def test0(): # test shifting testing_ = 1 threshold = 6 optigoal = "Bill" shifting_ = 0 c_load = 0 meter = 1 min_interval = 60 csv_directory = "C:\Users\Bat Cave\Dropbox\My Files\Raw Data\house2" csv = "consumption.csv" csvpath = str(csv_directory) + "\\" + str(csv) housedata = ida.aggregatedatacsv(csvpath, min_interval) demand_ = housedata[1] occupants = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] routine_ = rb.routine_builder(demand_, min_interval, occupants) bill_type = 2 bill_number = 1 if optigoal == "Bill" and bill_type == 2: # if optimising for bill and eval at ToU bill shifting_ = 1 # enable appliance shifting all_billing = be.bill_eval(demand_, bill_type, bill_number, min_interval, c_load, meter, 0) cost_ = all_billing[1] expected_ = [] appliancedemand = ida.deviceimport(housedata, min_interval, csv_directory, "No", "Yes", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No") device_demand = appliancedemand[0][1] variation = clothesdryer(device_demand, routine_, min_interval, cost_, threshold, shifting_, testing_) print " Variation: " + str(variation) if variation == expected_: print "Pass test 0: Testing device optimisation using minimisation\n" else: print " Expected: " + str(expected_) print "***** Fail ***** test 0: Testing device optimisation using minimisation\n"
def test0(): # test shifting testing_ = 1 threshold = 6 optigoal = "Bill" shifting_ = 0 c_load = 0 meter = 1 min_interval = 15 csv_directory = "C:\Users\Bat Cave\Dropbox\My Files\Raw Data\house2" csv = "consumption.csv" csvpath = str(csv_directory) + "\\" + str(csv) housedata = ida.aggregatedatacsv(csvpath, min_interval) demand_ = housedata[1] occupants = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] routine_ = rb.routine_builder(demand_, min_interval, occupants) bill_type = 2 bill_number = 1 if optigoal == "Bill" and bill_type == 2: # if optimising for bill and eval at ToU bill shifting_ = 1 # enable appliance shifting all_billing = be.bill_eval(demand_, bill_type, bill_number, min_interval, c_load, meter, 0) cost_ = all_billing[1] expected_ = [] devicedemand = ida.deviceimport(housedata, min_interval, csv_directory, "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "Yes", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No") device_demand = devicedemand[0][6] variation = secondfridge(device_demand, routine_, cost_, threshold, testing_) print "\n Variation: " + str(variation) if variation == expected_: print "Pass test 0: Testing device optimisation using minimisation\n" else: print " Expected: " + str(expected_) print "***** Fail ***** test 0: Testing device optimisation using minimisation\n"
def test1(): optigoal = "Bill" dataid = 4922 meter = 1 shifting_ = 1 csvpath = "C:\Users\Bat Cave\Dropbox\My Files\Uni Work\Capstone\PeaconStreet\dataid_" + str( dataid) + "_localdate_07012013_AND_09302013.csv" min_interval = 15 df = ida.peacon_street(csvpath, min_interval) houselevel_data = [] for row in df[1][0]: houselevel_data.append(row) houselevel_cum_sum = np.cumsum(houselevel_data) plt.plot(houselevel_cum_sum, label='Unoptimised Household Demand') print "Total house level consumption = " + str( np.around(houselevel_cum_sum[-1], 2)) + " kWh" c_load = [0 for zero in range(0, len(houselevel_data)) ] # zero value matrix for controlled demand occupants = [2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] routine_ = rb.routine_builder(houselevel_data, min_interval, occupants) bill_type = 2 cost_number = 54 billing_info = be.bill_eval(houselevel_data, bill_type, cost_number, min_interval, c_load, meter, 0) house_cost = be.billing_calc(houselevel_data, c_load, bill_type, billing_info[0], billing_info[1], billing_info[2], billing_info[3]) print "Costing a total of $ " + str(np.around(sum(house_cost), 2)) device_data = [] for row in df[1][1]: device_data.append(row) skiplist = [] count = 0 for