コード例 #1
ファイル: Sol.py プロジェクト: realms-team/sol
    def _fields_to_json_with_structure(self,sol_type,fields):

        sol_struct          = SolDefines.solStructure(sol_type)

        returnVal       = {}
        for name in sol_struct['fields']:
            returnVal[name] = fields[name]
        if 'extrafields' in sol_struct:
            returnVal[sol_struct['extrafields']] = fields[sol_struct['extrafields']]

        for (k,v) in returnVal.items():
            if type(v)==tuple:
                returnVal[k] = [b for b in v]

        return returnVal
コード例 #2
ファイル: Sol.py プロジェクト: wassimlababidi/sol
    def _fields_to_json_with_structure(self, sol_type, fields):

        sol_struct = SolDefines.solStructure(sol_type)

        returnVal = {}
        for name in sol_struct['fields']:
            returnVal[name] = fields[name]
        if 'extrafields' in sol_struct:
            returnVal[sol_struct['extrafields']] = fields[

        for (k, v) in returnVal.items():
            if type(v) == tuple:
                returnVal[k] = [b for b in v]

        return returnVal
コード例 #3
ファイル: Sol.py プロジェクト: wassimlababidi/sol
    def _fields_to_binary_with_structure(self, sol_type, fields):

        sol_struct = SolDefines.solStructure(sol_type)

        pack_format = sol_struct['structure']
        pack_values = [fields[name] for name in sol_struct['fields']]

        # convert [0x01,0x02,0x03] into 0x010203 to be packable
        for i in range(len(pack_values)):
            if type(pack_values[i]) == list:
                pack_values[i] = self._list_to_num(pack_values[i])

        returnVal = [ord(b) for b in struct.pack(pack_format, *pack_values)]
        if 'extrafields' in sol_struct:
            returnVal += fields[sol_struct['extrafields']]

        return returnVal
コード例 #4
ファイル: Sol.py プロジェクト: realms-team/sol
    def _fields_to_binary_with_structure(self,sol_type,fields):

        sol_struct      = SolDefines.solStructure(sol_type)

        pack_format     = sol_struct['structure']
        pack_values     = [fields[name] for name in sol_struct['fields']]

        # convert [0x01,0x02,0x03] into 0x010203 to be packable
        for i in range(len(pack_values)):
            if type(pack_values[i])==list:
                pack_values[i] = self._list_to_num(pack_values[i])

        returnVal       = [ord(b) for b in struct.pack(pack_format,*pack_values)]
        if 'extrafields' in sol_struct:
            returnVal  += fields[sol_struct['extrafields']]

        return returnVal
コード例 #5
ファイル: Sol.py プロジェクト: realms-team/sol
    def _binary_to_fields_with_structure(self,sol_type,binary):

        sol_struct      = SolDefines.solStructure(sol_type)

        pack_format     = sol_struct['structure']
        pack_length     = struct.calcsize(pack_format)

        t = struct.unpack(pack_format,''.join(chr(b) for b in binary[:pack_length]))

        returnVal = {}
        for (k,v) in zip(sol_struct['fields'],t):
            returnVal[k]= v

        if 'extrafields' in sol_struct:
            returnVal[sol_struct['extrafields']] = binary[pack_length:]

        for (k,v) in returnVal.items():
            if k in ['macAddress','source','dest']:
                returnVal[k] = self._num_to_list(v,8)
            elif k in ['sol_version','sdk_version','solmanager_version']:
                returnVal[k] = self._num_to_list(v,4)

        return returnVal
コード例 #6
ファイル: Sol.py プロジェクト: wassimlababidi/sol
    def _binary_to_fields_with_structure(self, sol_type, binary):

        sol_struct = SolDefines.solStructure(sol_type)

        pack_format = sol_struct['structure']
        pack_length = struct.calcsize(pack_format)

        t = struct.unpack(pack_format,
                          ''.join(chr(b) for b in binary[:pack_length]))

        returnVal = {}
        for (k, v) in zip(sol_struct['fields'], t):
            returnVal[k] = v

        if 'extrafields' in sol_struct:
            returnVal[sol_struct['extrafields']] = binary[pack_length:]

        for (k, v) in returnVal.items():
            if k in ['macAddress', 'source', 'dest']:
                returnVal[k] = self._num_to_list(v, 8)
            elif k in ['sol_version', 'sdk_version', 'solmanager_version']:
                returnVal[k] = self._num_to_list(v, 4)

