コード例 #1
ファイル: RF.py プロジェクト: r-b-g-b/Lab
def calc_latency_by_stim(rast, stimparams):
	stim_psth, _ = Spikes.calc_psth_by_stim(rast, stimparams, bins = np.arange(0, 0.334, 0.001))
	stim_psth_smoo = np.apply_along_axis(myconv, 2, stim_psth)
	stim_peak_times = np.apply_along_axis(np.argmax, 2, stim_psth_smoo)
	return stim_peak_times
コード例 #2
ファイル: RR.py プロジェクト: r-b-g-b/Lab
def circ_psth(rast_, rr, npips, onset = 0.05, bins = 20, color = 'b', remove_first = False, ax = None):
		rast_ : subset of block raster corresponding to only the stimuli you want plotted
		rr : the repetition rate
		npips : number of pips presented at this rate
		onset : in seconds, onset time of first pip
		bins : number of bins to include
		remove_first : exclude the respose to the first pip
	spktimes_ = Spikes.rast2spktimes(rast_)
	period = 1. / rr
	train_end = float(npips) / rr
	spktimes_chunk = spktimes_ - onset
	spktimes_chunk = spktimes_chunk[spktimes_chunk > 0]
	spktimes_chunk = spktimes_chunk[spktimes_chunk < train_end]
	if remove_first:
		spktimes_chunk = spktimes_chunk[spktimes_chunk > period]
	spktimes_pol = spktimes_chunk * 2*np.pi * rr # convert to radians
	spktimes_pol = np.mod(spktimes_pol, 2*np.pi) # force range 0-2pi
	nspks = spktimes_pol.size

	r, V, theta = circ_stat(spktimes_pol)
	ax, fig = misc.axis_check(ax, polar = True)
	if spktimes_pol.size > 0:
		ax.hist(spktimes_pol, bins = bins, color = color, histtype = 'stepfilled')
		ax.plot([0, theta], [0, V], 'r.-')
		ax.plot([0, 0], [0, V*np.cos(theta)], 'r.-')

	return r, V, theta
コード例 #3
ファイル: RR.py プロジェクト: r-b-g-b/Lab
def calc_vR_dist_intertrain(spktimes_, spktrials_, trials, rr, nbins, npips = 6):
	Calculates the reliability of firing to each PIP in the train
		spktimes_	:	spike times for the trials involved
		spktrials_	:	spike trials for the above spike times
		stimparams	:	stimulus parameters for the trials

	dist = []
	# loop through each trial
	for t, trial in enumerate(trials):
		spktimes__ = spktimes_[spktrials_ == trial]
		# compare all pairwise combinations of pips
		for m in combinations(range(1, npips), 2):
			train_start_1 = 0.05 + (m[0] / rr)
			train_end_1 = 0.05 + ((m[0]+1) / rr)
			train_start_2 = 0.05 + (m[1] / rr)
			train_end_2 = 0.05 + ((m[1]+1) / rr)
			duration = npips / rr
			spktimes_1 = spktimes__[misc.isbetween(spktimes__, train_start_1, train_end_1)] - train_start_1
			spktimes_2 = spktimes__[misc.isbetween(spktimes__, train_start_2, train_end_2)] - train_start_2
			dist.append(Spikes.vR_dist(spktimes_1, spktimes_2, nbins) / duration)
	return np.mean(dist)
コード例 #4
ファイル: RR.py プロジェクト: r-b-g-b/Lab
def aligned_psth_separate(psth, rr, npips, onset = 0.050, wind_offset = -0.020, ax = None, nshow = 6):

	ccycle = plt.rcParams['axes.color_cycle']

	period = 1./rr # period in ms
	nbins_period = np.round(1000*period).astype(int)

	wind_start = onset+wind_offset

	show_ix = np.round(np.linspace(0, npips-1, nshow)).astype(int)
	aligned_psth = np.empty((nshow, nbins_period))
	for i, ix in enumerate(show_ix):
		start_ix = np.round(1000*(wind_start+ix*period)).astype(int)
		stop_ix = start_ix+nbins_period
		aligned_psth[i, :] = psth[start_ix : stop_ix]

	if not ax is None:
		for i in xrange(nshow):
			color = ccycle[(nshow-(i+1))]
			lw = 7.25-(1.25*i)
			alpha = (2/7.)+(i/7.)
			ax.plot(Spikes.exp_smoo(aligned_psth[-(i+1), :]), color = color, lw = lw, alpha = alpha)