x in np.arange(0, len(device_data)): if not x in skiplist: if device_data[x] > 0: count += 1 for z in np.arange(x, len(device_data)): skiplist.append(z) if device_data[z] == 0: break original_cum_sum = np.cumsum(device_data) plt.plot(original_cum_sum, label='Unoptimised Device Demand') device_per = np.around( np.divide(original_cum_sum[-1], houselevel_cum_sum[-1]) * 100, 2) device_cost = be.billing_calc(device_data, c_load, bill_type, 0, billing_info[1], billing_info[2], billing_info[3]) print "Device accounts for " + str( device_per) + "% of household consumption" print "A total of " + str(np.around(original_cum_sum[-1], 2)) + " kWh" print "The device costings a total of $ " + str( np.around(sum(device_cost), 2)) print "Occuring in " + str(count) + " blocks" for i in np.arange(7, 8): hh_threshold = i if hh_threshold >= 6: print "\nThreshold number = " + str(hh_threshold) vari = airconditioner(device_data, routine_, min_interval, billing_info[1], hh_threshold, shifting_, 0) print(np.sum(vari)) var_cum_sum = np.cumsum(vari) optimised_cum_sum = original_cum_sum + var_cum_sum if hh_threshold >= 1000: plt.plot(optimised_cum_sum, label='Motivation Level = %i' % i) per_saved = np.around( 100 - np.divide(np.max(optimised_cum_sum), np.max(original_cum_sum)) * 100, 2) print "Percentage Saved = " + str( per_saved) + "% & kWh saved = " + str( np.around((original_cum_sum[-1] - optimised_cum_sum[-1]), 2)) + " kWh" device_per = np.around( np.divide(optimised_cum_sum[-1], houselevel_cum_sum[-1] + var_cum_sum[-1]) * 100, 2) optimised_device_data = [a + b for a, b in zip(device_data, vari)] opti_device_cost = be.billing_calc(optimised_device_data, c_load, bill_type, 0, billing_info[1], billing_info[2], billing_info[3]) print "Saving a total of $ " + str( np.around(sum(device_cost) - sum(opti_device_cost), 2)) print "Device accounts for " + str( device_per) + "% of household consumption" house_per_save = np.around( 100 - np.divide(houselevel_cum_sum[-1] + var_cum_sum[-1], houselevel_cum_sum[-1]) * 100, 2) print "Comparitive house level saving " + str(house_per_save) + "%" print "Optimised house level consumption " + str( np.around(houselevel_cum_sum[-1] + var_cum_sum[-1], 2)) + " kWh" optimised_house_level = [ a + b for a, b in zip(houselevel_data, vari) ] houselevel_cost = be.billing_calc(optimised_house_level, c_load, bill_type, 0, billing_info[1], billing_info[2], billing_info[3]) print "Costing a total of $ " + str( np.around(sum(houselevel_cost), 2))
def test11(): # real kettle data treated as a cycle optigoal = "Bill" testing_ = 1 shifting_ = 0 min_interval = 60 threshold = 1 meal_appliance = 0 c_load = 0 meter = 1 device_type = "Cycle" elimthres = 7 minithres = 6 minisaving = 20 minicyclemax = 1 minitime = 3600 shiftthres = 5 shifttime = 180 subthres = 4 subtype = "Cycle" subtime = 45 subdemand = 1000 subsaving = 15 csv = "sound-system.csv" csvpath = "C:\Users\Bat Cave\Dropbox\My Files\Raw Data\house" + "\\" + str( csv) data = ida.aggregatedatacsv(csvpath, min_interval) demand_ = data[1] occupants = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] routine_ = rb.routine_builder(demand_, min_interval, occupants) bill_type = 2 bill_number = 1 if optigoal == "Bill" and bill_type == 2: # if optimising for bill and eval at ToU bill shifting_ = 1 # enable appliance shifting all_billing = be.bill_eval(demand_, bill_type, bill_number, min_interval, 0, c_load, meter) cost_ = all_billing[1] expected_ = [[]] expected_saving = [[]] print "** Test 11 ** " + str(csv) variation = [] for q in np.arange(0, 1): variation.append( testsettings(demand_, routine_, min_interval, cost_, threshold, shifting_, testing_, meal_appliance, device_type, elimthres, minithres, minisaving, minicyclemax, minitime, shiftthres, shifttime, subthres, subtype, subtime, subdemand, subsaving)) vary_calc = [] # define variation calculation