x.decode( "utf-8" ) ) message = message.replace( u"+CnTime+", x ) break except: pass while True: try: x2 = self.getTime( "EnTime" ).encode( "utf-8" ) x2 = unicode( x2.decode( "utf-8" ) ) message = message.replace( "+EnTime+", x2 ) break except: pass z.heartbeat( ) if not d( textContains="抄送/密送,发件人" ).exists: obj = d( index=0, className="android.webkit.WebView" ).child( index=0, className="android.view.View" ).child( index=0, className="android.view.View" ) while not obj.exists: d.swipe( width / 2, height * 5 / 6, width / 2, height / 6 ) d.dump( compressed=False ) ) self.input(random_code,z, message.encode( "utf-8" ) ) else: while not d( index=0, className="android.widget.EditText" ).exists: d.swipe( width / 2, height * 5 / 6, width / 2, height / 6 ) d.dump( compressed=False ) if d( index=0, className="android.widget.EditText" ).exists: text = d( index=0, className="android.widget.EditText" ).info["text"].encode( "utf-8" ) z.sleep( 0.5 ) if text == "" or text == None: d( index=0, className="android.widget.EditText" ).click( ) self.input(random_code,z, message.encode( "utf-8" ) ) z.sleep( 0.5 ) 81 / 720 * width, 189 / 1280 * height ) for numberMail in numberArr: # self.input(z,height,QQEmail+" ") self.input(random_code,z, numberMail+" " ) if fj: if d( index=0, resourceId="com.tencent.androidqqmail:id/p3", className="android.widget.Button" ).exists: d( resourceId="com.tencent.androidqqmail:id/p3", className="android.widget.Button" ).click( ) z.sleep( 0.5 ) if d( description="从相册选择文件" ).exists: d( description="从相册选择文件" ).click( ) z.sleep( 5 ) obj = d( index=2, className="android.widget.GridView" ).child( index=1, className="android.widget.RelativeLayout" ).child( index=0, className="android.widget.CheckBox" ) if obj.exists: ) z.sleep( 0.5 ) if d( textContains="添加到邮件" ).exists: d( textContains="添加到邮件" ).click( ) z.sleep( 2 ) addToText = args['addToText'] if addToText == "添加": if d( index=1, className="android.widget.HorizontalScrollView" ).child( index=0, className="android.widget.LinearLayout" ).exists: d( index=1, className="android.widget.HorizontalScrollView" ).child( index=0, className="android.widget.LinearLayout" ).click( ) z.sleep( 0.5 ) z.heartbeat( ) if d( text="添加到正文" ).exists: d( text="添加到正文" ).click( ) z.sleep( 0.5 ) else: z.toast( "没有图片,停止模块" ) return z.heartbeat( ) d.dump( compressed=False) if d( text="发送", className="android.widget.Button", resourceId="com.tencent.androidqqmail:id/a_" ).exists: d( text="发送", className="android.widget.Button", resourceId="com.tencent.androidqqmail:id/a_" ).click( ) z.sleep( 2 ) if d( textContains=size, className="android.widget.TextView", resourceId="com.tencent.androidqqmail:id/lj" ).exists: d( textContains=size, className="android.widget.TextView", resourceId="com.tencent.androidqqmail:id/lj" ).click( ) if d( text="确定" ).exists: d( text="确定" ).click( ) else: pass if d( text="发送", className="android.widget.Button", resourceId="com.tencent.androidqqmail:id/a_" ).exists: z.toast( "发送不了" ) return time.sleep( 2 ) if d( index=2, className="android.widget.Button" ).exists: d( index=2, className="android.widget.Button" ).click( ) if d( text="取消", className="android.widget.Button" ).exists or d( text="取消", className="android.widget.Button" ).exists: d( text="取消", className="android.widget.Button" ).click( ) time.sleep( 3 ) # if d( text="收件箱", className="android.widget.TextView" ).exists: # d.swipe( width / 2, height * 4 / 5, width / 2, height / 5 ) # time.sleep( 2 ) # elif