		ax.set_xlim((1000*(wind_start-0.010), 150))

	return aligned_psth
コード例 #5
ファイル: RF.py プロジェクト: r-b-g-b/Lab
def calc_fake_strf(rast, stimparams):
	2-d matrix no.freqs x no.time bins, values are spontaneous firing rate. basically each row is a psth for a particular frequency
	stim_psth, _ = Spikes.calc_psth_by_stim(rast, stimparams)
	fake_strf = stim_psth.mean(1)
	return fake_strf
コード例 #6
ファイル: RR.py プロジェクト: r-b-g-b/Lab
def plot_stim_psth(stim_psth, stim_params):
	fig = plt.figure();
	nfreqs, nrrs, nbins = stim_psth.shape
	i = 0
	rrs = stim_params[1]
	for r in xrange(nrrs):
		for f in xrange(nfreqs):
			i += 1
			ax = fig.add_subplot(nrrs, nfreqs, i)
			ax.plot(Spikes.exp_smoo(stim_psth[f, r, :]))
			plot_tone_pips(rrs[r], rrs[r], 0.05, 0.025)

コード例 #7
ファイル: RF.py プロジェクト: r-b-g-b/Lab
def plot_fake_strf(rast, stimparams):
	fig = plt.figure(figsize = (15, 10))
	ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.05, 0.2, 0.9, 0.75])
	ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.05, 0.05, 0.9, 0.15])
	fake_strf = calc_fake_strf(rast, stimparams)
	RF.plot_rf(fake_strf, ax = ax1, axes_on = False)
	psth = fake_strf.mean(0)
	psth_smoo = Spikes.hamming_smoo(psth, windlen = 5)
	ax2.set_xlim([0, rast.shape[1]])
	plt.draw(); plt.show();

	return fig
コード例 #8
ファイル: RR.py プロジェクト: r-b-g-b/Lab
def calc_vR_dist_intertrial(spktimes, spktrials, trials, rr, nbins, npips = 6.):

	ntrials = trials.size
	dist = []
	# compare all pairwise combinations of trials
	for m in combinations(range(ntrials), 2):
		spktimes_1 = spktimes[spktrials == trials[m[0]]]
		spktimes_2 = spktimes[spktrials == trials[m[1]]]
		# remove response to first pip
		train_start = 0.05 + 1./rr
		train_end = 0.05 + 6./rr
		spktimes_1 = spktimes_1[misc.isbetween(spktimes_1, train_start, train_end)]
		spktimes_2 = spktimes_2[misc.isbetween(spktimes_2, train_start, train_end)]
		duration = npips / rr
		dist.append(Spikes.vR_dist(spktimes_1, spktimes_2, nbins) / duration)
	return np.mean(dist)
コード例 #9
ファイル: RR.py プロジェクト: r-b-g-b/Lab
def calc_vs(rast_, rr, npips, onset = 0.05, analysistype = 'mean', remove_first = False):

	ix_times = np.arange(rast_.shape[1]) / 1000.
	spktimes_ = Spikes.rast2spktimes(rast_, ix_times)
	spktimes_ = spktimes_ - onset
	train_end = npips / rr # end at last pip
	if remove_first:
		train_start = 1./rr
		train_start = 0.
	spktimes_chunk = spktimes_[np.logical_and(train_start<spktimes_, spktimes_<train_end)]

	v = np.exp(1j * 2*np.pi * rr * spktimes_chunk)
	# v = np.cos(2 * np.pi * rr * spktimes_chunk) + 1j * np.sin(2 * np.pi * rr * spktimes_chunk)

	if analysistype == 'mean':
		vs = np.abs(v.mean()) #/ duration
	if analysistype == 'sum':
		vs = np.abs(v.sum())