as a list max_saving = [] # define maximum savings as a list for m in np.arange(0, len(variation)): # for all the different variations vary_calc.append( sum(variation[m] )) # sum all the optimisation changes and add to a list min_variation_index = [ i for i, x in enumerate(vary_calc) if x == min(vary_calc) ] # find index of greatest saving for y in np.arange( 0, len(min_variation_index )): # for all scenerios where the greatest saving is made max_saving.append( variation[min_variation_index[y]]) # add the variations to a list print " Intervals optimised " + str(np.count_nonzero(max_saving[0])) print " Variations: " + str(variation) print " Saving Variation: " + str( max_saving) # print the max saving variation pattern list if variation == expected_ and max_saving == expected_saving: print "Pass test 11: real data \n" else: print " Expected: " + str(expected_) print " Expected saving: " + str(expected_saving) print "***** Fail ***** test 11: real data\n"
def test10(): # real kettle data treated as a cycle optigoal = "Bill" testing_ = 1 shifting_ = 0 min_interval = 180 c_load = 0 meter = 1 threshold = 6 csv = "74-kettle-101-consumption.csv" csvpath = "C:\Users\Bat Cave\Dropbox\My Files\Raw Data\h1_150120\h1" + "\\" + "141229_150104_50_h1" + "\\" \ + str(csv) kettledata = ida.aggregatedatacsv(csvpath, min_interval) demand_ = kettledata[1] occupants = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] routine_ = rb.routine_builder(demand_, min_interval, occupants) bill_type = 1 bill_number = 1 if optigoal == "Bill" and bill_type == 3: # if optimising for bill and eval at ToU bill shifting_ = 1 # enable appliance shifting cost_ = be.bill_eval(demand_, bill_type, bill_number, min_interval, 0, c_load, meter) expected_ = [[ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -68021.64893168, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -74762.03088144002, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -96389.143949120044, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -160431.63805943992, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -75922.154274079978, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -103159.85328527998, -68490.919669680006, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -58786.738587680011, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]] expected_saving = [[ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -68021.64893168, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -74762.03088144002, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -96389.143949120044, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -160431.63805943992, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -75922.154274079978, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -103159.85328527998, -68490.919669680006, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -58786.738587680011, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]] meal_appliance = 0 device_type = "Cycle" elimthres = 7 minithres = 6 minisaving = 20 minicyclemax = 1 minitime = 3600 shiftthres = 5 shifttime = 60 subthres = 4 subtype = "Cycle" subtime = 45 subdemand = 1000 subsaving = 15 variation = [] print "** Test 10 **" for q in np.arange(0, 1): variation.append( testsettings(demand_, routine_, min_interval, cost_, threshold, shifting_, testing_, meal_appliance, device_type, elimthres, minithres, minisaving, minicyclemax, minitime, shiftthres, shifttime, subthres, subtype, subtime, subdemand, subsaving)) print " Variations: " + str(variation) vary_calc = [] # define variation calculation as a list max_saving = [] # define maximum savings as a list for m in np.arange(0, len(variation)): # for all the different variations vary_calc.append( sum(variation[m] )) # sum all the optimisation changes and add to a list min_variation_index = [ i for i, x in enumerate(vary_calc) if