def detectEndGesture(defects, contour, contourProps):
    positiveDefects = 0
    for defect in defects:
        start_i, end_i, far_i, distancePointHull = defect[0]
        distancePointHull = round(distancePointHull/256.0)
        end = tuple(contour[end_i][0])
        #line from center of contour to convexhull point
        center = (int(contourProps["Centroid"][0]), int(contourProps["Centroid"][1]))
        # relations of gesture
        distanceCenterHull = tools.getDistanceBetweenPoints(center, end)
        relationCenterHull_EndHull = (distanceCenterHull/distancePointHull)
        relationCenterHull_ClosestPerimeter = (distanceCenterHull/cv2.pointPolygonTest(contour, center, True))
        if( (relationCenterHull_EndHull > 10.0) and (relationCenterHull_ClosestPerimeter <= 2.0)):
            positiveDefects = positiveDefects + 1
    return positiveDefects
def drawDefects(image, defects, contour, contourProps):
    center = (int(contourProps["Centroid"][0]), int(contourProps["Centroid"][1]))
    for defect in defects:
        start_i, end_i, far_i, distance = defect[0]
        distance = round(distance/256.0)
        start = tuple(contour[start_i][0])
        end = tuple(contour[end_i][0])
        far = tuple(contour[far_i][0])
        cv2.line(image, start, end, [0,0,255], 1)
        #line from farthest point to convexhull
        cv2.line(image, far, end, [0,0,255], 1)
        #line from center of contour to convexhull point
        cv2.line(image, end, center, [255,0,255], 1)
        #points, end, 5, [0,0,255], -1), far, 5, [0,0,255], -1)
        #write distance between hull and farthest point
        tools.setText(image, end, str(distance))
        distanceCenterHull = tools.getDistanceBetweenPoints(center, end)
        centerLine = tools.getMidPointInLine(center, end)
        tools.setText(image, centerLine, str(distanceCenterHull))