コード例 #1
def cost(sol, Geox, Geoy, PD, Type, Tractx, Tracty, PD_beforenormalize, cnum):
    """Calculate the overall cost of a new solution: two type: demand-population, supply-transmission(transmission-demand)
    Input: sol - new solution: location in the form of the index
           Geox -
           Geoy -
           PD -
           Type -
           Tractx -
           Tracty -
    Output: cost of the new solution and the population assignment for the demand nodes of the new solution
    Popu_assign, Popu_assign2 = np.zeros(len(sol)), np.zeros(len(sol))
    Sum_Cost = 0

    for i in range(len(Tractx)):
        Dist = np.empty(len(sol), dtype=float)
        for k in range(len(sol)):
            Dist[k] = math.sqrt((Tracty[i] - Geoy[sol[k][0]])**2 +
                                (Tractx[i] - Geox[sol[k][1]])**2)

        index = sf.minimumk(Dist, min(cnum, len(sol)))
        ratio = sf.FeatureScaling3(
            np.sum(np.exp(Dist[index])) / np.exp(Dist[index]))

        for k in range(len(index)):
            Popu_assign[index[k]] += PD_beforenormalize[i] * ratio[k]
            Popu_assign2[index[k]] += PD[i] * ratio[k]

            if (Type == 'Population'):
                Sum_Cost += Popu_assign2[index[k]] * Dist[index[k]]
                Sum_Cost += Dist[index[k]]

    return Sum_Cost, Popu_assign
コード例 #2
 def cost_cal(self, Type, Tract_pop, Tractx, Tracty):
     """Calculate the normalized demand-population cost
     Geox1 = sf.FeatureScaling(self.Geox)
     Geoy1 = sf.FeatureScaling(self.Geoy)
     Tract_pop1 = sf.FeatureScaling(Tract_pop)
     Tractx1 = sf.FeatureScaling(Tractx)
     Tracty1 = sf.FeatureScaling(Tracty)
     self.cost = ans.cost(self.loc[self.supplynum:, :], Geox1, Geoy1, Tract_pop1, Type, Tractx1, Tracty1)
コード例 #3
    def cost_cal(self, Type, Tract_pop, Tractx, Tracty, cnum):
        """Calculate the normalized demand-population cost
        Geox1 = sf.FeatureScaling(self.Geox)
        Geoy1 = sf.FeatureScaling(self.Geoy)
        Tract_pop1 = sf.FeatureScaling(Tract_pop)
        Tractx1 = sf.FeatureScaling(Tractx)
        Tracty1 = sf.FeatureScaling(Tracty)

        self.cost, temp = ans.cost(self.demandloc, Geox1, Geoy1, Tract_pop1,
                                   Type, Tractx1, Tracty1, Tract_pop, cnum)
コード例 #4
    def cost_cal(self, Type, Tract_pop, Tractx, Tracty):
        """Calculate the normalized demand-population cost
        Geox1 = sf.FeatureScaling(self.Geox)
        Geoy1 = sf.FeatureScaling(self.Geoy)
        Tract_pop1 = sf.FeatureScaling(Tract_pop)
        Tractx1 = sf.FeatureScaling(Tractx)
        Tracty1 = sf.FeatureScaling(Tracty)

        self.cost = ans.cost(np.array(self.nodelocindex), Geox1, Geoy1,
                             Tract_pop1, Type, Tractx1, Tracty1, Tract_pop,
コード例 #5
    def network_setup(self, Tract_density, Tractx, Tracty, i, lon, lat, cnum):
        """Initialize everything for networks: location, distance matrix, degreesequence, cost, cluster_coeff, efficiency, diameter
        Input: Tract_density - 1D numpy array: population data of each tract in the area
               Tractx - 1D numpy array
               Tracty - 1D numpy array
               i - the number of the network in the system: i = 1, 2, 3 representing water, power and gas
        Output: \
        self.Nodelocation(Tract_density, Tractx, Tracty, lon, lat, cnum)
        ##from GOOGLE API get the elevation