        return returnVal
コード例 #7
ファイル: Sol.py プロジェクト: wassimlababidi/sol
    def _split_dust_notif(self, notif_name, dust_notif):
        Split a single Dust serial API notification into a list of Dust notifications
        :param dict dust_notif: The Dust serial API notification as
                                created by the SmartMesh SDK
        :return: A list of Dust notifications
        :rtype: list
        notif_list = []

        if notif_name == IpMgrConnectorSerial.IpMgrConnectorSerial.NOTIFHEALTHREPORT:
            hr_exists = True
            dust_notifs = []
            hr_currptr = 0
            hr_nextptr = dust_notif.payload[1] + 2
            while hr_exists:
                # add HR notification to list
                # check if other notifs are present
                hr_currptr = hr_nextptr
                if len(dust_notif.payload) > (hr_currptr + 2):
                    hr_nextptr = hr_currptr + dust_notif.payload[hr_currptr +
                                                                 1] + 2
                    if hr_nextptr < len(dust_notif.payload):
                        hr_exists = False
                    hr_exists = False
        elif notif_name == IpMgrConnectorSerial.IpMgrConnectorSerial.NOTIFDATA:

            # parse header
            sol_header = dust_notif.data[0]
            header_V = sol_header >> SolDefines.SOL_HDR_V_OFFSET & 0x03
            header_T = sol_header >> SolDefines.SOL_HDR_T_OFFSET & 0x01
            header_S = sol_header >> SolDefines.SOL_HDR_S_OFFSET & 0x01
            header_Y = sol_header >> SolDefines.SOL_HDR_Y_OFFSET & 0x01
            header_L = sol_header >> SolDefines.SOL_HDR_L_OFFSET & 0x03

            if header_T == 0:  # single object
                notif_list = [dust_notif]
            else:  # multiple objects
                # reset header Type bit
                sol_header = dust_notif.data[0] & 0xdf

                # get structure size
                solheader_size = SolDefines.SOL_HEADER_SIZE
                ts_size = SolDefines.SOL_TIMESTAMP_SIZE
                objnum_size = SolDefines.SOL_OBJNUMBER_SIZE

                # get time
                ts_sec = 0
                ts_usec = 0
                if header_T == 0:  # timestamp from obj
                    ts_sec = dust_notif.data[0:ts_size]
                    ts_usec = 0
                else:  # timestamp from dust notif
                    ts_sec = dust_notif.utcSecs
                    ts_user = dust_notif.utcUsecs

                # get number of objects
                obj_number = dust_notif.data[ts_size + objnum_size]

                curr_ptr = solheader_size + ts_size + objnum_size
                for i in range(0, obj_number):
                    obj_type = dust_notif.data[curr_ptr]
                    sol_item = SolDefines.solStructure(obj_type)
                    obj_size = struct.calcsize(sol_item['structure'])
                            # data = solheader + timestamp + object
                            data=dust_notif.data[:solheader_size + ts_size] +
                            dust_notif.data[curr_ptr:curr_ptr + obj_size + 1]))
                    curr_ptr += obj_size + 1
            notif_list = [dust_notif]

        return notif_list
コード例 #8
ファイル: Sol.py プロジェクト: wassimlababidi/sol
    def json_to_influxdb(self, sol_json, tags):
        Convert a JSON SOL object into a InfluxDB point

        :param list sol_json: JSON SOL object
        :return: InfluxDB point
        :rtpe: list

        # fields
        if sol_json['type'] == SolDefines.SOL_TYPE_DUST_NOTIF_HRNEIGHBORS:
            fields = {}
            for n in sol_json["value"]['neighbors']:
                fields["neighbors:" + str(n['neighborId'])] = n
            fields['numItems'] = sol_json["value"]['numItems']
        elif sol_json['type'] == SolDefines.SOL_TYPE_DUST_NOTIF_HRDISCOVERED:
            fields = sol_json["value"]
        elif sol_json['type'] == SolDefines.SOL_TYPE_DUST_SNAPSHOT:
            fields = {}
            fields["mote"] = []
            for mote in sol_json["value"]:
                mote["macAddress"] = FormatUtils.formatBuffer(
                for path in mote["paths"]:
                    path["macAddress"] = FormatUtils.formatBuffer(
        elif sol_json['type'] == SolDefines.SOL_TYPE_DUST_EVENTNETWORKRESET:
            fields = {'value': 'dummy'}
            fields = sol_json["value"]
            for (k, v) in fields.items():
                if type(v) == list:  # mac
                    if k in ['macAddress', 'source', 'dest']:
                        fields[k] = FormatUtils.formatBuffer(v)
                    elif k in [
                            'sol_version', 'sdk_version', 'solmanager_version'
                        fields[k] = ".".join(str(i) for i in v)

        f = flatdict.FlatDict(fields)
        fields = {}
        for (k, v) in f.items():
            fields[k] = v

