def Main(status, tmp, mode='dm'): ans = '' IMGfile = '' tweetStatus = '' filename = '' text = status['cleanText'] status_id = status['id_str'] screen_name = status['user']['screen_name'] userinfo, isNewUser = dealSQL.getUserInfo(screen_name) now = status['now'] BOT_ID = tmp['BOT_ID'] #時間計測(秒) try: try: delta = now - userinfo['time'] except: #文字列対策 print('convert str into datetime') delta = now - datetime.strptime(userinfo['time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') deltasec = delta.total_seconds() except Exception as e: print(e) deltasec = 50 #返答タイムアウト処理 if deltasec > 1000: userinfo['cnt'] = 0 userinfo['mode'] = 'dialog' if userinfo['mode'] == 'confirm.tag.img': src = userinfo['tmpFile'] drc = DIRIMGundefined if os.path.exists(drc) == False: os.mkdir(drc) shutil.copy(src, drc) # 応答 if 'ping' in text: ans = ''.join(['Δsec : ', str(deltasec)]) elif userinfo['mode'] == 'ignore': userinfo['cnt'] = 0 userinfo['mode'] = 'dialog' elif deltasec < 3: ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type='tooFreq', n=20) userinfo['mode'] = 'ignore' elif 'userinfo' in text: ans = str(userinfo) elif userinfo['mode'] == 'learn.text': if status['in_reply_to_screen_name'] in {BOT_ID}: text = status['text'].replace('@' + BOT_ID, '') text = re.sub(r'(@[^\s ]+)', '{ID}', text) if 'end' in text: userinfo['mode'] = 'dialog' userinfo['tmp'] = '' ans = 'learningモードをクローズしました。この結果は開発にフィードバックされます。ご協力感謝します。' else: labelstatus = userinfo['tmp'] userinfo['cnt'] = 0 dealSQL.savePhrase(phrase=text, author=screen_name, status=labelstatus, s_type='UserLearn') ans = '[learning]saved!!... 続けて覚えさせるテキストをリプライしてください。\nendと入力するまでモードは続きます。' else: ans = 'learningモードの途中です。覚えさせるテキストをリプライしてください。\nendと入力するまでモードは続きます。' elif userinfo['mode'] == 'sleeping' and deltasec > 3600: ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type='goodmorning', n=1) ans += '\n' + dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type='sleep.span', n=1).format( utiltools.sec2HMSstr(deltasec)) userinfo['mode'] = 'dialog' elif 'media' in status['entities'] and status[ 'in_reply_to_screen_name'] in {BOT_ID}: userinfo['cnt'] = 0 fileID = now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") if status['entities']['hashtags'] != []: imgtag = status['entities']['hashtags'][0]['text'] try: filenames = utiltools.saveMedias(status, ID=fileID, DIR='/'.join( [DIRIMGfeedback, imgtag])) ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type='appreciate.giveme.img', n=1).format(imgtag) except Exception as e: print(e) ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type='err.get.img', n=1) else: try: filenames = utiltools.saveMedias(status, ID=fileID, DIR=DIRIMGtmp) filename = filenames[0] label, FACEflag, IMGfile = NNimg.predictAns(filename=filename, isShow=False, model=modelNNimg, workDIR='') if FACEflag == False: ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type='confirm.detect.img.noface', n=1).format(label) else: ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type='confirm.detect.img', n=1).format(label) drc = '/'.join([DIRIMGfeedback, label]) if os.path.exists(drc) == False: os.mkdir(drc) shutil.copy(filename, drc) userinfo['mode'] = 'confirm.tag.img' print('/'.join([drc, filename.split('/')[-1]])) userinfo['tmpFile'] = '/'.join([drc, filename.split('/')[-1]]) filename = IMGfile except Exception as e: print(e) ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type='err.get.img', n=1) elif userinfo['mode'] == 'confirm.tag.img': userinfo['cnt'] = 0 if status['entities']['hashtags'] != []: imgtag = status['entities']['hashtags'][0]['text'] isMoveDIR = True elif not 'ない' in text and ('正解' in text or '正し' in text): ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type='success.detect.img', n=1) userinfo['mode'] = 'dialog' isMoveDIR = False else: try: imgtag = TFIDF.calcKWs(text, length=1, needs={'固有名詞', '名詞'})[0][0] except Exception as e: print(e) imgtag = 'undefined' isMoveDIR = True if isMoveDIR: src = userinfo['tmpFile'] drc = '/'.join([DIRIMGfeedback, imgtag]) if os.path.exists(drc) == False: os.mkdir(drc) shutil.copy(src, drc) if imgtag != 'undefined': ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type='', n=1).format(imgtag) userinfo['mode'] = 'dialog' else: ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type='', n=1) elif userinfo['cnt'] > 6: ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type='cntOver', n=20) userinfo['mode'] = 'ignore' elif '海未face' in text and status['in_reply_to_screen_name'] in {BOT_ID}: umipicDIR = '/Users/xxxx' filename = utiltools.getRandIMG(umipicDIR) ans = '...' elif 'timer' in text and status['in_reply_to_screen_name'] in {BOT_ID}: cmds = text.split(' ') try: timersec = cmds[1] except: timersec = 300 try: tmptext = cmds[2] except: tmptext = '' setTime = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta( hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=int(timersec)) dealSQL.saveTask( taskdict={ 'who': screen_name, 'what': 'timer', 'to_whom': screen_name, 'when': setTime, 'tmptext': tmptext }) setTimeJ = setTime + timedelta(hours=9) ans = datetime.strftime(setTimeJ, '%m月%d日 %H時%M分%S秒') + 'にタイマーをセットしました。' elif 'learn' in text and status['in_reply_to_screen_name'] in {BOT_ID}: userinfo['mode'] = 'learn.text' cmds = text.split(' ') tmplabel = cmds[1] userinfo['tmp'] = tmplabel userinfo['cnt'] = 0 ans = '[Learningモード]\n' + tmplabel + 'として覚えさせるテキストをリプライしてください。\nendと入力するまでモードは続きます。' elif 'respon' in text and status['in_reply_to_screen_name'] in {BOT_ID}: if 'clear' in text: try: tmp['responseWord'] = {} ans = '全てのTL監視を停止しました。by @' + screen_name + '\n 監視ワードを追加するには半角スペース区切りで、\n response [監視ワード] [応答文]' screen_name = '' except: ans = '設定失敗。半角スペースで区切ってオーダーしてください。' else: try: cmds = text.split(' ') tgword = cmds[1] response = cmds[2] if len(tgword) > 3: tmp['responseWord'][tgword] = response ans = '「' + tgword + '」を監視して\n「' + response + '」と5分間反応します。by @' + screen_name + '\n 監視ワードを追加するには半角スペース区切りで、\n response [監視ワード] [応答文]' setTime = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=0, minutes=5) dealSQL.saveTask( taskdict={ 'who': screen_name, 'what': 'erase.tmp.responseWord', 'to_whom': screen_name, 'when': setTime, 'tmptext': tgword }) screen_name = '' else: ans = '監視ワードは4文字以上である必要があります。' except: ans = '設定失敗。半角スペースで区切ってオーダーしてください。' elif 'kusoripu' in text and status['in_reply_to_screen_name'] in {BOT_ID}: try: cmds = text.split(' ') tgname = cmds[1] user = twtr.get_user(screen_name=tgname)._json isFollowing = user['following'] if isFollowing: screen_name = '' status_id = '' ans = getKusoripu(tg1=tgname) else: ans = 'そのユーザーはFF外です。