x == min(vary_calc) ] # find index of greatest saving for y in np.arange( 0, len(min_variation_index )): # for all scenerios where the greatest saving is made max_saving.append( variation[min_variation_index[y]]) # add the variations to a list print " Saving Variation: " + str( max_saving) # print the max saving variation pattern list print " Intervals optimised " + str(np.count_nonzero(max_saving[0])) if variation == expected_ and max_saving == expected_saving: print "Pass test 10: real data \n" else: print " Expected: " + str(expected_) print " Expected saving: " + str(expected_saving) print "***** Fail ***** test 10: real data\n"
def test1(): optigoal = "Bill" dataid = 4922 meter = 1 shifting_ = 1 csvpath = "C:\Users\Bat Cave\Dropbox\My Files\Uni Work\Capstone\PeaconStreet\dataid_" + str( dataid) + "_localdate_07012013_AND_09302013.csv" min_interval = 15 df = ida.peacon_street(csvpath, min_interval) houselevel_data = [] for row in df[1][0]: houselevel_data.append(row) houselevel_cum_sum = np.cumsum(houselevel_data) print "Total house level consumption = " + str( np.around(houselevel_cum_sum[-1], 2)) + " kWh" c_load = [0 for zero in range(0, len(houselevel_data)) ] # zero value matrix for controlled demand occupants = [2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] routine_ = rb.routine_builder(houselevel_data, min_interval, occupants) bill_type = 2 cost_number = 54 billing_info = be.bill_eval(houselevel_data, bill_type, cost_number, min_interval, c_load, meter, 0) house_cost = be.billing_calc(houselevel_data, c_load, bill_type, billing_info[0], billing_info[1], billing_info[2], billing_info[3]) print "Costing a total of $ " + str(np.around(sum(house_cost), 2)) device_data = [] for row in df[1][7]: # <<<<----- Edit device number here device_data.append(row) skiplist = [] count = 0 for x in np.arange(0, len(device_data)): if not x in skiplist: if device_data[x] > 0: count += 1 for z in np.arange(x, len(device_data)): skiplist.append(z) if device_data[z] == 0: break original_cum_sum = np.cumsum(device_data) plt.plot(original_cum_sum, label='Unoptimised Device Demand') device_per = np.around( np.divide(original_cum_sum[-1], houselevel_cum_sum[-1]) * 100, 2) device_cost = be.billing_calc(device_data, c_load, bill_type, 0, billing_info[1], billing_info[2], billing_info[3]) print "Device accounts for " + str( device_per) + "% of household consumption" print "A total of " + str(np.around(original_cum_sum[-1], 2)) + " kWh" print "The device costings a total of $ " + str( np.around(sum(device_cost), 2)) print "Occuring in " + str(count) + " blocks \n" for i in np.arange(7, 8): hh_threshold = i if hh_threshold >= 7: print "\nThreshold number = " + str(hh_threshold) vari = clotheswasher(device_data, routine_, min_interval, billing_info[1], hh_threshold, shifting_, 0) var_cum_sum = np.cumsum(vari) optimised_cum_sum = original_cum_sum + var_cum_sum if hh_threshold >= 7: plt.plot(optimised_cum_sum, label='Motivation Level = %i' % i) per_saved = np.around( 100 - np.divide(np.max(optimised_cum_sum), np.max(original_cum_sum)) * 100, 2) print "Percentage Saved = " + str( per_saved) + "% & kWh saved = " + str( np.around((original_cum_sum[-1] - optimised_cum_sum[-1]), 2)) + " kWh" device_per = np.around( np.divide(optimised_cum_sum[-1], houselevel_cum_sum[-1] + var_cum_sum[-1]) * 100, 2) optimised_device_data = [a + b for a, b in zip(device_data, vari)] opti_device_cost = be.billing_calc(optimised_device_data, c_load, bill_type, 0, billing_info[1], billing_info[2], billing_info[3]) print "Saving a total of $ " + str( np.around(sum(device_cost) - sum(opti_device_cost), 2)) print "Device accounts for " + str( device_per) + "% of household consumption" house_per_save = np.around( 100 - np.divide(houselevel_cum_sum[-1] + var_cum_sum[-1], houselevel_cum_sum[-1]) * 100, 2) print "Comparitive house