コード例 #1
import URLArchiver

urlsForTesting = ["www.google.com", "www.reddit.com", "www.meatspin.com"]

for url in urlsForTesting:
    print url + " with archive URL of " + str(URLArchiver.archive(url))
コード例 #2
import praw
import URLArchiver

subredditName = "badlinguistics"
userAgent = "BadLinguisticsBot2: v0.1 by /u/nciacrkson"
reddit = praw.Reddit(user_agent=userAgent, site_name='Chomskydoz')
backlogOfSubmissions = 5 #The number of submissions that the bot should work through, set to at least 1


subreddit = reddit.get_subreddit(subredditName)
submissionStream = praw.helpers.submission_stream(reddit_session = reddit,
                                                  subreddit = subreddit,
                                                  limit = backlogOfSubmissions,
                                                  verbosity = 0)

for submission in submissionStream:
    if not submission.is_self: #We ignore self-posts
        urlOfArchive = URLArchiver.archive(submission.url)
        if urlOfArchive is not None:#Ensure we received a url to archive
            commentText = "The link submitted with this post has been archived here: " + urlOfArchive
            #print commentText #Uncomment this line for testing
            submission.comment(commentText) #Comment out this line for testing