        #Decision of network adjacent matrix of three networks
        while (1):
            self.sampleseq = np.random.poisson(dt.fitdegree[i],
            if (self.sampleseq.all() != 0):
                #if(np.max(self.sampleseq) >= 5):

        self.connection(self.sampleseq, dt.num)
        self.degree, self.Ndegree = sf.degreeNdegree(self.Adjmatrix)

        #Plot each single infrastructure network
        #       self.drawnetwork(dt.Type1, dt.llon, dt.rlon, dt.llat, dt.rlat)
        #plt.savefig("{} network.png".format(self.name), dpi = 2000)

        ##Calculate the network topology features
        self.cost_cal(dt.Type2, Tract_density, Tractx, Tracty, cnum)
コード例 #6
 def mstseednode(self):
     """Set up the minimum spanning tree of the seeded nodes
     mst = sf.mst(self.dseedmatrix)
     for i in range(len(mst)):
                        self.seedindex[mst[i][1]]] = 1
コード例 #7
def Connect(loc, m, sourcenum):
    """Connect the vertices generated in Function Nodeloc - generate the adjacent matrix
    Input: loc - vertex location geographically
           m - the most m cloest facilities to be connected
    Output: distmatrix - the distance matrix of the vertices
            adjmatrix - the adjacent matrix of the vertices
    distmatrix = np.zeros([len(loc), len(loc)])

    for i in range(len(loc)):
        for j in range(len(loc)):
            distmatrix[i, j] = sf.dist(loc[i, 0], loc[i, 1], loc[j, 0], loc[j,

    #Calculate the adjacent matrix
    adjmatrix = np.zeros([len(loc), len(loc)])

    for i in range(len(distmatrix) - sourcenum):
        index = sorted(range(len(distmatrix[i + sourcenum, :])),
                       key=lambda k: distmatrix[i + sourcenum, :][k])
        adjmatrix[i + sourcenum, index[0:m]] = 1
        adjmatrix[index[0:m], i + sourcenum] = 1

    return distmatrix, adjmatrix
def cost(Network, Tract_pop, Tractx, Tracty, Geox, Geoy, cnum):
    """Calculate the overall cost all a new solution: two type: demand-population, supply-transmission(transmission-demand)
    x = sf.FeatureScaling2(Network.demandx, np.min(Geox),
                           np.max(Geox) - np.min(Geox))
    y = sf.FeatureScaling2(Network.demandy, np.min(Geoy),
                           np.max(Geoy) - np.min(Geoy))
    Tract_pop1 = sf.FeatureScaling(Tract_pop)
    Tractx1 = sf.FeatureScaling(Tractx)
    Tracty1 = sf.FeatureScaling(Tracty)

    Sum_Cost = 0
    Popu_assign2 = np.zeros(len(x))

    for i in range(len(Tractx1)):
        Dist = np.empty(len(x), dtype=float)
        for k in range(len(x)):
            Dist[k] = math.sqrt((Tracty1[i] - y[k])**2 +
                                (Tractx1[i] - x[k])**2)

        index = sf.minimumk(Dist, min(cnum, len(x)))
        ratio = sf.FeatureScaling3(
            np.sum(np.exp(Dist[index])) / np.exp(Dist[index]))

        for k in range(len(index)):
            Popu_assign2[index[k]] += Tract_pop1[i] * ratio[k]
            Sum_Cost += Popu_assign2[index[k]] * Dist[index[k]]