	alpha = np.angle(v)
	p = rayleigh_test(np.angle(v))
	return vs, p
コード例 #10
ファイル: analyze_voc_strf.py プロジェクト: r-b-g-b/Lab
	# perform analysis 
	if len(rr_path) > 0:
		rr_file = h5py.File(rr_path, 'r')
		rr_rast = rr_file['rast'].value
		rr_stimparams = rr_file['stimID'].value
		# rr_rast = rr_rast[1:, :]
		# rr_stimparams = rr_stimparams[:-1, :]
		ufreqs = np.unique(rr_stimparams[:, 0])
		urrs = np.unique(rr_stimparams[:, 1])
		freq_played, freq_ix_played, _ = misc.closest(ufreqs, cf, log = True)
		rr_bins = np.arange(0, 6, 0.05)
		rr_psth_stim, usp = Spikes.calc_psth_by_stim(rr_rast, rr_stimparams, bins = rr_bins)
		cf_psth = rr_psth_stim[freq_ix_played, :, :]
		noise_psth = rr_psth_stim[0, :, :]
		fig = plt.figure()
		nrrs = cf_psth.shape[0]
		ax = []
		for i in range(nrrs):
			ax.append(fig.add_subplot(nrrs, 1, i+1))
			ax[-1].plot(rr_bins[:-1], cf_psth[i, :])
			RR.plot_tone_pips(urrs[i], 6, 0.05, 0.025, ax = ax[-1], color = 'r')
			if i>0:
コード例 #11
ファイル: RR_rrtf.py プロジェクト: r-b-g-b/Lab
		rast = frr['rast'].value
		stimparams = frr['stimID'].value

		# if not np.isnan(spktimes[0]):
		cf = cfs[cfs[:, 0]==unitnum, 1][0]
		cf_hz = ix2freq[20:][int(cf)]
		freqs = stimparams[:, 0]
		rrs = stimparams[:, 1]
		ufreqs = np.unique(freqs)
		urrs = np.unique(rrs)
		nrrs = urrs.size
		# now we determine which of the frequencies we played is closest to this neuron's CF
		thisfreq, thisfreq_ix, thisfreq_err = misc.closest(ufreqs, cf_hz, log = True)
		if np.abs(thisfreq_err) > 0.2:
			print 'No close frequency found!'
		thisfreq = ufreqs[thisfreq_ix]
		# isolate the parts of the raster for this frequency and build a psth for each RR
		ix = RF.get_trials(stimparams, np.array([thisfreq, np.nan]))
		thisrast = rast[ix, :1050]
		thisstims = stimparams[ix, :]
		psths, ustims = Spikes.calc_psth_by_stim(thisrast, thisstims)
		rrtf = RR.calc_rrtf_all(thisrast, thisstims, thisfreq, urrs)
		db[-1] = np.array((gen, exp, sess, unitnum, cf_hz, rrtf, urrs), dtype = dtype)

np.savez(savepath, db)
コード例 #12
ファイル: RR.py プロジェクト: r-b-g-b/Lab
def plot_rrtf(t, psth, rr, npips, onset = 0.05, duration = 0.025, ax = None):

	ax, fig = misc.axis_check(ax)

	ax.plot(t, Spikes.exp_smoo(psth))
	plot_tone_pips(rr, npips, onset = onset, duration = duration, ax = ax, color = 'r')
コード例 #13
ファイル: RR_rf.py プロジェクト: r-b-g-b/Lab
def add_field():

	savepath = '/Users/robert/Documents/Work/Bao/Fmr1_RR/Analysis/RRTFs.h5'
	fsave = h5py.File(savepath, 'a')

	sessnames = fsave.keys()

	for sessname in sessnames:
		fsess = fsave[sessname]
		rrblocks = fsess.keys()

		for rrblock in rrblocks:
			rrpath = os.path.join(basedir, 'Sessions', 'full_window', 'good', sessname, 'fileconversion', rrblock + '.h5')
			p = re.compile('RR')
			rfpath_ = p.sub('RF', rrblock)
			rfpath = os.path.join(basedir, 'Sessions', 'full_window', 'good', sessname, 'fileconversion', rfpath_+'.h5')
			p = re.compile('(\d+)')
			unitnum = np.int32(p.findall(rrblock)[0])

			funit = fsess[rrblock]
			# d = funit.require_dataset('unit', (), 'i4')
			# d.write_direct(np.array([unitnum]))

			if verbose:
				print rrblock
				print rfpath
			frf = h5py.File(rfpath, 'r')
			cf_ix = np.int32(frf['cf'].value)