        # add additionnal fiel if apply_function exists
            obj_struct = SolDefines.solStructure(sol_json['type'])
            if 'apply' in obj_struct:
                for ap in obj_struct['apply']:
                    arg_list = [fields[arg] for arg in ap["args"]]
                    fields[ap["name"]] = ap["function"](*arg_list)
        except ValueError:

        # get SOL type
        measurement = SolDefines.solTypeToTypeName(SolDefines,

        # convert SOL timestamp to UTC
        utc_time = sol_json["timestamp"] * 1000000000

        sol_influxdb = {
            "time": utc_time,
            "tags": tags,
            "measurement": measurement,
            "fields": fields,

        return sol_influxdb
コード例 #9
ファイル: Sol.py プロジェクト: wassimlababidi/sol
    def bin_to_json(self, sol_bin, mac=None):
        Convert a binary SOL object into a JSON SOL Object.

        :param list sol_bin: binary SOL object
        :return: JSON SOL Objects
        :rtpe: list

        sol_json = {}

        # header

        h = sol_bin[0]
        h_V = (h >> SolDefines.SOL_HDR_V_OFFSET) & 0x03
        assert h_V == SolDefines.SOL_HDR_V
        h_H = (h >> SolDefines.SOL_HDR_T_OFFSET) & 0x01
        assert h_H == SolDefines.SOL_HDR_T_SINGLE
        h_M = (h >> SolDefines.SOL_HDR_M_OFFSET) & 0x01
        h_S = (h >> SolDefines.SOL_HDR_S_OFFSET) & 0x01
        h_Y = (h >> SolDefines.SOL_HDR_Y_OFFSET) & 0x01
        h_L = (h >> SolDefines.SOL_HDR_L_OFFSET) & 0x03

        sol_bin = sol_bin[1:]

        # mac

        if h_M == SolDefines.SOL_HDR_M_NOMAC:
            assert mac is not None
            sol_json['mac'] = mac
            assert len(sol_bin) >= 8
            sol_json['mac'] = sol_bin[:8]
            sol_bin = sol_bin[8:]

        # timestamp

        assert h_S == SolDefines.SOL_HDR_S_EPOCH
        assert len(sol_bin) >= 4
        sol_json['timestamp'] = self._list_to_num(sol_bin[:4])
        sol_bin = sol_bin[4:]

        # type

        assert h_Y == SolDefines.SOL_HDR_Y_1B
        sol_json['type'] = sol_bin[0]
        sol_bin = sol_bin[1:]

        # length

        if h_L == SolDefines.SOL_HDR_L_WK:
            sol_item = SolDefines.solStructure(sol_json['type'])
            obj_size = struct.calcsize(sol_item['structure'])
        elif h_L == SolDefines.SOL_HDR_L_1B:
            sol_json['length'] = sol_bin[0]
            obj_size = sol_bin[0]
            sol_bin = sol_bin[1:]
        elif h_L == SolDefines.SOL_HDR_L_2B:
            sol_json['length'] = sol_bin[:2]
            obj_size = sol_bin[:2]
            sol_bin = sol_bin[2:]
        elif h_L == SolDefines.SOL_HDR_L_ELIDED:
            obj_size = len(sol_bin)

        # value
        assert len(sol_bin) == obj_size
        if sol_json['type'] == SolDefines.SOL_TYPE_DUST_NOTIF_HRNEIGHBORS:
            sol_json['value'] = self.hrParser.parseHr(
                 len(sol_bin)] + sol_bin, )['Neighbors']
        elif sol_json['type'] == SolDefines.SOL_TYPE_DUST_NOTIF_HRDISCOVERED:
            sol_json['value'] = self.hrParser.parseHr(
                 len(sol_bin)] + sol_bin, )['Discovered']
        elif sol_json['type'] == SolDefines.SOL_TYPE_DUST_SNAPSHOT:
            sol_json['value'] = self._binary_to_fields_snapshot(sol_bin)
            sol_json['value'] = self._binary_to_fields_with_structure(

        return sol_json
コード例 #10
ファイル: Sol.py プロジェクト: realms-team/sol
    def _split_dust_notif(self, notif_name, dust_notif):
        Split a single Dust serial API notification into a list of Dust notifications
        :param dict dust_notif: The Dust serial API notification as
                                created by the SmartMesh SDK
        :return: A list of Dust notifications
        :rtype: list
        notif_list = []