    Network.cost = Sum_Cost
コード例 #9
 def Distmatrix(self):
     """Calculate the distance matrix for the vertices in the network
     self.Dismatrix = np.zeros((self.nodenum, self.nodenum))
     for i in range(len(self.Dismatrix)):
         for j in range(len(self.Dismatrix)):
             self.Dismatrix[i, j] = sf.dist(self.y[i], self.x[i], self.y[j],
             self.Dismatrix[j, i] = self.Dismatrix[i, j]
コード例 #10
 def Connect(self, m):
     """Connect the vertices generated in Function Nodeloc - generate the adjacent matrix
     Input:  m - the most m cloest facilities to be connected
     Output: distmatrix - the distance matrix of the vertices
             adjmatrix - the adjacent matrix of the vertices
     self.distmatrix = np.zeros([len(self.loc), len(self.loc)])
     for i in range(len(self.loc)):
         for j in range(len(self.loc)):
             self.distmatrix[i, j] = sf.dist(self.Geoloc[i, 0], self.Geoloc[i, 1], self.Geoloc[j, 0], self.Geoloc[j, 1])
     #Calculate the adjacent matrix
     self.adjmatrix = np.zeros([len(self.loc), len(self.loc)])
     for i in range(len(self.demandseries)):
         minindex = np.array(sf.minimumk(self.distmatrix[:self.demandseries[i], self.demandseries[i]], m))
         self.adjmatrix[minindex, self.demandseries[i]] = 1
コード例 #11
    def Distmatrix(self):
        """Define the distance matrix of this dependency
        Ex: self.distmatrix[i, j] - the distance between node i in network3 and middle point of link j in internet from network1 to network2
        Output: 2D numpy array, the distance matrix of the dependency
        self.distmatrix = np.zeros((self.nodenum3, self.linknum), dtype=float)

        for i in range(self.nodenum3):
            for j in range(self.linknum):
                self.distmatrix[i, j] = sf.dist(self.network3.y[self.network3.demandseries[i]], self.network3.x[self.network3.demandseries[i]], \
                                                self.internet1net2.edgelist[j]["middley"], self.internet1net2.edgelist[j]["middlex"])
コード例 #12
    def Distmatrix(self):
        """Define the distance matrix of this dependency
        Ex: self.distmatrix[i, j] - the distance between node i in network1 and node j in network2
        Output: 2D numpy array, the distance matrix of the dependency
        self.distmatrix = np.zeros((self.nodenum1, self.nodenum2), dtype=float)

        for i in range(self.nodenum1):
            for j in range(self.nodenum2):
                self.distmatrix[i, j] = sf.dist(self.network1.y[self.network1.demandseries[i]], self.network1.x[self.network1.demandseries[i]], \
                                                self.network2.y[self.network2.supplyseries[j]], self.network2.x[self.network2.supplyseries[j]])
コード例 #13
    def Adjmatrix(self):
        """Define the adjacent matrix of this dependency
        Input: \
        Output: 2D numpy array, the adjacent matrix of the dependency
        self.adjmatrix = np.zeros((self.nodenum1, self.nodenum2), dtype=int)

        for i in range(self.nodenum2):
            minindex = np.array(
                sf.minimumk(self.distmatrix[:, i], self.nearestnum))
            self.adjmatrix[minindex, i] = 1
コード例 #14
    def distmatrix(self):
        """Set up the distance matrix of the network
        import numpy as np

        self.nodexnormal, self.nodeynormal = sf.FeatureScaling(
            self.nodex), sf.FeatureScaling(self.nodey)

        self.dmatrix = np.empty((self.nodenum, self.nodenum), dtype=float)
        self.dnormalmatrix = np.empty((self.nodenum, self.nodenum),

        for i in range(self.nodenum):
            for j in range(i, self.nodenum):
                self.dmatrix[i, j] = sf.dist(self.nodey[i], self.nodex[i],
                                             self.nodey[j], self.nodex[j])
                self.dmatrix[j, i] = self.dmatrix[i, j]

                self.dnormalmatrix[i, j] = sf.dist(self.nodeynormal[i],
                self.dnormalmatrix[j, i] = self.dnormalmatrix[i, j]
コード例 #15
    def assignprob(self, density):
        """Calculate the assignment probability based on population density
            density - the density of the population distribution