			cf = ix2freq[20:][cf_ix]
			frr = h5py.File(rrpath, 'r')
			rast = frr['rast'].value
			stimparams = frr['stimID'].value
			freqs = np.unique(stimparams[:, 0])
			rrs = np.unique(stimparams[:, 1])
			freq, _, freq_err = misc.closest(freqs, cf, log = True)
			freq = np.round(freq, 0)
			assert freq_err<0.3
			on, off = Spikes.calc_on_off(funit['ev_psth'].value)
			# vs, vs_p = RR.calc_vs_all(rast, stimparams, [0.], rrs)
			# rrtf = RR.calc_rrtf_all(rast, stimparams, freq, rrs)

			d = funit.require_dataset('on_halfmax', (1,), float)
			d = funit.require_dataset('off_halfmax', (1,), float)
			# open the RR file, get rast and stimparams, then close it
			# frf = h5py.File(rfpath, 'r')
			# RF.add_rf_analysis(frf, funit)
			# frf.close()

コード例 #14
ファイル: voc_analysis.py プロジェクト: r-b-g-b/Lab
def rr_make_contactsheets():
	loop through all the sessions and plot the rrtfs

	fig = plt.figure(figsize = (30, 18));
	txt_suptitle = fig.suptitle('')
	ax_cfrrtf = fig.add_axes((0.76, 0.76, 0.24, 0.23));
	ax_cfvs = ax_cfrrtf.twinx();
	ax_cfcircpsthall = fig.add_axes((0.62, (11/14.)-0.02, 0.1, (1/7.)+0.04), polar = True)
	ax_cfcircpsthall.set_xticklabels(''); ax_cfcircpsthall.set_yticklabels('');
	ax_rf = fig.add_axes((0.67, 0.51, 0.33, 0.23));
	ax_rfrast = fig.add_axes((0.67, 0.25, 0.33, 0.24));
	ax_rfpsth = fig.add_axes((0.67, 0.01, 0.33, 0.24));

	ax_cfrr = [fig.add_axes((0.03, 1-((i+1)/7.), 0.35, 1/7.)) for i in np.arange(nrrs)]
	ax_cfalignedpsth = [fig.add_axes((0.38, 1-((i+1)/7.), 0.17, 1/7.)) for i in np.arange(nrrs)]
	ax_cfcircpsth = [fig.add_axes((0.53, 1-((i+1)/7.), 0.1, 1/7.), polar = True) for i in np.arange(nrrs)]
	# ax_noiserr = [fig.add_subplot(nrrs, 3, i) for i in np.arange(1, 3*nrrs, 3)]

	for sessionpath in sessionpaths:

		session = os.path.split(sessionpath)[1]
		unitinfos = fileconversion.get_session_unitinfo(sessionpath, onlycomplete = ('RF', 'RR', 'VOC'))
		for unitkey in unitinfos.keys():
			txt_suptitle.set_text('%s %s' % (session, unitkey))

			unitinfo = unitinfos[unitkey]

			rf_ix = unitinfo['stimtype'].index('RF')
			f_rf = h5py.File(unitinfo['fpath'][rf_ix], 'r')
			rf_rast = f_rf['rast'].value
			rf_stimparams = f_rf['stimID'].value
			cf_ix = f_rf['cf'].value
			cf = ix2freq[20:][int(cf_ix)]

			''' calculate and plot RF, psth, and sorted raster'''
			rf = RF.calc_rf(rf_rast, rf_stimparams)
			rf_psth = Spikes.calc_psth(rf_rast)
			RF.plot_rf(rf, cf = cf_ix, axes_on = False, ax = ax_rf) # plot RF
			ax_rf.axvline(cf_ix, color = 'r', lw = 1.5)
			Spikes.plot_sorted_raster(rf_rast, rf_stimparams, ax = ax_rfrast) # plot raster
			ax_rfpsth.plot(t_rf, Spikes.exp_smoo(rf_psth, tau = 0.005)) # plot PSTH

			''' calcualte and plot RRTFs for CF and noise stimuli '''
			rr_ix = unitinfo['stimtype'].index('RR')
			f_rr = h5py.File(unitinfo['fpath'][rr_ix], 'r')
			rr_rast = f_rr['rast'].value
			rr_stimparams = f_rr['stimID'].value

