コード例 #1
    def run(self):
        mypos = self.globals.car.getPosition() * 10
        line_segments = self.globals.parser.scenario.getLineSegments(mypos)
        if len(line_segments) > 0:
            print "Roadname: ", line_segments[-1][0].parent.parent.name
            print "Roadname: None"
        print ""
        print "-----------------------------------------"
        print "State: \033[1;33m" + str(self.name) + "\033[0m"
        print "-----------------------------------------"
        print "Roundabout distance: ", self.globals.roundabout.getDistance()
        print "MyCar Speed: ", self.globals.speed

        self.globals.target_speed = self.globals.max_speed
        self.brake = None

        if len(line_segments) > 0:
            if line_segments[-1][0].parent.parent.name == "South":
                self.globals.currentState = States.ToRoundabout(self.globals)

        enemys = self.globals.getEnemysInRange(1)

        for enemy in enemys:

            pos = enemy.getPosition()
            if pos[0] > -0.3 and pos[1] > 0:
                if enemy.lane is not None:
                    distance = enemy.lane.inner_r - self.globals.roundabout.getDistance(
                    ) - self.globals.car_length / 2 - 0.05

        if self.brake is not None:
            print "\033[1;33m------------------------------State_Change----------------------------------\033[0m"
            self.globals.currentState = States.Brake(
                self.globals, self.brake, DriveOutRoundabout(self.globals))
コード例 #2
    def run(self):

        print ""
        print "-----------------------------------------"
        print "State: \033[1;33m" + str(self.name) + "\033[0m"
        print "-----------------------------------------"
        print "Roundabout distance: ", self.globals.roundabout.getDistance()
        print "Branking Distance: ", self.globals.getBrakingDistance()
        print "MyCar Speed: ", self.globals.speed

        self.globals.target_speed = self.globals.max_speed
        self.brake = None

        enemys = self.globals.getEnemysInRange(3)

        if self.globals.roundabout.getDistance() - 1 < self.globals.car_length / 2:
            print "\033[1;33m------------------------------State_Change----------------------------------\033[0m"
            self.globals.currentState = States.AdaptiveCruiseControl(self.globals)

        for enemy in enemys:

            # reset dynamic paramters
            enemy.lane = None

            # ---------------------- assign enemy to lane and estimatespeed --------------------


            lane_dist = self.globals.roundabout.getDistance() - self.globals.roundabout.outer_r
            brake_dist = self.globals.getBrakingDistance() + self.globals.car_length + 0.2
            if lane_dist <= brake_dist and enemy.speed is not None and enemy.intersection_distance is not None:
                if enemy.speed > 0:

                    enemy_timewindow = abs(enemy.intersection_distance / enemy.speed)

                    deltav = self.globals.max_speed - self.globals.speed
                    t = deltav / self.globals.accel
                    s = 0
                    if enemy_timewindow - t < 0:
                        s = (self.globals.accel / 2) * enemy_timewindow * enemy_timewindow + self.globals.speed * enemy_timewindow

                        s = ((self.globals.accel / 2) * t * t + self.globals.speed * t) + (enemy_timewindow - t) * self.globals.max_speed

                    goal_distance = self.globals.roundabout.getDistance() - enemy.lane.r + self.globals.car_length
                    stop_distance = self.globals.roundabout.getDistance() - 1.55 - self.globals.car_length
                    print "Goal distance: ", goal_distance
                    print "Stop distance: ", stop_distance
                    print "Estimated Car distance: ", s
                    print "Estimated Time Window: ", enemy_timewindow

                    if s < goal_distance and s > stop_distance:
                        print "Stop Caused my: ", enemy.name
                        self.setBrakeDistance(self.globals.roundabout.getDistance() - 1.55 - self.globals.car_length / 2)

                if enemy.speed < 0:
                    # range_to_target_lane =
                    enemys = self.globals.getEnemysInRect(0.5, 1)
                    print "\033[1;33mEnemys in Rect: + " + str(enemys) + "\033[0m"
                    if len(enemys) != 0:
                        self.setBrakeDistance(self.globals.roundabout.getDistance() - 1.55 - self.globals.car_length / 2)

        if self.brake is not None:
            print "\033[1;33m------------------------------State_Change----------------------------------\033[0m"
            self.globals.currentState = States.Brake(self.globals, self.brake, ToRoundabout(self.globals))
コード例 #3
    def run(self):

        print ""
        print "-----------------------------------------"
        print "State: \033[1;33m" + str(self.name) + "\033[0m"
        print "-----------------------------------------"
        print "Roundabout distance: ", self.globals.roundabout.getDistance()
        print "Branking Distance: ", self.globals.getBrakingDistance()
        print "MyCar Speed: ", self.globals.speed
        mypos = self.globals.car.getPosition() * 10
        line_segments = self.globals.parser.scenario.getLineSegments(mypos)
        print "Roadname: ", line_segments[-1][0].parent.parent.name
        for seg in line_segments:
            print "Roadname: ", seg[0].parent.parent.name