level saving " + str(house_per_save) + "%" print "Optimised house level consumption " + str( np.around(houselevel_cum_sum[-1] + var_cum_sum[-1], 2)) + " kWh" optimised_house_level = [ a + b for a, b in zip(houselevel_data, vari) ] houselevel_cost = be.billing_calc(optimised_house_level, c_load, bill_type, 0, billing_info[1], billing_info[2], billing_info[3]) print "Costing a total of $ " + str( np.around(sum(houselevel_cost), 2)) plt.legend(loc="best", fontsize='medium') w = len(device_data) plt.xlabel('Time Intervals (From 01/07/2013 [0] - 01/09/2013 [' + str(w) + '])') plt.ylabel('Kilowatt hours of Electricity (kWh)') plt.title('Impact of Behavioural Change on Clothes Washer Use (Data ID:' + str(dataid) + ")")
) # End of demand aggregator # Start of routine builder if household_makeup == "Custom" or household_makeup == "custom": # if exact situation needs to be specified occupant = [0 for i in range(0, 6)] occupant[0] = 2 # number of occupants with full time jobs occupant[1] = 0 # number of occupants with part time jobs occupant[2] = 0 # number of occupants with casual time jobs occupant[3] = 0 # number of occupants that are unemployed occupant[4] = 0 # number of occupants that are retired occupant[5] = 0 # number of children at school for z in np.arange(0, len(occupant)): # loop through occupant list if occupant[z] > 1: # if more then one occupant has the same job type occupant[z] = 1 # just enter 1, system treats it the same routinelist.append(rb.routine_builder(house_demand, mininterval, occupant)) # at to list of routines to be evaluated else: routinelist = rb.routineselect(house_demand, mininterval, household_makeup) # returns list of all routines that match criteria routineloop = 0 # counts how many routines that are evaluated for routine in routinelist: # looping through all applicable routines routineloop += 1 # add one to routine counter # End of routine builder # Start household type householdcount = 0 # counts how many household loops are completed for xyz in np.arange(min_loop, max_loop): # for each value between range if household_eval == "loop" or household_eval == "specific": threshold = xyz else: threshold = ht.householdthreshold(
def test1(): optigoal = "Bill" dataid = 4922 meter = 1 shifting_ = 1 csvpath = "C:\Users\Bat Cave\Dropbox\My Files\Uni Work\Capstone\PeaconStreet\dataid_" + str(dataid) + "_localdate_07012013_AND_09302013.csv" min_interval = 15 weather_forecast = weather(min_interval) # import weather for the period being evaluated df = ida.peacon_street(csvpath, min_interval) houselevel_data = [] for row in df[1][0]: houselevel_data.append(row) houselevel_cum_sum = np.cumsum(houselevel_data) # plt.plot(houselevel_cum_sum, label='Unoptimised House Level Demand') # <<< --- House level demand graph print "Total house level consumption = " + str(np.around(houselevel_cum_sum[-1], 2)) + " kWh" c_load = [0 for zero in range(0, len(houselevel_data))] # zero value matrix for controlled demand occupants = [2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] routine_ = rb.routine_builder(houselevel_data, min_interval, occupants) bill_type = 2 cost_number = 54 billing_info = be.bill_eval(houselevel_data, bill_type, cost_number, min_interval, c_load, meter, 0) house_cost = be.billing_calc(houselevel_data, c_load, bill_type, billing_info[0], billing_info[1], billing_info[2], billing_info[3]) print "Costing a total of $ " + str(np.around(sum(house_cost), 2)) device_data = [] for row in df[1][11]: # <<<<----- Edit device number here device_data.append(row) skiplist = [] count = 0 for x in np.arange(0, len(device_data)): if not x in skiplist: if device_data[x] > 0: count += 1 for z in np.arange(x, len(device_data)): skiplist.append(z) if device_data[z] == 0: break original_cum_sum = np.cumsum(device_data) plt.plot(original_cum_sum, label='Unoptimised Device Demand') device_per = np.around(np.divide(original_cum_sum[-1], houselevel_cum_sum[-1])*100, 2) device_cost = be.billing_calc(device_data, c_load, bill_type, 0, billing_info[1], billing_info[2], billing_info[3]) print "Device accounts for " + str(device_per) + "% of household consumption" print "A total of " + str(np.around(original_cum_sum[-1], 2)) + " kWh" print "The device costings a total of $ " + str(np.around(sum(device_cost), 2)) print "Occuring in " + str(count) + " blocks" for i in np.arange(7, 8): hh_threshold = i if hh_threshold >= 7: print "\nThreshold number = " + str(hh_threshold) vari = clothesdryer(device_data, routine_, min_interval, billing_info[1], hh_threshold, shifting_, weather_forecast, 0) var_cum_sum = np.cumsum(vari) optimised_cum_sum = original_cum_sum + var_cum_sum if hh_threshold >= 7: plt.plot(optimised_cum_sum, label='Motivation Level = %i' % i) per_saved = np.around(100 - np.divide(np.max(optimised_cum_sum), np.max(original_cum_sum))*100, 2) print "Percentage Saved = " + str(per_saved) + "% & kWh saved = " + str(np.around((original_cum_sum[-1]-optimised_cum_sum[-1]), 2)) + " kWh" device_per = np.around(np.divide(optimised_cum_sum[-1], houselevel_cum_sum[-1]+var_cum_sum[-1])*100, 2) optimised_device_data = [a + b for a, b in zip(device_data, vari)] opti_device_cost = be.billing_calc(optimised_device_data, c_load, bill_type, 0, billing_info[1], billing_info[2], billing_info[3]) print "Saving a total of $ " + str(np.around(sum(device_cost)-sum(opti_device_cost), 2)) print "Device accounts for " + str(device_per) + "% of household consumption" house_per_save = np.around(100 - np.divide(houselevel_cum_sum[-1]+var_cum_sum[-1], houselevel_cum_sum[-1])*100, 2) print "Comparitive house level saving " + str(house_per_save) + "%" print "Optimised house level consumption " + str(np.around(houselevel_cum_sum[-1]+var_cum_sum[-1], 2)) + " kWh" optimised_house_level = [a + b for a, b in zip(houselevel_data, vari)] houselevel_cost = be.billing_calc(optimised_house_level, c_load, bill_type, 0, billing_info[1], billing_info[2], billing_info[3]) print "Costing a total of $ " + str(np.around(sum(houselevel_cost), 2)) plt.legend(loc="best", fontsize='medium') w = len(device_data) plt.xlabel('Time Intervals (From 01/07/2013 [0] - 01/09/2013 [' + str(w) + '])') plt.ylabel('Kilowatt hours of Electricity (kWh)') plt.title('Impact of Behavioural Change on Clothes Dryer Use (Data ID:' + str(dataid) + ")")
sys.exit("Data Source Error 1: Please select a valid data source as either 'own' or 'pecan'") # End of demand aggregator # Start of routine builder if household_makeup == "Custom" or household_makeup == "custom": # if exact situation needs to be specified occupant = [0 for i in range(0, 6)] occupant[0] = 2 # number of occupants with full time jobs occupant[1] = 0 # number of occupants with part time jobs occupant[2] = 0 # number of occupants with casual time jobs occupant[3] = 0 # number of occupants that are unemployed occupant[4] = 0 # number of occupants that are retired occupant[5] = 0 # number of children at school for z in np.arange(0, len(occupant)): # loop through occupant list if occupant[z] > 1: # if more then one occupant has the same job type occupant[z] = 1 # just enter 1, system treats it the same routinelist.append(rb.routine_builder(house_demand, mininterval, occupant)) # at to list of routines to be evaluated else: routinelist = rb.routineselect(house_demand, mininterval, household_makeup) # returns list of all routines that match criteria routineloop = 0 # counts how many routines that are evaluated for routine in routinelist: # looping through all applicable routines routineloop += 1 # add one to routine counter # End of routine builder # Start household type householdcount = 0 # counts how many household loops are completed for xyz in np.arange(min_loop, max_loop): # for each value between range if household_eval == "loop" or household_eval == "specific": threshold = xyz else: threshold = ht.householdthreshold(xyz, household_type, optigoal) # return the threshold value