        if notif_name==IpMgrConnectorSerial.IpMgrConnectorSerial.NOTIFHEALTHREPORT:
            hr_exists       = True
            dust_notifs     = []
            hr_currptr      = 0
            hr_nextptr      = dust_notif.payload[1]+2
            while hr_exists:
                # add HR notification to list
                        macAddress = dust_notif.macAddress,
                        payload    = dust_notif.payload[hr_currptr:hr_nextptr],
                # check if other notifs are present
                hr_currptr = hr_nextptr
                if len(dust_notif.payload) > (hr_currptr+2):
                    hr_nextptr = hr_currptr + dust_notif.payload[hr_currptr+1] + 2
                    if hr_nextptr < len(dust_notif.payload):
                        hr_exists = False
                    hr_exists = False
        elif notif_name==IpMgrConnectorSerial.IpMgrConnectorSerial.NOTIFDATA:

            # parse header
            sol_header  = dust_notif.data[0]
            header_V    = sol_header >> SolDefines.SOL_HDR_V_OFFSET & 0x03
            header_T    = sol_header >> SolDefines.SOL_HDR_T_OFFSET & 0x01
            header_S    = sol_header >> SolDefines.SOL_HDR_S_OFFSET & 0x01
            header_Y    = sol_header >> SolDefines.SOL_HDR_Y_OFFSET & 0x01
            header_L    = sol_header >> SolDefines.SOL_HDR_L_OFFSET & 0x03

            if header_T == 0: # single object
                notif_list = [dust_notif]
            else: # multiple objects
                # reset header Type bit
                sol_header = dust_notif.data[0] & 0xdf

                # get structure size
                solheader_size  = SolDefines.SOL_HEADER_SIZE
                ts_size         = SolDefines.SOL_TIMESTAMP_SIZE
                objnum_size     = SolDefines.SOL_OBJNUMBER_SIZE

                # get time
                ts_sec  = 0
                ts_usec = 0
                ts_offset = 0
                if header_S == 0: # timestamp from smip header
                    ts_sec  = dust_notif.data[0:ts_size]
                    ts_usec = 0
                    ts_offset = ts_size
                else: # timestamp from dust notif
                    ts_sec  = dust_notif.utcSecs
                    ts_user = dust_notif.utcUsecs

                # get number of objects
                obj_number  = dust_notif.data[ts_offset+objnum_size]

                curr_ptr    = solheader_size + ts_offset + objnum_size
                for i in range(0,obj_number):
                    obj_type    = dust_notif.data[curr_ptr]
                    sol_item    = SolDefines.solStructure(obj_type)
                    obj_size    = struct.calcsize(sol_item['structure'])
                                utcSecs     = ts_sec,
                                utcUsecs    = ts_usec,
                                macAddress  = dust_notif.macAddress,
                                srcPort     = dust_notif.srcPort,
                                dstPort     = dust_notif.dstPort,
                                # data = solheader + timestamp + object
                                data        = tuple([sol_header])+
                    curr_ptr   += obj_size+1
            notif_list = [dust_notif]

        return notif_list
コード例 #11
ファイル: Sol.py プロジェクト: realms-team/sol
    def json_to_influxdb(self,sol_json,tags):
        Convert a JSON SOL object into a InfluxDB point

        :param list sol_json: JSON SOL object
        :return: InfluxDB point
        :rtpe: list
        # tags
        obj_tags = copy.deepcopy(tags)

        # fields
        if   sol_json['type']==SolDefines.SOL_TYPE_DUST_NOTIF_HRNEIGHBORS:
            fields = {}
            for n in sol_json["value"]['neighbors']:
                fields["neighbors:" + str(n['neighborId'])] = n
            fields['numItems'] = sol_json["value"]['numItems']
        elif sol_json['type']==SolDefines.SOL_TYPE_DUST_NOTIF_HRDISCOVERED:
            fields = sol_json["value"]
        elif sol_json['type']==SolDefines.SOL_TYPE_DUST_SNAPSHOT:
            fields = {}
            fields["mote"] = []
            for mote in sol_json["value"]:
                mote["macAddress"] = FormatUtils.formatBuffer(mote["macAddress"])
                for path in mote["paths"]:
                    path["macAddress"] = FormatUtils.formatBuffer(path["macAddress"])
        elif sol_json['type']==SolDefines.SOL_TYPE_DUST_EVENTNETWORKRESET:
            fields = {'value':'dummy'}
            fields = sol_json["value"]
            for (k,v) in fields.items():
                if type(v)==list: # mac
                    if k in ['macAddress','source','dest']:
                        fields[k] = FormatUtils.formatBuffer(v)
                    elif k in ['sol_version','sdk_version','solmanager_version']:
                        fields[k] = ".".join(str(i) for i in v)

        f = flatdict.FlatDict(fields)
        fields = {}
        for (k,v) in f.items():
            fields[k] = v