			# find the played CF
			rr_ufreqs = np.unique(rr_stimparams[:, 0])
			urrs = np.unique(rr_stimparams[:, 1])
			npips = (urrs*4).astype(int)
			rr_freq, rr_ufreq_ix, _ = misc.closest(rr_ufreqs, cf, log = True)

			ax_rf.axvline(RF.calc_freq2ix(rr_freq), color = 'g', lw = 1.5)
			# calculate the PSTHs for each repetition rate
			tmp = Spikes.calc_psth_by_stim(rr_rast, rr_stimparams)
			rr_cfpth = tmp[0][rr_ufreq_ix, :, :]
			# rrtf_noisepsth = tmp[0][0, :, :]

			# plot the aligned psths
			RR.aligned_psth_separate_all(rr_rast, rr_stimparams, rr_freq, npips, axs = ax_cfalignedpsth)
			[a.set_yticklabels('') for a in ax_cfalignedpsth]
			[a.set_xticklabels('') for a in ax_cfalignedpsth[:-1]]

			# plot circular psths
			r, V, theta = RR.circ_psth_all(rr_rast, rr_stimparams, rr_freq, npips, axs = ax_cfcircpsth)
			[a.set_yticklabels('') for a in ax_cfcircpsth]
			[a.set_xticklabels('') for a in ax_cfcircpsth]

			# plot all circular summed vector strengths
			ax_cfcircpsthall.plot(theta, V, '.-')
			[ax_cfcircpsthall.plot([0, th], [0, v], color = 'b', alpha = 1-(i/10.)) for i, (th, v) in enumerate(zip(theta, V))]

			# plot RRTF
			rrtf = RR.calc_rrtf_all(rr_rast, rr_stimparams, rr_freq, urrs, npips)
			ax_cfrrtf.plot(rrtf, '.-', ms = 10)
			ax_cfvs.plot(V*np.cos(theta), 'g.-', ms = 10)
			for tick in ax_cfvs.yaxis.get_major_ticks():

			# plot repetition rate PSTHs
			for i in xrange(nrrs):
				# RR.plot_rrtf(t_rrtf, rrtf_noisepsth[i, :], urrs[i], int(4*urrs[i]), onset = 0.05, duration = 0.025, ax = ax_noiserr[i])
				RR.plot_rrtf(t_rrtf, rr_cfpth[i, :], urrs[i], int(4*urrs[i]), onset = 0.05, duration = 0.025, ax = ax_cfrr[i])

			# ax_noiserr[0].set_title('Noise RRTFs')
			ax_cfrr[0].set_title('CF RRTFs (%.0f kHz)' % (cf/1000))
			# [a.set_xlim(0, 4.5) for a in ax_noiserr]
			[a.set_xlim(0, 4.5) for a in ax_cfrr]

			figsavepath = os.path.join(studydir, 'Sheets', 'RRTFs', '%s_%s_RRTF.png' % (session, unitkey))
			print figsavepath
			[a.cla() for a in fig.get_axes()] # clear all axes
コード例 #15
ファイル: fileconversion_poly.py プロジェクト: r-b-g-b/Lab
def unit(u_, Data0, cc, blockID):
	# number of time bins to include in the LFP array
	nlfpsamp = 0
	for tt, trial in enumerate(Data0['trial'][0][0][0]):

		thislfpsamp = trial['LFP'].shape[1]
		if thislfpsamp>nlfpsamp:
			nlfpsamp = thislfpsamp
	ntrials = Data0['trial'][0][0][0].size # find number of trials
	nstimID = Data0['trial'][0][0][0][0]['Epoch_Value'][0].size
	# initialze LFP, spike times, spike trials, spike waveform
	lfp = np.ndarray((0, nlfpsamp), dtype = 'float32')
	spktimes = np.ndarray(0)
	spktrials = np.ndarray(0)
	spkwaveform = np.ndarray((0, 22))

	# initialize frequency and attenuation IDs
	stimID = np.ndarray((0, nstimID), dtype = 'float32')

	ttt = 0 # valid trial counter
	for tt in range(ntrials):
		trial = Data0['trial'][0][0][0][tt]

		thisstimID = np.float32(trial['Epoch_Value'][0])