def test1(): optigoal = "Bill" dataid = 4922 meter = 1 shifting_ = 1 csvpath = "C:\Users\Bat Cave\Dropbox\My Files\Uni Work\Capstone\PeaconStreet\dataid_" + str(dataid) + "_localdate_07012013_AND_09302013.csv" min_interval = 15 df = ida.peacon_street(csvpath, min_interval) houselevel_data = [] for row in df[1][0]: houselevel_data.append(row) houselevel_cum_sum = np.cumsum(houselevel_data) plt.plot(houselevel_cum_sum, label='Unoptimised Household Demand') print "Total house level consumption = " + str(np.around(houselevel_cum_sum[-1], 2)) + " kWh" c_load = [0 for zero in range(0, len(houselevel_data))] # zero value matrix for controlled demand occupants = [2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] routine_ = rb.routine_builder(houselevel_data, min_interval, occupants) bill_type = 2 cost_number = 54 billing_info = be.bill_eval(houselevel_data, bill_type, cost_number, min_interval, c_load, meter, 0) house_cost = be.billing_calc(houselevel_data, c_load, bill_type, billing_info[0], billing_info[1], billing_info[2], billing_info[3]) print "Costing a total of $ " + str(np.around(sum(house_cost), 2)) device_data = [] for row in df[1][1]: device_data.append(row) skiplist = [] count = 0 for x in np.arange(0, len(device_data)): if not x in skiplist: if device_data[x] > 0: count += 1 for z in np.arange(x, len(device_data)): skiplist.append(z) if device_data[z] == 0: break original_cum_sum = np.cumsum(device_data) plt.plot(original_cum_sum, label='Unoptimised Device Demand') device_per = np.around(np.divide(original_cum_sum[-1], houselevel_cum_sum[-1])*100, 2) device_cost = be.billing_calc(device_data, c_load, bill_type, 0, billing_info[1], billing_info[2], billing_info[3]) print "Device accounts for " + str(device_per) + "% of household consumption" print "A total of " + str(np.around(original_cum_sum[-1], 2)) + " kWh" print "The device costings a total of $ " + str(np.around(sum(device_cost), 2)) print "Occuring in " + str(count) + " blocks" for i in np.arange(7, 8): hh_threshold = i if hh_threshold >= 6: print "\nThreshold number = " + str(hh_threshold) vari = airconditioner(device_data, routine_, min_interval, billing_info[1], hh_threshold, shifting_, 0) print(np.sum(vari)) var_cum_sum = np.cumsum(vari) optimised_cum_sum = original_cum_sum + var_cum_sum if hh_threshold >= 1000: plt.plot(optimised_cum_sum, label='Motivation Level = %i' % i) per_saved = np.around(100 - np.divide(np.max(optimised_cum_sum), np.max(original_cum_sum))*100, 2) print "Percentage Saved = " + str(per_saved) + "% & kWh saved = " + str(np.around((original_cum_sum[-1]-optimised_cum_sum[-1]), 2)) + " kWh" device_per = np.around(np.divide(optimised_cum_sum[-1], houselevel_cum_sum[-1]+var_cum_sum[-1])*100, 2) optimised_device_data = [a + b for a, b in zip(device_data, vari)] opti_device_cost = be.billing_calc(optimised_device_data, c_load, bill_type, 0, billing_info[1], billing_info[2], billing_info[3]) print "Saving a total of $ " + str(np.around(sum(device_cost)-sum(opti_device_cost), 2)) print "Device accounts for " + str(device_per) + "% of household consumption" house_per_save = np.around(100 - np.divide(houselevel_cum_sum[-1]+var_cum_sum[-1], houselevel_cum_sum[-1])*100, 2) print "Comparitive house level saving " + str(house_per_save) + "%" print "Optimised house level consumption " + str(np.around(houselevel_cum_sum[-1]+var_cum_sum[-1], 2)) + " kWh" optimised_house_level = [a + b for a, b in zip(houselevel_data, vari)] houselevel_cost = be.billing_calc(optimised_house_level, c_load, bill_type, 0, billing_info[1], billing_info[2], billing_info[3]) print "Costing a total of $ " + str(np.around(sum(houselevel_cost), 2))