        # add additionnal field or tag if apply_function exists
            obj_struct = SolDefines.solStructure(sol_json['type'])
            if 'apply' in obj_struct:
                for ap in obj_struct['apply']:
                    arg_list = [fields[arg] for arg in ap["args"]]
                    if "field" in ap:
                        fields[ap["field"]] = ap["function"](*arg_list)
                    if "tag" in ap:
                        obj_tags[ap["tag"]] = ap["function"](*arg_list)
        except ValueError:

        # get SOL type
        measurement = SolDefines.solTypeToTypeName(SolDefines,sol_json['type'])

        # convert SOL timestamp to UTC
        utc_time = sol_json["timestamp"]*1000000000

        sol_influxdb = {
                "time"          : utc_time,
                "tags"          : obj_tags,
                "measurement"   : measurement,
                "fields"        : fields,

        return sol_influxdb
コード例 #12
ファイル: Sol.py プロジェクト: realms-team/sol
    def bin_to_json(self, sol_bin, mac=None):
        Convert a binary SOL object into a JSON SOL Object.

        :param list sol_bin: binary SOL object
        :return: JSON SOL Objects
        :rtpe: list

        sol_json = {}

        # header

        h     = sol_bin[0]
        h_V   = (h>>SolDefines.SOL_HDR_V_OFFSET)&0x03
        assert h_V==SolDefines.SOL_HDR_V
        h_H   = (h>>SolDefines.SOL_HDR_T_OFFSET)&0x01
        assert h_H==SolDefines.SOL_HDR_T_SINGLE
        h_M   = (h>>SolDefines.SOL_HDR_M_OFFSET)&0x01
        h_S   = (h>>SolDefines.SOL_HDR_S_OFFSET)&0x01
        h_Y   = (h>>SolDefines.SOL_HDR_Y_OFFSET)&0x01
        h_L   = (h>>SolDefines.SOL_HDR_L_OFFSET)&0x03

        sol_bin = sol_bin[1:]

        # mac

        if h_M==SolDefines.SOL_HDR_M_NOMAC:
            assert mac is not None
            sol_json['mac']  = mac
            assert len(sol_bin)>=8
            sol_json['mac']  = sol_bin[:8]
            sol_bin          = sol_bin[8:]

        # timestamp

        assert h_S==SolDefines.SOL_HDR_S_EPOCH
        assert len(sol_bin)>=4
        sol_json['timestamp'] = self._list_to_num(sol_bin[:4])
        sol_bin = sol_bin[4:]

        # type

        assert h_Y==SolDefines.SOL_HDR_Y_1B
        sol_json['type'] = sol_bin[0]
        sol_bin = sol_bin[1:]

        # length

        if h_L==SolDefines.SOL_HDR_L_WK:
            sol_item              = SolDefines.solStructure(sol_json['type'])
            obj_size              = struct.calcsize(sol_item['structure'])
        elif h_L==SolDefines.SOL_HDR_L_1B:
            sol_json['length']    = sol_bin[0]
            obj_size              = sol_bin[0]
            sol_bin               = sol_bin[1:]
        elif h_L==SolDefines.SOL_HDR_L_2B:
            sol_json['length']    = sol_bin[:2]
            obj_size              = sol_bin[:2]
            sol_bin               = sol_bin[2:]
        elif h_L==SolDefines.SOL_HDR_L_ELIDED:
            obj_size              = len(sol_bin)

        # value
        assert len(sol_bin)==obj_size
        if   sol_json['type']==SolDefines.SOL_TYPE_DUST_NOTIF_HRNEIGHBORS:
            sol_json['value'] = self.hrParser.parseHr(
        elif sol_json['type']==SolDefines.SOL_TYPE_DUST_NOTIF_HRDISCOVERED:
            sol_json['value'] = self.hrParser.parseHr(
        elif sol_json['type']==SolDefines.SOL_TYPE_DUST_SNAPSHOT:
            sol_json['value'] = self._binary_to_fields_snapshot(sol_bin)
            sol_json['value'] = self._binary_to_fields_with_structure(

        return sol_json