        Output: the cumu_prob along with the index transformatino metric
        prob = sf.FeatureScaling3(density**self.gamma)
        temp1 = len(prob[0])

        probflatten = prob.flatten()
        cumu_prob = []
        cumu_prob_index = []

        for i in range(len(probflatten)):
            cumu_prob_index.append([i % temp1, int(i / temp1)])

            if (i == 0):
                cumu_prob.append(probflatten[i] + cumu_prob[-1])

        return cumu_prob, cumu_prob_index
コード例 #16
    def Nodelocation(self, Tract_pop, Tractx, Tracty, longitude, latitude,
        """Annealing simulation to decide the node location
        import annealsimulation

        self.latl, self.lonl = [], []

        while (len(self.latl) != self.nodenum):
            lat = np.random.randint(len(self.Geoy) - 1)
            lon = np.random.randint(len(self.Geox) - 1)
            if (lat not in self.latl or lon not in self.lonl):

        self.latl, self.lonl = np.array(self.latl), np.array(self.lonl)

        self.demandlat, self.demandlon = self.latl[
            self.demandseries], self.lonl[self.demandseries]
        self.tranlat, self.tranlon = self.latl[self.transeries], self.lonl[
        self.supplylat, self.supplylon = self.latl[
            self.supplyseries], self.lonl[self.supplyseries]

        self.demandloc = np.stack((self.demandlat, self.demandlon)).transpose()
        self.tranloc = np.stack((self.tranlat, self.tranlon)).transpose()
        self.supplyloc = np.stack((self.supplylat, self.supplylon)).transpose()

        #Demand node
        Geox1 = sf.FeatureScaling(self.Geox)
        Geoy1 = sf.FeatureScaling(self.Geoy)
        Tract_pop1 = sf.FeatureScaling(Tract_pop)
        Tractx1 = sf.FeatureScaling(Tractx)
        Tracty1 = sf.FeatureScaling(Tracty)

        self.demandloc, self.demandc, self.popuassign = ans.anneal2(
            self.demandloc, 'Population', Geox1, Geoy1, Tract_pop1, Tractx1,
            Tracty1, Tract_pop, cnum)
        self.demandy1 = Geoy1[self.demandloc[:, 0]]
        self.demandx1 = Geox1[self.demandloc[:, 1]]
        self.demandy = self.Geoy[self.demandloc[:, 0]]
        self.demandx = self.Geox[self.demandloc[:, 1]]
        #Transmission node
        self.tranloc, self.tranc, temp = ans.anneal2(self.tranloc, 'Facility',
                                                     Geox1, Geoy1, Tract_pop1,
                                                     self.demandy1, Tract_pop,
        self.trany1 = Geoy1[self.tranloc[:, 0]]
        self.tranx1 = Geox1[self.tranloc[:, 1]]
        self.trany = self.Geoy[self.tranloc[:, 0]]
        self.tranx = self.Geox[self.tranloc[:, 1]]

        #Supply node
        self.supplyloc, self.supplyc, temp = ans.anneal2(
            self.supplyloc, 'Facility', Geox1, Geoy1, Tract_pop1, self.tranx1,
            self.trany1, Tract_pop, cnum)
        self.supplyy1 = Geoy1[self.supplyloc[:, 0]]
        self.supplyx1 = Geox1[self.supplyloc[:, 1]]
        self.supplyy = self.Geoy[self.supplyloc[:, 0]]
        self.supplyx = self.Geox[self.supplyloc[:, 1]]

        ##Coordinates of nodes
        self.y = np.concatenate((self.supplyy, self.trany, self.demandy))
        self.x = np.concatenate((self.supplyx, self.tranx, self.demandx))