		# if not ((blockID.startswith('b')) and (thisstimID[0] < 2)):

		# get the LFP for this trial and pad it with nans so it can fit in a matrix (since
		# some of the trials have +/-1 data point for LFP)
		lfpchannel = trial['LFP'][cc]
		lfpchannel = np.concatenate((lfpchannel, np.zeros(nlfpsamp - len(lfpchannel)) * np.nan))
		lfp = np.vstack((lfp, lfpchannel))

		spktime = trial['CH'][0][cc]['latency']
		if np.prod(spktime.shape) > 0:
			spktimes = np.append(spktimes, spktime)
			spktrials = np.append(spktrials, np.ones(spktime.size) * ttt)
			spkwaveform = np.concatenate((spkwaveform, trial['CH'][0][cc]['spkwaveform'].T), 0)
		# add to Epoch_Value
		stimID = np.vstack((stimID, thisstimID))

		ttt += 1 # increment valid trial counter

			# end if valid ID
	# end trial loop
	if spktimes.size == 0: # if no spikes
		print 'No spikes detected for this unit.'
		spktimes = np.array([np.nan])
		spktrials = np.array([np.nan])
		spkwaveform = np.array([np.nan])
		rast = np.array([np.nan])
		# filter out unwanted trials
		remID = np.array([np.nan, np.nan])
		if blockID.startswith('b'):
			remID = np.array([1., 70.])
		elif blockID.startswith('r'):
			remID = np.array([0., 0.])
		spktimes, spktrials, spkwaveform, lfp, stimID = \
			remove_trials(spktimes, spktrials, spkwaveform, lfp, stimID, remID)
		# create raster
		ntrials = stimID.shape[0]
		nbins = np.ceil(1000 * spktimes.max())+1
		rast = Spikes.calc_rast(spktimes, spktrials, ntrials, nbins)

	# save out to file
	u_.create_dataset('chan', data = cc)
	u_.create_dataset('blockID', data = blockID)
	# add stimulus ID datasets to this stimset on this unit
	u_.create_dataset('stimID', data = stimID)
	u_.create_dataset('lfp', data = lfp, compression = 'gzip')
	u_.create_dataset('spktimes', data = spktimes, compression = 'gzip')
	u_.create_dataset('spktrials', data = spktrials, compression = 'gzip')
	u_.create_dataset('spkwaveform', data = spkwaveform, compression = 'gzip')
	u_.create_dataset('rast', data = rast, compression = 'gzip')
	if blockID.startswith('b'):
		rf = RF.calc_rf(rast, stimID)
		u_.create_dataset('rf', data = rf, compression = 'gzip')
コード例 #16
ファイル: RF.py プロジェクト: r-b-g-b/Lab
def add_rf_analysis(frf, funit, stimparams):

	rast = frf['rast'].value
	# stimparams = frf['stimID'].value

	# calculate, smooth, threshold, and cluster RF
	rf = calc_rf(rast, stimparams, normed = True, smooth = False)
	rf[:, :5] = 0
	nan_ix = np.isnan(rf)
	if nan_ix.sum() > 0:
		print 'NaNs found in rf! Converting NaNs to zeros...'
		print nan_ix.sum()
		rf[np.isnan(rf)] = 0
	rf_smoo = gaussian_filter(rf, 0.5)
	rf_thresh = rf_smoo.copy()
	rf_mask = rf_thresh<0.25*rf_thresh.max()
	rf_thresh[rf_mask] = 0
	(rf_clust, max_clust_size) = findmaxcluster(rf_thresh)
	if max_clust_size < 10:
		print 'F*****G SMALL RF dude'
	# baseline_mean : mean firing rate 0-50ms for all trials	
	baseline_psth = 1000 * rast[:, :50].mean(0)
	baseline_mean = baseline_psth.mean()
	baseline_std = baseline_psth.std()
	fr_thresh = baseline_mean + 2*baseline_std

	# evoked and spontaneous psths
	ev_psth = calc_evoked_psth(rast, stimparams, rf_clust>0)
	ev_psth_smoo = Spikes.hamming_smoo(ev_psth, windlen = 5)
	spont_psth = calc_evoked_psth(rast, stimparams, rf_clust==0)