クソリプは制限されます。' except: ans = 'クソリプ失敗。半角スペースで区切ってオーダーしてください。送信先はアットマークなしで記述してください。' elif 'su modsys' in text and status['in_reply_to_screen_name'] in {BOT_ID}: cmds = text.split(' ') tmp[cmds[2]] = cmds[3] ans = 'mod ' + cmds[2] + ' into ' + cmds[3] elif tmp['imitating'] != '' and 'default' in text: if twf.defaultProfile(): ans = 'デフォルトに戻りました' tmp['imitating'] = '' else: ans = 'デフォルトに戻るのに失敗 @_apkX' elif 'imitat' in text and status['in_reply_to_screen_name'] in {BOT_ID}: try: cmds = text.split(' ') tgname = cmds[1].replace('@', '').replace('.', '') ans = 'imitateErr' print(cmds, tgname) # imitation中 print(tmp['imitating']) ##TODO check whether ff or not if imitate(tgname): ans = tgname + 'さんのまねっこ5分間開始 defaultリプで元に戻ります。' mode = 'open' tmp['imitating'] = tgname # tmp['clocks']['imitationLimit'] = now + timedelta(hours=0, minutes=30) # tmp['clocks']['imitationTimer'] = now + timedelta(hours=0, minutes=5) setTime = now + timedelta(hours=0, minutes=5) dealSQL.saveTask( taskdict={ 'who': BOT_ID, 'what': 'imitate.default', 'to_whom': screen_name, 'when': setTime, 'tmptext': '' }) else: ans = tgname + 'さんのまねっこ失敗 FF外の場合はまねっこできません。' except Exception as e: print('[ERR][Main.imitation]') print(e) ans = 'まねっこがどこか失敗です...' elif 'しりとり' in text or userinfo['mode'] == 'srtr': userinfo['mode'] = 'srtr' ans = myGame.SRTR(text, screen_name) if '\END' in ans: ans = ans.replace('\END', '') userinfo['mode'] = 'dialog' if '\MISS' in ans: ans = ans.replace('\MISS', '') if userinfo['cnt'] > 3: ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type='shiritori.end', n=1) userinfo['mode'] = 'dialog' userinfo['cnt'] = 0 else: userinfo['cnt'] = 0 elif 'おてもん' in text or userinfo['mode'] == 'mon': userinfo['mode'] = 'mon' userinfo['cnt'] = 0 try: ans = GAME_MON.Main(text, screen_name, 'アルパカさん') if '\END' in ans: ans = ans.replace('\END', '') userinfo['mode'] = 'dialog' if '\MISS' in ans: ans = ans.replace('\MISS', '') except: ans = '工事中...' userinfo['mode'] = 'dialog' elif 'おみくじ' in text or '占い' in text: ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type='おみくじ', n=20) elif 'おはよ' in text and status['in_reply_to_screen_name'] in set( [None, BOT_ID]): ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type='goodmorning', n=1) elif 'おやすみ' in text and status['in_reply_to_screen_name'] in set( [None, BOT_ID]): ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type='goodnight', n=1) userinfo['mode'] = 'sleeping' elif 'トレンドワード' in text: ans = '\n- '.join(['[現在のトレンドワード]'] + tmp['trendwordsList'][:10]) elif deltasec > 600000: #3日 ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type='longtimenosee', n=1) else: ans = trigramMC.dialog(text, isRandMetaS=True, isPrint=True, isLearn=False, n=5, tryCnt=10, needs=set(['名詞', '固有名詞' ])).replace('<人名>', status['user']['name']) ans = charconv(ans, BOT_ID) # if isNewUser: # ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type = 'welcomeNewUser', n = 20) if ans != '': tweetStatus, tmp = twf.send(ans, screen_name=screen_name, imgfile=filename, status_id=status_id, mode=mode, tmp=tmp) userinfo['time'] = now userinfo['cnt'] += 1 dealSQL.saveUserInfo(userinfo) return tweetStatus, tmp
