def load(filepath, import_scale=0.05, read_surface=True, voxel_dir=VOXEL_DATA_DIR, use_voxel_id=False): global READ_SURFACES, IMPORT_SCALE, VOXEL_DATA_DIR, VOXEL_DIR_PATH, USE_VOXEL_ID READ_SURFACES = read_surface IMPORT_SCALE = import_scale VOXEL_DATA_DIR = voxel_dir USE_VOXEL_ID = use_voxel_id # Voxel Directory check curdir = os.path.dirname( if len(curdir) <= 0: #raise NameError("The blend file must be saved to export voxel datas.") return ({'ERROR'}, 'Please save the blend file before import') VOXEL_DIR_PATH = os.path.join(curdir, VOXEL_DATA_DIR) if os.path.exists(VOXEL_DIR_PATH): # Directory is exists if os.path.isfile(VOXEL_DIR_PATH): # It is file! # raise IOError("Same name file found: {}".format(VOXEL_DIR_PATH)) return ({'ERROR'}, 'Voxel save dir open Error') else: # Create voxels output dir os.makedirs(VOXEL_DIR_PATH) # Load File contents = ThreeB.load_3bfile(filepath) if contents: voxtree = ThreeB.create_VoxTree(contents) objlist = [] traverse_VoxTree(voxtree, objlist) return (None, None)
def load(filepath, import_scale=0.05, read_surface=True, voxel_dir=VOXEL_DATA_DIR, use_voxel_id=False): global READ_SURFACES, IMPORT_SCALE, VOXEL_DATA_DIR, VOXEL_DIR_PATH, USE_VOXEL_ID READ_SURFACES =read_surface IMPORT_SCALE = import_scale VOXEL_DATA_DIR = voxel_dir USE_VOXEL_ID = use_voxel_id # Voxel Directory check curdir = os.path.dirname( if len(curdir) <= 0: #raise NameError("The blend file must be saved to export voxel datas.") return ({'ERROR'}, 'Please save the blend file before import') VOXEL_DIR_PATH = os.path.join(curdir, VOXEL_DATA_DIR) if os.path.exists(VOXEL_DIR_PATH): # Directory is exists if os.path.isfile(VOXEL_DIR_PATH): # It is file! # raise IOError("Same name file found: {}".format(VOXEL_DIR_PATH)) return ({'ERROR'}, 'Voxel save dir open Error') else: # Create voxels output dir os.makedirs(VOXEL_DIR_PATH) # Load File contents = ThreeB.load_3bfile(filepath) if contents: voxtree = ThreeB.create_VoxTree(contents) objlist = [] traverse_VoxTree(voxtree, objlist) return (None, None)
print("num of cells: {0}".format(len(voldat.cells))) print("cell AABB: {0}".format(voldat.cell_AABB)) print("effect AABB: {0}".format(voldat.effect_AABB)) if voldat.representation == 256: print("surface vertices: {}".format(voldat.num_vertices)) print("surface faces: {}".format(voldat.num_faces)) print("initial surface vertices: {}".format(voldat.num_init_vertices)) else: print("No Volume data") if voxbranch.childs: print("{} childs".format(len(voxbranch.childs))) for i in voxbranch.childs: print_VoxInfo(i) if len(sys.argv) <= 1: print("usage {0} file1.3b".format(sys.argv[0])) for i,fname in enumerate(sys.argv[1:]): print("input {0}".format(fname)) threeb = ThreeB.load_3bfile(fname) chunk = threeb.get("VOL3") chunkdata = print("VOL3 chunk version: {}".format(chunkdata.version)) #print("VoxTreeXML:\n{0}".format(chunkdata.VoxTreeXML)) voxtree = ThreeB.create_VoxTree(threeb) print_VoxInfo(voxtree)
outf.write("\n".join(vertlist) + "\n") outf.write("\n".join(normlist) + "\n") outf.write("\n".join(facelist) + "\n") vertcount += len(vertlist) else: print("This volume has no surfaces") else: print("No Volume data") # convert childs if voxbranch.childs: for childvox in voxbranch.childs: vertcount = convert_surface_to_obj(childvox, vertcount, mtrx, outf) return vertcount if len(sys.argv) <= 1: print("usage {0} file1.3b".format(sys.argv[0])) for i, fname in enumerate(sys.argv[1:]): print("input {0}. reading...".format(fname)) threeb = ThreeB.load_3bfile(fname) if threeb: print("creating Voxel Data Tree") voxtree = ThreeB.create_VoxTree(threeb) output_surface_as_obj(voxtree, fname + ".obj") else: print("{} is not a 3b file".format(fname))