コード例 #1
def createDefenseTable(statPage, nameOfTable):
	#Get all the column info that will be used for this table with all fixing
	#to be in usable SQL formats
	statTypeList = ScrapingFunctions.getCorrectPositions(statPage, "Defense")
	players = ScrapingFunctions.parseToString(statPage)
	oldStatTypes = ScrapingFunctions.discoverStatTypes(players, str(1), "Defense")
	ScrapingFunctions.removeStatTypes(players, oldStatTypes)
	allPlayers = players
	listOfLists = []
	listOfLists = listToListOfLists(allPlayers, statTypeList, listOfLists, "Defense")
	SQLString = getSQLStr(statTypeList)
	tableHeaders = "CREATE TABLE " + nameOfTable + "("
	dbFileName = "ESPN.db"
	conn = lite.connect('ESPN.db')
	conn.text_factory = str # set sqlite3 connection to use unicode instead of 8-bit byte strings. 
							#Added to resolve an error with the c.executemany line below.
	with conn:
		c = conn.cursor()	# Defines cursor
		dropTableCommand = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + nameOfTable
		c.execute(dropTableCommand)	# Recreate table so we don't have to keep deleting the .db file
		commandString = addHeadersToTable(statTypeList, tableHeaders)
		c.execute(commandString) # Create the table
		commandString = "INSERT INTO " + nameOfTable + " VALUES(" + SQLString + ")"
		c.executemany(commandString, listOfLists) # Add all values for each player into table

		print nameOfTable + " Table Created"
コード例 #2
def createESPNTable(statPage, nameOfTable,year=""):
	#Get all the column info that will be used for this table with all fixing
	#to be in userable SQL formats
	if nameOfTable == "MiscScoring_"+year:
		statTypeList = ScrapingFunctions.getCorrectPositions(statPage, "MiscScorers")
	elif nameOfTable == "Kicking_"+year:
		statTypeList = ScrapingFunctions.getCorrectPositions(statPage, "Kicking")
		statTypeList = ScrapingFunctions.getCorrectPositions(statPage)

	if nameOfTable == "MiscScoring_"+year:
		allPlayers = ScrapingFunctions.getAllPages(statPage, "MiscScorers")
	elif nameOfTable == "Kicking_"+year:
		allPlayers = ScrapingFunctions.getAllPages(statPage, "Kicking")
		allPlayers = ScrapingFunctions.getAllPages(statPage)
	listOfLists = []
	listOfLists = listToListOfLists(allPlayers, statTypeList, listOfLists)
	SQLString = getSQLStr(statTypeList)
	tableHeaders = "CREATE TABLE " + nameOfTable + "("
	dbFileName = "ESPN.db"
	print allPlayers
	print statTypeList
	conn = lite.connect('ESPN.db')
	conn.text_factory = str # set sqlite3 connection to use unicode instead of 8-bit byte strings. 
							#Added to resolve an error with the c.executemany line below.
	with conn:
		c = conn.cursor()	# Defines cursor
		dropTableCommand = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + nameOfTable
		c.execute(dropTableCommand)	# Recreate table so we don't have to keep deleting the .db file
		c.execute(addHeadersToTable(statTypeList, tableHeaders)) # Create the table
		commandString = "INSERT INTO " + nameOfTable + " VALUES(" + SQLString + ")"
		print "commandString " + commandString
		print "listOfLists " + str(listOfLists)
		c.executemany(commandString, listOfLists) # Add all values for each player into table
		commandString = "UPDATE " + nameOfTable + " SET POS = LTRIM(RTRIM(POS));"
		commandString = "UPDATE " + nameOfTable + " SET POS = 'RB' WHERE POS = 'FB';"

		print nameOfTable + " Table Created"