コード例 #1
def test_conway(filename):
    def init_board(size):
        '''construct a square board (2d list of 0s) with side-length size'''
        return np.zeros((size, size), dtype=('uint32'))

    def printBoard(board):
        '''print board to stdout as a table'''
        for i in range(len(board)):
            for j in range(len(board[i])):
                print("%d" % board[i][j], end='')

    with open(filename, mode="r") as fd:
        code = fd.read()
        _as_mod = parloop.static_analyse(code)

        _size = 10
        board_a = init_board(_size)
        board_b = init_board(_size)

        # a glider
        board_a[4][1] = 1
        board_a[4][2] = 1
        board_a[4][3] = 1
        board_a[3][3] = 1
        board_a[2][2] = 1

        for n in range(10):
            _as_mod.conway(board_a, board_b, _size)
            board_a, board_b = board_b, board_a

コード例 #2
def test_matmul(filename):
    def _vm_matmul(ma, mb, mc):
        ma_rmax, ma_cmax = np.shape(ma)
        mb_rmax, mb_cmax = np.shape(mb)
        print(" Shape - A = {0}, Shape - B = {1} , Shape - C = {2} ".format(
            np.shape(ma), np.shape(mb), np.shape(mc)))

        for i in range(ma_rmax):
            for j in range(mb_cmax):
                for k in range(ma_cmax):
                    mc[i][j] = mc[i][j] + ma[i][k] * mb[k][j]

    with open(filename, mode="r") as fd:
        code = fd.read()
        _as_mod = parloop.static_analyse(code)

        _csize = 2048
        mat_A = gen2D_data(size=_csize)
        mat_B = gen2D_data(size=_csize)
        mat_C = np.zeros((_csize, _csize), dtype='uint32')
        print("Generated Matrix-A = \n{0}".format(mat_A.shape))
        #print("Generated Matrix-B = \n{0}".format(mat_B))
        #print("Generated Matrix-C = \n{0}".format(mat_C))
        #_as_mod.matmul(mat_A, mat_B, mat_C)
        print("MatMult returned = \n{0}".format(mat_C.shape))
コード例 #3
def test_hilbert(filename):
    with open(filename, mode="r") as fd:
        code = fd.read()
        _as_mod = parloop.static_analyse(code)

        _arr_size = 4
        _output = _as_mod.hilbert_matrix(_arr_size)
        print("Hilbert Matrix generated = \n{0}".format(_output))
コード例 #4
def test_predication(filename):
    with open(filename, mode="r") as fd:
        code = fd.read()
        _as_mod = parloop.static_analyse(code)

        #arg_A = gen1D_data(arr_type='float32', size=16*1024)
        arg_A = np.arange(0, 16 * 1024, 0.5, dtype='float32')
        print("Generated Data =\n{0}".format(arg_A))
        _as_mod.ceiling(arg_A, 10)
        print("Result Data =\n{0}".format(arg_A))
コード例 #5
def test_syr2k(filename):
    with open(filename, mode="r") as fd:
        code = fd.read()
        _as_mod = parloop.static_analyse(code)

        _vec_size = 64
        _alpha, _beta = (1, 2)
        _A = gen2D_data(size=_vec_size, arr_type='float32')
        _B = gen2D_data(size=_vec_size, arr_type='float32')
        _C = gen2D_data(size=_vec_size, arr_type='float32')
        _as_mod.syr2k(_alpha, _beta, _C, _A, _B)
        print("Output : C' = \n{0}".format(_C))
コード例 #6
def test_atax(filename):
    with open(filename, mode="r") as fd:
        code = fd.read()
        _as_mod = parloop.static_analyse(code)

        _vec_size = 64
        _A = gen2D_data(size=_vec_size, arr_type='uint32')
        _x = gen1D_data(size=_vec_size, arr_type='uint32')
        _y = np.zeros(_vec_size, dtype='uint32')
        _tmp = gen1D_data(size=_vec_size, arr_type='uint32')
        _as_mod.atax(_A, _x, _y, _tmp)
        print("Output : A' = \n{0}\nOutput y=\n{1}".format(_A, _y))
コード例 #7
def test_caledonia(filename):
    with open(filename, mode="r") as fd:
        code = fd.read()
        _as_mod = parloop.static_analyse(code)