d( text="群邮件", resourceId="com.tencent.androidqqmail:id/t0" ).exists: # pass # else: # return obj = d( description='待发送' ).child( resourceId="com.tencent.androidqqmail:id/t4" ) if obj.exists: # z.toast( "发送失败" ) # for it in numbers: # it2 = it["number"] # self.repo.UpdateNumberStauts(it2,repo_mail_cateId,"normal") # for bcc in bccNumbers: # bcc2 = bcc["number"] # self.repo.UpdateNumberStauts(bcc2,repo_mail_cateId,"normal") failCount = int( args["failCount"] ) num = 0 if obj.exists: num =['text'] if int( num ) >= failCount: z.toast( "共有%s个未发送,跳出模块" % num ) return 'over' z.heartbeat( ) if check: if (args["time_delay"]): z.toast("等待%s秒后查看另一个帐号是否收到邮件"%int(args["time_delay"])) time.sleep(int(args["time_delay"])) accountObj2 = d( descriptionContains='%s的收件箱有' % repo_mail_cateId2.split( '@' )[0] ) if not accountObj2.exists: account_num2 = 0 else: account_num2 =['contentDescription'] account_num2 = int( re.findall( r'\d+', account_num2 )[1] ) if account_num2 > account_num: z.toast( "收到邮件" ) return 'success' else: z.toast( "没有收到邮件" ) return 'fail' def action(self, d, z, args): import sys reload( sys ) sys.setdefaultencoding( 'utf8' ) z.toast( "QQ邮箱根据另一个帐号的收信情况发信" ) random_code = args['random_code'] z.heartbeat( ) # str = # 获取屏幕大小等信息 # height = str["displayHeight"] # width = str["displayWidth"] repo_mail_cateId = int(args['repo_mail_cateId']) repo_material_cateId= args["repo_material_cateId"] repo_material_cateId2 = args["repo_material_cateId2"] size = args["size"] # d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am force-stop com.tencent.androidqqmail" ).communicate( ) # 强制停止 # d.server.adb.cmd( "shell","am start -n com.tencent.androidqqmail/com.tencent.qqmail.launcher.desktop.LauncherActivity" ).communicate( ) # 拉起来 d.server.adb.cmd( "shell","am start -n com.tencent.androidqqmail/com.tencent.qqmail.LaunchComposeMail" ).communicate( ) # 拉起QQ邮箱 z.sleep( 2 ) Str = # 获取屏幕大小等信息 height = int(Str["displayHeight"]) width = int(Str["displayWidth"]) z.heartbeat( ) flag1 = False flag2 = False for t in range(2): d.dump( compressed=False ) if d( text="所有收件箱",className="android.widget.TextView" ).exists: if d(textContains="密码错误,请重新输入").exists: z.toast("密码错误,请重新输入") return else: z.toast( "状态正常,继续执行" ) break else: if d( text="温馨提示", className="android.widget.TextView" ).exists: d( text="确定", className="android.widget.Button" ).click( ) z.sleep( 1 ) break elif d(text="收件人:").exists and d(text="写邮件").exists: flag1 = True break elif d(text="取消",resourceId='com.tencent.androidqqmail:id/a5',index=0).exists: d( text="取消", resourceId='com.tencent.androidqqmail:id/a5',index=0 ).click() time.sleep(1) if d(text="离开",className="android.widget.Button").exists: d( text="离开", className="android.widget.Button" ).click() time.sleep(1) if d( text="收件箱", className="android.widget.TextView" ).exists: time.sleep(1) if d( textContains="密码错误,请重新输入" ).exists: z.toast( "密码错误,请重新输入" ) return else: z.toast( "状态正常,继续执行" ) break elif d(index=1,text="写邮件",className="android.widget.TextView").exists: * width,198/1280 * height) flag1 = True break else: if t>=1: z.toast( "状态异常,跳过此模块" ) return else: d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am force-stop com.tencent.androidqqmail" ).communicate( ) # 强制停止 d.server.adb.cmd( "shell", "am start -n com.tencent.androidqqmail/com.tencent.qqmail.LaunchComposeMail" ).communicate( ) # 拉起QQ邮箱 time.sleep( 5 ) if d( text="所有收件箱", className="android.widget.TextView" ).exists: if d( textContains="密码错误,请重新输入" ).exists: z.toast( "密码错误,请重新输入" ) return # else: # z.toast( "状态正常,继续执行" ) else: z.toast("状态不正常") return z.heartbeat() accountObj = d( className="android.widget.RelativeLayout", index=4, descriptionContains='的收件箱' ) if accountObj.exists: accountObj2 = d(className="android.widget.RelativeLayout", index=5, descriptionContains='的收件箱') if not accountObj2.exists: z.toast("只有一个帐号,跳出模块") return else: accountObj = d( className="android.widget.RelativeLayout", index=5, descriptionContains='的收件箱' ) accountObj2 = d( className="android.widget.RelativeLayout", index=6, descriptionContains='的收件箱' ) if not accountObj2.exists: # accountObj2 = d( className="android.widget.RelativeLayout", index=4, descriptionContains='的收件箱' ) z.toast( "只有一个帐号,跳出模块" ) return z.heartbeat() domain = args['domain'] if domain: if 'http' not in domain: self.domain = 'http://' + domain else: self.domain = domain else: z.toast( "参数错误,格式如:" ) time.sleep( 3 ) return account2 =['contentDescription'] account2 ='\d{5,11}', account2).group(0) + '' account =['contentDescription'] account = r'\d{5,11}', account ).group( 0 ) + '' # account = accountArr[0] sendCount = int(args["sendCount"]) train_cate_id = args['train_cate_id'] auto_reply_cate_id = account2 fj = False success1 = False success2 = False success3 = False account_num = 0 accountObj2 = d( descriptionContains='%s的收件箱有' % account2.split( '@' )[0] ) if not accountObj2.exists: account_num = 0 else: account_num =['contentDescription'] account_num = int( re.findall( r'\d+', account_num )[1] ) qqNumber = account.split( '@' )[0] z.heartbeat() repo_account_A = args['repo_account_A'] repo_account_B = args["repo_account_B"] for sc in range(2): z.heartbeat( ) result = self.send_mail(d,z,args,fj,'',auto_reply_cate_id,account,True,account_num) if result=='over': return elif result=='success': # ) # time.sleep( 1 ) if sc==0: success1 = True elif sc==1: success2 = True self.backup_info( repo_account_A, 'using', qqNumber, '', '' ) self.write_cate(qqNumber,repo_account_A,repo_account_B) break else: # # time.sleep(1) if sc==0: fj = True z.toast( "给 %s 『带附件』发消息"% account2 ) else: success3 = True z.toast( "给小号发消息" ) break if success1: repo_mail_cateId = args['repo_mail_cateId'] auto_reply_cate_id = '' elif success2: repo_mail_cateId = args['repo_mail_cateId'] auto_reply_cate_id = '' elif success3: repo_mail_cateId = '' auto_reply_cate_id = args['train_cate_id'] sendCount = random.randint(3,5) for sc in range( sendCount ): if success3: if random.randint( 0, 1 ) == 0: fj = False else: fj = True z.heartbeat( ) result = self.send_mail( d, z, args, fj, repo_mail_cateId, auto_reply_cate_id, account, False,account_num ) if result=='over': return z.toast("模块完成") def write_cate(self,qqNumber,numberCateId,cate_id): # qqNumber = '2879127010' # numberCateId = '407' path = "/repo_api/account/getAccountNumber?QQNumber=%s&cate_id=%s" % (qqNumber, numberCateId) url = self.domain + path response = requests.get( url ) data = response.text numbers = json.loads( data ) password = numbers[0]['password'] print password data = {"QQNumber": qqNumber, "QQPassword": password, 'PhoneNumber': None, 'cate_id': cate_id, 'status': 'normal', 'IMEI': None, "cardslot": None} path = "/repo_api/register/numberInfo" headers = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Connection": "Keep-Alive"} url = self.domain + path response = url, data, headers=headers )
def __init__(self): self.repo = Repo() self.type = 'token'
def __init__(self): self.repo = Repo() self.domain = ''