except Exception as e: print(e) ans = '画像を読み取れませんでした。' tweetStatus, Altbot_status = tweet(ans, screen_name = screen_name, status_id = status_id, bot_status = bot_status) elif userinfo['mode'] == 'confirm.tag.img': userinfo['cnt'] = 0 if status['entities']['hashtags'] != []: imgtag = status['entities']['hashtags'][0]['text'] isMoveDIR = True elif not 'ない' in text and ('正解' in text or '正し' in text): ans = 'やりました!正解ですね。' userinfo['mode'] = 'dialog' isMoveDIR = False else: try: imgtag = TFIDF.calcKWs(text, length = 1, needs = set(['固有名詞', '名詞']))[0][0] except Exception as e: print(e) imgtag = 'undefined' isMoveDIR = True if isMoveDIR: src = userinfo['tmpFile'] drc = ''.join(['/Users/xxxx', imgtag]) if os.path.exists(drc) == False: os.mkdir(drc) shutil.copy(src, drc) if imgtag != 'undefined': ans = ''.join(['...成る程...「', imgtag, '」なのですね。ありがとうございます。\n(フィードバックしました。学習反映にまでは時間がかかります。)']) userinfo['mode'] = 'dialog' else: ans = '...一体、これは何なのですか?(好奇心)'
def Main(status, tmp, mode = 'dm'): ans = '' IMGfile = '' tweetStatus = '' filename = '' text = status['cleanText'] status_id = status['id_str'] screen_name = status['user']['screen_name'] userinfo, isNewUser = dealSQL.getUserInfo(screen_name) now = status['now'] BOT_ID = tmp['BOT_ID'] #時間計測(秒) try: try: delta = now - userinfo['time'] except: #文字列対策 print('convert str into datetime') delta = now - datetime.strptime(userinfo['time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') deltasec = delta.total_seconds() except Exception as e: print(e) deltasec = 50 #返答タイムアウト処理 if deltasec > 1000: userinfo['cnt'] = 0 userinfo['mode'] = 'dialog' if userinfo['mode'] == 'confirm.tag.img': src = userinfo['tmpFile'] drc = DIRIMGundefined if os.path.exists(drc) == False: os.mkdir(drc) shutil.copy(src, drc) # 応答 if 'ping' in text: ans = ''.join(['Δsec : ', str(deltasec)]) elif userinfo['mode'] == 'ignore': userinfo['cnt'] = 0 userinfo['mode'] = 'dialog' elif deltasec < 3: ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type = 'tooFreq', n = 20) userinfo['mode'] = 'ignore' elif 'userinfo' in text: ans = str(userinfo) elif userinfo['mode'] == 'learn.text': if status['in_reply_to_screen_name'] in {BOT_ID}: text = status['text'].replace('@'+BOT_ID, '') text = re.sub(r'(@[^\s ]+)', '{ID}', text) if 'end' in text: userinfo['mode'] = 'dialog' userinfo['tmp'] = '' ans = 'learningモードをクローズしました。この結果は開発にフィードバックされます。ご協力感謝します。' else: labelstatus = userinfo['tmp'] userinfo['cnt'] = 0 dealSQL.savePhrase(phrase = text, author = screen_name, status = labelstatus, s_type = 'UserLearn') ans = '[learning]saved!!... 続けて覚えさせるテキストをリプライしてください。\nendと入力するまでモードは続きます。' else: ans = 'learningモードの途中です。覚えさせるテキストをリプライしてください。\nendと入力するまでモードは続きます。' elif userinfo['mode'] == 'sleeping' and deltasec > 3600: ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type = 'goodmorning', n = 1) ans += '\n' + dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type = 'sleep.span', n = 1).format(utiltools.sec2HMSstr(deltasec)) userinfo['mode'] = 'dialog' elif 'media' in status['entities'] and status['in_reply_to_screen_name'] in {BOT_ID}: userinfo['cnt'] = 0 fileID = now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") if status['entities']['hashtags'] != []: imgtag = status['entities']['hashtags'][0]['text'] try: filenames = utiltools.saveMedias(status, ID = fileID, DIR = '/'.join([DIRIMGfeedback, imgtag])) ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type = 'appreciate.giveme.img', n = 1).format(imgtag) except Exception as e: print(e) ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type = 'err.get.img', n = 1) else: try: filenames = utiltools.saveMedias(status, ID = fileID, DIR = DIRIMGtmp) filename = filenames[0] label, FACEflag, IMGfile = NNimg.predictAns(filename = filename, isShow = False, model = modelNNimg, workDIR = '') if FACEflag == False: ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type = 'confirm.detect.img.noface', n = 1).format(label) else: ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type = 'confirm.detect.img', n = 1).format(label) drc = '/'.join([DIRIMGfeedback, label]) if os.path.exists(drc) == False: os.mkdir(drc) shutil.copy(filename, drc) userinfo['mode'] = 'confirm.tag.img' print('/'.join([drc, filename.split('/')[-1]])) userinfo['tmpFile'] = '/'.join([drc, filename.split('/')[-1]]) filename = IMGfile except Exception as e: print(e) ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type = 'err.get.img', n = 1) elif userinfo['mode'] == 'confirm.tag.img': userinfo['cnt'] = 0 if status['entities']['hashtags'] != []: imgtag = status['entities']['hashtags'][0]['text'] isMoveDIR = True elif not 'ない' in text and ('正解' in text or '正し' in text): ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type = 'success.detect.img', n = 1) userinfo['mode'] = 'dialog' isMoveDIR = False else: try: imgtag = TFIDF.calcKWs(text, length = 1, needs = {'固有名詞', '名詞'})[0][0] except Exception as e: print(e) imgtag = 'undefined' isMoveDIR = True if isMoveDIR: src = userinfo['tmpFile'] drc = '/'.join([DIRIMGfeedback, imgtag]) if os.path.exists(drc) == False: os.mkdir(drc) shutil.copy(src, drc) if imgtag != 'undefined': ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type = '', n = 1).format(imgtag) userinfo['mode'] = 'dialog' else: ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type = '', n = 1) elif userinfo['cnt'] > 6: ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type = 'cntOver', n = 20) userinfo['mode'] = 'ignore' elif '海未face' in text and status['in_reply_to_screen_name'] in {BOT_ID}: umipicDIR = '/Users/masaMikam/Dropbox/Project/IAs/Data/imgs/海未' filename = utiltools.getRandIMG(umipicDIR) ans = '...' elif 'timer' in text and status['in_reply_to_screen_name'] in {BOT_ID}: cmds = text.split(' ') try: timersec = cmds[1] except: timersec = 300 try: tmptext = cmds[2] except: tmptext = '' setTime = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=0, minutes=0, seconds = int(timersec)) dealSQL.saveTask(taskdict = {'who':screen_name, 'what': 'timer', 'to_whom': screen_name, 'when':setTime, 'tmptext': tmptext}) setTimeJ = setTime + timedelta(hours=9) ans = datetime.strftime(setTimeJ, '%m月%d日 %H時%M分%S秒') + 'にタイマーをセットしました。' elif 'learn' in text and status['in_reply_to_screen_name'] in {BOT_ID}: userinfo['mode'] = 'learn.text' cmds = text.split(' ') tmplabel = cmds[1] userinfo['tmp'] = tmplabel userinfo['cnt'] = 0 ans = '[Learningモード]\n' + tmplabel+ 'として覚えさせるテキストをリプライしてください。