	# psth properties
	# peak firing rate
	resp_max = ev_psth_smoo.max()
	peak_time_ix = ev_psth_smoo.argmax()
	# first millisecond after the final sub-threshold millisecond
	resp_on_ix_ = (ev_psth_smoo[57:peak_time_ix]<fr_thresh).nonzero()[0]
	if not resp_on_ix_.any():
		resp_on_ix = peak_time_ix
		resp_on_ix = resp_on_ix_.max() + 58
	resp_off_ix = np.empty(3)
	resp_off_ix[0] = (ev_psth_smoo[peak_time_ix:]<resp_max/2).nonzero()[0].min() + peak_time_ix
	resp_off_ix[1] = (ev_psth_smoo[peak_time_ix:]<resp_max/4).nonzero()[0].min() + peak_time_ix
	resp_off_ix[2] = (ev_psth_smoo[peak_time_ix:]<fr_thresh).nonzero()[0].min() + peak_time_ix
	peak_time = peak_time_ix / 1000.
	resp_on = resp_on_ix / 1000.
	resp_off = resp_off_ix / 1000.
	# calculate a decay constant from the peak to the post-peak sub-threshold
	y = np.log(ev_psth[peak_time_ix:resp_off_ix[2]])
	tmp = linregress(np.arange(y.size), y)
	decay_const = tmp[0]
	# firing rate statistics on the rf
	rf_spont_mean = rf[rf_clust==0].mean()
	rf_resp_max = rf[rf_clust>0].max() - rf_spont_mean
	rf_resp_median = np.median(rf[rf_clust>0]) - rf_spont_mean
	rf_resp_mean = rf[rf_clust>0].mean() - rf_spont_mean
	rf_size = (rf_clust>0).sum()

	# automated CF measures (center-of-mass and auto)
	# automated BW measures
	cf_com = calc_rf_com(rf_clust)
	cf_auto = calc_cf(rf_clust)
	(bw, bw_lr, thresh) = calc_bw_thresh(rf_clust)

	# # PSTH for freq/attens in RF
	# fig = plt.figure()
	# ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
	# ax.plot(ev_psth_smoo, 'b.-')
	# ax.axhline(baseline_mean+3*baseline_std, color = 'r', ls = '--')
	# ax.axvline(resp_on_ix, color = 'r', ls = '--')
	# ax.axvline(resp_off_ix[0], color = 'r', ls = '--')
	# ax.axvline(resp_off_ix[1], color = 'r', ls = '--')
	# ax.axvline(resp_off_ix[2], color = 'r', ls = '--')
	rf_shape = rf.shape
	d = funit.require_dataset('rf', rf_shape, float)
	d = funit.require_dataset('rf_clust', rf_shape, float)
	d = funit.require_dataset('rf_spont_mean', (), float)
	d = funit.require_dataset('rf_resp_median', (), float)
	d = funit.require_dataset('rf_resp_mean', (), float)
	d = funit.require_dataset('rf_resp_max', (), float)
	d = funit.require_dataset('resp_max', (), float)
	d = funit.require_dataset('peak_time', (), float)
	d = funit.require_dataset('resp_on', (), float)
	d = funit.require_dataset('resp_off', (3,), float)
	d = funit.require_dataset('decay_const', (), float)
	d = funit.require_dataset('rf_size', (), int)
	d = funit.require_dataset('baseline_mean', (), float)
	d = funit.require_dataset('cf_auto', (), float)
	d = funit.require_dataset('cf_com', (), float)
	d = funit.require_dataset('bw', (8,), float)
	d = funit.require_dataset('bw_lr', (8,2), float)
	d = funit.require_dataset('thresh', (), int)
	d = funit.require_dataset('ev_psth', (333,), float)

コード例 #17
ファイル: RF_analysis.py プロジェクト: r-b-g-b/Lab
def characterize(sesss = sesss, experiment = 'Fmr1_RR', pplot = True, verbose = False):

	if type(sesss) == str:
		sesss = [sesss]

	# set up figure
	figsize = (12, 12)
	fig = plt.figure(figsize = figsize)

	# loop through sesss
	for sess in sesss:

		DB = np.empty(0, dtype = dtype)
		print '%s\n%s\n\n' % (sess, '-'*50)
		# build the output directory path
		savedir = os.path.join(basedir, experiment, 'Sessions', sess, 'analysis')
		if not os.path.exists(savedir):
		# WT or KO / CTL or EXP
		gen, exp, date = sess.split('_')

		# find the RF blocks
		pens = glob.glob(os.path.join(basedir, experiment, 'Sessions', sess, 'fileconversion', 'RF*.h5'))

		# load the cfs for this sess
		cfs = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(basedir, experiment, 'Sessions', sess, 'cfs.txt'), ndmin = 1)
		# loop through blocks in this sess
		for pen in pens:
			absol, relat = os.path.split(pen)
			blockname = os.path.splitext(relat)[0]