        ##Latitudes and longitudes of nodes
        self.demandlatitude, self.demandlongitude = latitude[
            self.demandloc[:, 0]], longitude[self.demandloc[:, 1]]
        self.tranlatitude, self.tranlongitude = latitude[
            self.tranloc[:, 0]], longitude[self.tranloc[:, 1]]
        self.supplylatitude, self.supplylongitude = latitude[
            self.supplyloc[:, 0]], longitude[self.supplyloc[:, 1]]

        self.latitude = np.concatenate(
            (self.supplylatitude, self.tranlatitude, self.demandlatitude))
        self.longitude = np.concatenate(
            (self.supplylongitude, self.tranlongitude, self.demandlongitude))
Shelby_Water.x, Shelby_Water.y, Shelby_Water.Type = WX, WY, WType
Shelby_Power.x, Shelby_Power.y, Shelby_Power.Type = PX, PY, PType
Shelby_Gas.x, Shelby_Gas.y, Shelby_Gas.Type = GX, GY, GType


ShelbyNetwork = [Shelby_Water, Shelby_Power, Shelby_Gas]
edge = [Wedge, Pedge, Gedge]

for i in range(len(ShelbyNetwork)):
    Network = ShelbyNetwork[i]
    Adjmatrix(Network, edge[i], Network.Type)
    Network.degree, Network.Ndegree = sf.degreeNdegree(Network.Adjmatrix)
    Network.drawnetwork(dt.Type1, dt.llon, dt.rlon, dt.llat, dt.rlat)
    #    cost(Network, Tract_pop, Tractx, Tracty, Geox, Geoy)
    cost(Network, Tract_pop, Tractx, Tracty, Geox, Geoy, dt.cnum)

#plt.figure(figsize = (20, 12))
#Base = bm.BaseMapSet(dt.Type1, dt.llon, dt.rlon, dt.llat, dt.rlat)
#Wx, Wy = Base(Wlon, Wlat)
#Px, Py = Base(Plon, Plat)
#Gx, Gy = Base(Glon, Glat)
###Water network
コード例 #18

    #Initialilze the dependency of gas-power links on power demand nodes for increasing pressure
    pdemand2gpinterlink = phynode2interlink(gdemand2psupply, Power,

    interdependency = [
        gdemand2psupply, wdemand2psupply, pdemand2glink, pdemand2wlink,
        pdemand2wpinterlink, pdemand2gpinterlink

    #Save all data required for solving nonlinear optimization in julia
    #Network information
    for Network in networklist:
        sf.savenetworkfeature(Network, Temp)

    for i in range(len(interdependency)):
        path1 = './p2jdata/adjdist/' + str(
            Temp) + '/' + interdependency[i].name + 'adj.csv'
        path2 = './p2jdata/adjdist/' + str(
            Temp) + '/' + interdependency[i].name + 'distnode2node.csv'

        np.savetxt(path1, interdependency[i].adjmatrix, delimiter=',')
        np.savetxt(path2, interdependency[i].distmatrix, delimiter=',')

        if (i >= 2):
            path3 = './p2jdata/adjdist/' + str(
                Temp) + '/' + interdependency[i].name + 'link2nodeid.csv'
コード例 #19
    Temp += 1

##Remove the element of the infinity value in list network.efficiency
eff1 = [sf.Removeinf(eff1[0]), sf.Removeinf(eff1[1]), sf.Removeinf(eff1[2])] 
key1,  key2 = ['Method1', 'Method2', 'The real network'], ['Water', 'Power', 'Gas']

#Compare several features of networks genering using different methods and original networks
##Cost: demand - population
value = [Shelby_Water.cost, Shelby_Power.cost, Shelby_Gas.cost]
cost1_ave, cost2_ave, cost1_std, cost2_std, cost1_cv, cost2_cv = sf.statistical_analysis('Cost', cost1, cost2, value, dt.color_compare, dt.num_compare, key1, key2)

value = [Shelby_Water.cluster_coeff, Shelby_Power.cluster_coeff, Shelby_Gas.cluster_coeff]
cluster1_ave, cluster2_ave, cluster1_std, cluster2_std, cluster1_cv, cluster2_cv = sf.statistical_analysis('Cluster coefficient', cluster_coeff1, cluster_coeff2, value, dt.color_compare, dt.num_compare, key1, key2)