\nendと入力するまでモードは続きます。' elif 'respon' in text and status['in_reply_to_screen_name'] in {BOT_ID}: if 'clear' in text: try: tmp['responseWord'] = {} ans = '全てのTL監視を停止しました。by @' + screen_name + '\n 監視ワードを追加するには半角スペース区切りで、\n response [監視ワード] [応答文]' screen_name = '' except: ans = '設定失敗。半角スペースで区切ってオーダーしてください。' else: try: cmds = text.split(' ') tgword = cmds[1] response = cmds[2] if len(tgword) > 3: tmp['responseWord'][tgword] = response ans = '「' + tgword + '」を監視して\n「' + response + '」と5分間反応します。by @' + screen_name + '\n 監視ワードを追加するには半角スペース区切りで、\n response [監視ワード] [応答文]' setTime = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=0, minutes=5) dealSQL.saveTask(taskdict = {'who':screen_name, 'what': 'erase.tmp.responseWord', 'to_whom': screen_name, 'when':setTime, 'tmptext': tgword}) screen_name = '' else: ans = '監視ワードは4文字以上である必要があります。' except: ans = '設定失敗。半角スペースで区切ってオーダーしてください。' elif 'kusoripu' in text and status['in_reply_to_screen_name'] in {BOT_ID}: try: cmds = text.split(' ') tgname = cmds[1] user = twtr.get_user(screen_name = tgname)._json isFollowing = user['following'] if isFollowing: screen_name = '' status_id = '' ans = getKusoripu(tg1 = tgname) else: ans = 'そのユーザーはFF外です。クソリプは制限されます。' except: ans = 'クソリプ失敗。半角スペースで区切ってオーダーしてください。送信先はアットマークなしで記述してください。' elif 'su modsys' in text and status['in_reply_to_screen_name'] in {BOT_ID}: cmds = text.split(' ') tmp[cmds[2]] = cmds[3] ans = 'mod '+ cmds[2] + ' into ' + cmds[3] elif tmp['imitating'] != '' and 'default' in text: if twf.defaultProfile(): ans = 'デフォルトに戻りました' tmp['imitating'] = '' else: ans = 'デフォルトに戻るのに失敗 @_apkX' elif 'imitat' in text and status['in_reply_to_screen_name'] in {BOT_ID}: try: cmds = text.split(' ') tgname = cmds[1].replace('@', '').replace('.', '') ans = 'imitateErr' print(cmds, tgname) # imitation中 print(tmp['imitating']) ##TODO check whether ff or not if imitate(tgname): ans = tgname + 'さんのまねっこ5分間開始 defaultリプで元に戻ります。' mode = 'open' tmp['imitating'] = tgname # tmp['clocks']['imitationLimit'] = now + timedelta(hours=0, minutes=30) # tmp['clocks']['imitationTimer'] = now + timedelta(hours=0, minutes=5) setTime = now + timedelta(hours=0, minutes=5) dealSQL.saveTask(taskdict = {'who':BOT_ID, 'what': 'imitate.default', 'to_whom':screen_name, 'when':setTime, 'tmptext': ''}) else: ans = tgname + 'さんのまねっこ失敗 FF外の場合はまねっこできません。' except Exception as e: print('[ERR][Main.imitation]') print(e) ans = 'まねっこがどこか失敗です...' elif 'しりとり' in text or userinfo['mode'] == 'srtr': userinfo['mode'] = 'srtr' ans = myGame.SRTR(text, screen_name) if '\END' in ans: ans = ans.replace('\END', '') userinfo['mode'] = 'dialog' if '\MISS' in ans: ans = ans.replace('\MISS', '') if userinfo['cnt'] > 3: ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type = 'shiritori.end', n = 1) userinfo['mode'] = 'dialog' userinfo['cnt'] = 0 else: userinfo['cnt'] = 0 elif 'おてもん' in text or userinfo['mode'] == 'mon': userinfo['mode'] = 'mon' userinfo['cnt'] = 0 try: ans = GAME_MON.Main(text, screen_name, 'アルパカさん') if '\END' in ans: ans = ans.replace('\END', '') userinfo['mode'] = 'dialog' if '\MISS' in ans: ans = ans.replace('\MISS', '') except: ans = '工事中...' userinfo['mode'] = 'dialog' elif 'おみくじ' in text or '占い' in text: ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type = 'おみくじ', n = 20) elif 'おはよ' in