コード例 #1
ファイル: FirrSequence.py プロジェクト: FIRRTools/PythonTools
    def get_radiance(self,list_filters,method="next",spav="all"): 
        """Compute calibration for all filters indicated, correcting if necessary for the temperature drift between BB and scene measurements
        method : "next" to use following sequence to interpolate background signal"""
        nview = self.npos-2   # number of scene measurements in a complete sequence
        if spav == "all":
            all_mean = self.all_mean
            l = 2           
            all_mean = self.all_mean[:,:,[illuminated]] # calculations on illuminated pixels only  
            l = len(illuminated)
        all_tms = self.all_tms
        all_radiance = zeros([11,nview,l])  # Radiance (W/m2/sr) for each filter, several BT in a sequence if several nadir or zenith views     
        all_bt = zeros([11,nview,l])      # Brightness temperature for each filter,  
        offset = zeros([11,l])
        gain = zeros([11,l])       
        if method == "next":
            next_seq = FirrSequence(self.next,self.filter_pos,"nocare")                     
            dtime = next_seq.get_time_seq()-self.get_time_seq() 
            dt = 1000*dtime.total_seconds() # in ms
            next_seq.organized(spav = spav)
            if spav == "all":
                next_all_mean = next_seq.all_mean[:,:,:]
                next_all_mean = next_seq.all_mean[:,:,[illuminated]]
            next_all_tms = next_seq.all_tms                      
        for fil in list_filters:
            k = filters_positions.index(fil)
            i_abb1 = searchsorted(self.temp_tms,all_tms[k,0]) 
            Tamb1 = self.temp_abb[i_abb1]                # exact ABB temperature at measurement
            i_hbb = searchsorted(self.temp_tms,all_tms[k,1]) 
            Thot = self.temp_hbb[i_hbb]                  # exact HBB temperature at measurement
            Tpma1 = self.temp_pm[i_abb1]                 # pointing mirror temperature at ABB measurement
            Tpmh = self.temp_pm[i_hbb]                   # pointing mirror temperature at HBB measurement
            tamb1 = all_tms[k,0]
            thot = all_tms[k,1]-tamb1
            tscene = all_tms[k,2:,None]-tamb1
            amb1 = all_mean[k,0,:]
            hot = all_mean[k,1,:]
            scene = all_mean[k,2:,:]
            if method == "next":
                i_abb2 = searchsorted(next_seq.temp_tms,next_all_tms[k,0]) 
                Tamb2 = next_seq.temp_abb[i_abb2]            # exact ABB temperature for next sequence calibration
                Tpma2 = next_seq.temp_pm[i_abb2]             # pointing mirror temperature at next ABB measurement
                tamb2 = dt + next_all_tms[k,0]-tamb1             # time after first ambient measurement
                amb2 = next_all_mean[k,0,:]      
            else: # no interpolation in this case                
                Tamb2 = Tamb1
                Tpma2 = Tpma1
                tamb2 = tamb1 
                amb2 = amb1
            # Calibration : S = B0 + G * rad_scene   
            G,B0,rad_scene,bt = Toolbox.get_calib(amb1,hot,scene,amb2,thot,tscene,tamb2,Tamb1,Thot,Tamb2,fil,emiss_wls,emiss,Tpma1,Tpmh,Tpma2)               
            all_bt[k,:,:] = bt 

            offset[k,:] = B0
            gain[k,:] = G      
        self.all_bt = mean(ma.masked_equal(all_bt,0),axis=2) # contains 0 where not calculated  
        self.all_radiance = mean(ma.masked_equal(all_radiance,0),axis=2)
        self.offset = offset
        self.gain = gain 
コード例 #2
Thot = sequence.temp_hbb[i_hbb]                  # exact HBB temperature at measurement
Tpma1 = sequence.temp_pm[i_abb1]                 # pointing mirror temperature at ABB measurement
Tpmh = sequence.temp_pm[i_hbb]                   # pointing mirror temperature at HBB measurement
tamb1 = all_tms[k,0]
thot = all_tms[k,1]-tamb1
tscene = all_tms[k,2:,None]-tamb1
amb1 = all_mean[k,0,:]
hot = all_mean[k,1,:]
scene = all_mean[k,2:,:]
Tamb2 = Tamb1
Tpma2 = Tpma1
tamb2 = tamb1 
amb2 = amb1
G,B0,rad_scene,bt = Toolbox.get_calib(amb1,hot,scene,amb2,thot,tscene,tamb2,Tamb1,Thot,Tamb2,filters[0],emiss_wls,emiss,Tpma1,Tpmh,Tpma2)               

new_G = zeros([4800])
new_B0 = zeros([4800])

new_G[illuminated] = G[illuminated]
new_B0[illuminated] = B0[illuminated]
new_B0[non_illuminated] = B0[non_illuminated]

#new_G = G
#new_B0 = B0

fig,(ax1,ax2) = subplots(2,1,figsize=(8,10))

cs1 = ax1.imshow(reshape(new_G,(60,80)),vmin=-34,vmax=-31.5,cmap=cm.gist_rainbow,interpolation='none')