        #i_max, j_max , k_max , m_max = (48,28,40,50)
        #vec_a = np.zeros((i_max+2,j_max+2, k_max, m_max), dtype='float32')
        #vec_b = np.array([ i for i in range( i_max+2 )] , dtype='float32')
        i_max, j_max, k_max, m_max = (50, 4, 40, 50)
        vec_a = np.zeros((i_max, j_max + 10, k_max, m_max), dtype='float32')
        vec_b = np.array([i for i in range(i_max)], dtype='float32')
        #print("vec-a before = \n{0}".format(vec_a))
        _as_mod.caledonia(vec_a, vec_b, (i_max, j_max, k_max, m_max))
コード例 #8
def test_convolution2D(filename):
    with open(filename, mode="r") as fd:
        code = fd.read()
        _as_mod = parloop.static_analyse(code)

        _vec_size, _k_size = (32, 3)
        _out = gen2D_data(size=_vec_size, arr_type='float32')
        _in = gen2D_data(size=_vec_size, arr_type='float32')
        _h = gen2D_data(size=_k_size, arr_type='float32')
        print("Input : _out' = \n{0}\n,Input _in = \n{1}\nInput _h = \n{2}".
              format(_out, _in, _h))
        _as_mod.conv2d(_out, _in, _h)
        print("Output : _out' = \n{0}\n,Output _in = \n{1}\nOutput _h = \n{2}".
              format(_out, _in, _h))
コード例 #9
def test_mandelbrot(filename):
    with open(filename, mode="r") as fd:
        code = fd.read()
        _as_mod = parloop.static_analyse(code)

        _vec_size, _ksize = (32, 3)
        _c = np.array([[
            complex(float(x) / 10000,
                    float(y) / 10000) for y in range(_vec_size)
        ] for x in range(_vec_size)])
        _img = np.zeros((_vec_size, _vec_size), dtype='uint32')
        print("Input : c' = \n{0}\n,Input image = \n{1}".format(_c, _img))
        _as_mod.mandelbrot(_img, _c, 100, 4)
        print("Output : c' = \n{0}\n,Output image = \n{1}".format(_c, _img))
コード例 #10
def test_saxpy(filename):
    with open(filename, mode="r") as fd:
        code = fd.read()
        _as_mod = parloop.static_analyse(code)
        arr_y = gen1D_data()
        arr_x = gen1D_data()
        const_a = 10

            "Generated array-y = {0}\nGenerated array-x = {1}\nconst-a = {2}".
            format(arr_y, arr_x, const_a))
        _as_mod.saxpy(arr_y, arr_x, const_a)
        print("Result array-y = {0}\nGenerated array-x = {1}\nconst-a = {2}".
              format(arr_y, arr_x, const_a))
コード例 #11
def test_vector_add(filename):
    with open(filename, mode="r") as fd:
        code = fd.read()
        _as_mod = parloop.static_analyse(code)

        _arr_size = 64 * 1024
        arr_a = gen1D_data(arr_type='uint32', size=_arr_size)
        arr_b = gen1D_data(arr_type='uint32', size=_arr_size)
        arr_c = np.zeros((_arr_size, ), dtype='uint32')
        print("Generated Data Array-A=\n{0}\nArray-B=\n{1}\nArray-C=\n{2}".
              format(arr_a, arr_b, arr_c))
        _as_mod.vector_add(arr_c, arr_a, arr_a)
        print("Result Data Array-A=\n{0}\nArray-B=\n{1}\nArray-C=\n{2}".format(
            arr_a, arr_b, arr_c))
コード例 #12
def test_dls_example(filename):
    with open(filename, mode="r") as fd:
        code = fd.read()
        _as_mod = parloop.static_analyse(code)

        _im, _jm, _km, _mm = (10, 100, 100, 100)
        _limits = (_im, _jm, _km, _mm)
        #_constants = (10, 99, -1)
        #_constants = (0, 1, -2)
        _constants = (1, 1, -1)
        _idm, _jdm, _kdm, _mdm = (_im + 10, _jm + 100, _km, _mm)
        _arg_b = np.arange(0, 10, step=1, dtype='float32')
        _arg_a = np.zeros((_idm, _jdm, _kdm, _mdm), dtype='float32')
        _as_mod.caledonia(_arg_a, _arg_b, _constants, _limits)
コード例 #13
def test_jacobi(filename):
    with open(filename, mode="r") as fd:
        code = fd.read()
        _as_mod = parloop.static_analyse(code)