text and status['in_reply_to_screen_name'] in set([None, BOT_ID]): ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type = 'goodmorning', n = 1) elif 'おやすみ' in text and status['in_reply_to_screen_name'] in set([None, BOT_ID]): ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type = 'goodnight', n = 1) userinfo['mode'] = 'sleeping' elif 'トレンドワード' in text: ans = '\n- '.join(['[現在のトレンドワード]']+tmp['trendwordsList'][:10]) elif deltasec > 600000: #3日 ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type = 'longtimenosee', n = 1) else: ans = trigramMC.dialog(text, isRandMetaS = True, isPrint = True, isLearn = False, n =5, tryCnt = 10, needs = set(['名詞', '固有名詞'])).replace('<人名>', status['user']['name']) ans = charconv(ans, BOT_ID) # if isNewUser: # ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type = 'welcomeNewUser', n = 20) if ans != '': tweetStatus, tmp = twf.send(ans, screen_name = screen_name, imgfile = filename, status_id = status_id, mode = mode, tmp = tmp) userinfo['time'] = now userinfo['cnt'] += 1 dealSQL.saveUserInfo(userinfo) return tweetStatus, tmp
def Main(status, bot_status): text = status["cleanText"] status_id = status["id_str"] screen_name = status["user"]["screen_name"] userinfo, isNewUser = dealSQL.getUserInfo(screen_name) now = datetime.utcnow() if isNewUser: welcomeTweet = "はじめまして。よろしくお願いしますね。\n[新規ユーザー名検出...ユーザー情報登録完了]" tweetStatus, Altbot_status = tweet( welcomeTweet, screen_name=screen_name, status_id=status_id, bot_status=bot_status ) try: delta = now - datetime.strptime(userinfo["time"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") deltasec = delta.total_seconds() except: deltasec = 50 if deltasec > 1000: userinfo["cnt"] = 0 userinfo["mode"] = "dialog" if userinfo["mode"] == "confirm.tag.img": src = userinfo["tmpFile"] drc = "".join(["/Users/masaMikam/Dropbox/Project/umiA/Data/imgsfeedback/undefined"]) if os.path.exists(drc) == False: os.mkdir(drc) shutil.copy(src, drc) if userinfo["mode"] == "ignore": userinfo["cnt"] = 0 userinfo["mode"] = "dialog" Altbot_status = bot_status tweetStatus = False elif deltasec < 3: ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type="tooFreq", n=20) userinfo["mode"] = "ignore" tweetStatus, Altbot_status = tweet(ans, screen_name=screen_name, status_id=status_id, bot_status=bot_status) elif "userinfo" in text: ans = str(userinfo) tweetStatus, Altbot_status = tweet(ans, screen_name=screen_name, status_id=status_id, bot_status=bot_status) elif userinfo["cnt"] > 5: ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type="cntOver", n=20) userinfo["mode"] = "ignore" tweetStatus, Altbot_status = tweet(ans, screen_name=screen_name, status_id=status_id, bot_status=bot_status) elif "media" in status["entities"]: userinfo["cnt"] = 0 fileID = now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") if status["entities"]["hashtags"] != []: imgtag = status["entities"]["hashtags"][0]["text"] try: filenames = saveMedias( status, ID=fileID, DIR="/Users/masaMikam/Dropbox/Project/umiA/Data/imgsfeedback/" + imgtag ) ans = "".join(["画像を「", imgtag, "」として学習対象に登録しました。