			# get unit number from filename
			unitnum = np.int32(p.findall(relat))[0] # unit number
			ix = cfs[:, 0] == unitnum
			if ix.sum() > 0:
				cf_man = cfs[ix, 1][0]
				if verbose:
					print pen
				# load the RF block
				f = h5py.File(pen, 'r')
				spktimes = f['spktimes'].value
				# if not np.isnan(spktimes[0]):

				# load the RF block to get the RF
				rf = f['rf'].value;	rast = f['rast'].value; spktimes = f['spktimes'].value; stimparams = f['stimID'].value; spktrials = f['spktrials'].value; coord = f['coord'].value; ntrials = f['rast'].shape[0]; f.close()

				# calculate the psth (spk/s*trial, normalized by number of trials
				psth = Spikes.calc_psth(rast, normed = True) # spk/s
				# baseline firing rate
				base_mean = psth[:stim_on].mean() # spk/s
				# response onset/offset
				psth_smoo = Spikes.exp_smoo(psth, tau = 0.003) 
				resp_on, resp_off = Spikes.calc_on_off(psth_smoo, stim_on = stim_on)
				# rewindowed RF
				rf_rewin = RF.calc_rf(rast, stimparams, resp_on = resp_on + stim_on - 3, resp_off = resp_off + stim_on + 3, normed = True)
				# thresholded RF
				rf_thresh = rf_rewin.copy()
				rf_threshold = np.percentile(rf_thresh, 66)# upper quartile
				rf_peak = rf_rewin.max()
				rf_thresh[rf_thresh < rf_threshold] = 0
				# find maximum RF cluster
				(rf_clust, clust_sizes) = RF.findmaxcluster(rf_thresh, cf = cf_man, include_diagonal = False)
				# if clust_sizes.max() < 10: # if it's a tiny RF, set it to nans
				# 	rf_clust = np.empty(rf_clust.shape) * np.nan
				rf_mask = rf_clust > 0
				# find evoked psth
				ev_psth = RF.calc_evoked_psth(rast, stimparams, rf_mask)
				ev_psth_smoo = Spikes.exp_smoo(ev_psth, tau = 0.003)
				ev_resp_on, ev_resp_off = Spikes.calc_on_off(ev_psth_smoo, stim_on = stim_on)
				ev_mean = ev_psth[ev_resp_on : ev_resp_off].mean()
				# bandwidth and threshold
				bw, bw_lr, _, thresh = RF.calc_bw_cf_thresh(rf_mask)

				# center of mass
				com = RF.calc_rf_com(rf_clust)
				tip_top = np.max([thresh-2, 0])
				tip_bottom = thresh
				com_tip = RF.calc_rf_com(rf_clust[tip_top:tip_bottom, :])

				if pplot:
					rf1_ax = fig.add_subplot(221)
					rf2_ax = fig.add_subplot(222)
					psth1_ax = fig.add_subplot(223)
					psth2_ax = fig.add_subplot(224)
					RF.plot_RF(rf, bw_lr = bw_lr, thresh = thresh, cf = cf_man, ax = rf1_ax)
					RF.plot_RF(rf_clust, bw_lr = bw_lr, thresh = thresh, cf = cf_man, ax = rf2_ax)
					rf2_ax.axvline(com, color = 'g', ls = '--')
					rf2_ax.axvline(com_tip, color = 'b', ls = '--')
					psth1_ax.axvline(resp_on+stim_on, color = 'r', ls = '--')
					psth1_ax.axvline(resp_off+stim_on, color = 'r', ls = '--')
					figpath = os.path.join(savedir, blockname + '.png')

				DB.resize(DB.size + 1)
				DB[-1] = np.array((gen, exp, sess, unitnum, \
					psth[:333], ev_psth[:333], \
					rf, rf_clust, \
					cf_man, com, com_tip, \
					bw, bw_lr, thresh, coord, \
					resp_on, resp_off, ev_resp_on, ev_resp_off, \
					base_mean, ev_mean), dtype = dtype)
			# end unit loop
			np.savez(os.path.join(basedir, experiment, 'Sessions', sess, sess + '_RF.npz'), DB = DB)
		if verbose:
			print '\n'*4