        _dimsize = 64
        orig_coeff = gen2D_data(size=_dimsize, arr_type='float32')
        new_coeff = np.zeros((_dimsize, _dimsize), dtype='float32')
        err = np.zeros((_dimsize, _dimsize), dtype='float32')
        print("Generated-orig-coeff = \n{0}".format(orig_coeff))
        print("initial-result-coeff = \n{0}".format(new_coeff))
        print("initial-err= \n{0}".format(new_coeff))
        _as_mod.jacobi_relax_core(new_coeff, orig_coeff, err)
        print("after-result-coeff = \n{0}".format(new_coeff))
        print("after-err = \n{0}".format(err))
コード例 #14
def test_fbcorr(filename):
    with open(filename, mode="r") as fd:
        code = fd.read()
        _as_mod = parloop.static_analyse(code)

        _num_imgs, _num_filters, _vec_size, _ksize = (4, 4, 64, 5)
        imgs = np.random.randn(_num_imgs, _vec_size, _vec_size, 3)
        filters = np.random.randn(_num_filters, _ksize, _ksize, 3)
        output = np.zeros((_num_imgs, _num_filters, _ksize * 3, _ksize * 3))
            "Input : output = \n{0}\n,Input imgs = \n{1}\nInput filters = \n{2}"
            .format(output, imgs, filters))
        _as_mod.fbcorr(imgs, filters, output)
            "Output : output = \n{0}\n,Output imgs = \n{1}\nOutput filters = \n{2}"
            .format(output, imgs, filters))
コード例 #15
def test_gemver(filename):
    with open(filename, mode="r") as fd:
        code = fd.read()
        _as_mod = parloop.static_analyse(code)

        _vec_size = 64
        _alpha, _beta = (2, 1)
        _A = gen2D_data(size=_vec_size, arr_type='uint32')
        _u1 = gen1D_data(size=_vec_size, arr_type='uint32')
        _u2 = gen1D_data(size=_vec_size, arr_type='uint32')
        _v1 = gen1D_data(size=_vec_size, arr_type='uint32')
        _v2 = gen1D_data(size=_vec_size, arr_type='uint32')
        _w = np.zeros(_vec_size, dtype='uint32')
        _x = np.zeros(_vec_size, dtype='uint32')
        _y = gen1D_data(size=_vec_size, arr_type='uint32')
        _z = gen1D_data(size=_vec_size, arr_type='uint32')

        _as_mod.gemver(_alpha, _beta, _A, _u1, _u2, _v1, _v2, _w, _x, _y, _z)
        print("Output : A' = \n{0}\nOutput x=\n{1}\nOutput w=\n{2}".format(
            _A, _x, _w))
コード例 #16
def test_george(filename):
    with open(filename, mode="r") as fd:
        code = fd.read()
        _as_mod = parloop.static_analyse(code)
        #ret = _as_mod.caledonia( np.array([[ j for j in range(10)] for i in range(10)], dtype='uint32') \
        #            , np.array([[ j for j in range(10)] for i in range(10)], dtype='uint32') , 1)

        arg_a = gen2D_data_george()
        print("Generated-data = \n{0}".format(arg_a))
        assert True, "Breakpoint before execution"
        ret = _as_mod.george(arg_a)
        print("george returned = \n{0}".format(ret))
        i_max, j_max = np.shape(ret)
        for i in range(i_max):
            for j in range(j_max):
                if i < i_max - 1 and j < j_max - 1 and ret[i][j] == ret[i][j +
                    print("Stopping at [{0}][{1}] --- [{2}][{3}]".format(
                        i, j, i, j + 1))
コード例 #17
def test_black_scholes(filename):
    def randfloat(rand_var, low, high):
        return ((1.0 - rand_var) * low) + (rand_var * high)

    with open(filename, mode="r") as fd:
        code = fd.read()
        _as_mod = parloop.static_analyse(code)

        _arr_size = 32
        _call = np.zeros(_arr_size)
        _put = -np.ones(_arr_size)
        _stock_price = randfloat(np.random.random(_arr_size), 5.0, 30.0)
        _strike_price = randfloat(np.random.random(_arr_size), 1.0, 100.0)
        _years = randfloat(np.random.random(_arr_size), 0.25, 10.0)
        _risk_free = 0.02
        _volatility = 0.30

        print("Initial Call array = {0}\nPut array = \n{1}".format(
            _call, _put))
        _output = _as_mod.black_scholes( _call, _put, \
                                         _stock_price, _strike_price ,\
                                         _years, _risk_free, _volatility, 1 )
        print("Final Call array = {0}\nPut array = \n{1}".format(_call, _put))