ご協力ありがとうございます。"]) except Exception as e: print(e) ans = "画像を読み取れませんでした。" tweetStatus, Altbot_status = tweet(ans, screen_name=screen_name, status_id=status_id, bot_status=bot_status) else: try: filenames = saveMedias(status, ID=fileID, DIR="/Users/masaMikam/Dropbox/Project/umiA/Data/twimgs") filename = filenames[0] label, FACEflag, altfilename = NNimg.predictAns( filename=filename, isShow=False, model="/Users/masaMikam/Dropbox/Project/umiA/Data/ML_Brain/DNN_skf", workDIR="", ) if FACEflag == False: ans = "顔認識に失敗しています。 精度は下がりますが...\n" + label + "ですか?正しかったら、「正解」と言ってください。" else: ans = label + "ですか?正しかったら、「正解」と言ってください。" tweetStatus, Altbot_status = tweet( ans, screen_name=screen_name, status_id=status_id, imgfile=altfilename, bot_status=bot_status ) drc = "".join(["/Users/masaMikam/Dropbox/Project/umiA/Data/imgsfeedback/", label]) if os.path.exists(drc) == False: os.mkdir(drc) shutil.copy(filename, drc) userinfo["mode"] = "confirm.tag.img" print("/".join([drc, filename.split("/")[-1]])) userinfo["tmpFile"] = "/".join([drc, filename.split("/")[-1]]) except Exception as e: print(e) ans = "画像を読み取れませんでした。" tweetStatus, Altbot_status = tweet( ans, screen_name=screen_name, status_id=status_id, bot_status=bot_status ) elif userinfo["mode"] == "confirm.tag.img": userinfo["cnt"] = 0 if status["entities"]["hashtags"] != []: imgtag = status["entities"]["hashtags"][0]["text"] isMoveDIR = True elif not "ない" in text and ("正解" in text or "正し" in text): ans = "やりました!正解ですね。" userinfo["mode"] = "dialog" isMoveDIR = False else: try: imgtag = TFIDF.calcKWs(text, length=1, needs=set(["固有名詞", "名詞"]))[0][0] except Exception as e: print(e) imgtag = "undefined" isMoveDIR = True if isMoveDIR: src = userinfo["tmpFile"] drc = "".join(["/Users/masaMikam/Dropbox/Project/umiA/Data/imgsfeedback/", imgtag]) if os.path.exists(drc) == False: os.mkdir(drc) shutil.copy(src, drc) if imgtag != "undefined": ans = "".join(["...成る程...「", imgtag, "」なのですね。ありがとうございます。\n(フィードバックしました。学習反映にまでは時間がかかります。)"]) userinfo["mode"] = "dialog" else: ans = "...一体、これは何なのですか?(好奇心)" ##送信 tweetStatus, Altbot_status = tweet(ans, screen_name=screen_name, status_id=status_id, bot_status=bot_status) elif "しりとり" in text or userinfo["mode"] == "srtr": userinfo["mode"] = "srtr" ans = myGame.SRTR(text, screen_name) if "\END" in ans: ans = ans.replace("\END", "") userinfo["mode"] = "dialog" if "\MISS" in ans: ans = ans.replace("\MISS", "") if userinfo["cnt"] > 3: ans = "しりとりは終わりにしましょう" userinfo["mode"] = "dialog" userinfo["cnt"] = 0 else: userinfo["cnt"] = 0 tweetStatus, Altbot_status = tweet(ans, screen_name=screen_name, status_id=status_id, bot_status=bot_status) elif "おみくじ" in text or "占い" in text: ans = dealSQL.getPhrase(s_type="おみくじ", n=20) tweetStatus, Altbot_status = tweet(ans, screen_name=screen_name, status_id=status_id, bot_status=bot_status) elif deltasec > 259200: # 3日 ans = "ご無沙汰しております...おかえりなさい。" tweetStatus, Altbot_status = tweet(ans, screen_name=screen_name, status_id=status_id, bot_status=bot_status) else: ans = trigramMC2.dialog( text, isRandMetaS=True, isPrint=True, isLearn=False, n=5, tryCnt=10, needs=set(["名詞", "固有名詞", "動詞", "形容詞"]) ) ans = ans.replace("<人名>", status["user"]["name"]) tweetStatus, Altbot_status = tweet(ans, screen_name=screen_name, status_id=status_id, bot_status=bot_status) userinfo["time"] = now userinfo["cnt"] += 1 dealSQL.saveUserInfo(userinfo) return tweetStatus, Altbot_status