        # calculate intersection positions
        for lane in self.globals.roundabout.lanes:
            intersection_position = self.globals.roundabout.getPosition()
            alpha = math.atan2(intersection_position[0],
                               -intersection_position[1]) - (math.pi / 2)
            intersection_position[0] -= lane.r
            b = self.globals.norm(self.globals.roundabout.getPosition())
            a = lane.r
            if -1 <= ((math.sin(alpha) * b) / a) <= 1:
                beta = math.pi - math.asin(
                    (math.sin(alpha) * b) /
                    a)  # mehrere loesungen!!!!! SSW Dreieck
                gamma = math.pi - alpha - beta
                d = (a * math.sin(gamma)) / math.sin(alpha)

                lane.debug.setPosition([d, 0, 0.02], self.globals.car_handle)

                intersection_position = np.array([d, 0, 0])
                # print "intersection_position far away.."
                intersection_position = None
            lane.intersection_position = intersection_position
            # line_segments = self.globals.parser.scenario.getLineSegments(intersection_position * 10)
            # for segment in line_segments:
            #     lane.lineSegment = segment[0]
            #     lane.posInLineSegment = segment[1]

        self.globals.target_speed = self.globals.max_speed
        self.brake = None

        enemys = self.globals.getEnemysInRange(4)
        #enemys = self.globals.enemys

        if self.globals.roundabout.getDistance(
        ) - 1 < self.globals.car_length / 2:
            print "\033[1;33m------------------------------State_Change----------------------------------\033[0m"
            self.globals.currentState = States.AdaptiveCruiseControl(

        for enemy in enemys:

            # reset dynamic paramters
            # enemy.lane = None

            # ---------------------- assign enemy to lane and estimatespeed --------------------
            # if enemy.lane is not None:
            #     enemy.estimateSpeed()

            # enemy.mapToLineSegment()

            # print "lineSegment: ", enemy.lineSegment
            # print "lane: ", enemy.lane
            # if enemy.lineSegment is not None:
            #     print "Road: ",enemy.lineSegment[0].parent.parent.name
            #     print "LaneID: ",enemy.lineSegment[0].parent.id
            # if enemy.lineSegment is not None and enemy.lane is not None and enemy.lane.lineSegment is not None and enemy.lineSegment[0] is not None:
            #     if enemy.lane.lineSegment.parent == enemy.lineSegment[0].parent:
            #         print "lineSegment: ", enemy.lineSegment[0]
            #         print "lane: ", enemy.lane.lineSegment
            #         print "enemy_distance: ", self.globals.parser.scenario.getDistance(enemy.lineSegment[0],enemy.lane.lineSegment)
            #     else:
            #         print "comparing unequal lanes!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

            intersection_distance = enemy.getIntersectionDistance()
            print "intersection_distance: ", intersection_distance
            if enemy.lane is not None:
                lane_dist = self.globals.roundabout.getDistance(
                ) - enemy.lane.outer_r
                brake_dist = self.globals.getBrakingDistance(
                ) + self.globals.car_length + 0.2
                if lane_dist <= brake_dist and enemy.speed != 0 and intersection_distance is not None:
                    if intersection_distance > 0:

                        enemy_timewindow = abs(intersection_distance /

                        deltav = self.globals.max_speed - self.globals.speed
                        t = deltav / self.globals.accel
                        s = 0
                        if enemy_timewindow - t < 0:
                            s = (
                                self.globals.accel / 2
                            ) * enemy_timewindow * enemy_timewindow + self.globals.speed * enemy_timewindow

                            s = (
                                (self.globals.accel / 2) * t * t +
                                self.globals.speed * t
                            ) + (enemy_timewindow - t) * self.globals.max_speed

                        goal_distance = enemy.lane.intersection_position[
                            0] + self.globals.car_length
                        stop_distance = self.globals.roundabout.getDistance(
                        ) - enemy.lane.outer_r - self.globals.car_length
                        print "Goal distance: ", goal_distance
                        print "Stop distance: ", stop_distance
                        print "Estimated Car distance: ", s
                        print "Estimated Time Window: ", enemy_timewindow

                        if s < goal_distance and s > stop_distance:
                            print "Stop Caused my: ", enemy.name
                                self.globals.roundabout.getDistance() -
                                enemy.lane.outer_r -
                                self.globals.car_length / 2 - 0.1)

        if self.brake is not None:
            print "\033[1;33m------------------------------State_Change----------------------------------\033[0m"
            self.globals.currentState = States.Brake(
                self.globals, self.brake, ToRoundabout(self.globals))