##Spatial efficiency
コード例 #20
    def connection(self, sampleseq, num):
        """Calculate the adjacent matrix between supply node and transmission node
        Input: the nodal neighborhood degree sequence, d: the number of adjacent nodes
        Output: the adjacent matrix between supply and transmission nodes
        self.Adjmatrix = np.zeros((self.nodenum, self.nodenum), dtype=int)

        for i in range(self.supplynum):
            minindex = np.array(
                           self.trandemandseries[minindex]] = 1
#            self.Adjmatrix[minindex, self.supplyseries[i]] = 1

        for i in range(self.trannum):
            if (np.sum(self.Adjmatrix[self.supplyseries,
                                      self.transeries[i]]) == 0):
                minindex = np.array(
                        self.Dismatrix[self.supplyseries, self.transeries[i]],
                self.Adjmatrix[minindex, self.transeries[i]] = 1
#                self.Adjmatrix[self.transeries[i], minindex] = 1

#        for i in range(self.supplynum):
#            minindex = np.array(sf.minimumk(self.Dismatrix[self.supplyseries[i], self.supplyseries], num))
#            self.Adjmatrix[self.supplyseries[i], minindex] = 1
#            self.Adjmatrix[minindex, self.supplyseries[i]] = 1

#        for i in range(self.trannum):
#            if(np.sum(self.Adjmatrix[self.supplyseries, self.transeries[i]]) != 0):
#                continue
#            minindex = np.array(sf.minimumk(self.Dismatrix[self.supplyseries, self.transeries[i]], num))
#            self.Adjmatrix[minindex, self.transeries[i]] = 1
##            self.Adjmatrix[self.transeries[i], minindex] = 1
        for i in range(self.trannum):
            minindex = np.array(
                    self.Dismatrix[self.transeries[i], self.demandseries],
                        self.demandnum))) + self.supplynum + self.trannum
            self.Adjmatrix[self.transeries[i], minindex] = 1
#            self.Adjmatrix[minindex, self.transeries[i]] = 1

#        for i in range(self.demandnum):
#            if(np.sum(self.Adjmatrix[self.transeries, self.demandseries[i]]) == 0):
#                minindex = np.array(sf.minimumk(self.Dismatrix[self.transeries, self.demandseries[i]], 1)) + self.supplynum
#                self.Adjmatrix[minindex, self.demandseries[i]] = 1

#        for i in range(self.trannum):
#            minindex = np.array(sf.minimumk(self.Dismatrix[self.transeries[i], self.transeries], num)) + self.supplynum
#            self.Adjmatrix[self.transeries[i], minindex] = 1

        for i in range(self.demandnum):
            if (np.sum(self.Adjmatrix[self.transeries,
                                      self.demandseries[i]]) == 0):
                minindex = np.array(
                        self.Dismatrix[self.transeries, self.demandseries[i]],
                        num)) + self.supplynum
                self.Adjmatrix[minindex, self.demandseries[i]] = 1
#            self.Adjmatrix[self.demandseries[i], minindex] = 1

        for i in range(self.demandnum):
            minindex = np.array(
                    self.Dismatrix[self.demandseries[i], self.demandseries],
                    min(sampleseq[self.demandseries[i]] + 1,
                        self.demandnum))) + self.supplynum + self.trannum
            minindex = minindex[1:-1]
            for j in range(len(minindex)):
                if (self.Adjmatrix[self.demandseries[i], minindex[j]] == 1
                        or self.Adjmatrix[minindex[j],
                                          self.demandseries[i]] == 1):
                self.Adjmatrix[self.demandseries[i], minindex[j]] = 1