コード例 #1
def SITA(filename, filterSize=10, fcomb='SI', isCtH=True):
    fcomb: 'SI' or 'AI'
    SI = EH + CpH + SRH
    AI = EH + CpH

    isCtH: boolian
    If isCtH is True, CtH is concatenated to SI or AI.
    src = cv2.imread(filename, 0).astype(np.uint32)

    # constructing tree of shapes
    AF_img = tos.areaFilter(src, size=filterSize)
    padding = tos.imagePadding(AF_img, 0)
    tree = tos.constructTreeOfShapes(padding, None)
    g, nodePixMap = createAttributeGraph(tree, padding)

    # remove paddint (root) node
    removeEmptyRootNode(g, nodePixMap)

    # compute each attribute histogram
    EH, CpH, SRH, NL = computeSitaElementsFromTree(g, nodePixMap, AF_img)

    # selecting output feature
    if fcomb == 'AI':
        feature = np.r_[EH, CpH]
    elif fcomb == 'SI':
        feature = np.r_[EH, CpH, SRH]
        print "Wrong string is specified. 'SI' was selected."
        feature = np.r_[EH, CpH, SRH]

    if isCtH:
        CtH = np.histogram(NL, bins=50, range=(NL_min, NL_max), normed=False)[0]
        if np.sum(CtH) == 0:
            CtH = np.zeros(50, dtype='float')
            CtH = CtH / float( np.linalg.norm(CtH, ord=1) )
        feature = np.r_[feature, CtH]

    # output
    basename, ext = os.path.splitext( filename )
    np.save( basename + "-SITA.npy", feature )
コード例 #2
def SitaElements(filename, filterSize=10, fcomb='SI'):
    This function outputs two numpy array objects:
    1. SI or AI
    2. Normalized gray level values (without generating CtH)

    fcomb: 'SI' or 'AI'
    SI = EH + CpH + SRH
    AI = EH + CpH
    src = cv2.imread(filename, 0).astype(np.uint32)

    # constructing tree of shapes
    AF_img = tos.areaFilter(src, size=filterSize)
    padding = tos.imagePadding(AF_img, 0)
    tree = tos.constructTreeOfShapes(padding, None)
    g, nodePixMap = createAttributeGraph(tree, padding)

    # remove padding (root) node
    removeEmptyRootNode(g, nodePixMap)

    # compute each attribute histogram
    EH, CpH, SRH, NL = computeSitaElementsFromTree(g, nodePixMap, AF_img)

    # selecting output feature
    if fcomb == 'AI':
        feature = np.r_[EH, CpH]
    elif fcomb == 'SI':
        feature = np.r_[EH, CpH, SRH]
        print "Wrong string is specified. 'SI' was selected."
        feature = np.r_[EH, CpH, SRH]

    # output
    basename, ext = os.path.splitext( filename )
    if fcomb == 'AI':
        np.save( basename + "-AI.npy", feature )
    elif fcomb == 'SI':
        np.save( basename + "-SI.npy", feature )
        print "Wrong string is specified. 'SI' was selected."
        np.save( basename + "-SI.npy", feature )
    np.save( basename + "-NL.npy", NL )
コード例 #3
def computeSSF(img_name, filterSize=10, display=False, writeImage=False, verbose=False):

    # read image
    print "%s" % img_name
    src = cv2.imread(img_name, 0).astype(np.uint32)
    org = cv2.imread(img_name, 1)
    gray = cv2.imread(img_name, 0)

    # Area filter
    if verbose:
        print "Area Filter"
    AF_img = tos.areaFilter(src, size=filterSize)

    # Constructing tree of shapes
    if verbose:
        print "Constructing tree of shapes"
    padding_img = tos.imagePadding(AF_img, 0)
    tree = tos.constructTreeOfShapes(padding_img, None)

    # attribute
    if verbose:
        print "Adding area & depth attributes"

    # generate graph and node position using NetworkX
    if verbose:
        print "Create Graph"
    g, nodePixMap = createAttributeGraph(tree, padding_img)

    # compute blobs and texture features
    if verbose:
        print "Compute blobs & features"
    dark, bright, fVector = drawBlobs(org, tree, g, nodePixMap, gray)

    # output
    name, ext = os.path.splitext(img_name)
    outName = name + ".csv"
    np.savetxt(outName, [fVector], delimiter=",")

    if verbose:
        print "%s; done." % img_name

    # write blob images
    if writeImage:
        cv2.imwrite("%s_dark.png" % name, dark)
        cv2.imwrite("%s_bright.png" % name, bright)

    # display
    if display:
        showImage(src, "src")
        showImage(AF_img, "area filter 1")
        cv2.imshow("dark_blobs", dark)
        cv2.imshow("bright_blobs", bright)

    return tree, g, nodePixMap